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80 Cards in this Set

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The Hui Muslims of Xi'an, China, believe that the kinds of food one eats affect a person's essence and behavior.
The major geographic region in which cargo cults emerged after World War II is __________.
__________ is a spring festival popular among Hindus.
The Five Pillars of Islam include profession of faith in Allah, daily prayer, fasting, contributing alms to the poor, and pilgrimage to __________.
According to current anthropological thinking, religion is best defined as
beliefs and behavior concerning supernatural beings and powers
When a person sticks pins in a doll named "Fred" while saying magical spells aimed at harming a real person named Fred, anthropologists call this
imitative magic.
Religious pluralism is
a condition in which incoming religions and local religions coexist as separate traditions.
According to anthropologists, the religious role of shaman or shamanka
involves a direct relationship with the supernaturals.
The sense of belonging that develops among pilgrims from diverse backgrounds is called
The expression of religious beliefs in indirect statements is referred to as
is practiced in many contemporary situations of uncertantity
An example of a ritual of inversion is
Handling poisonous snakes as part of worship is found in
some Christians sects of the eastern United States.
The Islamic Feast of the Sacrifice is an example of a
seasonal ritual.
Carnival is associated with which "world religion"?
The Shan of Thailand believe that their tattoos
all of the above..?
An example of a life-cycle ritual is
a puberty ceremony.
According to cultural materialism, human sacrifice and cannibalism among the ancient Aztecs are best understood
as a way the elite maintain power by providing food for the masses.
Which of the following statements about indigenous African religions is accurate?
They include myths about a rupture that once occurred between the creator deity and humans.
Unlike other Chinese people, the Hui view ___________ as an impure food.
Among the Temiar of Malaysia, both economic roles and musical roles of men and women are completely segregated from each other.
Research on tourism in the coal-mining region of Appalachian Virginia revealed the difficulty between accurately representing the people's lives and meeting tourists' expectations.
Compared to other world regions, __________ stands out by relative the absence of flowers in its art.
__________ is an important part of Gullah culture and its industry.
sweetgrass baskets
Brazilian musica sertaneja draws heavily on U.S. __________ music.
In contrast to art historians, cultural anthropologists studying art focus on
all of the above
The game of cricket in the Trobriand Islands
none of the above
Urban architecture emerged with which form of political organization?
Cultural anthropologists' analysis of sports tends to interpret them as
"microcosms" of the larger society in which they take place.
Kathakali refers to a form of
indian theatre
all of the above
The "Hawai'ian Renaissance" refers to
revitalization of a traditional dance form in Hawai'i.
The term for the study of music within a specific culture is
A form of architecture associated with pastoralism is the
An example of change in Japanese interior design is
all of the above
In India, the sport of male wrestling is associated with
self-control and spiritually-guided discipline, like yoga.
The anthropology of tourism has mainly been concerned with
how Western tourism affects indigenous peoples.
The Gullah culture in South Carolina is known for all of the following except
intricately carved gourds.
Which of the following statements about the Waanyi Women's History Project in Northern Queensland is not accurate?
The anthropologist consultant who collects and records narratives has the rights to publish findings when the project is completed.
Safari tours in Africa are an example of
cultural tourism.
People in the armed forces are not considered migrants because they are based in one location.
The Maya in Guatemala suffered from genocide during a 36-year civil war.
Thousands of Maya refugees from the Guatemalan civil war fled to neighboring Belize.
The continuous labor migration of a person from one place to another and then back is termed __________.
wage labor migration
Within the Republic of Guatemala, the Maya Indians constitute about __________ percent of the country's population.
Funds that migrants send to their families back home are called __________.
One aspect of the argument about the migration of laborers from Haiti to the Dominican Republic to cut cane is
whether or not the migration is undertaken voluntarily.
A distinguishing feature of the "new immigration" is
all of the above.
Among Salvadoran immigrants to Long Island,
low-wage work that other Americans are unwilling to do is mainly the kind of work that Salvadorans can get.
The process by which immigrants help bring and settle relatives and friends is called
chain migration.
In migration studies, the "push-pull theory" refers to
the attraction of migrating from rural to urban areas.
The UN provision for the "right of return" applies to
refugees who wish to return to their homeland.
Asian women are the fastest growing category of
labor migrants.
Development-induced displacement
all the above
Transnational migration
affects the migrant's sense of identity and citizenship.
In Palermo, Italy, attitudes of local people to immigrants is best characterized as
none of the above.
An example of a migrant group that has faced persecution and discrimination in their home areas is the
all of the above.
Which of the following statements about the new immigrant groups in the United States is not accurate?
The South Asian Indian population in the United States is one of the poorer immigrant groups.
Asian women are the fastest-growing category of
labor migrants.
Since the 13th century, the _________ has been considered a basic human right.
right of return
International development projects always have a positive effect on human rights.
The only successful slave revolt in history occurred in Haiti.
Nunavut Province is the oldest of Canada's provinces.
The promotion of cultural heritage as a basis for development can both help to preserve a culture and damage and destroy it.
To the east, Haiti is bordered by the __________.
dominican republic
The last stage in the development project cycle is __________.
project evaluation
__________ is the attempt, through planning and intervention, to bring the benefits of modernization to countries.
The approach to development which emphasizes the need for socially equitable benefits is called __________.
distributional development
As a percentage of the world's population, indigenous peoples count for roughly
five percent.
A major multilateral development organization is
all of the above.
When reforestation projects in Haiti were failing, an anthropologist was consulted and was able to offer useful advice concerning
the problem of sociocultural fit.
Women's organizations for change
have been successful in increasing women's access to credit.
"Indigenous people's development" seeks
rights to resources.
The transfer of an idea or practice from one culture to another is referred to as
The approach in anthropology that seeks to make ongoing development projects more culturally suitable and sensitive is
traditional development anthropology.
Development anthropologists were first hired to work in which phase of the project cycle?
project evaluation.
The Euro-American notion about how progress comes from the application of science and technology is linked to the model of social change called
The case of "snowmobiles for the Saami" revealed
the importance of performing a social impact assessment before introducing new technology.
Which of the following statements about Haiti is not accurate?
The slave revolution in the 1700s was successful.
Which of the following statements about the Society of Muslim Women in Kazakhstan is not accurate?
SMW members have little funding but do have some professional training.