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47 Cards in this Set

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August Comte (1798-1857)
1) First to promote positivism
2) Identified as the founder of sociology and named the subject.
3) interested in social order (statics) and social change (dynamics).
4) advocate for the abolishment of slavery.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
1) The second founder of sociology.
2) Coined the term survival of the fittest.
3) Taught social Darwinism
4) Thought noone should intervene in society.
5) Did not conduct scientific studies.
6) Pure sociologist
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
1) Wall Street Journal called him one of the 3 greatest modern thinkers.
2) Believed that the engine of human history is class conflict.
3) Founder of conflict theory.
4) Called the father of communism.
5) Wrote Communist Manifesto
6) Theory of Dialectical Materialism
7) Economic Determinist
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
1) 1st goal that sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline.
2) 2nd goal of studying how individual behavior is shaped by social forces.
3) 3rd Goal was that social research would be practical.
4) Studied the social factors that underlie suicide.
5) Identified social integration.
6) Stressed social facts
7) Founder of Functionalism and for social reform.
8) Stressed social solidarity - mechanical and organic
9) Defined anomie
10) Studied sociology of religion
Max Weber (1864-1920)
1) One of the most influential of all sociologists.
2) Studied the rise of capitalism.
3) Believed that sociology should be value free.
4) Emphasized Verstehen or insight
5) Dealt with rationalization in society between religion and govt.
6) Essay - "the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"
7) Analyzed bureaucracy
8) Anti-positivist
9) Believed in subjective view.
10) Meaning underlies human interaction
11) Writings contributed toward symbolic interactionism but NOT founder.
Harriet Martineau (1802)
1) in 1837, she pub'd "Society in America."
2) Mainly known for translating Comte's work into English.
3) Advocate for the abolishment of slavery.
4) Feminist and methodologist.
5) Among the first to perform actual research.
Jane Addams
1) founded Hull House - for people to take refuge.
2) 1931 Cowinner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Only sociologist to receive this award.
3) Reformist
WEB Du Bois
1) first of Afr-Amer. to earn a doctorate at Harvard.
2) Wrote the "Philadelphia Negro" (1899) and "The Souls of Black Folks" that reviewed the race relations just following the civil war.
3) Founded the NAACP
4) Treated badly by whites.
5) Reformist
George Mead
1)Social Interactionist Founder
2)Believes that play is critical to the development of self.
3)Defined Significant other
4)Defined generalized other
5)Concluded that the human mind is a social product.
Albion Small
Pure sociologist
Published American Journal of Sociology
Ernest Burgess
Pure sociologist
Worked with Robert Park on concentric zone model of a city.
Robert E. Park
Pure sociologist
American urban sociologist
Theory of Assimilation of immigrants
Developed Concentric zone model of a city
Talcott Parsons
For Grand Theory
Structural functionalism
Contributed to social darwinism concept.
Robert Merton (1910)
Stressed Middle-Range Theories
Used terms manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions
C Wright Mills (1916)
1) Urged the return to social reform.
2) Wrote "The Power Elite"
3) Wrote "The Sociological Imagination"
4) Believed in combination of macro and micro analysis
5) Against grand theory of Parsons
6)Founder of Modern Symbolic Interactionism
George Murdock
Looked for universal values
Edward Wilson
Insect specialist
Believes in natural selection and human behavior connection
Jacques Ellul
Wrote The Technological Society
Marshall McCluhand
Coined term global village
William Ogburn
Coined term cultural lag
Ralf Dahrendorf
Sees conflict in all relations that have authority
Lewis Coser
Believes that conflict is especially likely to appear in closer relationships
Paul Lazarsfeld and Jeffrey Preitz
2 people that divide sociology into 3 phases.
Robin Williams
Identified the underlying core values shared by the many groups within the U.S.
Joellen Shively
1) Chippewa
2) Sociologist
3) Studied Native Americans and Westerns
Peter Conrad
Believes the homosexuality has a social cause.
Studied Xq28 gene.
Jane Goodall
Researched chimpanzees use of tools and other behavior in Tanzania.
Allen and Beatrice Gardner
Taught chimps sign language.
Harry and Margaret Harlow
Did artificial monkey mom experiment with baby monkeys.
Charles Horton Cooley
1) Symbolic Interactionist
2) Coined the term looking-glass self.
Lev Vygotsky
1) did research that supported George Mead's position regarding child play.
2)Agreed with Mead that thinking depends on language and our mind is a product of society.
Jean Piaget
1) Did experiments to prove that children go thru 4 stages of development.
Sigmund Freud
1)Founded psychoanalysis
2)Defined the id, the ego, and the superego.
Colin Turnbull
Studied the Ik in Uganda
Skeels and Dye
Studied an Iowa orphanage regarding stimulating social interaction and young children.
Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis
Studied mothers interacting with their girls and boys in gender specific ways.
Melissa Milke
Studied a group of junior high school boys and their views on girls and women (derogatory)
Patricia Adler, Steven Kless, and Peter Adler
Documented how peer groups provide an enclave in which boys and girls resist the efforts of parents and schools to socialize them their way.
Richard Rodriguez
Wrote about Caught Between Two Worlds - immigrants who want to fit into society without losing their original culture.
Michael Messner
Studied the male values built into sports and that the meaning of sports success differs by social class.
Erving Goffman
1)Defined the total institution
2)Coined the term dramaturgy
Douglas Massey:
notes that Miami is becoming truly bilingual
Edward Wilson:
believed that natural selection produced human behavior
Robert Edgerton:
1)criticized aspects of cultural relativism
2)proposed quality of life scale
Lawrence Kohlberg:
studied the development of morality
6 Stages of Moral Development
Carol Gilligan:
studied gender differences in moral development
Kenneth Keniston
Introduced concept of young adulthood where one is neither psychological adolescent nor sociological adult