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64 Cards in this Set

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Production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is controlled by
individuals rather than the government
National policy based on interrelation of politics and geography
o Ex: US interests in Guatemala
US had economic ties in United Fruit Co.
Did not want communism spreading close to home
state terror
o violence organized by state government typically targeted towards
but not limited to guerrilla rebel groups
o often funded by an outside country that has invested political and
economical interests in country
o Ex: US supported General Ibanez’s coup in Chile
Ibanez imposes free market economic policies shaped by
cultural hegemony
o Domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who
imposes their own views and opinions into becoming the social
o Why do certain things become engrained in our culture?
o Viewing the world from a European perspective
o European ways are superior to those in the Americas; thus,
Europeans implement their culture into Americas
o Coined during decolonialism
o Spurred the desire for social and economic reform to spread
throughout Latin America and Iberian Peninsula
o Raised ideas about free trade
labor exploitation/slavery
indigenous workers were cheaper than slaves
forced to work in mitas, repartimientos, and encomiendas
o new sources of natural resources in the new world required labor
to extract resources from Americas and deliver them to European
colonial Coffers
US interventionism
o US intervened in multiple Latin American countries based on
geopolitical interests
o Monroe Doctrine gave US ‘right’ to intervene
o Ex: US intervention of Cuba in 1906
Platt Amendment says US can use force under certain
US sends Navy to Cuba to ‘protect American citizens’ and
patrol island
US supported liberal rebels overthrowing Tomas Palma
US wanted to protect its sugar plantations
Industrial revolution
o Development of technology in the 19th century, specifically in
agriculture, manufacturing, mining and transportation industry
o Provided great opportunity for Latin American markets and exports
social constructs
social barrier that includes some while excluding others
o railroads related the expansion of farming to the Latin American
o agricultural exports account for ½ of Argentina’s export earnings
o Italian immigrant labor provides steady supply of cheap workers
o By 1900, there were more than 10 million planted acres in latin
use of capitalism, business globalization, or cultural imperialism to
control a country through military control or indirect political control
(i.e. imperialism and hegemony)
o post WWII
o “liberalism on crack”
o deregulated trade; little state influence over business
o borrows from enlightenment period
o Milton Friedman and the University of Chicago
Spanish crown gave a Spaniard a number of natives;
Spanish were supposed to protect natives and teach them
Catholicism and Spanish; in return, natives had to work (basically
communities obligated to send certain amount of male
population to work (1/7 for Potosi); paid wages that barely covered
cost of living
natives forced to work a certain number of weeks/
months each year; slave like conditions but natives were technically
triangle trade
o transatlantic slave trade between West Africa, Caribbean or
American colonies, and European colonial powers
o late 16th century to early 19th century
mixed heritage or descent
Europeans who had been born on the Iberian
maintain top posts in state and church
European descent born in America
made up the colonial elite and middle sectors of society
o Peruvian silver mines
o Indian laborers were forced to work in the mines through the mita
o After Indians started to die, Spanish colonists began importing
African slaves
o 1800s: mines deplete
o access to rights linked to skin color
o typically a white privilege
Incan resistance
1532: Pizarro arrives in Peru
o Pizarro invites the Inca (Atahualpa) to a meeting
o Spanish attack Indians from their hiding spots; not one Spanish
was killed or wounded
o Atahualpa offers gold for ransom; killed anyways
o Spanish takeover of Peru was not as easy as that of Mexico
Incan constantly fought back; replaced murdered leaders
o Dominated Argentina form 1829-1852
o Leading landowner who represented the province’s ranching elite
o Wanted people to respect private property
o Somehow still gained support from the poor
o Invaded Spain in 1808; conquered Spain and Portugal
o New World citizens did not like the crown but hated Napoleon more
o Colonies like Argentina somewhat declare their independence
o Napoleon’s revolution provided a distraction for the crowned and
tied up Spanish troops and ships
Haitian revolution
o Result of Saint Domingue’s economic advance
o Country was divided by slavery, caste, and class
o Slave rebellion led by Boukman beat Napolean’s army of 25,000
troops led by his brother-in-law could not defeat rebels
o Proclaimed free nation in 1804
20% taxation implemented by Spain on all mining of
precious metals; later reduced to 10%
major source of revenue for Spanish monarchy
10% taxation on all slaves collected by the Portuguese
pre-colonial/colonial era
labor systems were necessary for wealth extraction, so slave
owners had no choice but to pay the tax
French revolution
o Caused by hunger, malnutrition, increase in food prices, state’s
bankruptcy, separation of upper and lower class
o Enlightenment inspired French citizens to realize their inequalities
o 1792: France becomes a republic
o influenced French colonies in Haiti to strive for independence
Russian revolution
o 1905: political and social unrest as Russian workers felt they were
not being treated fairly
o liberal party uprises
o 1906: revolution is crushed by the Czar
o inspires workers in Mexico
El Mozote
o 1981
o 1,000 civilians killed by US trained Atlacatl Battalion
o plan was to kill anyone who supported the Guerilla army
o US tried to deny the massacre, saying it was propaganda
o practice of growing a single crop each year on the same land
o crops take nutrients from soil, resulting in poor crops the following
o puddles are created from poor soil; results in malaria outbreaks
o refrigeration allows for more beef production; beef can also be
transported across the Atlantic ocean

o exporters incentivize improved quality of beef, resulting in the
cross-breeding and genetic modification of meat in order to meet
European standards
o 1959: Castro and his supporters seize power
o 1965: Cuban government officially becomes the Communist Party
of Cuba
o US imposes a trade embargo on Cuba; results in steep economic
o Called for armed revolution across the capitalist world
Funded various militant leftist groups
Cold War
o 1947-1991
o US and NATO vs. USSR
o US wanted to keep communism from spreading in Latin America
Resulted in coup that ousted Guatemalan president Arbenz
WW I and II
o After WWII, US emerges as a military adne conomic global power
European powers weakened
Soviet Union challenges US dominance
Good Neighbor Policy
o Term originally coined by Hoover in 1928
o FDR wanted to mend relations with Latin American countries after
earlier interventions
o US removed Marines from Haiti and Nicaragua
o Ended with the threat of the Cold War
Roosevelt Corollary
o 1904
o Amendment to Monroe Doctrine by T. Roosevelt
o US had the right to intervene to stabilize the economic affairs
of small nations in the Americas if they were unable to pay their
international debts
Monroe Doctrine
o 1823
o European powers could no longer colonize or interfere with newly
independent states in the Americas
o US would not interfere with existing colonies of their dependencies
in western hemisphere

o Any attempt by a European nation to oppress nations in west would
be seen as an act of aggression and US would intervene
o Took part in military coup against Castillo
Became minister of Labor Department; worked to strengthen
labor laws an unions
o US did not support Peron during his election
o 1946: becomes president
o wanted to keep political and economic influences of other countries
out of Argentina
o protected Nazi war criminals; began leaning towards a fascist
o 1955: pushed out of power by a nationalist Catholic revolt with
Army and Navy ties
did not consume sugar
o Was the first trans-Atlantic export crop
o Brazil becomes largest sugar exporter
Sugar mills had on average 60-100 slaves
Took 18 months for slave to cover their purchase price
2/3 of slaves went to sugar plantations
o Drives new demand for enslaved Africans
o Sugar trade increased Europe’s money supply by 8 times
o Sugar revolution created sugar monocropping, large plantations,
slave/wage labor, white and black population, and dense
Banana Republics
o Politically unstable country that depends economically on the
exports of a limited resource (fruits, minerals)
o Society usually composed of stratified social classes (impoverished
working class and ruling elite)
o President of Guatemala from 1951-1954
Ubico (pro-US)
Arana (anti-US)
Arbenz (anti-US)
o Guatemala begins to sway towards Communism; has problems
with UFC

o Ousted by US and CIA coup; replaced with Castillos
United Fruit
o Created in 1899
o Developed much of central America- built roads, docks, and ports;
developed land
o Operated in corrupt political system dominated by Latin American
o Guatemala coup supported by US due to interest in United Fruit
state of exception
state of exception
o normal rules/laws of a country are suspended
o government claims a whole group of people is subject to death
because everyone is a suspect
o state has right to inflict death in the name of justice
o i.e. El Mozote massacre
o Ruled Cuba from 1959-2008
o Converted Cuba into a one-party socialist state
o Helped lead guerrilla war against Batista forces
Batista was dictator supported by US
o 1994
o Trilateral trade between Canada, US, and New Mexico
o Largest trade bloc in the world
o Eliminates tariffs for imports/exports
o Advantages
Mexico and Canada are often top purchases of US exports
Created growth in Mexico (more factories producing exports)
Stimulated economy in all countries
o Disadvantages
Depresses income of poor farmers in Mexico (US subsidizes
corn; American farmers sell it at extremely low prices)
o Venezuelan military and political leader
o Fought for New Granada’s independence then independence of
Venezuela and Ecuador
o “El Libertador”

o 1816: arrives to Venezuela with Haitian soldiers and material
support (on the condition that he abolishes slavery)
o 1821: creates Gran Colombia (Colombia, Panama, Ecuador,
Venezuela, and Northern Peru); becomes president
took over task of liberating Peru; defeats Spanish cavalry in
o Dictator of Chile from 1973-1990
o His government killed many people that did not support him
o US most likely supported many of Pinochet’s supporters; used
them as spies
o Imposed economic measures created by the Chicago Boys
Policies at first hurt Chile but eventually created a strong
social death
o racial narratives, racial behaviors, and relationship powers lead to
the annihilation of a human body
o people lose their ability to thrive and connect as human beings
time period for Mercantilist Colonial Period
1500 to 1750
time period for Outward growth based on primary
1750 to 1914
time period for Post-independence struggle for
power - new state formations
1820s to 1880s
time period for Liberal era - European and U.S.
1880s to 1930
time period for Crisis of the Liberal Model
1914 to 1950
time period forTransnational capital -
1950s to 1990s
father of mexican independence. take arms against spanis
congress: declarations of rights, slavery abolished, equality of classes
wanted south american unity. liberates venezuela, colombia, equador
liberal era Argentina economy
meat, wool and grains
liberal era Mexico economy
minerals and oil
liberal era Chile economy
nitrates and copper
liberal era Brazil and Colombia economy
liberal era Cuba and Dominican Republic economy