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135 Cards in this Set

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Word processing is the automated processing of ____, ____, and ____ on a computer.
text, graphics, objects
You can share data in Word with data from ____.
any Windows application
What are the major functions of word processing?
Creating, Editing, Formatting, and Printing (Crazy Elephants Fart Peanuts)
How can you highlight a word in Word?
Click 2x
How can you highlight a paragraph in Word?
Click 3x
How can you highlight an entire document in Word?
Crtl + A or Edit + Select All
How can you select one sentence in Word?
Ctrl + click sentence
The top triangle on the horizontal ruler in Word is the ____ Indent.
First Line
The bottom triangle on the ruler in Word is the ____ Indent.
The bottom rectangle on the ruler in Word is the ____ Indent marker.
Left Align
Print preview in Word lets you ____.
look at a document as a full page
What is Page Setup used for?
changing the Margins (top, bottom, left, right, Header/Footer), orientation
What is orientation in Word?
portrait/landscape document
How do you change the line spacing in Word?
Format, Paragraph, Line Spacing
What are the buttons for cut, paste, and copy?
(in order) scissors, clipboard w/ paper, two papers
To add a Header/Footer, ...
View, Header/Footer
To insert Date and Time...
Header, Insert, Date and Time
To insert page numbers in Word,....
Insert, Page Numbers
A saved document with a unique name is a ____.
What is the purpose of a list?
To organize facts, ideas, and steps clearly
What is a font?
A complete set of character in the same design
Do multiple columns make a document easier to read? Why?
Yes; people can read narrow columns faster
Word documents are saved as ____ file types.
The types of formatting styles that can be applied in Word are ____ and ____.
paragraph and character styles
What is the "upside down T with a dot" button for in Word?
Decimal tabs
What is the "L" button on the ruler for?
left tabs
What is important in a document's formatting?
consistency and unity
To insert a Page Break, ....
Click where you want the break, Insert, Break, Page Break
Where can a page break go?
The marquee tool makes ____, ____, ____, and ____ selections.
rectangular, elliptical, single row, and single column
Photoshop's move tool can ____.
move selections, layers, and guides
The magic wand selects ____ colored areas.
The lasso tools make ____, ____, and ____ selections.
freehand, polygonal, magnetic
The crop tool does what?
trims images
The slice tool makes ____ and the slice selection tool _____.
slices, selects slices
The airbrush tool makes ____ strokes.
The paintbrush tool makes ____ brush strokes.
The pencil tool paints ____ strokes.
The ____ stamp paints with an image sample, the ____ stamp paints with part of an image as a pattern.
clone, pattern
To rename a layer, ____.
Right click layer, layer properties, type name
To fill w/ gradient, select ____, use the ____ tool to select, and use the ____tool to make the blend.
colors, marquee, gradient
To insert a new layer, click _____.
Layer, new, layer.
To delete a layer, click the ____.
You can use the ____ to fill with color.
paint bucket tool
If you go to Edit, Transform, you can ____, ____, ____, or ____ an image.
scale, rotate, skew, flip
IF you pick a shape tool, go to the Tools Option Bar, and pick Create Filled Region, you can....
Draw a filled region!
To add/subtract from a selection...
pick a marquee tool, select something, use ALT to delete from it and SHIFT to add to it.
To deselect something in Photoshop, use ____.
T/F: With the Crop tool, when you select an area, that area will be deleted.
False, it will be kept and the remaining area is deleted.
Clicking "Layer menu, Layer Style, Stroke" in Photoshop will ____.
add outline to text
To change layer order in Photoshop, ____.
Click and drag
To change image size/resolution...
Image, Image Size
To clone something, you must press ____ to choose the surface you want to copy.
The blur tools include ____, ____, and ____.
blur, sharpen , smudge
What does a dodge tool do?
The burn tool ____ (darkens/sharpens?) an area.
The sponge tool changes the ____ ________ of an area.
color saturation
The eyedropper tool samples ____.
Photoshop's type tool creates ____.
What tool makes customized shapes?
The custom shape tool
The pen tool lets you ____.
draw smooth edges
Adjusting brightness/contrast:
go to image, adjust, brightness/contrast
To fill text with an image, ...
Type text, copy image, Menu, Load Selection, Edit, Paste Into, merge them together
To ____, select the top layer, go to Layer, Merge Down
merge layers
To Feather a picture, ____.
Draw a rectangular marquee, Menu, Feather, choose radius
Powerpoint is a ____ ___ for the speaker.
visual aid
There are __ to __ bullets per slide allowed.
There should always be a ____slide in a Powerpoint.
The musical formats PPT reads are ________ (list a few).
.wav, .mid, .rmi, .aif, .aiff, .aifc
How many slide types are available in PPT?
Slide Transition
allows slides to appear w/ movement
Slide Animation
allows pics or bullets to appear with sound/movement
T/F: PPT has a Header/Footer command
The smallest size suggested in a PPT is ___.
T/F: You can't put CD music or videos on a powerpoint.
Is there Spell Check in PPT?
Can the design template be changed once you start working?
The file extension for powerpoint is ___.
Is it recommended to change the background in a slide every slide?
How many words/bullet is suggested?
You can ____ and paste a slide to a different slide show.
T/F: There are 6 different views to choose from in ppt.
F; only 4
You can change the order of slides using the ____ and ____ views.
normal, slide sorter
Define spreadsheets
rows+columns used to organize numeric data
East workbook opens with ___ (#) sheets, but ___ (#) are available.
3, 255
1 Excel sheet has ____ (#) rows and ___ columns.
65,536, 256
The Excel extension is ___.
Advantages of Excel: ____and ______
perform calculations, automatically recalculate w/ changes
A cell is an _____ of a row and a column.
Excel rows are identified by ___ and columns by _____.
numbers, letters
Give an example of a cell name.
B18, A45, etc.
Entry Bar or ____ Bar displays contents of a cell.
The Name Box shows the ______ ______ of the cell cursor.
current location
The 3 types of data stored in a cell are _____, _____, ____.
labels, values, date/time
Labels are always ____ aligned.
Labels include ______.
What is a label prefix?
an apostrophe, used with # labels
Values include ____
#s, special characters (+ - () / $, etc.)
Values are ____ aligned
Date/Time is _____ aligned
The default cell width is about __ (#) characters.
What happens if a label is longer than cell width?
if next cell is blank, it over flows, otherwise it's covered.
Values longer than cell width are displayed in _______ notation or as "______" in the cell.
scientific, ####
The cell automatically widens the cell for 11 ____.
Double clicking the right border of the column heading makes _____.
the column wide enough for the longest entry in the column
How do you widen a column manually?
point to bar between the column letters (pointer changes to double arrow), drag the bar. OR Format, Column, Width
The top bar with the program name is always called the _____.
Title Bar
The Photoshop ____ bar includes drop downs like "Edit", "Image", etc.
In Photoshop, the _____ has buttons commonly used for editing pics.
The _____ displays current options for each tool in Photoshop.
tool options bar
What are Palettes in Photoshop?
small windows used to verify settings and modify documents
The status bar is located at the_____. It displays the current ______ about the document.
bottom of the program, info.
Define a canvas in Photoshop.
blank white area that you edit your image in
T/F: The work area is a small section in the corner of Photoshop.
False; it's the entire window.
Excel sheet tabs are located at the ____ of the page.
What does the Marquee tool look like?
a dotted rectangular box
The slice tool looks like a ____.
Pressing the ___ key in Excel will take you to the first cell in the row.
In Excel, after you enter data, press the ____ or ____ to enter and select next cell.
Check button, enter key
The tab key selects the ____ cell in the row.
Pressing Esc while typing info in an Excel cell will make ____ disappear.
Functions in Excel are ....
built-in formulas that perform special calculations
Excel: Arguments are ____ used with a function.
Define "range" in Excel.
defined areas that consist of adjacent cells (shown as A5:C7)
Cell contents can be copied in Excel using the ____ Handle.
When you insert a column, the new column is ____ of the selected column.
When you insert a row, it is inserted _____ the selected row.
above (rows and columns always get inserted BEFORE the one you select)
In Excel you can _____ cells in certain orders.
An Excel document is called a ______.
Excel formulas always start with a(n) _____ sign.
To sort data in Excel, use the _____ menu.
How do you insert a chart?
highlight cells, Insert, chart, pick settings
What is absolute reference in Excel?
when you perform a function using the same cell over and over
Excel: After typing the function, how do you do absolute cell reference?
click on the cell name, hit F4
In Excel, filenames can be up to ____ (#) characters.