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56 Cards in this Set

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Pelvic limb functions 2
weight bearing
each pelvic limb consists of: 4
one half of the pelvic girdle
one thigh (femur)
the crus or leg (tibia and fibula)
the hindpaw or pes (tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges)
pelvic girdle composed of two os coxae
literal translation
each os coxae formed by: 4 bones
united dorsally and midventrally, how?
bone of the hip
each os coxae formed by ilium, ischium, pubis, and acetabular bones
united dorsally with sacrum and first few caudal vertebrae, and midventrally united at pelvic symphysis
os coxae
1. ilium 6 parts
iliac crest
greater ischiatic notch
tuber coxae
tuber sacrale
os coxae
2. ischium 3 parts
ischiatic tuberosity-att pt for sacrotuberous ligament, crus of penis, ischiocavernosus m, biceps femoris m, semitendinous m, and semimembranous m.
ischiatic spine-att site for coccygeus m
lesser ischiatic notch
os coxae
3. pubis 2 parts
iliopubic eminence: muscle att for pectineus, *for femoral pulse
pubic tubercle
os coxae
4. acetabular bone 5 parts where hip joint is; ball and socket, joint capsule, ligament
80% of strength of joint = muscles around joint
acetabular fossa: where ligament of head of femur att (the hole)
acetabular notch: att site for transverse acetabular ligament (where circle is not complete)
obturator foramen
pelvic symphysis- common fracture site in dogs
femur- largest, heaviest bone in body
12 parts
head(M), neck, fovea capitis femoris
greater trochanter(L), lesser trochanter(M), third trochanter(L), trochanteric fossa, intertrochanteric crest
body, medial and lateral condyles
intercondylar fossa
sesamoid bones of stifle joint
patella: bone inside stifle joint
-sesamoid bones of the gastrocnemius muscle(2)
-sesamoid bone of the popliteus
tibia 4 parts
medial and lateral condyles
intercondylar eminence
tibial tuberosity
medial malleolus
fibula (lateral) 1 part
lateral malleolus
tarsal bones
proximal row (2)
dentral tarsal bone
distal bone (4)
proximal row (2) calcaneus:
-tuber calcanei
-sustenaculum tali
central tarsal bone (tibial tarsal bone)
distal row (4)
first, second, third, and fourth tarsal bones
metatarsal bones (4 or 5)
(first), second, third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones, first metatarsal may be absent, divided or rudimentary
phalanges (3)
proximal phalanx p1
middle phalanx p2
distal phalanx p3
other pes structures
metatarsal pad
digital pad
joints of the pelvic limb 4
what they join
sacroiliac joint - wings of ilium and wings of sacrum
pelvic symphysis- joining of pubis and ischium from each os coxae, common fracture site in dogs
hip joint - head of femur and acetabulum
stifle joint - join femur to tibia and fibula
1. sacroiliac joint STABILITY
1 ligament
origin for 4 muscles
where it runs
sacrotuberous ligament: origin for
biceps femoris, superficial gluteal, middle gluteal, caudal crural abductor
fibrous cord from transverse process of last sacral vertebrae and first caudal vertebrae to ischial tuberosity
2. pelvic symphysis
change with age
moves from caudal aspect forward, increased ossification with age
3. hip joint (coxal or coxofemoral articulation)
joint type
articular capsule: 2 ligaments
2 ligaments make up 20% of joint strength
ball and socket
flexion and extension
ligament of femoral head
transverse acetabular ligament (completes acetabular notch circle)
4. stifle joint
joint type
2 joints within:
femorotibial joint - condyle of femur and condyle of tibia 7
femoropatellar joint - trochlea of femur and patella 3
femorotibial joint
-medial and lateral collateral ligaments
-medial and lateral meniscus C shaped on tibia (lateral=thicker)
-cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments (caudal=stronger) x shaped; name based on insertion on tibia
-meniscofemoral ligament - from lateral meniscus
femoropatellar joint
-patellar LIGAMENT
-medial and lateral femoropatellar ligaments
tendon vs ligament
connects bone or muscle
tendon: muscle to bone
ligament: bone to bone
cranial cruciate ligament tests
cranial tibial thrust test: big dogs, hold femur and paw
cranial drawer test: don't move femur, push tibia cranially
muscles of the thigh 1
sublumbar; combination of psoas major and iliacus m
iliopsoas m
o: lumbar vertebrae and craniolateral ilium
i: lesser trochanter of femur
f: FLEX hip
innerv: lumbar n and femoral n
lateral muscles of the rump 4
all innerv. by cranial gluteal n except for superficial gluteal (caudal gluteal n)
tensor fascia latae- tenses lateral femoral fascia, flexes hip and extends stifle
middle gluteal- originates on the crest and gluteal surface of ilium and inserts on the greater trochanter, extends and abducts the hip, rotates limb medially
deep gluteal- also extends/abducts hip and rotates limb medially
superficial gluteal- extends hip and abducts the limb
caudal hip muscles 4
innerv. sciatic nerve except external obturator m (obturator n) all insert on trochanteric fossa or just distal (quadratus femoris). all rotate femur laterally
internal obturator-dorsal to pelvis
gemelli (twins) cranial and caudal parts divided by tendon of internal obturator
quadratus femoris - also extends the hip
external obturator-ventral to pelvis
caudal thigh muscles 3
innerv by sciatic nerve, originate from ischial tuberosity and function to extend hip
biceps femoris- inserts on patellar ligament, cranial part of tibia, and tuber calcanei; functions to extend hip, stifle, hock, caudal part of the muscles flexes the stifle
semitendinosus- inserts on tuber calcanei and functions to extend hip, flex stifle, extend hock
semimembranosus- inserts distal medial lip of caudal femur and prox end of tibia, function to extend hip, can extend of flex stifle depending on part.
caudal thigh muscles associated structure
popliteal lymph nodes
drains, palpable, where found
drains pelvic limb them to superficial inguinal lymph nodes; palpable with popliteal fossa; found between distal part of biceps femoris and semitendinosus
common calcanean tendon (achilles tendon) formed by 5 muscles
2 major contributors
gastrocnemius (major contributor)
superficial digital flexor (major contrib)
biceps femoris
medial thigh muscles 4
all innervated by the obturator n except sartorius (saphenous/femoral n)
all adduct limb except sartorius (flex hip)
sartorius - flex hip
gracilis - from symphysis to tibia to tuber calcanei, adduct limb
pectineus - iliopubic eminence to distal femur *** femoral pulse, hip dysplasia=strong pectineus
cranial thigh muscles 1 (4 parts)
all innerv by femoral n
originate on prox femur and body of ilium (rectus femoris) and insert on tibial tuberosity
function to extend stifle (rectus femoris flexes hip)
necessary for supporting pelvic limb
quadriceps femoris 4 heads come together distally
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
craniolateral muscles of crus
4 all innerv by parts of peroneal n

1. cranial tibial
o: lateral edge of cranial tibial border
i: plantar surface of base of MT I and II
f: flex tarsus and rotate paw laterally
innerv: deep peroneal n
craniolateral muscles of crus
4 all innerv by parts of peroneal n

2. long digital extensor
o: extensor fossa of femur
i: inserts on extensor processes of the distal phalanges of digits II - V
f: extend digits, flex tarsus
innerv. deep peroneal n
craniolateral muscles of crus
4 all innerv by parts of peroneal n

3. lateral digital extensor
innerv. superficial peroneal n
craniolateral muscles of crus
4 all innerv by parts of peroneal n

4. peroneus longus
o: lateral condyle of femur
i: fourth tarsal and metatarsal bones (plantar aspect)
f: flex tarsus and rotate paw medially so plantar surface faces laterally
caudal crus muscles 4
all innervated by tibial n.

1. gastrocnemius (calf)
o: on caudal surface of medial and lateral condyles of femur
i: tuber calcanei
f: extends tarsus; flex stifle
caudal crus muscles 4
all innerv by tibial n

2. superficial digital flexor
o: lateral condyle of femur
i: tuber calcanei and bases of middle phalanges II - V
f: extend tarsus; flex stifle, flex first two digital joints*
caudal crus muscles 4
all innerv by tibial n

3. deep digital flexor 2 heads
o: proximal tibia
i: plantar surface of each of the distal phalanges
f: flex digits and extend tarsus
-medial head= medial digital flexor
-lateral head= lateral digital flexor (larger)
caudal crus muscles 4
all innerv by tibial n

4. popliteus
caudal to stifle joint
f: medial rotation of leg
reflex testing: spine and pelvic limb
to check for injuries, neurodamage
clinical correlates
sites to determine pulse 3
femoral a. in femoral triangle
cranial br of saphenous a over middle third of tibia
dorsal pedal a - over dorsum of tarsus
nerves of pelvic limb
lumarsacral plexus
ventral branches of lumbar and sacral nerves ( L4, 5, 6, 7 and S1, 2)
nerves of pelvic limb arise from lumbosacral plexus
nerves of pelvic limb
1. obturator nerve
innervates adductors
(L4-6) medial, innervates the adductors (external obturator, adductor longus, pectineus, adductor magnus and brevis, and gracilis)
nerves of pelvic limb
2. femoral n
patellar reflex test
innervates extensors of stifle
(L4-6) medial, innervates extensors of stifle, iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris (weight bearing)
nerves of pelvic limb
3. saphenous n
branch off femoral n
innervates sartorius
runs cranially from femoral; then medially
skin pinching test
nerves of pelvic limb
4. pudendal nerve
3 branches
caudal, lateral to coccygeus/levator ani, dorsal to internal pudendal vessel
a. caudal rectal n (external anal sphincter)
b. perineal n (skin of anus/perineum)
c. dorsal n or penis/clitoris
nerves of pelvic limb
5. caudal cutaneous femoral n
mostly united to pudendal, follows caudal gluteal a, skin proximal to caudal thigh
nerves of pelvic limb
6. caudal gluteal n (L6,7;S1)
7. cranial gluteal n (L7;S1,2)
8. sciatic n (L6,7;S1,2)
all make up lumbosacral trunk
caudal gluteal n - innerv superficial gluteal m
cranial gluteal n - innerv middle/deep gluteals and tensor fasciae latae
sciatic n - lateral innerv gemelli, int obturator, quadratus femoris, biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
terminates as common peroneal n
nerves of pelvic limb
sciatic nerve terminates as:
9.common peroneal nerve
-2 branches
10. tibial n
common peroneal n. - innervates peroneus longus
- superficial peroneal n = peroneal n - innerv lateral digital extensor and peroneus brevis
- deep peroneal n - innerv cranial tibial, extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum brevis
tibial n - runs bwt head of gastrocnemius, innerv gastrocnemius, superficial digital flexor, popliteus, deep digital flexor, and plantar m
vessels of pelvic limb
abdominal aorta terminates at L6-L7 as left and right internal and external iliac a and then median sacral a.

internal iliac a and branches (2)
interal iliac a to pelvic cavity and gluteal region
-caudal gluteal to lateral gluteal region
-internal pudendal a to pelvic cavity and urogenital organs
vessels of pelvic limb
abdominal aorta terminates at L6-L7 as left and right internal and external iliac a and then median sacral a.

*external iliac a and branches (5)
*external iliac a to pelvic limb
-deep femoral a to medial thigh muscles
~medial circumflex femoral a
~pudendoepigastric trunk
+external pudendal a
+caudal epigastric a
-*femoral a
branches off femoral a 9
superficial circumflex iliac a
lateral circumflex femoral a
saphenous a
descending genicular a
distal caudal femoral a
popliteal a
-cranial tibial a
~dorsal pedal a
-caudal tibial a
vessels of pelvic limb
abdominal aorta terminates at L6-L7 as left and right internal and external iliac a and then median sacral a
median sacral a
pelvic limb veins7
* exceptions are saphenous veins
medial saphenous v - drains into femoral v
lateral saphenous v - drains into distal caudal femoral v
femoral v
external iliac v
internal iliac v
common iliac v
caudal vena cava
clinical correlate
the lateral saphenous v is a common site for this procedure
femoral triangle
contains femoral a, v, and saphenous n; most common site to determine pulse rate and quality; boundaries:
cranially - sartorius
caudally - pectineus and adductor m
laterally - vastus medialis and rectus femoris
vascular lacuna
opening through which the external iliac a passes to the pelvic limb; located at the base of the femoral triangle bwt the inguinal ligament and the pelvis