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80 Cards in this Set

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The hip bone consist of 4 bones
2 hip bones, the sacrum, the coccyx
The hip bone consist of three parts
Ilium, pubis and ishium
When formed together, what do the three bones form
the acetabulum``
What do the acetabulum articulate with
the head of the femur
in childhood the three bones are separated. What happens to the bone in adulthood
The are fused together and become one bone
How much space do the ilium takes up and where is the location
It takes up 2/5 of the acetabulum and located superiorly.
What project superiorly from the body to form the prominence of the hip
The ala
What are the name of the three borders that the ala contains
Anterior, Posterior, and Superior. The anterior and posterior present four prominent projections
What are those projections of the Anterior and Posterior borders
Anterior and Inferior Iliac spine and Posterior and Inferior iliac spine.
The ASIS is used for radiographic positioning , What is the location
The ASIS is exended form the superior margin to the posterior superior iliac spine which is known as the iliac crest.
What is the rounded process on the proximal, medial aspect of the femur
Lesser Trochanter
The “frog” lateral is a common name given to a position for which of the
following anatomical areas?
Hip Joint
When radiographing the hip in the AP projection, what should be done to the
patients foot?
Rotated internally
What is the area called that seperates the medial and lateral femoral condyles
Intercondyloid Fossa
When the patient is in a Cleaves position (frog) how are the patient’s thighs
For the Cleaves position (frog) of a unilateral hip, where is the central ray
Perpendicular to the femoral neck
What is the rounded process on the proximal, lateral aspect of the femur
Greater trochanter
Which of the following projections should be done if the patient has a
suspected hip fracture?
AP & cross-table lateral
Which anatomical landmarks are used to locate the neck of the femur?
Symphysis and ASIS
Where should the central ray enter for a unilateral AP projection of the Hip?
Hip Joint
Which of the following would be another name for the translateral hip
cross-table lateral
O.R. Lateral
Inferiosuperior projection
The AP projection of the pelvis requires the feet to be placed in which
What is the name of the bony landmark on the anterior portion of the iliac
anterior superior iliac spine
Which of the following anatomical parts is not related to the others?
What is the name of the large foramen in the innominate bone (hip)?
obturator foramen
What is the name of the upper, curved border of the ilium called?
Iliac crest
What is the name of the joint between the two pubic bones?
Symphysis pubis
Where should the top of the cassette be placed for an AP projection of the
2” above the iliac crest
Which of the following is true concerning the differences between a male and
female pelvis?
female pelvis is broader
What is the most inferior portion of the pelvis called?
ischial tuberosity
The hip bone is formed by the fusion of which three bones?
Ischium, pubis, ilium
What does the medial surface of the wing of the Ilium contains?
Iliac Fossa
What forms a part of the circumference of the Pelvic Brim
The Acruate Line
What does the Inferior and Posterior portion of the wing articulate with?
The large rough surface for articulation with the sacrum
Just below the surface, the ilium curves inward forming what?
The Greater Sciatic Notch
What is the name of the small depression in the center of the head of the femur?
Fovea Capitis
What do the Fovea Capitis attaches to?
The Ligamentum Capitis Femoris
What is the name of the prominent ridge between the trochanters?
Introchanteric Crest
What are the two common sites for fx occuring on the femur?
Introchanteric Line and the Introchanteric Crest
What is the name of the less prominent ridge connecting the trochanters anteriorly?
Introchanteric Line
What is the location of the Superior Ramus?
from the acetabulum to the midline of the body
The angulation of the femoral neck depends on what?
Sex, Age and Stature
How does the femoral neck projects in adult?
Anteriorly from the body at 15-20 degrees. Superiorly 120-130 to the long axis of the femoral body
Articulation between the acetabulum and the head of the femur?
Synovial, Ball and Socket Joint
The Pubes of the hip bones articulates with each other. What type of joint is this?
Pubic Symphysis and Cartilaginous Symphysis Joint
What type of joint is SI
Synovial, Irregular Gliding joint
What do the right and left ilia articulate with?
The Sacrum posteriorly at the Sacroiliac Joint
What is the name of the boundary line, that separtate the upper margins of the pelvis
The Brim of the Pelvis
What is the name of the region above thepelvic brim?
The false or greater pelvis
What is the name of the region below the pelvic brim
The true or lesser pelvis
What does the brim of the pelvis forms?
Superior Aperture or Inlet of the true pelvis
Where is the location of the Inferior Aperture or Outlet?
It measures from the tip of coccyx, to inferior margin of symphysis pubis anteroposterior directions between the ischial tuberosities
What is the name of the region between the Inlet and Outlet?
Pelvic Cavity
What is the angle of the pelvis, when the body is in an upright position.
Forms an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal plane
Why would a Clamente-Nakayama modification be done instead of using Danelius-Miller method .
Because pt has b/l hip fracture
What should you see in an AP pelvis profile.
Obturator foramin
Greater Trochanter in full profile
Lesser trochanter barely seen
Where is the Central Ray directed in a unilateral AP Oblique (modified cleaves)
CR-perpendicular to femoral neck
Where is the center of the IR positioned in an AP Hip
Level of Greater Trochanter
Where is the CR pointed in an AP Hip
CR perpendicular to middle of IR
What is the difference in the Lauenstein and Hickey method of a Mediolateral Hip
Lauenstein-CR is perpendicular to hip joint
Hickey- CR is 20-25 degrees cephalic entering the hip joint
Where is the Central Ray pointed in an Axiolateal projection
Central Ray is perpendicular to long axis of femoral neck
What is the placement of the IR for an Axiolateral projection
The IR is vertical with upper border above iliac crest
Where is the CR in an AP distal femur projection
Central Ray is perpendicular to midde of IR
How are the legs positioned for an distal AP Femur
Leg is rotated until femoral epicondyles are paralled
What is the placement of the Cassette in a distal AP Femur
Bottom of cassette is 2 inches below knees
Where is IR placed for proximal AP Femur
IR at level of ASIS
How would the legs positioned in a AP proximal Femur projection
Rotate leg internally 10-15 degrees
Where is the CR entering in AP (proximal) Femur
CR is perpendicular to upper femur
Danelius-Miller Method
Used for pt known or suspected fx of hip.
IR is vertical adjacent to affected hip
Good leg is raised up and out of way
IR is vertical with upper border above the iliac crest.
CR is perpendicular to long axis of femoral neck
What should you see on Danelius-Miller Method (Cross-table lateral) hip
Femoral neck without foreshortening
AP Internal Oblique Projection (Acetabulum) Judet Method

Where is the CR
CR perpendicular to IR, entering 2 inches inferior to ASIS of the affected side
How would you position the patient for an AP internal Oblique Projection
Elevate the affected side 45 degrees angle from the table. Center affected hip to middle of IR
What should you see in an AP oblique internal projection
Acetabulum should be centered to the IR (acetabular rim)
Iliopubic column and posterior rim of affected acetabulum
What should you see in an AP External projection
Ilioischial column and he anterior rim of the acetabulum
Where is the CR in an AP External Oblique Projection
CR is perpendicular to IR and entering the pubic symphysis
In an AP Axial "Outlet" Projection, how is the CR different in males than in females
Males- CR directed 20-35 degrees cephalic and centered 2 inches distal to the superior border of the pubic symphysis
Females-CR directed 30-35 degrees cephalad and cenered to 2 inches distal to upper border of pubic symphysis
What should you see on profile in AP Axial Projection
Pubic and Ischial bones magnified with pubic bones superimposed over the sacrum and coccyx
Hip joints
Symmetric Obturator foramina
Pubic and Ishcial Rami near the center of image
Rami without foreshortening
Superinferior Axial "Inlet" Projection. How is the patient positioned
ASIS equal distant
IR center to level of greater trochanter
Where is the CR in Axial Inlet Projection
CR directed 40 degrees caudad, entering at level of ASIS
What should you see in profile on Superiorinferior Axial projection
Medially superimposed Superior and Inferior Rami of the pubic bones
Hip joint
Anterior pelvic bones
Pelvic ring or Inlet