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90 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
assumes flexed position
1 month
can turn head from side to sde when prone
1 month
lifts head momentarily when prone
1 month
vocalizes other than crying
2 months
first social smile
2 months
holds rattle, but does not reach for it
3 months
follows objects 180 degrees--turns head to follow objects
3 months
locates sound by turning head
3 months
squeals to show pleasure
3 months
moro, tonic neck reflex, extrusion, startle, palmar grasp and rooting reflexes disappear
4 months
no head lag when pulled to sitting position
4 months
rolls from back to side
4 months
plays with hands
4 months
4 months
sleeps through the night
4 months
rolls over from abdomen to back
5 months
able to grasp objects voluntarily
5 months
teething begins--2 lower central incisors
6 months
6 months
turns completely over
6 months
sits, leaning forward on hands
7 months
transfers objects from one hand to another
7 months
can fixate on small objects
7 months
produces vowel sounds--mama, dada
7 months
increasing fear of strangers
7 months
sits steadily, unsupported
8 months
plantar grasp reflex disappears
8 months
pulls self to stand
9 months
uses thumb and index finger--pincer grasp
9 months
says mama and dada with meaning
10 months
obect permanence developed
10 months
waves bye-bye
10 months
cruises or walks with both hands held
11 months
walks with one hand held
12 months
searches for object where it was last seen
12 months
Babinski reflex disappears
12 months
creeps up stirs
15 months
scribbles spontaneously
15 months
says 4-6 words
15 months
starts to imitate
15 months
runs clumsily
18 months
walks up stairs with hand held
18 months
throws ball
18 months
uses spoon without rotating
18 months
says 10 words
18 months
takes off some clothes
18 months
runs well
2 years
up and down stairs with 2 feet on each step
2 yrs
turns door knob and opens lids
2 yrs
300 words
2 years
dresses self in simple clothing
2 years
vocalizes needs (food, drink)
2 years
stands on 1 foot briefly
30 mon
jumps with both feet
30 months
gives first and last name
30 months
rides tricycle
3 yrs
copies circle
3 yrs
900 words, complete sentences of 3-4 words
3 yrs
goes upstairs alternating feet
3 yrs
skips and hops
4 yrs
catches a ball
4 yrs
uses scissors
4 yrs
1500 words
4 yrs
questioning is at a peak
4 yrs
understand directional prepositions (under, beside, etc.)
4 yrs
identifies with parent of same sex
4 yrs
jumps rope
5 yrs
can walk backwards
5 yrs
ties shoes
5 yrs
prints a few letters and numbers
5 yrs
names 4 or more colors
5 yrs
eager to please
5 yrs
defines common objects by use
6 yrs
knows right and left
6 yrs
likes table games
6 years
can share and cooperate better--but may still cheat to win
6 yrs
can tell time
7 yrs
brushes and combs hair
7 yrs
same gender prefers to play together
7 yrs
like to help and have a choice
7 ys
counts backwards from 20
8-9 yrs
knows days and months in order
8-9 yrs
can use common tools--hammer, etc.
8-9 yrs
shows preferences in friends
8-9 yrs
loves friends, has best friend
10-12 yrs
interest in opposite sex
10-12 yrs
infant and toddler's reaction to death
no concept of death, but react to change in routine; reacts to parents' anxiety and sadness
preschooler's concept of death
--death is temporary
--might feel guilty or responsible
--may engage i strange activities as they don't understnd how to deal with it
school age kids view of death
--death is final and irreversible
--understand death in a concrete sense
--very interested in funerals and rituals
--may still associate misdeeds as causing death
adolescent views of death
--adult understanding of death
--it's final, irreversible, and universal
--may intellectualize death
--understands spiritual implications of death
--death can's happen to them (high risk activities)
--may reject adult rituals