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148 Cards in this Set

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Put these visual skills in order from earliest to latest to reach adult levels:
a. VF
b. Color vision
c. Ocular Motilities
d. 20/20 acuity
e. Refractive error
What % of ped population has significant refractive error (> 4D)?
___- ___% of pediatric population have nonstrabismic binocular and accomodative disorders
Congenital esotropia is what % of ped pop?
Esotropia is what % of ped pop?
Exotropia is what % of ped pop?
Amblyopia is present in ____% of ped pop?
8% of males and .5% of females in ped pop have this kind of anomaly
color vision
What is the most prevalent general ped population problems?
nontrab. binocular and aomodative anomalies
Put the following in order from most prevalent to least prevalent in general ped population:
a. Amblyopia
b. Congenital glaucoma
c. Strabismus
d. Sig. Refractive Error
e. Nonstrab bincoular and accommodative anomalies
When does the AOA first recommend a comprehensive eye exam?
6 months
After a 6 month eye exam, when does AOA recommend the child get reexamined (note: notoriously difficult to examine at this age)
1-2 yrs
At what age do we frequently see onset of visual disroders such as meidional amblyopia, accomodative esotropia, etc?
3 yrs, during 2nd comprehensive eye exam
A child's third comprehensive vision exam occurs at this age and child can begin to participate in subjective testing
5 yrs
The american academy of ophthalmology and pediatrics recommends a child's first eye exam when=
a problem is suspective
A 3 yr old has 20/50 VA, whaich of the following could this indicate?
a. ocular pathology
b. normal exam
c. reduced due to amblyopia
d. see px in 2 yrs
e. will most likely have significant RE before age 10
f. child is slightly myopic and will need glasses for school

small children have reduced VA mainly due to distractions
at 6 months and under it is easiest to exam patient when
patient is held by parent.
Infants begin to crawl at _____ months
7 months
T/F when testing a child age 2 and under, its okay to use an occluder
________ acuity is the gold standard measurement of visual acuity
recognition acuity
For kids under 2 we use _____ acuity tests for VA
T/F a child that is nonveral can be tested using resolution acuity to get their VAs
Forced choice preferential looking is a type of _____ acuity
_____________ are the clinical test of choice for testing acuity in babies
Teller acuity cards (FPL test)
FPL is measure in cycles per degree, so to conver this to snellen you
divide 600 by CPD

so if pt sees 30 cycles per degree card their VA is
600/30= 20
FPL estimate for a 1-2 month old is
FPL estimate for a 6 month old is
at 12 months a patient's FPL acuity should be
a patient should have 20/20 when doing FPL at this age
When baby is premature and their VA is normal with FPL testing, their Snellen acuity should be normal by age
T/F FPL can predict the actual snellen VA at age 5 in premature babies

it can nonly predict if it will be normal or not
Teller acuity cards are based on this type of acuity and use _______ to determin VA

spatial frequency
T/F Cardiff cards are recongition acuity testing

resolution acuity

old test q
FPL is measured in cycles per degree so if patient sees 30 cycles per degree what is their VA?
divide 600 by CPD to get VA

The clinical choice for babies/non-verbal to test VA is
resolution acuity
_______-acuity is used when resolution and recognition acuity cannot be done
The target for a child with a signifcant refraction error will appear optically blurred, making the object bigger and easier to detect. This is why ______ acuity is not an accurate method)
Preferred test of ophthalmologist VA used
Fix and Follow

assesses the presence of pattern vision, but hard to follow child's progress
When a child does not respond to object use ______ to test VA
light and form perception
To measure involuntary visual responses use
OKN drum
To confirm amblyopia use these tests:
1. Alternative Fixation
2. 10 prism dipter vertical prism
3. bruckner test for amblyopia
Rather than use an occluderwhen doing cover tet for kids under 2, use
a thumb
If strabismus is suspected on a child perform
1. measure centration point with esotropia
2. test 9 positions for commitancy

consider prolonged occlusion
NPC should be normal by age
3-4 months
To confirm presence of strabismus use
Hirschberg test

1 mm equal 22 pd
To test stereo on infants use
stereo smile test

done at 55 cm
target is a happy face consisting of three levels
normal pursuits should occur by
6-8 weeks
saccades are accurate by
6-8 weeks
When performing confrontations on child, use lights for target

it is difficult to determine if child is seeing target or its glow first

ALWAYS record size of target used
Child should know colors by age
Test of choice for VAs for kids older than 2
For a 3.5 yr old chidl, list the order of preference for VA testing:
b. VER
c. OKN
d. LEA
e. Broken wheel
Broken wheel test is a _____ test
forced choice test
T/F Broken wheel test takes into account crowding effect

wroks off of Landolt C
T/F Lea symbols full chart takes crowding into account

does not, which is why Broken wheel is much better
What distance should the broken wheel test be tested?
10 feet
LEA symbols are tested at
10 feet
How many symbols do you need to get right for Lea Linear Crowded Symbol Cards
2 out of 4 for each level
T/F HOTV test has symbols
This test is a near vision only test
Allen Pictures

it does NOT have a 20/0 line
T/F Tumbling E is a first choice for testing VA

some kids do not know left adn right
T/F For a 3-5 year old any random dot test is okay to use

3-5 year old should have 120 sec of arc
The advantage of using Lang stereotest is
that we do it without glasses and can identify pictures
Stereofly is not a good stereo test beccause
pt can use monocular cues
When doing near retinoscopy, the corection factor for children over age of 2 is
1.25 D

under 2 its .75D
For _____ you must occlude the other eye when you perform ret so that you are scoping on axis
In the 3-Figure flashlight test, the three targets are a green elephant, a red girl, and a white ball.
1.How many targets will a child see if they are supressing?
2. What will they see if they suppress OD?
3. Supress OS?
1. 2 targets

2. Elephant and green ball

3. Red girl and red ball
If pt has diplopia, how many dots will they see on a Worth 4-dot test?
When doing near retinoscopy, the correction factor is _____ for children over 2
1.25 D

.75D for less than 2
This test is used for color tests

A card woth green square on purple background and a card with a blue square and a purple background

4 out 5 is correct
If a child tilts his head when he is reading it is probably because:
they are seeing double
What additional test should a 3-5 yr old patient be given that was not performed when they were an infant?
colr test

Children should know colors by age 3
what test is preferred over LEA symbols for a 3-5 year old?
Broken wheel!!
At what distance is the Broken Wheel test performed?
10 ft
A child will name or trace shapes during this color vision test
To administer drops in a 2-5 yr old pt it is best to have the patient
lay down with eyes closed
When using ophthalmic drugs in newborns, multiple drug instillations and drug dosages that we use in older children and adult are contraindicated because:
a. Infants have thicker skin and absorb drugs better
b. Infants have more plasma protein in their bloodstream
c. Infants have mor extracullar fluid and therefore absorb hydrophic drugs better
d. The infant GI tract is a good barrier to drugs
e. Newborns have an incomplete blood-brain barrier
T/F Children have thnner, more porous skin than adults
T/F Children up to age 6 absorb drugs topically BETTER than adults and therefore hay have more systemic toxicity
T/F When applying topical drugs thru conjunctival and nasal mucous membranes, it undergoes first pass metabolism thru the liver
It absorbs directly into systemic circulation
T/F In neornate, hastic acid secretions and peristalsis is REDUCED which can change the absorption rate of some drugs
T/F I tracts in neonates have a GREAT barrier to drug absoprtion
poor barrier to dru absorption so that the drug hangs around longer, leading to toxicity. Once dru is absorbed it can be metabolized
When does a child's GI tract function as an adults would?
10-12 yrs
T/F Newborns and infants my need HIGHER doses of hydrophillic drugs
T, they have a higher % of water in their body. HOWEVER , it is not HIGHER than adult doses!!!
Since newborns have an incomplete blood-brain barrier, it can predispose them to _______- effecs of drugs
T/F children younger than 6 months have decreased amount of plasma protein available for drugs to bind to, thus leading to increased drug toxcity
Metabolism of childrne reach adult levesl by ______ years
T/F NEonates have DECREASED drug elimination through kidney

Dosing adjustments mst be made for renal function until 1-2 yrs of age
What should you dilate a 2 year old child with?
a. 1% cyclo OU: 2 gtt separated by 5 min
b. .5% atropine OU
c. 1% cylopentolate 1 gtt: OU with punctal oclusion. 1% tropicamide OU and 2.5% phenylephrine OU, spearated by a few minuts with punctal occlusion.
d. .5% tropicamide OU, 1 gtt and 3.5% phenylephrine OU, 1gg separated by a few minutes
If a 5 yr old child comes into your office and has Hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis, the best treatment option is:
a. Refer to ophthalmologist
b. Tobrabex gtt q2h
c. Tetracycline
d. Tobramycin tt q2h
e. Refer to pediatrician
Must rule out possible systmic involvment via preseptal cellulitis or meningitis

Tobramycin is poor against strep.

Management nicludes: MANDATORY gram strain and a broad specturm topical antibiotic --> Vigamox
Drug of Choice for Hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis
How do you treat an Acute bacterial conjunctivitis?
a. Sulfacetamide QID x 7-10 days
b. Chloroptic QID x 7-10 days
c. Polytrim gtts q3 OU
d. Tobramycin tt q2h OU
e. Doxcycline po
f. Refer to pediatricin
DRUG OF CHOICE for ACUTE bacterial conjunctivities because its broad specturm.
Drug of choice for ACUTE acterial conjunctivitis
What type of bacterial conjunctivitis is:
bilateral, rapidly progressive, causes lid emema, hemes in ulbar conj, mixed follicular/pap response, copious mucprulence and preauricular lymphadenopathy?
Conjunctivitis in children is most commonly due to
Infection, and mostly bacterial (80%)
__% of visits to primary care doctors are for conjunctivitis
According to the American acadamy of Pediatrics, a child can return to school after having a bacterial conjunctivitis once _________
therapy has begun!

Polytrim is bacteriostatic and not bacteriocidal so child will still be contagous in 24 hours
T/F Polytrim, which is used in ACUTE bacterial conjunctivitis, is bbacteriocidal

bacteriostatic, so child will be contangious for 24 hrs
Most common bacteria in pediatric conjunctivitis
Haemophilus influenzae

followed by strep pneumonia
Peak incidience of peiatric acue conjunctivitis is between
12-36 months

it is also concurent with acute otitis media
Number one cause of bacterial keratitis in children under 3 years of age:
a. Psuedomonas aeruginosa
b. Alpha streptoccal species
c. Streptoccus pnuemonia
Bacterial keratitis in older children age 3-5 is mostly caused by:
a. Strep pneumoniae
b. Staph aureus
c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2 Antibiotics effective against H. Influenzae and Strep pneumoniae
Azithroymicin is a macrolide used or 1 yr and older children and is good against
Gram + and chlamydia
What drug is a LAST RESORT ins pediatric use?
drops sting and can cause serious alleric reactions and many staph and pseudomonas strains are rsistant
T/F Amingoycosides works well on strep.
active for H. influenza and Pseudomonas
T/F Tetracycline should not be given to kids
This drug is NOT USED due to risk of death due to aplastic anemia
Ocuflox should be given to ages
1 year and old.
Ciloxan should be used on ages
1 yr and older fro drop
2 yrs and older for ointment (Ung)
Quixin and Zymar dosage
Dayy 1-2 q2h up to 8x/day
Days 3-7 QID
dosage for Vigamox
3 drops a day for 7 days
______ has a higher ceoncentraion than Cipro, ocuflox or Zymar
With acute bacterial conjunctivitis drug of choice that is an ointment is
Ciloxan TID for 2 days then bid
For treatment of bacterial keratitis in infants to school age use
Ciloxan ung
7 yr old with blepharo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Tx?
lid hygiene, warm compress, Bacitracin. Oral Erthromycin if needed
20 DAY old infant with red eye and mild mucous discharge.
Do you
a. assume its gonoccoccal and prescribe Bacitracin
b. Assme its Herpes simplex 2 and prescribe Va-A?
c. Assme its chlamdia and prescribe erythromycin
d. Perofm conjunctival scraping and culture and prscribe Erythrmycin
e. Prescribe Erythromycin ung and do not du any further testing
In kids under 2 months of age Chlamydia is involved in 2% of cases. So see if it goes away without culturing first
Conjunctivitis occurs in ________ % of neonate population

Onset of conjuctivitis due to chemical reaction occurs _____ in neonates
in the first 24 hours from birth
Onset of conjuctivitis due to Bacterial reaction occurs _____ in neonates
after the first 24 hours from birth
Onset of conjuctivitis due to gonoccocal reaction occurs _____ in neonates
2-4 DAYS until 6 days (from birth)
Onset of conjuctivitis due to Chlamydial reaction occurs _____ in neonates
2 weeks after birth
_________ is one of the few bacteria that can penetrate intact corneal epithelium and cause a corneal ulcer. It appears _______ days after birth

2-4 days
Chylamdial Treatment involves
Erythromycin syrup 50 mgs/kg/day x 2-3 weeks
______- can be associated with devastting systemic disease. Discharge is watery
Neonatal Herpes Simplex Type II
____ conjunctivitis is a "red light" for systemic involvement
_______ bacterial conjunctivitis can lead to widspread systemic disease
H. influenzae
At Birth, the average Rx is
+2 D

99$ of children at birth are between -6 to +10D
99$ of children at birth are between
-6 to +10D
When do we wait until to prescribe glasses?
usually when they are school age
Percentage of children that have anisometropia at birth __________

percentage in school _______-

Percentage of children that have astigmatism at birth __________

percentage in school _______

Percentage of children that have Hyperopia at birth __________

percentage in school _______

Percentage of children that have Myopia at birth __________

percentage in school _______

1-2%--> 12%--> 25%
.25-.50D per year
Rate of change for Hyperopes:
.25-.50D per SIX years
If a 5 year old is +2D, what will their Rx be like when they are 17?
+1.50 to +1.00 D

decreases .25-.50D per SIX years
A 10 yr ol dwith a +1 D Rx will have what Rx at age 16?
+.50 to +.75D

decreases .25-.50D per SIX years
A 15 yr old with +.25 D will have what Rx at age 18?
+.12 to plano

decreases .25-.50D per SIX years
A 5 yr with -2 D will be what Rx at age 17?
-5 D to - 8D

.25-.50D per YEAR
A 10 yr old with -1 D will have what Rx at age 16?
-2.50 D to -4 D

.25-.50D per YEAR
If you are 15 and your Rx is -.50D what will it be like at age 18?
-1.25 to - 2.00D

.25-.50D per YEAR
If an 8 month old has VA of 20/50 and an RE of -1.00 OU hat do your Rx?
pt may still undergo a decrese in myopia as they age
A 13 month olf has VA of 20/40. Cover test= 3XP. Refractive erros is
+2.75-.50x 170
+3.00-1.00 x 10

Do you Rx?
Do not Rx because VA is normal and RE will probaly chane, check at age 2-3 yrs.

Be concerned if cyl is over -1.25D... then you might Rx
9 month VA 20/100 OU
RE= plano -2.00 x90 OU

Do you Rx?
Monitor and see pt back in 1.5 yrs.

While that is alot of cyl, at this age, the risk of amblyopia is low. ATR astigmastism is comomon when first born, and tends to drop with age
3 yr old VA is 20/50 OD and 20/25 OS
RE= plano-2.50x180 OD
plano-.75x 180

Do you Rx and how much?
Must Rx to make sure amblopia does not occur.
Give full Rx
5 yr old with VA
20/20 OD
20/100 OS
NO stereo
Refractive error:
OD +1.00
OS +4.00-2.00 x 180

Do your Rx?
full Rx.
Give all the sill, at most cut off -.25

You can also just make OD plano and OS +3.00-2.00x180 so both eyes ate +1.00 Hyoperic
4 yr pt who squints ha VA
20/400 OD
20/100 OS
NO stereo

RE= +8.50-.50x90 OD
+7.75-.50x90 OS

What should you be concerned with?
Accomodation would be effected i given the whole Rx because then pt would not accomodate to get clearn near vsion. This could lar to a tropia so Rx almost all of the Rx without the cyl since that is stll normal for age.
Rx +8 OD +7.50D OS

See pt one monh later