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92 Cards in this Set

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-cardiac cause
-a. fib
-Ventricular Premature beats
-exercise arrhythmia

Mother with hyperthyroid
C: male, "irregular heartbeat", personal hx of heart dz, event >5mins
Afib: flutter sensation only (hyperthyroid would have other symptoms)
Vent: "flip-flopping" sensation
Exer: stress test

Mom: lead to heart failure of infant (thyrotoxicosis)
Pneumonia Severity Index

PneumoniaSevereityIndex: age, comorbid, specific exam, labs;
High RF: neoplastic, liver, renal dz, chf, diabetes. 3-4 hospitalized

-Pneumonitis: chemicals, blood, radiation, autoimmune
-CAP: s. pneumoniae, h. Influenza, moraxella catarrhalis--- rust color, lobar focal infiltrate
-Atypical: mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella (diarrhea)--- bilateral, diffuse; tx erythromycin
-HAP: pseudomonas, klebsiella, acinetobacter, s. auerus (postinfluenza pneumoniae)-- d/t intubation, ng tube, peexisting lung dz, multisystem failure
-PCP/pneumocystitis jiroveci: ground glass; tx TMP-SMX/bactrim
HCOM: AD, Continuous HoloSystolic murmur 3/6. murmur inc w/stand/valsalva, dec w/squat (opp to aortic stenosis). Worsen with exertion, boot shape heart. Marfans. Asymptomatic. Diastolic. Tx. B-blocker, Sx mymectomy or pacemaker placement

E: FROM JANE; heart murmur, petechiae, mild splenomegaly; tx antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedure
Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS)
3 PE's
- 11-14, 15-17, 18-21 y/o

HEEAADDSS: Home, Education, Eating, Activity, Abuse, Drugs (no routine tox screen), Depression, Suicide, Sex

Htn, eating disorder/obesity
ONLY Screen lipid and TB

If sexually active, cervical sample females and leukocyte esterase for males
Acute otitis media Rfs
Hearing impairment
Hearing impairment RFs
OM, vaccine
College athlete/swimmer
RFs: 6-7mos, NA, eskimos, cleft palate, down syndrome, daycare, smoking parents
H: OM, eustachian tube, tinnitus, vertigo, OE, barotrauma
HRF: fhx, craniofacial abnL, <1500g, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, asphyxia, bacterial meningitis, congenital infections, ototoxic meds, mechanical ventilation >10d
E: reassurance, not OM
T: nsaids, bite guard
O: vaccine only reduces by 10%
C: OE, topical antibiotics
CHILDREN wheezing
Acute Viral infection
Congenital Heart Dz
Idiopathic Apnea
Harlequin syndrome
Diaphragmatic Hernia
AV: 50% of wheezing episodes<2y/o
Asth:recurrent episodes of wheezing.
B&P: wheezing, not recurrent.
CHD: full-term infant; dyspnea and even cyanosis with exertion, no wheezes; BNP>80
IA: like CHD but premature infants
HS: transient skin color change of asymptomatic newborn (usually preterm) which dependent body side turns red
GERD: 24hr pH
DH: resp distress; scaphoid ab; no breath sounds on L side; no improvement w/immediate intubation; bowel sounds in chest; tx mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Acure wheezing Children
-Retrooharyngeal Abscess
-Peritonsillar Abscess
-Cystic Fibrosis

Lung Abscess
#1 is acute viral infection
FBAO: nonvisibile object=heimlich maneuver; no soft pillows
B: expiratory wheeze (like asthma), viral infection (RSV, parainfluenza, adenovirus, mycoplasma, metapneumonvirus), wheezing+om, irritability, variable cxr, nL cbc, only hospitalized if serious other findings, ONLY supplemental O2+care, RSV or nebulized Epi IVIG/palicizumnab for high risk
C: viral (parainfluenza, adeno, rsv), SEAL-BARK COUGH, STEEPLE sign, closely monitor if major symptoms or just keep child away from stimulant factors, Supportive care,
E: h. Infleunzae, h. Parainfluenza, s. pneumoniae, s. aureus, B-hemolytic strep, DROOLING; THUMB sign, leukocytosis, neutrophilia, bandemia, tx oxacillin nafacillin cefazolin, clindamycin AIRWAY management
T:severe s. aureus, SUBGLOTTIC narrowing; bark cough; tx intubation+antibiotics
R: 2-4y/o penetrate instrument fb; fever, DROOL, dysphagia, stridor, resp DISTRESS, tender enlarged lymphadenopathy, cervical spine ROM limitation, stridor, wheeze, LATERAL neck films, d/tS. AUREUS, s. pyogenes, oral anaerobes tx. I&D; ceph/pcn
P: TEENS, muffled voice, TRISMUS, neck pain, cervical adenopathy, deviated uvula, CT, s PYOGENES, s aureus, anaerobes, tx PCN or Ampicillin-sulbactam, i&d, aw obstruction, septicemia, aspirationm jvd
CF: Cl>60meq/L; several pneumonitis, tx inhalation therapy, chest physiocal therapy aggressive antibiotic administration, bronchodilators, o2, nutrition support, amiloride, purified human plasma a-antitrypsin, recombinant DNAase, gene therapy; heart-lung transplants
-Tox: ELISA for dx d/t pica; larvae penetrate intestine and migrate to liver, lung, brain

LA: cough, fever; CXR=round density, air-fluid level, opaque rim; anaerobic organisms; tx ampicillin w/b-lactamase inhibitor
Rcurrent sinusitis
-clinical rhinosinusitis
-most common
-#1 bug
-nasal decongestant

Maxillary, Ethmoid
RC: persistence greater than 7-10days
MC: allergic rhinitis
#1: s. pneumoniae or h. Influenzae; chronic=polymicrobial and tx w/fluroquinolone/augmentin for 2-3wks
N: topical nasal steroids

M, E: large enough harbor infections from infancy
F: harbor until 6-10y/o
S: large until 3-5y/o; pus drain superior meatus (also posterior ethmoid); CT for more complicated cases; tx oral antibiotics 10-14d
Breath holding spell
Choanal atresia
Apneic episodes
Periodic Breathing
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn
tension pneumothorax
Meconium Aspiration
Hyaline Membrane Dz
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
5g of unoxygenated Hgb in skin capillaries; dificult w/dark skin+poor lighting
BHS: (1)cyanotic spells; 6mos-5y/os (2)pallid breath-holding d/t painful experience; both spontaneously go away and do not reinforce habit
CA: block nasal passage; worst when eating/sleeping but IMPROVE when CRYING; lethal if unrecognized & untreated; tx/dx= nose catheter; other txoropharyngeal airways, positioning, tongue fixation, endotracheal intubation, sx
Asp: low apgar scores, meconium stain, respiratory distress, high pulm arterial pressure leading to persistent R-to-L systemic bp fall across a PDA or foramen ovale
Apn: >20s w/bradycardia, cyanosis 2ndary to undeveloped resp centers
Per: pattern of respiration in low birth wt babies w/recurrent pauses of 3-10s
TTN: tachpnea, retractions, grunting, cyanosis, prominent pulm vas marking w/FLUID in FISSURES, flat diaphragms; supportive therapy w/resolution in 1st 3days; STARBURST patterns
TP: mediastinal shift AWAY; cardiovascular compromise; d/t staph pneumonia tx emergent needle aspiration, then chest tube
MA: under perinatal stress; PATCHY INFILTRATES BILATERALLY; meconium stained umbilical cord/skin
HMD: infants<34wks; SGA
BPD: chornic lung dz in preme infants require persistent O2; airway hyperresponsiveness; pulmonary edema (tx diuretics)
Undigested food w/ N/V
-psychogenic vomit
-viral gastroenteritis
-V before eating
-Pyloric Stenosis
-Necrotizing Enterocolitis
M: metoclopramide (causes extrapyramidal rxns)
Pysch: social stress or past hx of psychiatric disorder
Vir: resolve w/in 5 days
V before eat: pregnancy, uremia, alcohol w/drawal, inc ICP (d/t malignancy)
Vest: not w/meals or time of day
G: delayed >59mins after eating; nonbilious & undigestd food
Pan: pain+nausea after meals
Pyl: before 7wks of age (never breast milk allergies)
NEC: feeding intolerance, distend ab; grossly bloody stool; tx: bowel rest w/ng decompression, systemic antibiotics, monitor, SERIAL AB films (if air, then sx of explorative laparotomy)
DIARRHEA: acute v chronic
Tx travelers diarrhea
Foods to avoid w/virus
Bloody stool dx test b/w mom and baby

Ipecac v. charcoal
dehydration tx
Acute: <14 days
Salmonella: meat
Norwalk: water, salads, shellfish
Travel: fluroquinolone then tmp/smx or azithromycin
Food: dairy, etoh, caffeine
Blood: Apt test (+)=baby; also for newborn baby post-emergency cesarean section

Ipecac: for POISONS. >6mos, c/i if ingest alkali/acid
Charcoal: for carbon tetrachloride or benzene or phenobarbital, TCAs, sustained-release theophylline
dehydration tx: NS or ringer's lactate, 20mL/kg 1-2h
Cough causes

Tx pertussis,
tx acute bronchitis
Asthma, bronchitis, aspiration, irritants, allergies, uncomplicated pneumonia, posnasal drip, viral upper resp, gerd, acei, lung cancer (other symptoms)

Tx pertussis azithromycin 5days or erthromycin 14d; droplet (can give to a sister's infant if need)
s/s: mild cough w/thick nasal secretions; spasmotic coughing w/cyanosis; tired; lost wt; feeding less; no void

Tx acute bronchitis w/oral or inhaled steroid
Sore Throat
-Posterior cervical adenopathy
-Anterior adenopathy
-Laryngitis w/pharygitis
Post: EBV (also exudative pharyngitis like GAS incorrect ebv tx gives maculopalpular rash after pcn
GAS: uveal edema; tx fluroquinolone/clindamycin

Ant: viral or bacterial

Lw/P: voice change; viral infection=supportive

mongolian spots
subcutaneous fat lesions
recommend to be alert to physical or behavioral s/s and then ask appropriate questions
d/t unintended pregnancy, depression, anxiety, panic, somatoform, ptsd, suicide, chronic pain, frequent ab/pelvic pain, substance abuse or eating disorder
CORNER/BUCKET-handle fx of metaphysis of LONG bones, posterior rib, scapular fx, etc

M: well-defined, PURPLE lesion over buttocks, lower back, extensor surface of extremities of blacks/asians/latin americans; disappear 1-2y/o,
SFL: RED sharply demarcated, hard lesions on cheeks, buttocks, limbs;
Septic Arthritis
unsuspected fx
Toddler's Fx
Undx congenital dysplasia of hip
Transient synovitis
Legg-Calve Perthes
Slipped Femoral Epiphysis
Osgood-Schlatter Dz
Discitis: walks stiffly
H: trendelenburg gait, claw toes or cavus deformity; IR cause cap pressure w/in acetabulum<30deg, pain during leg roll, FABER
Septic: high ESR CRP WBC; monoarticular, fever, infant=crying irritable poor feed; ambul=no more mvmt; hip flx Ab ER; <4mos=s.aureus GBS; <5yrs=s. aureus, s. pyogenes
Unsus: lower leg or foot injury
Todd: tibia spiral fx from twisting w/planted foot
Undx: painless limp when learn to walk; xray shows abnl hip align; splint or Sx
Trans: self-limit; boys POST viral infection; almost like septic joint but nL LABS
L: painless limp (maybe pain@anterior thigh, groin, knee); AVN of femoral head boys after trauma/infection unknown; nL early xray; Later xray shows collapse flat, wide femoral head; bone scans/mri; conservative
Slipped: adolescence d/t endocrine cause (obesity) knee pain; femoral head medial/posterior DISPLACE; limited IR and obligate ER w/hip passively flex; early xray=widen; later xray=slipp; Sx pin; closely followed; fat or growth spurt skinny kid
M: night pain unless no pathology then growing pain
OSD: active kids (mostly boys); tenderness, swollen, prominent tibial tuberosity d/t patellar tendon; nL x-rays; tx. rest
O: focal bone tenderness leading to bone death, fever; plain film bony changes
Physio: overwrk, lack of sleep, pregnancy, physical stress

Psychological: stress, depression, anxiety, adjustment

Physical: infections, endocrine imbalances, anemia, cardiovascular, cancr
If more than 6mos, progression is related to physical cause (not inc stress, overwrk, etoh)
insect or animal or human bite
-local, delayed, or anaphylaxis
remove stingers rapidly w/card
tetanus for all
L: histmaine-like rxn; ice, anti-histamines
D: IgE: oral steroids
Anaphy: 0.3-0.5mL 1:1000 sol Epi, antihistamines, steroids, bronchodilators; no perfumes, bright clothing, barefoot
A: cleaning, irigation, debridement; close if less than 24 hrs ago; 5-7days Augmentin
acute infantile hemiplagia
trigeminal neuralgia tx
radio imaging use?
m: nausea, fhx, Unilateral, zigzag, tx: nsaids+triptans; prophylaxis=b-blockers+TCAs; maybe verapamil, caffeine; not narcotics
t: dx of exclusion but #1 for adults, later in workday=stress/fatigue, bilateral precranial muscle tenderness; photophobia or phonophobia; NO aggravation; tx NSAIDS; NO caffeine
c: trigger by etoh/vasodilator intake; stabbing eye, ear, sweat, horner's syndrome; tx o2, sumatriptan, inhaled anesthetics(lidocaine) or pacing around; prophylactic: ergotamine, verapamil, lithium, divalproex, methysergide, prednisone
TN: tx carbamazepine or anticonvulsants
AIH: sudden HA w/hemiplegia symptoms d/t TBE of MCA or its major branches; hx of migraine HAs;
RAD: steadily more severe, not fit any primary classifications; no respond to 1st-line tx; neuro abnLs
U: Gilbert+Crigler-Najjar (1) (congenital w/incr) or hemolysis (anemia by spherocytosis, thalassemias, sickle, malaria, TTP, HUS)

C: tx hep w/a-INF;
Hep A (2-8wks inc; 2-3wks trans; incr conjugated+transaminases+serology);
Hep B (hepatocellular carcinoma, Anti-HBs=resolve/vac; antiviral therapy), early in life=chronic dz; HBs=1st; HBe=active
Hep C (chronic liver dz; 1-3wks exp, 4-12wks detect; asymptomatic; cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, antiviral therapy); tx interferon
Hep D (mediterreanean, middle east, south america);
Hep E (2nd/3rd trimesters);
Alcohol abuse (AST>ALT 2:1);
Physical Obstruction (gallstones so U/S, CT, MRI, ERCP)
acute bacterial cystitis
Recurrent utis
interstitial cystitis
tx asymptomatic?
acute prostatitis
aBc: frequency, hematuria, dysurian, back pain; UA & culture when suspected
u: gradual onset
r: tx single dose post sex
p: aBc w/fever
i: NO back pain, chronic, hematuria, cystoscopy
v: vaginal irritation, no odor/discharge
only tx asymptomatic bacteriuria in PREGNANCY
ap: boggy, tender, warm prstate
-bladder cancer
-Micturition bleed
-<40y/o w/only moderate blood and nL everything else
M: PCN, cephs, sulfonamides, phenytoin, cyclophosphamide, mitotane, anticoagulants, nitrofurantoin
C: suprapubic pain, dysuria, urgency, frequency in women
N: NO dysuria or frequnecy
P: systemic infection
B: asymptomatic, male, smoking, PRINTING/LEATHER dye
STD: NO hematuria BUT dysuria or frequency
Mi: throughout=bladder/renal; terminal=bladder neck/prostatic urethral
Ped: poststreptococcal infection/glomeurlonephritis=#1
<40: reassurance; if over, then cystoscopy/renal biopsy
Gonadal dysgenesis
Hypothalamic failure/functional
Pituitary failure
Constitutinal delay

thin membrane labia minora @2wks/old
PrimaryAmenorrhea: d/t Pg release and tx by NSAIDs, pain days before period though few yrs after began menses
G: primary amenorrhea d/t XO
H: anorexia nervosa, incr exercise, chronic/systemic illness
P: decr GnRH stimulation d/t head trauma, shock, infiltrate process, pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngoma
PCOS: nL breast
C: only boys
Preg: #1 2ndary

TMLM: do nothing; if older than 6y/o, leads to vulvovaginitis, UTIs
Pelvic Pain
-Ovarian cyst
-Ectopic pregnancy
-Uterine Leiomyoma
-Mass <15y/o
O: unilateral
PID: fever, vag d/c (CBC, ESR)
Ec: like PID but abnL menses+inc pain
L: enlarged uterus
En: cyclic pain, unable to conceive
A: nausea, anorexia (CBC)
15: mostly malignant; transvaginal u/s and Sx
>15y/o: commonly cysts; monitored if <6cm by U/S
Sports physical
Marfans, general apperance
Heat illness
Bp, Congenital cardiac anomalies=#1 w/hcom
Asthma, pulm disorders,
ortho injuries,
missing 1 of paired organ
Eating disorders, body weight, menorrhagia
-viral conjunctivitis
-bacterial conjunctivitis
-gonococal conjunctivitis
-corneal abrasion
-acute glaucoma
V: palapable LN (#1 adenovirus=self-limit), no coritcosteroids
B: gritty, d/c, pain, photophobia, no corticosteroids, gentamycin (g- rods=contacts) or tmp-smx for everything else
G: 2-5d emergency lead to ulcer/perf, clean and reforms immediately, IV cefriaxone w/topical fluroquinolone/tobramycin (vs. chlamydia=6-12d w/silver nitrate)
Pain: not conjunctivitis but corneal abrasion etc
S: unilateral pain, dec vision, boring, HA w/RA+wegner's
E: mild irritation
CA: dec visions, intense pain, tearing, trauma
AG: pain, dec vision, redness, dilated pupil
I: like AG but constricted pupil
K: contacts, discharge, dec vision
-major clavicle separation
-patellofemoral syndrome

Juvenile RA
S: symptoms resolve (notPT), return to play unless both sides=image;
C: Sx if >50%; if less, then sling, early ROM until pain subsides to return
P: patella tracking laterally to vasta lateralis; so strengthen medialis; pain with leg held in flexion for lengthy time! Not acute d/t Female Q angle
A: popsensation, immediate effusion, instability
P: lateral blow to knee
M: locking, catching, giving way, +mcmurrays test
RA: large joints, blindness (slit-lamp), tx steroids
Ottowa ankle rule
Not walk 4 steps
Tenderness over distal 6cm of tibia/fibula and malleoli
Mid-foot/navicular tenderness
Proximal 5th metatarsal tenderness

RICE+early mobilization. >48hrs NSAIDs. Then PT

ALL have thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia
TOXOPLASMA GONDII: Chorioretinitis, Calcifications (corteX), hydrocephalus
RUBELLA: that DEAF and DUMB CAT (catacts, glaucoma) ate my BLUEBERRY MUFFIN and stepped on my PDA
CMV: CALCIFIC (periVentricular), RASH (petechiae), HSM, jaundice, miCroCephaly; (Cataracts, seizures, hepatosplenomegaly);
HIV: HSM, NEURO problems
HSV2: TEMPORAL ENCEPHALITIS, head, eyes, skin lesions
SYPHILLIS: saddle nose, saber shins, hutchinson teeth; (scraping skin lesion, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, persistent rhinitis, maculopapular rash, snuffles, interstitial keratitis)

Listeria, E. coli, Group B Strep

seizures: febrile outside of CNS; if>15min, possibly become afebrile seizures in next 5-7yrs
Childhood dx continue to adulthood
Meds inhibit DA and NE reuptake
childhood development
see notebook
Staphylococcal scalded skin dz (aka Ritter)

anaphylactoid purpura
S: baby appears ill, papules, bright erythematous rash, fever, crust/fissure around eyes+mouth+nose, desquamation, +nikolsky, <5y/o; NEUTROPHILS tx antibiotics, no scarring

AP: SMALL blood vessel acute VASCULITIS; large joints, GI symptoms, renal involvement, hematuria, petechial rash of butt & LE,
Acne tx, RF
-open/close comedones
-inflammatory= pustules/erythema
-severe nodular/cystic
Neonatal Acne
C: topical retinoids
I: antibiotic alone or w/topical retinoids or benzoyl peroxide
S: oral isoretinoin
Neo: 2-4wks d/t maternal hormone transmission; resolves few weeks to months, tx 2.5% benzoyl peroxide

Tx: tretinoin topical (d/c lead to worsen acne/scarring), maybe additional benzoyl peroxide for resistant propionibacterium acnes; oral antibiotics last not cephs, some women ocps, topical steroids

RF: hormones, keratinazation, immune response, Stress
-pityriasis rosacea
-hot tub folliculitis
-Lichen Planus
-Contact Dermatitis
-Atopic dermatitis
-head lice tx
-Molluscum contagiosum
R: no comedo form(acne vulgaris), eye involvement, no topical steroids, tx tetracyclines
P: tx corticosteroids, calcipotriene (Vit d derivative that induces epidermal differentiation+inhibits keratinocyte prolif)
PR: papulosquamous, antihistmaines or corticosteroids
Hot: self-limiting
HSV: lip w/burning and eruption of vesicle, fever, malaise, TEnder ADEnopathy, trigger by uv/infection, tx valcyclovir 1g daily
Shingles: tx any antiviral preferably w/in 72hrs, no antiviral resistance
Enterov: hand foot mouth dz; self-limit
Tinea: tx griseofulvin
LP: rare, pruritic, additional w/itch; flexors of wrists/forearms/inner thighs/oral mucosa
CD: redness, weeping, oozing, pruritic; tx. topical emollients/steroids
AD: d/t environmental/soaps/hot water irritants; inflammatory patches/weeping, crusted plaques of neck/face/groin/extensor on infants but flexors of older; tx. avoidance, hydration, topical steroids
HL: 1:1 vinegar-h2o ratio; wash everything w/hot h2o; replace brushes; another tx 7-10d lindane, permethrin,
Scab: never above neck; tx. 1% lindane or 5% permethrin (ok for small children)
MC: d/t poxvirus, central-umbilication, skin-color, dome shape, 1-5mm, face/eyelids/neck/axillae/thighs, tx observe or liquid nitrogen or extrusion by needle/curette or 0.9% cantharidin
refer to opthamologist;
dx. cover-uncover test at 3-4y/o;
tx. patch good eye, sx, eyeglasses <6y/o
water temp
Pedestrian injury
Baby-walker injury
Accidental poisoning & Drowning
temp: 49C (120F) so not to burn
Asph: 1y/o
Ped: 6y/o
Walker: 6mos
Pois: 2y/o; endoscope exam w/in 12-24hrs to determine esophagus/stomach damge; no vomiting; give small h2o or milk;
Hepatitis B
T: Tetanus immune globulin if superficial/risk; adult Td every 10yrs; Tdap is given as a onetime, first time only dose that includes the tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccinations
R: only if non-immunized dog; antibiotic prophylaxis for cat, monkey bites, human (esp if infant, diabetic, or immunocompromised)
C: immediately after delivery if mom had it 5d prior or w/in 2 days; if exposed postnataly 2 or more days, no VZIG or isolation need
Hep: infected via delivery if HBs (sometimes pregnancy & postnatal); chronic liver dz; hepatocellular carcinoma; NECESSARY immunization via hepB Ig & vaccine; test serum 1mos after 3rd dose
Erythema Toxicum
Salmon Patch/birthmark
Pustular Melanosis
Sebaceous nevi
Milia/Epstein's pearls
Seborrheic Dermatitis
ET: benign pustules, yellow-white, 1-2mm, surrounding edge of erythema, EOSINOPHILS present; no tx.
SP: flat vascular lesion, NUCHAL+OCCIPUT region, 1st weeks of life, no therapy
PM: benign, self-limit, blacks, 1-2mm pustules, "MILKY" easily wipes away, hyperpigmented, weeks-mos.
SN: small, sharply edged lesions HEAD, NECK of infants, YELLOW-ORANGE, hairless, possible MALIGNANCY degeneration
M: fine, yellowish white, 1-2mm over FACE+GINGIVAE of neonate d/t palate formation; keratinized material, SPONTANEOUS resolve
SD: cradle cap in newborn period; greasy, scaly, erythematous; face, neck, axilla, diaper; localize to scalp, intertriginous areas, PURITUS
Impetigo: honey-crust w/ erythema; spread by scratch; tx. topical STEROIDS/ANTIBIOTICS
learned behavior
LB: root of many sleep disturbances; allowing to sleep in parent's bed or stay up late
S: sleepwalking
skin erythema
Heart calcification
Sensory Neuropathy
only Cows milk
Maple Syrup Dz
M: inadequate caloric intake d/t insufficient food resources, poor feeding technique, metabolic disorders, congenital anomalies; wt loss, constipation, muscle atrophy, loss of skin turgor, hypothermia, edema
P: niacin def, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
B: thiamine def (B1); necessary for acetylcholine synthesis and carb metabolism; breast milk, cow's milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, eggs, meet legumes; CHF, peripheral neuritis, psychic disturbances
R: vit D; osseous changes, rachitic rosary (enlarge costochondral jx), craniotabes, scoliosis, pelvic/leg deformities, pigeon breast, rachitic dwarfism
H: excess vit A=excess bone growth;
Skin: excess NICOTINIC ACID; pruritis, tachy, liver damage, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
Heart: excess vit D
Sense: excess pyridoxine (B6)
Cow: lack of Fe
Scurvy: lack of vit C; wounds not heal well; bony atrophy w/epiphyseal separation
HC: TBE=unable to move R side of body (cerebral vasculature); slow wt gain; mild delay development; AR; HOMOCYSTEINE METHYLTRANSFERASE deficiency; CYSTATHIONINE SYNTHASE deficiency; ↓affinity of cystathionine synthase for pyridoxal phosphate; ↑homocysteine blood/urine, osteoporosis, TALL, LENS SUBLUXATION, ATHEROSCLEROSIS
C: AR PCT defective of COAL transport (cysteine, ornithine, lysine, arginine) leading to cystine kidney stones; Tx: B6 or Acetazolamide
P: retardation, seizures; R: ↓ phenylalanine hydroxylase or ↓THB cofactor
Musty Body Odor, MR, fair skin; tx: ↓phenylalanine, ↑tyrosine
maternalPKU: microcephaly, congenital heart defects

MSD: abnL metabolism of leucine; seiaures, rapid deterioration of CNS; M: I Love Vermont maple syrup SMELLING URINE from BRANCHED maple trees
Ile Leu Val=branched AA b/c ↓α-KETOACID DEHYDROGENASE=severe cns defects
Waardenburg syndrome
Surge-Weber syndrome
Tuberous Sclerosis
Marfan Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Treacher Collins
Biotinidase def
W: deafness, pigment changes; AD, white forelock, heterochromia irides, lateral displacement of inner canthi
SW: grand mal seizures, mental deficiency, hemiparesis, hemianopsia
TS: AD; oval/irregular macules; cerebral tubers; myoclonic seizures; adenoma sebaceum; shagreen patch (over sacrum)
M: lens subluxation, myopia, MV prolapse
ED: berry aneurysm, unstable joints, easy bruise, flat feet
PW: infantile hypotonia&poor feeding; then, obesity/overeat
TC: nL intelligence; malar hypoplasia, micrognathia, abnL ears, hearing loss
H: immediate tx of physiological thyroid hormone (sodium-L-thyroxine 10-15mg/(kg*d); use neonatal metabolic screen then other tests later
G: damage to liver, brain, eyes after being fed milk w/lactose; lethargy, V/D, hypotonia, hepatomegaly, jaundice, FTT, CATARACT; tx. no lactose-contain milk, casein, milk solids, whey, curds
P: AR; unable to metabolize to tyrosine; x low phenylalanine
B: AR; no biocytin to free biotin; several months/years after birth; dermatitis, alopecia, ataxia, hypotonia, seizures, developmental delay, deafness, immunodeficiency, metabolic acidosis; tx. administrate free biotin
my saved flashcards: toxins
Phenytoin (dilantin)
previous CMV pregnant lady
HIV's meds
D: sacral agenesis, transposition of great vessels, VSD, renal defects, anencephaly, small left colon, hypoglycemia (prevent by early feedings), hypocalcemia
P: 1st trim; fetal hydantoin syndrome: pre- & postnatal growth retardation, hypoplasia of dital phalanges+NAILS, altered CNS, ocular hypertelorism, accentuated CUPIDS'S bow of upper lip
A: FAS: growth retard (IQ=67), development delay, microcephaly, microphthalmia, flat philtrum, ptosis, cleft,
SLE: (heart issues): AV block, transposition of great vessels, valve&septal defects; anti-Ro abs, ANA
CMV: next baby has limited risk; hearing/neurological risks; dx urine viral culture
HIV: continue infant's ZIDOVUDINE to dec transmission to baby
INH therapy in pregnant teen
Sickle cell Dz/Hemolytic Anemia
1 Day old Newborn
INH: give B6
M: vit A (blindness, bitot's spos, erophthalmia)
S: FOLATE; educate about ab palpation+temp taking; propylactic PO PCN; ; all children receive 7-valent PNEUMOCOCCAL vaccine @2mos & 23-valent @2y/o; HiB vaccine any age
1: vit K
Platelet Count
Ig Levels
Skin Candida Test
Nitroblue Tetrazolium test
PC: wiskott aldrich
CBC: asplenia/howell-jolly bodies
Ig: B-cell defects
Skin: T-cell def
NBT: phagocytic-cell defect, chornic granulomatous dz
Trisomy 21
Alport syndrome
Turner syndrome
nL infant PE findings
21: brushfield spots, upslanting palpebral fissures, palmar creases; endocardial cushion defect, VSD, TOF; short stature; hx of duodenal atresia at birth; double bubble KUB; microcephaly; centrally placed hair whorl; small ears; redundant skin of nape of the neck; flat nasal bridge; widely spaced 1st & 2nd toe; hypotonia
A: lead to ESRD; XD w/some AR; hematuria, deafness, ocular defects
T: edema over dorsum of hands/feet, loose skin folds at nape of neck; sexual infantilism, streak gonads, shielf chest, low hairline, coarctation of aorta, high palate, horseshoe kidney;
nL: coarse tremulous movements, ankle clonus, vascular instability, harlequin color change, softness of parietal bones, palpable liver 2 cm below coastal margin
Jaundice RF
dx studies

reduce jaundice

Physiological jaundice
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Jaundice 1st 24hrs
G6PD deficiency or spherocytic anemia
Choledochal Cyst
leads to neurological damage
sulfisoxazole & other drugs compete w/bilirubin
metabolic acidosis

dx: direct serum bilirubin, cbc, baby blood type, cooms, peripheral smear

-PHENOBARBITAL induces glucuronyl transferase thus reduce jaundice
nonesterified fatty acids (inc cold stress)

Physio: healthy baby develop 2nd/3rd day; peaks at 12mg/dL by 4th/5th day; disappears by end of wk; rate inc<5mg/dL per 24hr and max conjugated bilirubin=1mg/dL
BEncephalopathy: 18-20mg/dL
24hrs: hemolytic anemia w/indirect hyperbilirubinemia, reticulocytosis, red-cell destruction
G6PD: no blood group or Rh incompatibility
CC: direct>20% of total (consider CF, a1-antitrypsin); u/s+Tc99 (maybe liver biopsy, tissue for enzyme acivity;
not d/t ABO or Rh incompatibility
Short bowel syndrome
TPN: risk of sepsis; reversible mucosa atrophy w/oral feed
K: FLAME: Fatty Liver, Anemia, Malabsorption, Edema
M: low protein (>8%), low energy
D: 5-9%; restlessness, absent/reduced tears, weak radial pulses, orthostatic hypoTN;
Na+: doughy skin; tx NS (154mEq over 48h); [if SIADH=packed cells; seizures=hypertonic saline3%)
SBS: nutrient malabsoprtion; parenteral nutrition req
Caloric intake
-1st yr
-twins w/one baby with lower wt for date
1st: req 120 kcal/kg/d then 100; if FTT, additional 50-100% (RTA=common cause)
Milk: risk of hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia; only gut maturation, stops intestinal atrophy
Lower Wt: small for getational age; congenital anomalies; inc future growth retardation; asphyxia, meconium aspiration syndrome=pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, major pulm problems, pulm hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, inc hct (EMCO for this, severe pneumonia, persistant fetal circulation, diaphragmatic hernia)
PHYSIO Changes
Body Wt
Wt: loss of 1.5-2%/d 1st 5 days of life
Hct: dec d/t higher O2
Mec: first 2 days until soft yellow stools at 1-2d's
Bili: peaks 3-5d
Temp: stable
Blood O mom w/Blood A baby
Rh incompatibility
Twin w/higher Hct
O mom: hemolysis, jaundice, nL HCT, inc rets, nucleated rbcs & microspherocytes
Rh: frequently weak direct coombs test (-coombs=g6pd, spherocytosis aka nonimmune)
P: dec platelets
Twin: suspicion esp w/15% Hct difference; risk of hyperbilirubinemia, hypoCa++, renal vein thrombosis, CHF, convulsions;
H: narcotics; 1st 2days; hyperirritability, coarse tremors, V/D, fever, high-pitched cry, hyperventilation, seizures; inc. surfactant
BIRTH complications
cold room
SGA+ electrolytes
What breathing dx screen?
Postmature babies+chronic placental insufficiency
Cardiovascular: 60RR, grunting, intercostal retraction, nasal flar, cyanosis
Cleft lip+palate
Meningitis infant vs. adult
Purporic Rash day 2 of life
Inguinal Hernia
Cold: inc RR b/c unable to shiver to inc metabolic rate
SGA: leads to hypoglycemia+polycythemia (sugar=30mg/dL< is nL for the 1st day; Ca++ decline 2-3postatal days=nL; high Mg++ d/t MgSO4 therapy leading to dec muscle tone+flopiness; hct>65% is polycythemia, tremulosness, jitteriness
ED: affects C5-C6; no abduct or ER or suppination d/t forceps delivery
K: C7-T1; palsy of hand, Horner's syndrome like; not d/t fractures
Dx screen: FLUROSCOPY for characteristic movements on inspiration and expiration; improve spontaneously
Postmature: >42wks, apneic, limp, pale, pa soup amniotic fluid requires suction under direct vision
Cardio: dec lung compliance, dec lung volume, R-to-L blood shunt
VACTERL: d/t DIABETIC moms; Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia, Cardiovascular anomalies, TE fistula, Esophageal atresia, Renal/radial anomaly, Limb defects
Cleft: rf of recurrent OM and HL; repair Lip w/in 2-3mos; palate 6mos-5yrs
Poly: black healthy kids; simple excision
Meningitis: no bruzinski or kernig's sign or nuchal rigidity; petechiae(few purple spots) if n. meningitidis (b/c no luck with amoxicillin)
Purporic: congenital SYPHILLIS, RUBELLA, CMV are highly contagious; lead to jaundice; negative hemolytic studies
IH: no dx studies needed; just surgical consult
Caput Succedaneum
Intraventricular Hemorrhage

c/i to LP
E: bEla; cross tentorium; cross midline
Subd: Sdcgv; trauma, shaken baby, cross Suture lines
Suba: "worst HA in my life"; berry aneurysm, AVM
P: BG, internal capsule rupture
Pon: unconscious, symmetrically small pupils (also, coma, narcotis, pilocarpine, Horner syndrome; epi, phenylephrine; antihistamines; atropine-like; CN3 palsy)
CS: soft-tissue swell/edema resolve in few days; ecchymotic; ACROSS suture lines
Ceph: not cross suture lines; SUBPERIOSTEAL hemorrhages; no discoloration; swell 1st FEW HRS; resolve w/in 1st few weeks/months
IVH: small preterm infants; lead to progressive posthemorrhagic HYDROCEPHALUS; ENLARGING head CIRCUMFERENCE; apnea; bradycardia; lethargy; bulging fontanelle; widely split sutures; ventricular-peritoneal shunt

LP: bleding diathesis, open fontanelle, severe cardioresp distress, skin infection at puncture site, severe thrombocytopenia
Cholesterol (genetic)
1st or 2nd relatives after 2y/o;
nL for dietary fat=40% (meat, milk; contains Zn, Fe, Ca)
Holt-Oram Syndrome
Marfan Syndrome
William Syndrome
A: AD; deficient of C1 esterase inhibitor; ab pain, V/D; nL labs
HOS: AD; ASD or VSD; skeletal abnL of forearm+hand; affected carpal bone abnL
M: ectopia lentis, progressive dilatation of aortic root+ascending aorta, aortic aneurysm
W: supraventricular aortic stenosis; peripheral pulmonic stenosis, pulm valve stenosis, ASD, VSD, hyperCa+
Aortic Stenosis/Pulmonic Stenosis
Tricupsid Regurgitation
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Ebstein's Anomaly
Wolf-Parkinson White
Congenital Heart Block
AS/PS: systolic ejection; 2nd intercostal space; WIDELY SPLIT
ASD: loud S1, S2 FIXED split at ULSB;
VSD: HARSH/blowing holosystolic murmur LLSB w/radiation precordium
TR: Holosystolic+S3 at LLSB; asphyxia; EKG=RV hypertrophy
MVP: girls; AD; systolic apical murmur w/midsystolic CLICK; nL ekg, cxr; tx PCN prophylaxis for dental procedures
EA: atrialization of RV; quadruple rhythm, systolic murmur pulmonic, mid-diastolic LLSB; EKG=RA hypertrophy+ventricular block pattern R chest leads; downward displacement of tricupsid valve;
TOF: ekg of RV hypertrophy; IHOP; no cyanosis first few days of life
WPW: no murmurs/cyanosis, no abnLs, SVT; resolve w/in 30mins
CHB: SLE, gestational diabetes, petechiae, bruising, 60HR, 40RR, hepatomegaly
Hirschsprung Dz
Cystic Fibrosis
H: delayed passage of meconium; s/s green/brown vomit; insert finger for explosive stoolsstool-filled megacolon; poor tone; no wrkup need;risk of enterocolitis; dx. barium enema+rectal manometry or histochemical tissue w/inc. acetylchoinesterase and no ganglia cells; tx sx

CF: foul, smelling stools, losing wt; tx pancreatic enzymes; vit ADEK
Peptic Ulcer Dz
Meckel Diverticulum
Crohn Dz
Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli
PUD: black stools; NIGHT ab pain; GI bleed, fhx; fiberoptic endoscopy; upper Gi series
MD: reddish color stools, PAINLESS, very ACTIVE child, Fe deficient; several episodes (Tc99m), lead to bleeding/perforation/diverticulitis/volvulus; tx sx excision
I: 4-10mos/o; obtunded, vomit; loose/bloody stool=red currant jelly; SAUSAGE-shaped mass in RUQ; dx contrast enema; maybe d/t meckel's or polyps
C: D, fever, wt loss; periumbilical/postprandiol pain; possible arthritis/arthralgia;
EEC: poorly cooked beef; sorbitol-MacConkey agar
Lactose intolerance
H: necator americanus, ancylostoma duodenale; Eosinophilia, pica, +Guiac, Anemia
C/C: Hemolytic Anemia, RUQ pain, N/V, fever, jaundice; dx U/S
P: trauma and pain to back; paralytic ileus; dx Amylase; tx Supportive Care
L: milk hx, distension, crampy, flatulence; dx Hydrogen Excretion in Breath after oral administration of lactose or w/d of lactose; acidic stool pH; direct enzyme measurement
Colic: inc crying, fussiness, passage of flatus during evening hrs; d/t swallowed air, milk intolerance, maternal diet changes; tx Upright Position, Burping, Rocking, assistance in passing gas
-Malrotation w/volvulus
1st few weeks;
dilated stomach+proximal bowel loops;
CURLY Q twist of barium;
tx sx
Hypertrophic Pylori stenosis
Streaks of blood emesis
Reye Syndrome
WoLman dz
PS: not look ill; thickened pylorus via u.s; 1st born males; metabolic alkalosis w/low K+ and Cl-
GERD: spit up meals since 1m; 95%growth; asymptomatic tx small feeds, thickened formula, no high-fat meals
Streaks: asymptomatic; family w/similar symptoms; no intervention
R: V, seizures, coma, liver failure post-ASA use; no dx tests (inc LFTs+Ammonia); support tx
W: Lysosomal acid Lipase def.; HSM, D/V, FTT, icterus, malabsoprtion; KUB radiograph showing CALCIFICATION of ADRENAL gland; no tx
Barium Swallow+Upper GI series
Oral Reflux meds
Esophageal manometry
Close observation
Surgical correction w/fundoplication
Ba: antral web, pyloric stenosis, malrotation, annular pancreas
EM: poor esophageal sphincter
CO: growing well, developing properly, no other med problems
Sx: poor wt gain, reflux-associated apnea, bradycardia after failed pharm therapy
Nephrotic causes d/t drugs
Prune Belly Syndrome
Diabetic Insipidious
Fanconi Syndrome
Vesicoureteral Reflux
Urine Samples
Henoch-Schonlein Purpora/Anaphylactoid
Bartter Syndrome/Juxtaglomerular hyperplasia
N: trimethadione, penicillamine, captopril, probenicid, ethosuximide, methimazole, lithium, procainamide, chlorpropamide, phenytoin, paramethadione, tolbutamide, NSAIDs, Au, Mercury-Meds
P: males, lax/wrinkled ab wall, dilated urinary tract, intra-ab testes; renal dysfx/dysplasia; oligohydramnios, pulm hypoplasia, pneumo; congenital hip dislocation, clubfeet, intestine malrotation, 2ndary volvulus
DI: XR; several months old; high Na+ and K+; d/t lithium (also ATN)
FS: panproximal tube dysfx; anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, V, fevers, glucosuria (nL serum), basic urine pH, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, mild albuminuria; d/t outdated tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, cephalothin, cidofovir, valproic acid, streptozocin, 6-mcp, azathioprine, cisplatin, ifosfamide, heavy metals paraquat, maleic acid, glue sniff/toluene; tx by replace deficiencies
VR: abnL urine movement; lead to hydronephrosis, colic pain, lethargia; Grade 1-5 (1=non-dilated; 5=dilated everything); dx fluroscopic void cystourethrogram; tx deflux endoscopic injections; low-dose antibiotics, last=sx
Samples: suprapubic tap; if bladder cath, >10^3-10^4; if bag specimens & unforeskinned= contamination
HSP: recent URI; incr. IgA; extensor forearm surface, legs, butt; proteinuria, microhematuria; self-limiting; periarticular swelling
B: AR: HYPOKALEMIA, alkalosis, hyperaldosteronism, normotension, hypereniemia; FTT; constipation, weakness, vomit, polyuria, polydipsia; tx K+
Asthma prevention
Tx acute v chronic
Air filters NOT effective.
Allergen impermeable covers for mattress and pillows

DX: Hx no tests (may see eosinophilia, cxr hyperinflation/atelectasis/depress diaphragm)

Tx: acure: bronchodilators or MDI; 5 day PO prednisone/IV methylprednisone
Chronic: avoid triggers; inhaled corticosteroids; leukotriene receptor antagonists
Asthma severity
Tx exacerbations: inhaled short B2 agonist, IV corticosteroids
4Severe: continuous, limit activity, frequent night; FEV1<60%; high corticosteroids, long bronchodilators, PO steroids
3ModeratePersistent3: daily, >1exacerbations/wk, >1 night symptoms, FEV1=60-80%, medium cortico, low/med inhaled steroids&long broncho, Consider leukotriene inhibitor/theophylline
2MildPersistent2: >2/week, <1/day, >2/month nightly, FEV>80, low dose inhaled steroid, consider leukotriene inhibitor, cromyln, theophylline
1MildIntermittent1: <2/week, asymptomatic, <2/month, FEV>80, no meds
Embryonal carcinoma
Yolk Sac Tumor
V: bag of worms (pampinform plexus); SMA compress L renal vein; can be mistaken for inguinal hernia; tx reassurance, educate
H: fluid d/t inguinal lymphatic system caused by repeated, chronic infection of Wuchereria bancrofti or Brugia malayi, trauma, cancer, orchitis; indirect inguinal hernia; tx observe if small; sx if large
S: painless; epididymal duct; tx observe or spermatocoloectomy
O: c. trachomatis, n. gonorrhea, or epididimitis; tx nsaids, cefalexin, ciprofloxacin
Sem: painless; fried-egg apperance
EC: painful
YST: schiller-duval
E: d/t gonococcal, chlamdiae, acute, painful scrotal well; UA=pyuria; tx culture, IM ceftriaxone, PO doxycycline
Rheumatic Fever
Kawasaki Dz
Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia
Juvenile RA
Tricupsid Atresia
Transposition of Great Vessels
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
Pulmonic Atresia
Bechet syndrome
RF: longterm antibiotic prophylaxis; JONES criteria; steroids/salcylates for enlarged heart/inflamaation; barbituarates/chlorpromazine for chorea
K: conjunctivitis, prolonged fever, limp d/t arthralgia, exanthem, adenopathy, pharyngitis; INC platelets, epidermal peelling of hands+feet; tx IVIG+high-dose ASA
M: pallor, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, cardiomegaly, ADENOVIRUS/COXSACKVIRUS B, only ventricular & LA dilation+poor ventricular fx (not glycogen storage dz=muscle thickening or pericarditis=pleural effusion); if both R+L ventricular forces=glycogen storage dz
PAT: >250bpm, >60RR, hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly, poor peripheral pulses
JRA: spiking fevers, spindle-shaped swelling of finger joints, upper sternal pain; polyarthritis (>4), pauciarticular, rash
TA: ekg=L axis deviation+ LV hypertrophy (unlike transposition of great arteries, truncus arteriosus, TOF, presistent fetal circulation); dec pulm artery blood flow;
TGV: single S2, no resp distress; no cardiomegaly, nL pulm vasculature, EGG on a STRING,
TAPVR: below diaphragm; obstruction; venous congestion/SNOWMAN
PA: intact ventricular septum, early cyanosis, nL/diminish lung mark, cardiomegaly
B: VASCULITIS of small/medium; NONdestructive arthritis in multiple large joints (knees); fever, ERYTHEMA NODOSUM, aphthous stomaitis, uveitis, CNS issues (PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI)
study biochem
other flashcards
Myasthenia Gravis
Guillian Barre
Charcot-Marie-Tooth dz
Bell Palsy
Todd's paralysis
Supratentorial Brain Tumor
Subtentorial Brain Tumor
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Duchene Muscular Dystrophy
Tuberculous meningitis
Pontine Glioma
MG: ptosis, dysphagia, facial muscle weakness; rapid fatiguing of muscles; nL conduction velocity in motor nerve; EMG; dx study=edrophonium chloride (neostigimine for younger kids)
GB: weak LE to trunk; no DTRs; atrophy, pain; inc CSF protein; demyelination motor nerves; tx IV Ig/steroids, plasmapheresis
BP: post resp infection; rapid weakness of entire side of face;
CMT: peroneal&intrinsic foot muscle atrophy to intrinsic hand muscles+proximal legs
WH: ant horn in utero or 1st 6mos; hypotonia, weakness, delayed developmental motor
TP: follows a general/jacksonian seizure and not last more than 24-48hrs; incontinence
Supra: subacute, repeated HA; gradual weakness (craniopharygioma)
Sub: medulloblastoma or cerebellar astrocytoma; 50-60% of brain tumors
MMD: inc. CK; late walker; clumsy; sluggish when runs/climb stairs/ground-rise/tricycle; ptosis, baldness, hypogonadism, facial immobility, neonatal resp distress, cataracts; dx. check parents' percussion & grip
DMD: XR; enlarge calves; hip girdle weakness; inc lordosis; gower sign; later wheelchair use; mental impairment & cardiomyopathy; death d/t resp/cardio fail, pneumonia, aspiration
TM: CT=enhanced basal cisterns, inc protein; LOW GLUCOSE (compared to viral, bacterial meningitis, stroke, pseudotumor cerebri, etc);
PG: CN abnL (esp CN7, lower bulbar n), long-tract signs, unsteady gait 2ndary spasticity, behavior change;
C: poor growth, papilledema; supratentorial;
Fabry's Dz
Tay Sach's
Metachromatic leukodystrophy

F: XR; a-galactosidase a; ANGIOKERATITIS; older children, acroparesthesia, cataracts
TS: Spot in macula (cherry); Ashkenazic Jews; CNS degeneration; Hex A deficiency; psychomotor retardation, hypotonia, pronounce startle reflex, severe hyperacusis, seizures, loss of vision, macrocephaly
ML: demyelination; arylsulfatase A; cerebroside sulfate; progressive ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, gray macular lesions of eyes
K: optic atrophy; globoid cells; galactocerebrosidase
G: crumpled tissue paper; asepetic necrosis of femur; b-glucocerebrosidase
NP: foam; cherry spot; lymphadenopathy
Hurl: gargoyle; obstruction; hepatosplenomegaly; a-L-iduronidase
Hunt: XR; mild hurler's+aggression; iduronate sulfatase
Transient Tic
Chronic motor tics
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
TT: #1, boys, fhx, eye blinking, facial movements, throat clearing for weeks-years, no meds (zach collar)
CMT: persist; up to 3 MUSCLE groups
T: lifelong by motor/vocal tics; obsessive-compulsive behavior, ADHD; tx meds, psychosocial therapy
CP: movement/posture disorder; a/w epilepsy, abnL vision, speech, intellect; defect in developing brain; no tx available but multidisciplinary approach
E: change mental status; HSV=skin lesions, EBV=parotid swell; West Nile=flaccid paralysis+maculopalpular rash

R: fear of drinking h2o d/t laryngeal spasm, mouth foaming, alternating mania/stupor; no tx=death
Trichophyton tonsurans
Tinea Capitis
Group B Strep
Trichinella spiralis
enterobius vernicularis
Sporothrix schenckii
Rochalimaea henselae
Mu: fever, neck muscle pain, HA, malaise; pain behind mandible; swell in front/back of ear; not tolerate sour liquids/taste; no rash
Measles/rubeolla: cough coryza, conjunctivitis, maculopapular rash, koplick spots, erythematous maculopapular rash
Rubel: diffuse maculopapular rash last 3 days; posterior cervical/occipital LNs; diffuse maculopapular rash;
V: prodrome fever, anorexia, HA mild Ab pain; rash starts on scalp; pruritic
H: sudden fever, HA, backache, vomit
Shig: brief, generalized tonic clonic seizure, febrile, nL LP; large, watery stool w/blood; dx stool culture; tx supportive
TT: koh prep, (-)wood's lamp
TC: not seborrhea; 6m-puberty
Pb19: erythema infectiosum/5thDz; serious anemia; lead to 2ndary hydrops fetalis; roseola/viral exanthum
GBS: meningitis; bulge fontanelle, seizures, nucahl rigidity; dx LP; tx antibiotics
TS: weakness, fever, eosinophilia;
C: diarrhea of immunocompromised; epidemics of daycare centers; dx stool culture
EV: rectal itch
SS: infect cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue
RH: cat-scratch dz; fleas=transmission factor;
P: opportunistic d/t burns, trauma, swimming pools; prefer warm/moiste environments (unlike staph);
pts on long-term ASA therapy
d/t (chronic cardiac, pulm, heme, neuro)
Kawasaki+Scarlet Fever
Periorbital v. Orbital Cellulitis
K+S: similar scarlatiniform rash, desquamation, erythema of mucous membranes, cardiac involvement; tx ASA, IV gamma globulin
Mono: diffuse adenopathy, tonsillar enlargement, enlarge spleen, small hemorrhages of soft palate, periorbital swelling
Ost: d/t deep cellulitis; s. aureus; dx on clinical grounds; no x-ray; bone scans w/radionuclides; tx 3 wks antibiotics
P: proptosis, pain, edema of conjunctiva, opthalmoplegia, dec visual acuity
Orb: infection of adjacent paranasal sinus
SJS: erythema multiforme, vesicular, ulcerated lesions of mucous membranes of eyes, mouth, anus, urethra
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Dz
Job Buckley
Di: T-cell dz; CATCH: cardiac, abnormal faces, thymic hypoplasia, Cleft palate; HypoCa++
B: B-cell dz; 3mos/o; recurrent OM, pneumonia, diarhea, sinusitis
WA: T,B-cell dz; dec IgM, inc IgA+IgE; ECZEMA, recurrent OM, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia
SCID: T,B cell deficiency; marked lymphopenia, agammaglobulinemia; hypoplasia of thymus; chronic diarrhea, recurrent, serious bacterial/fungal/viral infections; WASTING
JB: phagocytic chemotaxis; incr IgE; eczema-like rash, severe staph infections
C: 1-3mos/o; rales; HYPERINFLATION w/interstitial infiltrates
M: HA, malaise, fever, LRI; dyspnea/fever WORSENS; interstitial/bronchial patter of lower loes
S: several days
T: high-risk group; variable clinical/cxr for kids; hilar lymphadeonapthy, focal hyperinflations, atelectasis
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
Thrombic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
Fetomaternal Transfusion
ALL poor prognosis
Spherocytosis a/w
ITP: most common; preceding viral infection; dx of exclusion; PC<20k w/other nL labs; tx exogenous IV gamma globulin
TTP: rare in kids
G6PD: pallor, dark urine, jaundice; HEINZE BODY; (-)coomb's test; AA, greek, chinese, middle eastern
FMT: pale but nL PE; Mom=A, Rh+; Baby=O, Rh-; no blood-group incompatibility
ALL: <12mos or >10-15yrs; CNS leukemia, WBC>100k, mediastinal mass
DIC: mutliple nonblanchin purple lesions of varioius sizes scattered on the trunk/extremities; petechiae; fragmented cells, few platelets, inc PT/PTT, dec [fibrinogen], inc fibrin split products, inc thrombin generation
E: NAACP: Neoplasm, Allergy/ Asthma/eczema, Addison's disease, Collagen vascular diseases, Parasites (helminth); serum sickness, angioneurotic edema
S: hyperthermia, G6PD, ABO incompatibility (not Rh)
H: younger age if underdeveloped country; swollen neck/groin glands; inc cough; fevers, wt loss; no hepatosplenomegaly; dx CXR,
Tdap v. Td booster; adults v. children

6mos, 2yrs, 4yrs
1 yr
Tdap: 10 yrs (11-12y/o)
Td: 2 yrs
adults every 10 yrs; no Tdap or Td

6mos, 2yrs, 4yrs:
HepB, IPV, Rotovirus, vitamins, Fluoride
2yrs: pneumo

V: no hx of chickenpox
MMR: no booster 4-6y/o
hep A

Hep B


A: chronic liver dz, homo male sex, travel to countries

B: high risk of exposure, health prof, lots of partners, etc

Men: asplenia or endemic countries; also age 11-12, freshman dorms, military base

Flu: older than 6 mos.
Pneumococcal vaccine

PPD sizes indicating positivies
One time vaccination; Older than 65
Unless cardio, pulm, renal, hepatic dz or disbetes, immunodeficiency, asplenic when received before 60y/o

nL people15mm;
highly suspicious10mm;
Black Widow SPider
Brown Recluse Spider
Larval Migrans
T: rocky mountain; red macules on peripheral extremities-->purpuric, confluent.paralysis, ataxia, areflexia 1-2d later and ascends; tx remove it;
Scor: severe rxn pain+swell; severe systemic rxn w/shock, excess salivation, convulsions;TX tourniquets, phenobarbital, specific antivenins
Black: painful local rxn w/systemic; N/V, sweating, HTN, ab pain; TX meperidine, IV CaGluconate, antivenin
Brown: chronic skin ulceration
Larval: barefoot beach walk in mexico
Tularemia: pain, ulceration
Howell Jolly Bodies
Target Cell
Uniformly small microspherocyte
HLA matching
HJB: sickle cell anemia; smal nucelar remnants
PMNS: folic acid def
T: HALT: Hgb C dz, Asplenia, b-thalassemia, Liver dz, obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis, heart failure, hepatosplenomegaly
Small: spherocytosis, immune hemolytic anemia, microangiography, ABO incompatibility, hypersplenism; tx phototherapy
HLA: unrelated, identical twins can match
Early Onset of nL puberty (constitutional)
Constituionally Short stature
Bone Age +RF inc/dec growth
Kleinfelter dx
Testicular feminazation
Early: nL girl w/acne, breast dvlpmt, fine pubic hair
Short: consistent growth rate; puberty=14y/o or else delayed is nL for short; bone age=chronological age
A: disproportionate (unlike GH def proportionate); prominent foreheads; marked lumbar lordosis; stubby fingers
M: excess mucopolysaccharidoses; disporportionate
Bone Age: 9y/o is best indication; advanced in congenital adrenal hyperplasia; retarded by thyroxine, FTT, glucocorticoid excess
R: exclusive breast-feed; no vitamin supplement; limit sun exposure; hypocalcuria; inc alkaline phosphatase; low PO4 nL Ca
Klein: buccal smear+karyotyping (XXY)
TF: bilateral inguinal hernias; otherwise nL; develop breast buds, female body habitus b/c androgen resistance
Acute Lymphotic Thyroditis
Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Hashimoto Thyroditis/chronic lymphotic
Dysgenetic Thyroid Gland
Medullary Carcinoma Thyroid
LT: asymptomatic; more girls; tx synthroid (v. Subacute=painful)
AT: a/w addison dz; insulin-dependent DM
HT: +antimicrosomal ab; high antithyroidglobulin titer
C: d/t rubella; late-onset (age 13)
D: 12y/o; hot nodule; palpable; not euthyroid
MCT: nL PO4, nL Ca++
Cushing Syndrome
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Bilateral Adrenal Hyperplasia
Pseudohypoparathyrodism (albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome
Hyperglycemia measure
Inadequate stores of nutrients
Osteogenia imperfecta
C: primary adrenal abnormality (adenoma/carcinoma) or 2ndary hypercortisolism d/t excess adrenocorticotropin
CAH: nL PE, vomit, dehydration, hyperpigment nipples; Na=120, K=9, Glucose=120
BAH: central fat distribution, arrested growth, HTN, plethora, purple striae, osteoporosis; dx measure evening cortisol levels
HA: dec K+; conn syndrome is rare for kids
PanH: apnea, cyanosis, severe hypoglycemia
Pseudo: low Ca, high P, high PTH; mental retardation, short stature, obesity w/round facies, short neck, subscapular cataracts; delayed bone age, mental retardation, BRACHYDACTYL(4th, 5th digits), CALCIFICATIONSof BG
PW: severe hypotonia, poor feeding since birth
LMB: AR: obese, mental retardation, POLYDACTYL, hypogonadism, NIGHT blindness, retinitis pigmentosa; LITTLE MOVEment in utero;
HyperCa+: depress, listless, N, constipation, microscopic hematuria, HTN, Ca++/Cr ratio>0.2;
HyperG: Hba1c measure 2-3mos
Inadequate: glu=20mg/dL; SGA;
HypoCa: tetany, convulsions; mom=DM, pregnancyHTN; SGA preme; incr Mg, intracranial hemorrhages, transient/permanenet hypothyroidism
OI: nL PO4+Ca
Wilson: AR; HSM, intention tremor, dysarthria, dystonia, deteriation in school; abnL urine b/c fanconi (inc glucose, protein, uric acid); Asterxis, BG degen, low Ceruloplasmin, Caiser rings, Cirrohosis, Cu deposits, Dementia

Menke: XR, Cu def; 1st months; hypothermia, hypotonia, myoclonic seizures; chubby, rosy cheeks, kink colorless friable hair; severe MR; tx IV/SQ Cu injections and symptoms
(2) inc scrotum+testes (3)inc penis (4) inc penis; darker scrotum
(2) breast+papilla (4) 2ndary mound of papilla/areola (5) only papilla
(2) sparse (3)darker (4) adult but smaller (5) larger areas
Neglect Schoolwork/no future
Excessive concern of well-being+physical symptoms
Constant quarrel w/friends
Bickering w/siblings
Superficial romantic attractions fueled more by fantasy
Attempt Suicide
Eating disorders
Young Pregnancy
Bulk Up
Neglect: immaturity, depression
Excess: anxiety, depression
Friends: no flexibility or accomodation
Siblings: nL
Romance: rehearsals for more serious attachments to come
Suicide: hospitalization; boys more completed suicides; attempts=girls;
Eating: unappreciable by parents until 10% wt loss; BULIMICS=esophageal varices, hemorrhage, dental decay, swollen reddened irritated uvula, Depression; ANOREXIA=25-30%wt loss; dehydration, hirsutism, loss of hair on head, bradycardia, cardiac conduction, hypocardia, hypothermia, impaired renal fx, multiple malnutrition effects, amenorrhea1or2, osteoporosis, OCD/narcisstic personality; tx IMIPRAMINE
YP: higher risk of preeclampsia, eclampsia; high prematurity
Bulk Up: inc muscle work; harmful/not helpful=vitamines, proteins, meds, hormones
Urethritis tx
Torsion of Testes
Tubovarian abscess
HSV: dx only when symptomatic
U: tx by ceftriaxone, doxycycline b/c for gonococcal+nongonococcal (can use azythromycin 1x)
TT: no cremasteric reflex, hard to examine; +prehns sign=worsen; dx U/S; tx sx
E: +sex hx/UTI; dx inc uptake w/radionuclide scan; n. gonorrhoea/chlamydia, tx antibiotics
TA: lower ab pain, fever, tender adnexal mass; irregular periods, vag d/c; new sex partner; long term sequelae of ectopic pregnancy
SEX Dx Studies
Chocolate Agar Medium
CAM: HAEMOPHILUS DUCREYI; small papules on labia and perineum; inguinal adenopathy at same time as chancroid unllike (lymphogranuloma venereum)
Tzanck: painful, erythematous small vesicles/ulcers on glans penis; HSV, VZV, CMV
Swim: rotator cuff tendinitis of biceps and/or supraspinatus; shoulder pain/tenderness
Foot: ACL, PCL, collateral ligament tears, truf toe
B/V: knee; osgood-schlatter dz, sprains to knee ligaments; ankle injuries
Run: strains of hamstrings, adductors, soleus, gastrocnemius; runner's knee=anterior knee pain d/t patellofemoral stress
Ballet: delayed menarche, eating disorders; bunions, overuse knee, ankle
Wrestlers: shoulder subluxation; prepatellar bursitis; variety of skin dz (herpes simplex (gladiatorum), impetigo, staphylococcus furunculosis/folliculitis
Ski: skier's thumb (abd, hyperE=sprain of ulnar collateral ligament)
Hockey: mild contusions, significant lacerations; teeth loss