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100 Cards in this Set

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Human milk is associated with ____ reflux and colic than formula
Most common complication of untreated ureteral reflux in children
Renal scarring --> ESRD/ HTN
Most common predisposing factor for acute bacterial sinusitis
Viral URI
Failure to pass meconium within first 24hrs often indicates
Hirschsprung's disease
Intramural air in the bowel indicates
Pneumatosis intestinalis, indicating necrotizing enterocolitis
Rx for NEC
Rx for respiratory distress from foreign body aspiration
Direct laryngoscopy and rigid (NOT flexible) bronchoscopy
Should preemies should be given vaccinations based on their gestational or chronological age?
How much do babies need to weight in order to receive the HBV vaccine?
Leukocoria, sensitivity to light, and excessive lacrimation
Congenital glaucoma
Rx for nursemaid's elbow (child keeps arm pronated, no swelling or deformity)
Rotating hand and forearm to supinated position w/ pressure over radial head (to reduce the annular ligament)
Most common elbow dislocation
Tenderness of lateral epicondyle + pain w/ passive wrist flexion and resisted wrist extension
Tennis elbow
Baseball player w/ pain, crepitation, and loss of motion of arm
Osteochondrosis of capitellum (Panner disease)
Clay colored stools, dark urine, enlarged liver + conjugated hyperbili 1-6wks after birth
Biliary atresia
Rx for breastfeeding jaundice
Increase the frequency and duration of feedings to stimulate more milk production
Rx for bili > 17 and for bili > 25
Exchange transfusion
2wo with bilious vomiting, abdominal distension, and passage of bloodstained stools
Midgut volvulus
Non-bilious projectile vomiting in a 6wo first-born male
Pyloric stenosis
Top 3 causes of ear infections
Strep pneumo, non-typable H influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis
Viral causes of rubeola, rubella, and roseola
Measles, german measles, HHV6
Descending rash + fever + lymphadenopathy
Risk of rapid drops in sodium level (e.g. from rehydrating with hypotonic solutions)
Cerebral edema
5 long-term neuro sequelae of bacterial meningitis
Hearing loss, loss of cognitive functions (e.g. regression of milestones in kids), seizures, mental retardation, spasticity or paresis
What is alexia
Acquired reading disorder subsequent to brain injury in previously literate pt
Abx choices for septic arthritis
<5: nafcillin (or vanc) + 3rd gen cef
>5: nafcillin (or vanc) alone
Gait disturbances, pes cavus, ataxia, absent ankle jerks
Friedreich's ataxia
Proximal and distal hypotonia since birth, normal social and language skills, and tongue fibrillations
Infantile spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
Another name for infantile SMA
Werdnig-Hoffman's syndrome
Triple bubble on abdominal XR
Jejunal atresia
Knee pain from repetitive injury sports in adolescent males w/ some edema and tenderness over tibial tubercle
Osgood-Schlatters Disease
Another name for and Rx for Osgood-Schlatters Disease
Traction apophysitis

Activity restriction, stretching, NSAIDs
How to distinguish patellar tendonitis from traction apophysitis
Pts w/ patellar tendonitis have point tenderness at inferior pole of patella
Knee XR with irregularity/ fracture of the tibial tubercle
Traction apophysitis
Feared complication fo meningococcemia
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (sudden vasomotor collapse and purpura on flanks due to adrenal hemorrhage)
CF is due to what category of mutation
Opsonization defect is most commonly due to ___ and leads to infections with ___ organisms
Encapsulated (e.g. S pneumo)
Delayed growth spurt, delayed puberty, and delayed bone age on XR
Constitutional growth delay (will eventually reach a normal height)
Normal birth weight and height, but then growth velocity slows, and child following growth curve at around 5th percentile for multiple years
Constitutional growth delay
Rx for gonococcal conjunctivitis (2nd-5th day of life)
Rx for chlamydial conjunctivitis
Oral erythromycin or reduce risk of chlamydial PNA
Most common cause of polycythemia in newborns
Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord --> excess transfer of placental blood
Most common complications of polycythemia in newborns
Respiratory distress, poor feeding, neuro symptoms (lethargy, irritability, seizures)
Dx and Rx for transposition
Prostaglandin E1 to stabilize (maintains PDA), then surgery
What type of virus is rubella?
Toga virus
Congenital infections: cardiac anomalies (PDA and ASD), "blueberry muffin spots" (purpura), jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly
Rubella (+ hearing loss and cataracts)
Women are at risk of transmitting rubella during which part of pregnancy
First four weeks if primary infection
Pain in the hip that gradually progresses in a child with sickle cell anemia
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
By 1yo, how much should a child have grown compared to birth weight?
Triple birth weight
Increase height by 50%
How to distinguish ADHD from hearing impairment?
Hearing impairment also has poor language development and social isolation
Pt normal at birth, then develops muscle weakness and global wasting
Myotonic muscular dystrophy
Definition of myotonia
Delayed muscle relaxation (e.g. inability to release hand after handshake)
Another name for and inheritance of myotonic muscular dystophy
Steinert disease
Other systems involved in myotonic dystophy
Endocrine (DM, testicular atorphy, frontal baldness, hypothyroidism)
Dx for suspected severe GERD
Modified barium swallow with fluorscopy (allows visualization of swallow reflux)
Dx for suspected PUD
Endoscopy (allows for biopsy and culture)
What is Sandifer syndrome?
Condition in which infants arch and become tonic when feeding to protect their airway from refluxing gastric contents
Dx for suspected Sandifer syndrome
Esophageal pH probe
Rx for eosinophilic esophagitis
Corticosteroids and trigger avoidance
XR with dilated loops of bowel and stomach + "curly Q twist of barium
Rx for malro/volvulus
Echogenic bowel on prenatal ultrasound, then dilated loops of bowel w/ bubbly or granular appearance on XR at birth
Meconium ileus
Meconium ileus is pathognomonic for
ASCA is often positive in ___ while p-ANCA is often positive in ____
Most serious complication of ulcerative colitis
Toxic megacolon
Rx for Hirschsprung's disease
When are reflux meds indicated
Other medical problems (reflux-induced apnea or bradycardia, aspiration PNA, poor weight gain)
Diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum
Radionucleotide scan (technetium)
Rx of Meckel's
Surgical excision
Dx of lactose intolerance
Hydrogen excretion in breath after oral admin of lactose (or acidic stool pH in presence of reducing substances)
Causes of direct hyperbili (>20) in infants
CF, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, galactosemia, tyrosinemia, infection, choledochal cyst
Moribund appearance indicates dehydration to what extent
First teeth to erupt
Mandibular central incisors (last are second molars)
Infantile tooth decay, maxillary worse than mandibular
From bottles
Rx for completely avulsed secondary teeth
Dental eval w/in 30 min, ensure not a partial avulsion, transport teeth in milk, saline, or someone's mouth
Caues and largest risk factor for indirect inguinal hernia
Patent processus vaginalis
Cause of direct inguinal hernia
Weak musculature in inguinal canal
Rx for indirect inguinal hernia
Surgery b/c incarceration is common
How to distinguish swallowed maternal blood from fetal hemorrhage
Apt test (fetal Hb unchanged in response to alkali, adult Hb changes to hematin)
Rx for NEC
Abx, surgery only if perforated
Dx of EHEC (from uncooked beef)
Stool Cx on sorbitol-MacKonkey agar or assay for shiga toxin
Vitamin deficiency: diffuse tenderness (esp on legs), poor wound healing, evidence of hemorrhage, irritability, swelling, tachypnea, poor appetite
Vitamin C
Vita deficiency: dry skin, poor growth, impaired cognition
Vita A (+ night blindness)
Ingestions: N/V/D, abd pain, GI bleeding, metabolic acidosis, small opacities on XR
Iron poisoning
Ingestions: lethargy, fever, hyperpnea, vomiting, tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, unremarkable XR
Aspirin poisoning
Ingestions: anorexia, bulging fontanelle (pseudotumor cerebri), hyperirritability, vomiting
Vita A
Ingestions: anorexia, N/V/D, headache, polyuria and polydipsia
Vita D
Infant with equinus and varus of the calcaneum and talus, varus of midfoot, and adduction of forefoot
Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)
Rx for clubfoot
Stretching and manipulation, followed by serial plastar casts
Rx for RSV
Aerosolized ribavirin
Most serious complications of Kawasaki disease
Giant aneurysm formation, thrombosis, or rupture of the coronary arteries --> MI (so need to perform an echo)
5 major Jones Criteria
SubQ nodules
Erythema marginatum
3 minor Jones criteria
Previous rheumatic fever
Rx for rheumatic fever
Benzathine penicillin G (+ AEDs, salicylates, and codeine for chorea, pericarditis, and arthritis, respectively)
Embryologic precursor of neuroblastoma
Neural crest cells
Embryologic precursor of Wilms' tumor
Cause of thrombocytopenia in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Impaired production
Cause of thrombocytopenia in ITP
Production of Abs against platelets
Cause of thrombocytopenia in HUS
Platelet activation and consumption (also seen in DIC and TTP)
Storage disease: adolescent w/ chronic fatigue (anemia), easy bruisability (thrombocytopenia), bone pain, pathologic fractures (Erlenmyer flask deformity of distal femur) and wrinkled paper cells in bone marrow
Gaucher's disease (deficiency of acid beta-glucosidase)