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333 Cards in this Set

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What is goat milk lacking?
Decreased Folate, Decreased B12 and possible brucellosis
Signs of Vit A deficiency in neonate
Fontanelle fullness
Signs of Vit E deficiency in neonate
hemolytic anemia
What is a Kasai procedure?
Used for biliary atresia, anastomoses porta hepatis and small bowel to allow drainage of bile ducts.
What are features of Edward's syndrome?
Micrognathia, microcephaly, rockerbottom feet, overlapping fingers. VSD is common
What is the most common heart defect in Downs?
ASD, followe by endocardial cushing defect.
What is the most common cause of congenital heart block?
Child presents with abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, pale, and jaundiced, 2+ pedal edema
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
E.coli activates complement = cell lysis.

Anemia+thrombocytopenia + renal insufficiency
What is the schedule for the polio vaccine?
Three does of polio vaccine prior to 18 months then fourth booster at 4-5 years.
What is Todd's paralysis?
Postictal transient hemiplegia
What is the most common heart defect in Downs?
ASD, followe by endocardial cushing defect.
What is the most common cause of congenital heart block?
Child presents with abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, pale, and jaundiced, 2+ pedal edema
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
E.coli activates complement = cell lysis.

Anemia+thrombocytopenia + renal insufficiency
What is the schedule for the polio vaccine?
Three does of polio vaccine prior to 18 months then fourth booster at 4-5 years.
What is Todd's paralysis?
Postictal transient hemiplegia
Painless rectal bleeding in a 2 year old, what study should you order?
Order a technetium 99 to detect gastric tissue in a colon = Meckel's diverticulum
Barking cough, + resp distress + less than three?
Laryngotracheobronchitis =Croup = Parainfluenza virus.
What are signs to differentiate eppiglottitis from Croup?
Epiglottitis is more toxic, increased fevers, increased stridor, and excessive drooling.
Who should be treated in someone diagnosed with pertussis and with what?
All close household contacts should be treated for 14 days with a macrolide like erythromycin/azithromycin
What is the most common causes of sepsis in a sickle cell patient?
Pneumococci, because the spleen is not functioning
Signs are, fever, hypotension, altered mental status, increased WBC count, and bandemia
Pt presents with fever, toxicity, sandpaper like rash, strawberry tongue, what do they have?
Scarlett fever caused by group A streptococci, produce a eryythogenic exotoxin
Treat with Penicillin V
What is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and what are the symptoms?
RSV, wheezing associated with URI caused by RSV.
What is erythema toxicum?
It is a benign rash in infants from eosinophil influx.
What are signs of low riboflavin levels?
Cheilosis, glossitis, ocular problems
What are the signs of B6 deficiency?
Seizures, peripheral neuropathy, dermatitis, microcytic anemia.
What is most likely diagnosis of newborn with scales in scalp?
Seborrheic dermatitis
What vitamin deficiency can phenytoin cause?
Describe chilblain and frostbite
Chilblain = small ulcerated lesions on ears and fingers
Frostbite = frozen and destroyed
Lead poisoning treatment
Levels need to be greater than 45,
dimercaprol + calcium + EDTA
What are side effects of the happy pill?
Phenothiazine = extrapyramidal symptoms reversed with diphenhydramine
What is used in the medical treatment of vWF
Desmopressin, increases output of vWF
What disease is indicated with a positive nitroblue + tetrazolium test
Chronic Granulomatous Disease= difficulty forming oxygen radicals to kill pathogens, leads to formation of granulomas in many organs. Lots of abcesses
What is a likely diagnosis of a person with eczema + thrombocytopenia
Signs of tricyclic antidepressant overdose
Widening of QRS, Fab fragments are adminstered
Names 6 signs of Rheumatic fever
Carditis, Arthritis, Erythema marginatum, Chorea, Subcutaneous nodules
Sound of ASD
Fixed splitting of second heartsound
Sound of VSD
Harshblowing holosystolic murmur
Sound of tricuspid regurg
middiastolic rumble
Name four major signs of kawasaki
Prolonged rash, epidermal peeling on hands and feet, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy.
Sound of mitral prolapse
apical murmur in late systole preceded by a click.
Most common causes of myocarditis
Coxsackie B
Quadruple rhythm + tricuspid regurg + middiastolic murmur at lower left sternum
Ebstein's anomaly
Symptoms of JRA
spindle shape swelling, spiking fever, diffuse rash.
Hypoplastic right ventricle + left axis deviation and LVH
Tricuspid atresia
Early cyanosis + normal sized heart + ECG right axis deviation + RVH (egg on a string sign)
Transposition of great vessels
Male with shield chest, cryptochoridism + pulmonic stenosis
Long QT syndrome is assoiciated with what other congenital anomaly
What heart sound is abnormal in adults but is normal in children?
A Child has recurring hemoptysis that rapidly improves, what will you find in a bronchoalveolar lavage, and what is the diagnosis?
Will find hemosiderin macrophages, diagnosis is Idiopathic pulmonary sclerosis
What pathogen is found in child with dogs who eats dirt?
Toxacara caris
What do you treat mycoplasma pneumonia with?
A macrolide such as erythromycin/azithromycin
Most common cause of lung abscess?
S. aureus, S. pneumonia, S. pyogenes
Risperidone can causes what side effects?
weight gain and hyperprolactinemia, amenorrhea, and galactorrhea. Because it is a dopamine and serotonin antagonist.
What is a common cause of steven-johnson syndrome
What medication increases fetal hemoglobin? Possible side effects?
Hydroxyurea, may cause leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia
What can be damaged if a child falls on a stick in mouth
Carotid artery dissection
What is the first step in treatment of a diaphramatic hernia?
place orogastric tube to prevent bowel distention= preventing further lung compression
How many words should a child know at 18 months? and at 24?
18 months= 5-20
24 months = 150-300 words + short sentences
What is the name of a diseases that causes self mutilation, mental retardation, hyperuricemia,
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome = hyperuricemia
Most common tumor type in children
Second most common type of tumor in children
A child arches his back and tilts head what is the diagnosis and what test is used to confirm it?

24 hour pH monitoring is gold standard
Chorioretinitis + hydrocephalus + intracranial calcifications
Congenital toxoplasma
Congenital rubella presents as what
Deafness, cataracts, cardiac defects
What is a subperiosteal hemorrhage that presents a few hours after birth, scalp swelling limited to one cranial bone?
Diffuse, ecchymotic, selling of scalp. Part of head that presented
Caput succedaneum
Irritability, vomiting, red currant jelly stools and abdominal mass
Child with jaundice, large tongue, hoarse cry, decreased activity
Hypothyroidism, the most common cause is thyroid dysgenesis
How is aspergers different from autism
normal language development
What is the most common cause of diarrhea in children between 6 months and 2 years?
What disease is characterized by precocious puberty, pigmentation (cafe au lait spots), polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Mccune Albright
Infant just born with drooling and gastric distention
TracheoEsophageal Fistula
What is a sail sign in children chest x-ray
large thymic shadow which is normal in children less than 2 years old
What is the defect and inheritance of osteogenesis imperfecta II
autosomal dominant, type 1 collagen defect
Most likely diagnosis of coughing spells after URI
Pertussis, last two to ten weeks.
What is the treatment for recurrent enuresis?
Treatment for septic arthritis after URI?
IV nafcillin or refazolin + arthocentesis also.
Child with normal t-cells and very low b-cells (CD19). Normal child until 6-9 months. Low IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE
Bruton's x-linked agammaglobinemia
AR degeneration of of anterior horn cells and cranial nerve motor nucleus = floppy baby syndrome.
werdnig hoffman syndrome
flat rash seen over glabella, eyelids and neck
salmon patch
How to treat an acute episode of sickle cell.
Hydrate + opiods, then hydroxyurea
How does HUS injure the kidney?
Injures enothelial cells of kidney
Sinusitis treatment
40-50 mg/kg/day of amoxicillin
What is dactylitis
vasoocclusive disease in sickle cell anemia
What is a necessary lab test for children with enuresis
Perform urinalysis
When should a child's weight double?
5 months
When should the weight triple?
1 year
Height increases by 50% in how long?
one year
Hey doubles in how long?
4 years
Height triples in how long?
13 years
What should make you suspicious for RTA?
Normal anion gap, metabolic acidosis, decreased ability to resorb bicarb and excrete hydrogen
Type 1 RTA?
Defect in secreting hydrogen, acidotic, hypokalemic, Increased urinary pH. Presents with nephrolithiasis
Type 2 RTA?
Decreased bicarb reabsorption, fanconi syndrome in proximal tubule.
Type 4 RTA
Na/K exchange in distal tubule, Increased hyperkalemic, hypercholoremic acidosis, obstructive uropathy
In Chronic granulomaous disease what does not work? What type of organisms are you more susceptible to and what should you treat it with?
The NADPH oxidase is inactivated. Susceptible to catalase expressing organisms like staph. Neutrophils filled with bacteria is classic on a gram stain.
In DiGeorge what are you more susceptible to?
T cell dysfunction fungal and viral disease
What are CBC findings in iron deficiency anemia?
microcytic anemia, with increased RDW, and decreased reticulocyte count
What are the 4 major differentials for microcytic anemias?
Iron deficiency
Chronic Disease
Sideroblastic anemia
What happens to TIBC in iron deficiency anemia?
Increases because tranferrin is not saturated
How to treat clubfoot?
Start immediately, stretching followed by serial casting.
Signs of Tetrology of Fallot
Tet spells, pansystolic murmur from the VSD.
Signs of Reye Syndrome
Vomiting, agitation, irrational behavior, lethargy, stupor
Increased ammonia, AST, ALT, biopsy of liver kidney and brain shows microvesicular steatosis
What should you be worried about with a new born with new onset jaundice after day 3 and within the first week.
What should you do if you obtain a high iron level on a capillary blood specimen
Confirm with serum(venous blood) sample because there is a hight false positive rate.
What should a child be able to copy a cross and a circle? Square and rectangle, triangle, diamond?
Cross and circle = 3 years old
Square and rectangle = 4
Triangle = 5
Diamond = 6
Rheumatic fever is a complication of what?
Streptococcal pharyngitis
At what age are the frontal sinuses developed?
What is the most common predisposing factor for acute bacterial sinusitis?
What are the genetics behind friedrich ataxia
AR; excessive trinucleotide repeat
What is differential for t-wave inversion
Myocarditis, infarction, old pericarditis, myocardial contusion
Abdominal mass in the 1st year of life with fever, hepatomegaly and crosses midline
Most sensitive diagnostic characteristic of otitis media
ear drum is immobile
Solitary, lytic, longbone lesions, and hypercalcemia
langerhans histiocytosis
What eye disorders should children be screened for and by age?
Screen by age 5 for strabismus, amblyopia, and refractive errors.
When does stranger anxiety peak?
starts at 9 months, peaks at 12-15 months.
Infant in first two weeks of life presents with poor suckling reflex, fatigue, rigidity, spasms, opisthotamus.
Neonatal tetanus
What is the best med for staph, strep and MRSA?

don't use penicillin or amoxicillin with staph cuz of beta lactamases
Possible long term sequels of meningitis
Hearing loss
Loss of cognitive function
mental retard
Three most important signs of hemoyltic uremic syndrome
thrombocytopenia+ microangiopathic hemolytic anemia + ARF
Thrombocytopenia + hemolytic anemia + neuro disorders + renal dysfunction + Fever
Hemophilia has a rise in which coagulation parameter?
Physiologic jaundice begins when? Direct or Indirect bili?
2nd or 3rd day, increase in indirect bili
Treatment for ICP in meningitis
Start 3rd gen cephalosporin + CT + lumbar puncture
Most common organisms found in a chronic sinus infection
staph + anaerobes
Most common causes of acute bacterial sinusitis
Strep pneumo 30%
Haemophilus influenza 20%
Moraxella cattarrhals 20 %
What newborns are at risk for polycythemia?
Small for gestational age, because of hypoxia in utero
What are the criteria for colic
Presents by three weeks, = excessive crying for more than three hours a day more than three days a week.
What should you worry about with headaches + focal neuro symptoms after otitis media
Brain abcess, a ring enhancing lesion seen on CT.
What are turners patients with 46 XY at increased risk for?
Gonadoblastoma, perform a prophylactic bilateral gonadectomy
Myotonic muscular dystrophy
Autosomal dominant delayed muscle relaxatio.
What is congenital flaccid larynx called and what is the treatment
Laryngomalacia, dont feed baby while laying down, goes away by 18 months.
What is the most common cause of cerebral palsy?
Cerebral anoxia
What qualifies as an innocent murmur in children?
Systolic ejection less than II/VI and varies with position
What is diagnostic of ALL?
Lymphoblasts >25%. Hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
What is the most common cause of acute exacerbation of CF and the treatment?
Probably pseudomonas treat with 3rd gen ceph, ceftazidine, + aminoglycoside like gentamicin.
What is the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage in children?
AVM, history of seizures and headaches.
In children under 9 with lymes disease how do u treat them.
If u see the typical erythema migrans rash treat them with amoxicillin for 21 days, if they are over 9 you can use doxycycline.
Severe dehydration + low sodium + high potassium + low glucose + metabolic acidosis
CAH + Saltwasting + 21 hydroxylase deficiency
What vitamin should you give people with measles
Vit A
What should you vaccinate people with sickle cell disease against
Strep Pneumo, HaeM Influenza, Neisseria, all which are encapsulated
Name 5 criteria for kawasaki and the treatment
fever > 5 days
Bulbar conjunctivitis
Desquamation of finger tips
Erythema, fissuring of lips
treat with IVIG and Aspirin
Difference in presentation between scarlett fever and kawasaki?
Positive strep test, and normal lips. Treat with penicillin v for 10 days.
When does gonoccal conjunctivitis present?
Between the second and fifth day after birth.
When does chlamydial conjunctivitis present?
Most common, takes over a week and can cause pneumonia also.
What age would expect a baby to be that throws objects and comes when called.
12 months.
What are common features of leukocyte adhesion defect?
Delayed separation of umbilical cord, recurrent infections, necrotic periodontal infections
Opalescent teeth, hearing loss, and joint hypermobility
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Knee pain, traction apophysitis, fragmentation of tibial tuberocity.
What do you do if you get a seizure from Dtap
Give DTa just no pertussis because that is normally the cause of seizures
Kid with multiple hemarthroses , low factor VIII
hemophilia A
Bluish white buccal lesions in mouth, fever, rash that starts on head
Recurrent sinopulmonary infections, GI infections, anaphylaxis to transfusions
IgA deficiency
Displaced anterior fat pad on radiographs is a sign of ...
supracondylar fracture, may be complicated by volkmann's ischemic contracture
What is most common symptom of sickle cell trait and what percent of hemoglobin is HbS
Presents with hematuria, generally 35-40%%
Most common viral meningitis
Echovirus, coxsackie virus, enterovirus
A newborn presents with the following findings, macrosomia, macroglossia (enlarged tongue), omphalocele, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia.
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
What do premature infants need a supplement of and when do they need it?
Iron at 8 weeks.
What puts you at risk for brain abcess and what are signs of brain abcess?
Right - Left congenital heart shunt , Brain abscess = fever, headache, neurochanges, seizures, spasticity
What is the cause of turner's lymphedema?
because of abnormal lymphatic development
Hyaline membrane disease
reticular granularity of lung parenchyma
Palpable purpura, scrotal swelling, hematuria, ab pain, and susceptible to intussception
Dysfunction of NADPH, phagocytic dysfunction, susceptible to S. aureus, Serratia marcens, Klebsiella, aspergillus
Evanescent rash, red halos, eosinphils in skin lesions
erythema toxicum
What overdose presents with seizure, hypotension, prolonged QRS on EKG?
Tricyclic overdose
What is the treatment for tricyclic overdose?
Sodium bicarb
What is nursemaid's elbow (presents with arm in pronated position and refuses to supinate arm)
radial head subluxation, when an infant is lifted or pulled by hand or arm
IgA mediated vasculitis, rash and arthalgias
What is the pathology seen in minimal change disease?
Podocyte fusion on electron microscopy
Marfan +mental retardation + thromboembolic + downward dislocation of lens
homocystinuria, treat with high doses of B6
What are the proteins in breast milk?
70% whey (easily digested) 30 % casein (more improved gastric emptying)
Most common cause of UTI in infants?
Vesicouretal reflux causes renal scarring
Microcephaly, hypotonia, short stature, odd cry. What is this and what chromosome?
Cri-du-chat - 5p deletion
What is the name for vesicopustules that rupture and turn golden-yellow and how do you treat?
Impetigo = treat with topical mupiroch or oral erythromycin
What are the congenital malformations in rubella?
neuronal deafness, PDA, cataracts
Where does Wilm's tumor arise from?
metanephros, you can still palpate the kidneys
Pneumatosis intestinalis
diagnostic of NEC
Signs of wolf parkinson-white
Shortened PR intervals, delta waves, widening of QRS
Scoliosis + hammertoes, degeneration of spinal tracts, spinocerebellar posterior columns, pyramidal tract
Friedrich Ataxia, AR, die of cardiomyopathy around 20
Most common cause of otitis media
Strep pneumo 40%
Non-typable Haemophilus Influenza (25%)
Moraxella (10-15%)
First treatment for severe croup
racemic epinephrine before intubation
Atlanto-axial instability should be suspected in any patient with ....
Down syndrome that has upper motor neuron findings
Describe course of rubeola
Low grade fever, lymphadenopathy (suboccipital and posterior auricular), rash begins on face and spreads to body.
HSV6 high grade fevers begins on drunk, spreads peripherally
Fifths disease caused by?
Parvovirus = slapped cheek syndrome
What is the guthrie test used for?
qualitative test that can detect the presence of metabolic products of phenylalanine in urine
Pt presents with neurologic symptoms, photosensitivity, and hyperpigmentation what do you suspect and what test will you use.
Porphyrias check for aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen
Pt 3 months old presents with hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, doll like face, (fat cheeks) thin limbs
Von gierke's disease, glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
What vitamin toxicity fits the following? anorexia, bulging fontanelle, hyperirritability and vomiting
vit A
What are symptoms of congenital syphillis?
hepatosplenomegaly, cutaneus lesions, jaundice, anemia and rinorrhea
Growth retardation, hepatosplenomagaly, microcephaly, chorioretinitis, preventricular calcifications

Toxo = hydroceph, chorioretinitis incranial calcif
What to do if patient has septic arthritis?
surgical emergency can lead to avascular necrosis
Howel jowel bodies
found in asplenia
Children with parental history of cholesterol >240 should get what?
Cholesterol levels
What is gastrochisis and how is treated?
No sac around intestines- first wrap in sterile saline dressing and plastic wrap to minimize heat and fluid loss
What vitamin deficiency is described by sore throat, hyperemic edematous oropharnyx and mucous membranes, cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis, photophobia
Riboflavin deficiency
medial deviation of the eye most common type of strabismus
What does positive osmotic fragility test indicate
FTT due to fat and protein malabsorption from a pancreatic insufficiency
Acoustic sign of pulmonary hypertension
Loud P2, can be from left to right shunt.
What are the risks of supracondylar fractures?
Brachial artery can be compromised, loss of radial artery pulse must check for it.
Cavernous hemangioma along trigeminal distribution and intracranial calcifications
Sturge-Weber neurocutaenous syndrome
What age should a child begin to have separation anxiety and babbles and says mama and dada
9 months
People around bats should be prophylaxed for what
rabies because you cannot tell if you get bit
Small rodents do no transmit the virus
Child with backpain and neuro dysfunction and a palpable step off
Amoxicillin causes a rash when given to patients with ....
Erythematous vesicles distributed over extensor surface of knees
dermatitis herpetiformis
Waterhouse Friedrichson syndrome
infant with meningococcemia can get vasomotor collapse and skin rash due to adrenal hemorrhage
Reduced mortality in measles is associated with what vitamin
Vitamin A
Irritability, high pitched cry, poor sleeping, tremors, seizures, sweating, sneezing, tachypnea, poor feeding
= withdrawal from heroine
Nail and digit hypoplasia + dysmorphic facies, mental retardation
Fetal hydantoin syndrome caused by phenytoin
What to do if no IV access in emergent case in infant
intraosseous access
Short palpebral fissure, epicanthal folds, long philantrum, thin upper lip
fetal alcohol
FTT, bilateral cataracts, jaundice, hypoglycemia, hepatosplenomegaly, what is it and what enzyme
Galactosemia = galactose-1phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
Neonate with bloody diarrhea, eosinophils in stool, positive family history of atopy
Milk protein intolerance
Neonate with hand and arm paralysis and ipsilateral horners syndrome
Klumpke's palsy, injures seventh and eighth cervical nerves + first thoracic nerve.
Criteria for rheumatic fever
Low grade fever + pericarditis + arthritis + Chorea + subq nodules + erythema marginatum
What do you need to monitor early on in Digeorge
Contraindications to breastfeeding are
Drug abuse, TB, HIV
How does polycythemia present in newborns
ARDS, poor feeding, neuro manisfestations
What to use with foreign body in trachea
Rigid bronchoscope so it can be removed
What additional symptoms does homocystinuria have other than marfans
fair complexion, thromboembolic events, osteoporosis, lens dislocated downward.
Thrombocytopenia + eczema + recurrent bacterial infections
Wiskott -Aldrich wihch is x linked
Increased risk of strep pneumo, neisseria menigiditis, haemophilus
When to treat pyloric stenosis
Only perform surgery once the patient is stabilized hydrated and has appropriate electrolytes
Premature adrenarche = underarm hair
No worries it is from adrenal gland, if excess pubic hair about cns
Congenital heart + left axis deviation + cyanosis
Tricuspid atresia
How to treat spasms in tuberous sclerosis
Kids with diabetes insipidus have what brain tumor
Gram positive diplococci
step pneumo
Gram positive cocci in clusters
Gram negative cocci
Gram positive rods
listeria and bacillus
Gram negative rods
Pseudo, Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Legionella
Where is medulloblastoma
Vermis of cerebellum
What is cows milk low in?
Iron don't start till 1
What are lupus specific antibodies
Antismith and Antidouble stranded DNA
Eyelid trauma, swelling, tenderness, erythema, discoloration
Preseptal cellulitis
Macrocytic pure red aplaisa, associated with short stature, webbed neck, shielded chest, triphangeal thumbs
Diamond-blackfan syndrome
Pancytopenia + macrocytosis
Age of 8
Cafe au lait spots
short stature
horseshoe kidney
fanconi's anemia = AR
When do premature infants get vaccines
According to chronologic age need to be 2kg for Hep B
Genetic condition of CF
Deletion of CFTR
Cherry red macula
Protruding abodomen
regression of milestones
Loss of sphingomyelinase - Niemann Pick
Difference between tay sachs and niemann picks
Tay sachs has no hepatosplenomegaly
Hyperextensible skin + easy bruising + mitral valve prolapse
Ehler danlos
Hemoptysis + kidney failure, biopsy shows antibodies to glomerular basement membrane
Phimosis early on, what should you do?
Foreskin loosens in first three years of life, there may be a cheese like material discharge
Why do female infants sometimes have a discharge from the vagina?
Due to estrogen withdrawal
What vitamin is cow's milk deficient in?
Lax wrinkled abdominal wall, dilated urinary tract, intraabdominal testes, oligohydraminos + pulm hypoplasia
Prune belly syndrome
What level is considered hypertension in children and what are the symptoms?
135/90 they generally have headaches
What number of bacteria are needed to diagnose UTI?
Suprapubic tap = > 0
Cath > greater than 10^3 or 10^4
Clean catch w/ symptoms 10^4
Clean catch w/o symptoms 10^5
Torsion or epidymytis is relieved upon elevation of testes?
Testicles feel like bag of worms, what is this? Why does it feel this way?
Varicocele caused by dilation of pampniform plexus
what is a hydrocele?
Accumulation of fluid in tunica vaginalis, small ones resolve on their own.
What is the most common hereditary nephritis?
Alport's = leads to deafness, X-linked dominant.
Presents like GERD but not helped by PPIs, intestinal biopsy shows eosinophils or IGE
Eosinophilic esophagitis, normally a history of peanut allergies or eczema.
Baby is born with difficulty defacating, no stool is found in rectum and anal sphincter tone is abnormal. What studies should be performed
Most likely Hirschsprung's disease, order barium enema and rectal manography
What antibody can be found in ulcerative colitis and what is the most serious consequence?
p-ANCA and most common consequence is toxic megacolon
Nocturnal ab pain + GI bleeding + positive family history
Peptic ulcer disease
Nonbilious vomitting for 10+ days in a child who does not look ill
Pyloric stenosis perform pyloromyotomy
When to treat GERD?
when there are problems from it other than regurgitation
Intermittant collicky pain, passage of stool with blood what test is diagnostic?
Air barium enema
Moribund state is characteristic of a loss of ....
greater than 10% of body weight
What electrolyte abnormality is associated with doughy skin?
Which teeth are the first to erupt?
Mandibular central incisors
Where can bottles cause tooth decay?
Maxillary central incisors
When should charcoal not be used for overdose?
alcohols, acids, ferrous sulfate, strong bases, cyanide, lithium, potassium. Drain cleaner
Infant with bloody stool what test should you run?
Apt test, to differentiate maternal and fetal blood
Tachycardia+ arrythmia + tachypnea + cyanosis + myoglobinuria + elevated creatine kinase and ARF
Malignant hyperthermia
Autoimmune demylinating disease in children under 10?
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Syndromes associated with craniosynostosis
Crouzon and Apert
What AR metabolic disease can causes hemiplegia due to vascular infarcts?
If a hemiplegia and eyes look away from paralyzed side what is the diagnosis?
Acute infantile hemiplegia, acute thrombo occlusion of MCA
Elevated creatine kinase, psychomotor retardation, distal muscle wasting, cataracts
myotonic muscular dystrophy
A meningitis that has the lowest blood glucose levels in CSF and exudates in basal cisterns
TB meningitis
Cranial nerve abnormality, unsteady gate + spasticity
Pontine glioma
Compression of CN III causes what
Pupillary dilation
Poor growth, diabetes insipidus, papilledema
infantile spasms, calcified tubers
tuberous sclerosis, also has ash leaf spots and autosomal dominant
What is PHACE syndrome
Posterior fossa malformations, Hemangiomas, Arterial anomalies, Coarctation of the Aorta, Eye abnormalities
What is Werdig Hoffman?
spinal muscle atrophy type 1 degeneration or anterior horn cells in spinal cord.
Fever + neck pain + headache + malaise + back of mandible full
What is the prophylaxis for pneumocystis in possible HIV positive children
trimethoprim sulfamethoxide - bactrim
Increased liver enzymes, increased ammonia, seizures, coma, hyperventillating, decorticate posturing death from cerebral edema
Reye syndrome
Emesis + diarrhea + seizures
How to diagnose tinea capitis
KOH prep
What can cause an aplastic crisis in sickle cell
parvo B19
Most common zoonotic infection
Leptospirosis, commonly subacute, exposure to livestock
What are the criteria for mono?
1. diffuse adenopathy, tonisillar enlargement, enlarged spleen, small hemorrhages on soft palate periorbital swelling 2. predominantly lymphocytes 3. heterophil antibodies
Abrupt fevers, localized bone tenderness
Infant with increased fever and left shift =
pneumococcal bacteremia
Infection of nasolacrimal sac and what is the treatment
dactrocystitis treat with warm water and massage
Maculopapular rash on flexor surfaces or wrists and ankles before moving centrally and what is the treatment
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Treat with doxycycline
Thrombocytopenia + eczema + Increased infections + bloody diarrhea
Wiskott aldrich
Most common cause of diarrhea in immunosupressed
cryptosporidium = persistent nonsuppurative diarrhea
Erythema multiforme+ vesicular ulceration of mucous membranes of eyes and mouth
Steven Johnson syndrome = lamotrigine
What is a deadly risk of neonatal thyrotoxicosis
risk of hear failure
Most common cause of juvenile hypothyroidism
Constipation, prolonged jaundice, slugishness, poor feeding, apnea, choking, macroglossia, excessive sleeping
Congenital hypothyroidism
Deposition of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate, progressive developmental delay, hepatosplenomegaly, coarse facial features
Hurlers = alpha-L-iduronidase deficiency
Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
Jeune syndrome
Bone age and height age are the same what type of growth delay is it?
Constitutional growth delay
Inheritance of achrondoplasia?
Autosomal dominant, but most random mutation.
Low calcium, High phosphate, but PTH levels are high. Short delayed bone stature, mental retardation, increased bone density, Short bone 4th and 5th digits, obesity, short neck, perivascular calcification of basal ganglia
Pseudohypoparathyroidism = Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
What are immobilized children at risk of developing?
Hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, and convulsions
How far back of a picture does HbA1c level go?
2 months.
Autosomal recessive deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase , urine turns black when exposed to air
Hypoglycemia + hyperinsulinemia no c-peptide
exogenous insulin admin
What does vitamin D resistant rickets look like?
Renal resorption of PO4 problem, low phosphate, normal Ca, X-linked dominant
Medullary carcinoma from C cells of thyroid
excess calcitonin, serum concentrations of calcium and phosphate are normal.
Rash of type II diabetes
Acanthosis nigricans around neck
AR, obesity, mental retardation, hypogonadism, polydactly night blindness
Deficiency of glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia
Addison's disease
Holt-orman syndrome
hypoplastic radii, thumb abnormalities, cardiac anomaly
Name 4 signs of trisomy 18
low set ears, prominut occiput, overlapping fingers, rockerbottom feet, renal anomalies
What are the stages of puberty in men
1. testicles enlarge
2. sparse thin pubic hair
3. pubic hair curls
4. resembles adult but not enough
anabolic steroid
Systolic ejection murmur when stands up
hypertropic cariomyopathy
What is the acronym and meaning for DiGeorge
Cardiac anomalies
Abnormal facies
Thymic hypoplasia
Cleft Palate
Child ate pork and now has ab pain, nausea, vomiting, malaise
Trichanella spiralis, live in muscles as cysts
What is the disease if deficiency of all three major immunoglobins?
X-linked agammaglobinemia (bruton's disease) after 3 months simultaneous bouts of otitis media, pneumonia, diarrhea, sinusitis
What type of ulcers are relieved with food?
Duodenal ulcers
What do you use to grow E. coli
macconkey agar
What do you use to grow gonorrhea?
In beta thal what is there an increased concentration
Hemoglobin A2
Large vascular anomalies, platelet and RBC sequestration in vasculature
What is proper name for stork bite
Nevus simplex
What is distribution of nevus flamus, and what should it raise suspicion for
nevus flamus along V1 distribution
X-linked, heinz cells, and bite cells
G6PD deficiency which is necessary to make glutathione to prevent oxidation
What is treatment for vWF?
Use desmopressin and aminocaproic acid interferes with fibrinolysis and stabilizes clots
sunburst pattern =
Fever, night sweats, malaise, weight loss, pruritis
hodkin disease
Hypersegmented nuetrophils
folate deficiency
Lots of target cells
Hemoglobin C disease