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112 Cards in this Set

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Where does the spinal cord end in a baby?
L3 for baby, L1 for adult. Gets there by 1 yr old
Three major causes of neonatal bradycardia?
1. hypoxia
2. hypovolemia
3. hypoglycemia
Why are neonates given atropine prior to induction?
need anticholinergic because they have increased vagal tone: SNS not fully developed at birth but PSNS is
Cervical level of preterm neonate?
term neonate?
Neonates lung compliance is ( more or less) compared to adult?
Is infant FRC greater or less than adults?
Closing capacity in infant? Adult?
35 ml/kg
23 ml/kg
resting O2 consumption of infant?
8 ml/kg/min
4 ml/kg/min
High O2 concentrations
A. Stimulate
B. depress
infant respirations?
preemie: 90-100
Term: 80-90
3 mo-3 yrs: 75-80
3-6 years: 70-75
over 6: 65-70
Hgb F shiftst the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the
A. right
B. left
P50 of newborn?
fetal circulation has (high or low) PVR? SVR?
High PVR, low SVR
what causes the shift in circulation in a newborn?
closing of FO and PDA
When speaking of intracardiac shunts, what dictates flow?
pressure gradient across lesion
Which of the following are left to right shunts?
C. tetrology of Fallot
A, B
Which type of cardiac lesions are cyanotic lesions?
A. left to right shunts
B. right to left
B (unoxygenated blood gets shunted to LV and pumped out
Which of the following are right to left shunts?
B. tetrology of Fallot
C. truncus arteriosus
D. transposition of great vessels
B, C, D
L>R shunts (increase or decrease) speed of inhalational uptake?
R>L shunts (increase or decrease) speed of inhalational induction>?
IV agents enter heart on right or left?
Inhalational agents?
IV: right
Inhalational: left
R>L shunting (increases or decreases) uptake of inhalational agents? IV agents?
decreases inhalational
increases IV
Continuous systolic and diastolic murmur heard at 1st or 2nd ICS at LSB is hallmark of?
4 Defects of tetrology of fallot?
pulmonary stenosis
hypertrophic LV
Overriding aorta
Which kind of lesions are cyanotic: L>R
Is preductal or postductal coarctation of aorta more common in neonates? Adults?
preductal in babies
postductal in adults
Whys is normal resp rate higher the younger you are?
increased metabolic demands of kids...demand goes down as age increases
< 1 yr: 30-60
1-3 yr: 24-40
4-5 yrs: 22-34
6-16 yrs: 18-30
Adolescent: 12-16
Greatest mechanism for heat loss in kids in OR?
A. evaporation
B. conduction
C. radiation
D. convection
Most accurate core temp?
B. skin
C. esophageal
D. rectal
For water soluble drugs, do kinds have a (larger or smaller) Vd?
What does this mean for dosing?
they have higher ECF relative to adults, so need larger dose (SCh)
For lipid soluble drugs, do kids have ( larger or smaller) Vd?
Induction dose of propofol?
3-3.5 mg/kg for infnats
2.5-3 mg/kg for child
Induction dose of ketamine?
2 mg/kg IV
5-6 mg/kg IM
PO dose of versed?
0.5-0.75 mg/kg
orbicularis oculi is indicator of (laryngeal or diaphragm) muscle?
adductor pollicis is indicator of ( laryngeal or diaphragm) muscle?
Which NMB can cause bradycardia in kids with repeated dose?
Which NMB is vagolytic? ( causing ^ in HR and BP)
What is the primary reason kids go to sleep faster?
They suck agent in rapidly due to ^ minute ventilation
Kids with URI have how much ^ risk of bronchospasm or laryngospasm?
2-10 fold
How long should elective case be postponed for uncomplicated URI?
2 weeks
How long should elective case be postponed for lower airway involvement?
4-6 weeks
If intubating a kid with recent URI, name 2 considerations:
1. deep plane of anesthesia preior to ETT
2. Use ETT one size smaller than caluclated
For a kid with RAD, what 2 induction agents are preferred?
What should be avoided?
PF propofol, ketamine
histamine releasing agents
ROP is most common in?
babies weighing < 1500 grams or born < 35 weeks
Which of the following can cause ROP?
A. hypoxia
B. hyperoxia
Both are correct
Which of the followng are correct in anesthetic management of kid with epiglotitis?
A. Use ETT 1-2 sizes smaller tahn calculated
B. Be prepared for emergent cricothyrotomy of trach
C. Use sux for intubation
D. give atropine to block vagal stim
all are correct BUT C: Never use NMBs
What is racemic epi?
equal mix of levo and dex isomers
What is the most common cause of postextubationcroup?
tight fitting ETT without air leak of <30
Kids with URI have how much ^ risk of bronchospasm or laryngospasm?
2-10 fold
How long should elective case be postponed for uncomplicated URI?
2 weeks
How long should elective case be postponed for lower airway involvement?
4-6 weeks
If intubating a kid with recent URI, name 2 considerations:
1. deep plane of anesthesia preior to ETT
2. Use ETT one size smaller than caluclated
For a kid with RAD, what 2 induction agents are preferred?
What should be avoided?
PF propofol, ketamine
histamine releasing agents
ROP is most common in?
babies weighing < 1500 grams or born < 35 weeks
Which of the following can cause ROP?
A. hypoxia
B. hyperoxia
Both are correct
Which of the followng are correct in anesthetic management of kid with epiglotitis?
A. Use ETT 1-2 sizes smaller tahn calculated
B. Be prepared for emergent cricothyrotomy of trach
C. Use sux for intubation
D. give atropine to block vagal stim
all are correct BUT C: Never use NMBs
What is racemic epi?
equal mix of levo and dex isomers
What is the most common cause of postextubationcroup?
tight fitting ETT without air leak of <30
Which location of foreign body is likely to cause total airway obstruction?
A. larynx
B. mainstem bronchus
What is the most common block used in peds?
A. spinal
B. epidural
C. caudal
Where is the caudal space?
continuation of epidural space in sacral area
What level does caudal get you?
anything below T10 is covered
caudal dose of morphine?
30 mcg/kg
caudal dose of fentanyl?
1 mcg/kg
How does surgical stress induce hypovolemia?
stress ^ plasma glucose levels, which induces osmotic induced renal loss of free water
Total Body Water:
Preemie: 80 % total body wt
term infnat: 70-75%
adult: 55-60%
#rd space fluid loss in kids:
Minor: 3-4 ml/kg
moderate: 5-6
Major: 7-10 ml/kg
Estimated blood volumes:
preemie: 90-100 ml/kg
term: 80-90
3 mo- 1 yr: 75-80
3-6 yrs: 70-75
>6: 65-70
what is the most effective intervention for facilitating induction and reducing postop complications?
premedication with Versed
Which of the following are at increased risk of SBE and need prophylaxis?
A. unrepaired cyanotic lesion
B. prosthetic repair
D. repair with residual defect remaining
A, B, D
How long should a surgery be delayed if it is determined that a child has had breast milk?
4 hours
2 hours
4 hours(if younger than 3 mo) 6 hours ( > 6mo)
What is the most common "recipe" for inhalation induction in kids?
N2O ( 70/30 or 50/50) with 8% Sevo
What nerve does N2O blunt?
First sign of induction in inhalation induction?
Order of s/sx for inhalation induction?
eyes close
limbs relax
resp slow
Which of the following are reason to use N2O in kids?
A. decrease MAC of sevo
B. second gas effect- speeds induction
C. analgesia
D. reduces PONV
A, B, C
What enzyme does N2O inhibit?
methionine synthetase
How does N2O provide analgesic effects?
works on grey matter to cause release of endogenous endorphins
What pateint population often has B12 deficiency?
Autistic kids
What is the agents of choice in peds?
MAC of sevo in kids?
3.3 in neonates,
2.5 6 mo-5 yrs
2 in adults
Which of the following have active metabolites?
A. Morphine
B. versed
C. demerol
D. ketamine
A( morphine 6 glucoronic acid)
C. normeperidine
Which adjuvant agent can caue neuronal apoptosis?
Where does the dural sac end in kids?
Which of the followin are contraindications for caudal blocks?
A. infection
B. sepsis
C. hypovolemia
D. coagulopathies
all are
1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupiv will cover how many spinal segments?
What is the max volume for caudal blocks?
20 ml
Criteria for emergence in preverbal kids include which of the following?
A. grimace using forehead/eyebrows
B. purposeful movement
C. spontaneous eye opening
All are correct
Criteria for adequate recovery from NMB in preverbal kids include which of the following?
A. NIF -30
B. head lift/coughing forcefully
C. nonparadoxical breathing
D. sustained tetany at 50 Hz
All are
Deep extubation might be warranted in what populations?
kids with RAD
What is most common complication in kids?
Zofran dose?
.1 mg/kg
with decadron 0.2 mg/kg
Which of the following are "at risk" surgeries for PONV?
A. strabismus surgery
B. orchiopexy
C. tympanoplasty
D. adenotonsillectomy
E. repair of congenital heart defects
A, B, C, D
Risk factors for emergence delirium include:
A. <5
B. opioid use
C. anxious parents
D. rapid emergence
E. isoflurane use
All are correct
Principal site of temp regulation?
Which is most accurate method of measuring temp?
Tympanic membrane
What is most common method of temp monitoring?
Which nerve fibers transmit cold temp data?
A delta
Why do infants lose heat faster than adults?
Higher skin surface area compared to body mass
4 ways body can generate heat?
1. nonshivering thermogensis
2. shivering
3. voluntary muscle activity
4. dietary thermogenesis
What is burned as fuel in nonshivering thermogenesis?
brown fat-lots of mitochondria with lots of christae,
Where does shivering begin?
upper body-masseter
GA (increases or decreases) the threshhold at which the body initiates a response to cold stress?
Three thermal compartments?
1. central
2. peripheral
3. skin
Why does temp decrease rapidly after induction?
peripheral vasodilation>increases size of central comp>forcing it to redistribute its heat to larger area
How does hypothermia affect MAC?
decreases it-5.1% per degree drop
Which of the following does hypothermia reduce dosage requirements of?
A. muscle relaxants
B. Narcotics
C. propofol
D. barbiturates
A, B, D
OR room temp should be:
27 for term
29 for preemies
What is the #1 COD in TEF kids?
What is the classic triad of CDH?
1. cyanosis
2. dyspnea
3. dextrocardia