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40 Cards in this Set

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tetanus Tx

Tetanus Ig

Penicillin G or metronidazole

Surgical debridement

Diazapam PRN for muscle relaxation / seizure control

Progressive epilepsy, cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria

Mycolonic epilepsy w ragged-red fibers (MERRF) - lycine point mutation in mitochondrial tRNA

Often confused with Friedreich's ataxia

Mitochondrial encephalopathy w hemianopsia cortical blindness, motor and cognitive deficiency, die by age 20

Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke like episodes (MELAS) - leucine point mutation in mitochondrial tRNA

Sydenham's chorea is seen (what timeframe) after (what)

Several months after GAS w subsequent rheumatic fever

2/2 Ab against basal ganglia

Cause of adrenoleukodystrophy (demyelination of CNS / peripheral nerves, adrenal insufficiency)

Can't catabolize LCFAs --> high levels of VLCFAs

Rx that can unmask Tourette's

Methylphenidate (just unmasks, doesn't cause it)

Truncal ataxia 3 weeks after viral infection + horizontal nystagmus. Px?

Acute cerebellar ataxia - thought to be AI response

complete recovery w/in 2 months

Progressive ataxia with lower limbs > upper limb involvement, peripheral nerve sensory deficits, skeletal abnl, cardiomyopathy, optic atrophy, hypotonia & decr/absent DTRs.


Freidreich's Ataxia

AR - triplet expansion mutation

Degenerative ataxia starting around age 2; can't walk by teens + oculomotor apraxia (absence of saccades)

- Incr risk of what cancers?


brain + lymphoid tumors

First sign of botulism in infants? Older pts?

Infants: absence of defecation

Older: CN palsies

Brief, severe, unilateral HAs w conjunctival injection - management

Cluster HAs - recur several times a day over several week period (can be seasonal)

Tx w O2 or steroids

PPx with Li or CCB

Different types of migraine?

Classic - w/aura (paresthesias most often, rarely visual disturbances)

Common - w/o aura

Complicated - w/ neuro Sx

Note: migraines in kids are often bilateral

Decr RR, HR, incr BP =

Cushing's triad: incr ICP

High-output CHF, FTT with cranial bruit

vein of Galen AVM

Seizures + popcorn appearance on MRI

Cavernous hemangiomas

Fall w/ pencil in mouth - at risk for what?

Tear in ICA intima / dissection --> stroke; may present w/ seizures

Most freq etiology of epidural hematoma

Temporal bone fracture - lacerates MmA --> temporoparietal bleed

What type of bleed is assc w/ LOC then lucid interval?


Rx that may help with hydrocephalus acute management?

Acetazolamide (decr CSF production)


Rosenthal fibers on CNS tumor pathology

Dense cytoplasmic inclusions

Cerebellar astrocytoma

CNS tumor w/ bitemporal hemianopsia or other ocular Sx + brain calcifications


NF 1 Sx

Cafe au lait spots

Axillary or inguinal freckling

Iris LIsch nodules

Optic glioma

Bone lesion s- spenoid dysplasia, thinning of long bone cortex

Learning disabilities, abnl speech, seizures

Incr risk of meningiomas and astrocytomas

NF 2 Sx

bilateral CN VIII tumors

Multiple CNS tumors (meningioma, glioma, schwannoma)

skin cafe-au-lair spots & NFs aren't as common

Tuberous sclerosis Sx

Ash leaf spots

Hamartomas in periventricular region, often calcify & project into ventricles

Rhabdomyomas of heart; kidney / lung hamartomas

Seizures / infantile spasm

Adenoma sebaceum

Shagreen patch (orange-peel patch in lumbar region)

Small blue cells

Neuroblastoma - HVA & VMA in urine

Horner's syndrome 2/2 mass


Cape-like distribution of pain & temperature sensory loss

Cervical syringomyelia

Infants w/ rapid increase in head size, cystic expansion of 4th ventricle into posterior fossa, agenesis of corpus callosum

Dandy-Walker Malformation

Which type of Arnold-Chiari malformation is assc w/ meningomyelocele? Syringomeylia?

meningomyelocele - Type II

Syringomeylia - Type I

Difference b/t simple partial & complex partial seizures?

Simple - no LOC

Complex - alteration or LOC, automatisms

(Partial = focal onset)

Are absence seizures partial or generalized?

Tx (other than ethosuxamide)


Can also Tx with valproic acid

3-hz spike & wave =


Large amplitude chaotic multifocal spike & slowing on EEG. Tx

Infantile spasm - characteristic w/ trunk flexion. Can be part of West syndrome (infantile spasms, dev arrest). Tx with ACTH

Localization of seizures w/ automatisms?

Right temporal

Prolonged absence seizures, dev delay, refractory to AED

Lennox-Gastaut syn

Loss of spontaneous speech in childhood, non convulsive SE during slow-wave sleep

Landau-Kleffner syndrome

Give high-dose BDZ before bed

V1 facial capillary hemangioma, seizures, hemiparesis, intracranial calcifications, MR, eye vascular lesions

Sturge-Weber syndrome

Causes of viral meningitis

80%: enterovirus, echovirus, coxsackievirus, nonparalytic polio

Others: HSV, EBV, mumps, flu, adenovirus

Deafness, peg-shaped incisors, interstitial keratitis

Hutchinson's triad: congenital syphilis

Causes of bacterial meningitis in <1 mo & >1 mo?

<1 mo: GBS, Listeria, E. coli, Gm neg enterics

>1 mo: S. pneumo, N. meningitidis, Hib