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83 Cards in this Set

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lymphoid hyperplasia with telescoping of the proximal into distal
symptoms of intussusception
acute onset of colicky pain with knees drawn up
crying, irritability, lethargy
vomitting, fever, currant jjelly stool
Symptoms of rotavirus
vomiting 3-4 days
diarrhea 7-10 d
Symptoms of giardia diarrhea
anorexia, nausea, glatulence, abdominal distention, weight loss
How do you treat giardia?
quinacrin, metro
Rotavirus treatment
supportive care
intresting finding in salmonella
rose spots on abdomen
mottled enamel: white to brown patched & hypoplasia from high fluoride
what abx causes tooth dicoloration
What are some causes of delayed tooth eruption?
hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, trisomy 21, rickets
What bugs cause dental carries?
strep mutans - adheres to enamel, makes acid
What is the rule of 10s for cleft lip correction?
10 weeks
10 lbs
10mg/dL Hb
What are associated problems with cleft lip?
increase in otitis media, hearing loss, speech problems, need special nipple for feeding
What is the most common cause of diarrhea in infancy?
causes of acute diarrhea in infancy
GE, systemic infection, Abx
causes of acute diarrhea in chilhood
GE, food posioning, systemic infection
causes of acute diarrhea in adolescent
GE, food posioning, systemic infection
causes of chronic diarrhea in infancy?
post infectious, lactase deficiency, milk/soy intolerance, chronic diarrhea of infancy, celiac, CF
causes of chronic diarrhea in childhood
post infectious, lactase deficiency, IBS, celiac, lactose intolerance, Giardiasis, IBD
Causes of chronic diarrhea in adolscent
IBS, IBD, lactose intolerance, giardiasis, laxative abuse
What are the bugs that cause bloody diarrhea?
Amoeba hystolytica
E Coli
What bugs cause acute diarrhea
Campylobacter, Enteroinvasive E coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, C diff, E Coli O157H7
What viruses cause acute diarrhea
ROTA, enteric adenovirus, norwalkd
What parasites cause acute diarrhea?
Giardia -MC
E histolytica, Strongylodies, Cryptospridium
watery diarrhea, emesis, fever
supportive therapy
Enteropathic E coli
supportive therapy
Enterotoxigenic e coli
traveler's diarrhea
trimethoprim sulfate or methoxazole in severe cases
Enterohemorrhagic E coli
abx increases HUS
eggs, milk, poultry
txtmnt if less than 3 or s typhi
person to person
trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
self limiting - erythromycin decreases carrier state & dysentery
Yersinia enterocolitica
pets - arthritis/rash
aminoglycoside/ 3rd gen cef to prevent septicemia in less that 3
C diff
abx use
metronidazole or vancomycin
Staph aureus
food posioning
Entamoeba histolytica
cysts in stool
worse in immunocompromised
best to raise CD4
What is schwachman diamond syndrome?
pancreatic insufficiency
What is the best screening tool for fat in stool?
sudan red
What is intestinal lymphangiectasis?
lymph fluid leaks into bowel lumen
protein losing enteropathy
Disaccharide deficiency?
osmotic diarrhea
acidic stools
severe fat malabsorption from brith
very low plasma cholesterol & triglycerides
What is the breath hydrogen test for?
after know CHO load test amt of H in breath to determine type of carb malabsorption
with protein loss check what?
alpha 1 antitrypsin
What is celiac dz
gluten intolerance
antigliadin Ab
What is VACTERL?
what is the presentation of TE fistula?
cough/gagging with feeds, cyanosis, respiratory distress
When do you notice TE fistula?
with first feed
What do you see on XR with TE fistula?
air distended stomach
What is the prognosis for GERD?
most resolves by 12-24 mo
What do you tx GERD with in kids?
prokinetics - metaclopramide, erythromycin, bethanacal
How do you dx GERD?
barium esophagram, upper GI, pH probe, endoscopy
What is the clinical presentation of pyloric stenosis?
non-bilious projectile vomitting at 3 weeks old
still hungry
Who gets pyloric stenosis
1st born males - caucasian
what is the acid base status of child with pyloric stenosis?
hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
What is the presentation of duodenal atresia?
bilious vomiting
What do you see duodenal atresia with?
What else do you look for with duodenal atresia?
malrotation, esophageal atresia, CHD, anorectal malformation, renal anomalies
What is the presentation of duodenal atresia?
bilious vomitting without abdominal distention on the 1st day of life
polyhydramnios & jaundice
What do you see on XR?
double bubble with no distal bowel gas
How do you treat duodenal atresia?
nasogastric decompression, IV fluids, surgery
What is the ddx for duodenal atresia?
annular pancreas, malrotation, volvulus
What is the presentation of jejunal or ileal atresia?
day one of life bile stained emesis with abdominal distention
What does XR show with jejunal or ileal atresia?
air fluid levels
What can a delay in treating volvulus result in?
short bowel syndrome
What causes malrotation/volvulus?
incomplete rotation of intestine
What is the axis for intestinal rotation?
superior mesenteric artery
What is the clinical presentation of volvulus/malrotation?
bilious emesis, recurrent abdominal pain with emesis
acute small bowel obstruction
What will ultrasound show?
inversion of superior mesenteric artery & vein (vein is left of artery)
duodenal obstruction with thickened bowel loops to the right of the spine
What is meckels diverticulum?
remnant of omphalomesenteric or vitelline duct with ectopic tissues
What is the rule of 2s?
2 yo
2% of population
2 types of tissues
2cm long
2 ft from ileocecal valve
What is the presentation of meckels?
painless rectal bleeding
What is intussusception?
telescoping most ileal colic
What is presentation of intussusception?
2<yo following adeno or rota
associated with henoch schonlein purpura
currant jelly stools!
sudden onset of severe paroxysmal colicky abdominal pain, straining, flexed legs, lethargy, shock, fever
PE for intussusception?
sausage shape in RUQ
other causes of GI bleed?
anal fissure
accidental swallowing of maternal blood
peptic ulcers
Dx of intussusception
barium enema both diagnostic & therapeutic
What are the dzs included in IBD?
chrons ulcerative colits
What is the presentation of chrons
fever, arthritis, weight loss, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea
What do you see in the intestines with chrons
can occur anywhere - skip lesions
cobblestone mucosa
what is the presentation of ulcerative colits
bloody diarrhea with mucus, abdominal pain
what do you see in the gut with ulcerative colits?
colon only, lead pipe, toxic megacolon, risk of colon cancer
what is the most common cause of bowel obstruction in neonates?