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63 Cards in this Set

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What are the Biological Aspects of Autism
Elevated Serotonin, Cerebellar adbnormalities
Explain Savants related to Autism
Individual may excel in some area such as music, math, puzzles, art, memory.
Adolescence may have an increased or decreased severity of symptoms
Rate Mental Retardation in children with Autism
Moderate to Severe
True or False a child with Autism with present with the following social deficits, Lack of the following affect, eye contact, social/ emotional reciprocity
When the Parent of a PT with Autism states “ I now understand we need to follow a daily routine and stick to it” the PT teaching has been successful, True or False
When working with Autism the Nurse should recognize the following about her PT
Minimize Stimulation, Limit Physical Contact, Plan for Procedures, Give Simple Instructions, Consider Nutrition
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
The Etiology of ADHD
Neurotransmitter deficit of Dopamine & Norepi, Serotonin
The Mental Health Organization speaks and gives criteria of inattention & or hyperactivity in Mental Health DX book
True or False to be DX with ADHD you must have the following Comp Physical Exam, EEG,
False also need Psych Testing, Neuro Work up
True or False Stimulants related to ADHD cause tics?
Currently NO Stimulants do not cause Tics, but can exacerbate them.
List CNS Stimulants that can be use
Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Metadate ER, Cylert
Suppressed Appetite & Sleep interference as well as nervousness & hyperactivity are all signs of what
CNS Stimulant S/E
True or False Stimulates are Addicting
False Stimulants have not been found to have addictive properties
True or False Subjects taking Stimulates will eventually build up a tolerance to the drug
False No physical tolerance of stimulants at this time
Adolescence with untreated and unDX ADHD generally will tend to us what two forms of recreational support
Alcohol, Marijuana
True or False Stimulants will not stunt a child’s growth
True Long term studies show minimal or no difference
What is the key concern of Stimulant use in adolescents and adults
Abuse (Overdose w depression)
As the Nurse I need to educate my parents of a child with ADHD of the following
Suppress Appetite (give w or after meal), Monitor Growth, Administer last dose 5 hr before bedtime, Avoid Caffeine, Monitor Drug Supply.
When taking Cylert what which lab value for toxicity
Liver – Hepatic Toxicity
List common S/E of Wellbutrin
Abd Cramping & Leg Ache,
Wellbutrin should be given AM or PM
Wellbutrin helps to decrease Hyperactivity & Distractibility
Hyperactivity & Impulsiveness also Antidepressant, DOES NOT help with Inattention & Distractibility
Give Obstacles of Care for PT with ADHD as a Nurse
Lack of Policies on Care of Psych PT, Limitations of Staff Skill, Time, Lack of access to MH Records,
This is the earliest and most sensitive indicator of Pediatric Coma Scale assessment
LOC level of consciousness
The Pediatric Comas Scale looks at three things primarily
LOC, Pupils, Motor(posturing)
In the Pediatric Comas Scale what do E, V, M stand for
Eye, Verbal, Motor
True or False and thing <6 represents a significant risk of mortality
False <8
Total Ped Glascow Coma Scale is
This invasive Diagnostic Test provides information such as Fluid cell count, Bacteria, Pressure of CSF, what is
Lumbar Puncture
Brain Waves, SZ activity, can all be evaluated with this Diagnostic Test what is
EEG Electroencepholgraphy
List Diagnostic Test that show blood flow, structure
MRI, CT, XRAY, Angiography
List Signs & Symptoms of ICP in Infant
Poor Feeding, Vomiting, Irritability, Restlessness, Lethargy, High Ptiched Cry, Bulging Fontanel, Inc Head Cir, Separation of Suture, Distended Scalp Veins, Sunset Sign Pupil resting on bottom of Iris.
Signs of ICP in Children
HA, Diplopia, Motor Weakness, NV, Mood Swings, Altered LOC, SZ
If you find your PT in a decorticate position this communicates what result
Cerebral Hemorrhage
If you find your PT in a Decerebrate position this communicates what result
Medulla or Pons Damage
When a PT presents limp with a lack of posture this indicates
Brain Stem Damage
Late Signs /Symptoms of ICP Tachycarida to Bradycardia, Apena, Cushing Triad,
SZ, Papilledema, Alteration pupil size & reactivity, Decorticate & Decerebrate posturing.
An Incr in Systolic pressure with widening pulse pressure , bradycardia with decr in respiration rate or change in pattern, What are these three things grouped together called
Cushing Triad
There are two ways to Reduce Volume of Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Ventriculostomy & Shunt (Internal Ventriculoperitoneal
If an infant has a recorded ICP of >20 which activities should be avoided
Suctioning, Turning, Bathing, Head Flexion, Valsalva’s Manuever
A moderately forceful attempt at exhalation against a closed airway is Holding the nose shut and closing the mouth is a test of cardiac function, name this test
Valsalva’s Manuever
Ventriculostomy Extraventricular Drain (EVD) must be at a Level 1 or Level 0 at the ear canal
Level 0
NSG care related to the EVD is
DSG & insertion site, Tubing, Clamping Stopcocks Open
This tubing is just outside the cranium, travels down along the neck ,enters underneath the skin in the chest area and coils in the abdomen or perineum, name this type of shunt (VP)
Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt (VP)
True or False Neural Tube Defects are related to a deficient genetic or folic acid or viral organism
What is the recommended Folic Acid intake dose
Spina bifida occulta, Meningocele & Myelomeningocele are all what type of Defects
Neural Tube Defects
Neural Tube defects are higher in Girls or Boys, Whites or Blacks?
Girls, Whites 3x’s.
During Pre-Op what position will a PT with Meningomyelocele be placed in
Prone Position
Children with Neural Tube Defect commonly have this type of allergy
Latex Allergy
As the Nurse what Highest Priority for Pre-op Mngt…what are you watching for
Hydrocephalus / ICP
As the nurse how do you protect the Meningomyelocele
Protect integrity of Sac, Wet/Sterile Dressing w/ NS.
As the Nurse Post-Op care consists of
Wound Care, Keep Prone, Infection, Sterile DSG Chng, Prevent UTI, Motor & elimination,
CSF accumulation in the brain due to imbalance between production and absorption what is
True or False there are three type of Hydrocephalus
True Non Communicating, Communicating, Inc CSF
What is the most common type of Hydrocephalus
Non Communicating – obstructed flow through ventricles.
Where does Ventriculoperitoneal drain
Drain peritoneal cavity
Where does Ventriculoatrial drain
Rt Atrium via Jugular vein
Where does Ventriculopleural drain
Chest Cavity
Lumbo-peritoneal is used with ______________ hydrocephalus
Communicating – impaired absorption subarachnoid space, (Flow but no reabsorption occurring)
Name most common Treatment Complications of Shunt
Obstruction or Occlusion