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106 Cards in this Set

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Define Anemia
reduction in the number of RBC &/or Hgb
Name the most common hematologic disorder in infancy and childhood
List three main causes for Anemia
Inadequate RBC Prod, Increased RBC Prod, Excessive Loss RBC
S/S of Decreased Production of RBC
Pallor, Tachycardia, Fatigue, Muscle Weakness, Systolic Murmur
S/S of Increased Destruction of RBC
Jaundice, Tachycardia, Dark Urine, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Low BP (late sign of shock), Frontal bossing
S/S of Inc RBC Loss
Pallor, Fatigue, Muscles weakness, Cool Skin, Tachycardia, Decrease Peripheral Pulse
This is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in US
Iron deficiency
If a baby is premature how long with Iron Store last
No Iron Store build up available
Full term infants Iron Store will last how long
5-6 months
Preterm or multiple birth babies will have an Iron Store lasting how many months
2-3 months
What is the primary therapeutic management goal
What is a good way to get IRON in to the diet if they are 4 to 6 mo of age
Iron fortified formula, cereal
Define Retic
immature Red Blood Cell
Ferrous Sulfate by another name is
Iron Supplement
Common Side Effects of Iron Supplement
Nausea, GI Irritation, Diarrhea, Constipation
An Acidity Aid is given to help with Iron absorption what specific kind of food or beverage should the supplement be given with
Citrus Food or Juice
What is the color of the stool of an individual that is taking iron supplements
tarry green or black
With Sickle Cell which part of the Hgb is defective
Globin in Hgb
Sickle Cell is a has a multi system impact, List other systems & organs impacted
Spleen, Liver, Gallbaddler, Kidney’s, Bones, Cardiac, CNS,
What is Dactylitis
Inflammation of the digits
Explain Sequestration Crisis
Pooling of large a quantities of blood, usually spleen
True or False 70% of individuals with sickle cell will experience repeat strokes
True without Transfusions
A Electrophoresis can help determine and diagnosis what two types of Sickle Cell
Trait & Disease
Things the Nurse will due to manage a PT with Sickle Cell
IV Fluids, PCA Narcotics, Transfusion of Blood, Oxygen for hypoxia
Explain Chelation Therapy related to Sickle Cell
Removes Iron Overload with transfusion bind to remove iron from blood.
Excessive destruction of platelets
Idiopathic Thromboyctopenia Purpura (ITP)
ITP is Acute or Chronic
ITP can be both
S/S of ITP
Bruising, petichiae, bleeding
When DX ITP what two disease processes are you trying to rule out
Lupus & Leukemia
Chronic ITP TX is
With a Spleenectomy Ibuprofen is preferred over Tylenol, True or False
False Tylenol is preferred
Secondary disorder of coagulation, Characterized by bleeding and clotting simultaneously is
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Sepsis, Injury, Hypoxia/LTE, Shock States are all common trigger for what bleeding and clotting disorder
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC),
Telling sign of DIC is Accelerated clotting, ______________, tissue ischemia, _______________& limbs
Micro clotting in vessels, Loss of organ function
True or False with DIC if supportive TX is successful function will return to limb or organ?
In CPR what do the three C’s Stand for
Compressions Compressions Compressions
Rate of _______ compressions per minute
If a team is involved in CPR how often should you rotate compressions?
2-3 Minutes
AEDS are acceptable for children great than _____ years of age?
> or = to 1 year of age
Name the Cancer with the Highest Survival Rate
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma & Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 94%
These three types of Cancer have the highest incidence, what are they
Leukemia, Brain & Spinal Cord & Neuroblastoma
To DX childhood cancer the following steps will be taken
Complete History, ROS, Physical, Lab Test, Imagining, Biopsy
List Multimodal Therapy that might be used to treat childhood cancer
Surgery, Radiation, Chemo, BMT (bone marrow transplant), Genetics (stem cell), Vaccines (HPV)
Monocolonal Antibodies & G-CSF as well as GM-CSF & Interleukin 1-6 are all what types of treatment
What is the primary purpose of G-CSF (Neupogen) Biotherapy treatment
To increase WEB production of Neutrophils as to decrease the risk for infection
True or False the National Cancer Institute plans and initiates comparative clinical trials, Prevention, Treatment, Long term effects & investigational drugs related to cancer?
How many Phases are included in the Investigational Drug Trial process
3 Phases
Phase 1 of the Investigational Drug Trail
Assess the maximum does tolerated
Phase 2 of the Investigational Drug Trail
Assess tumors reaction to the drug
Phase 3 of Investigational Drug Trail
Looks at most effective routs, length of TX & combinations of drugs
List cardinal signs of cancer
Unusual mass or swelling
List cardinal signs of cancer
Unusual mass or swelling, Paleness & loss of energy, Bruising, Pain or limping, Fever, HA w Vomiting, Vision Changes,Excessive or rapid wt loss
Cellular destruction from infiltration of immature cells and competition for metabolic elements is also known as
The type of cancer is more common in Preschool Age children
Acute Lymphocyctic Leukemia (ALL)
Adolescents generally have this type of cancer usually related to a genetic disorder
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
Which cancer is less responsive to Chemo AML or ALL
AML Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Characteristics of AML
10 Yrs or Older, More CNS & organ involvement at DX
First Treatment for AML is usually
BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant)
ALL is Acute lymphocytic Leukemia which has a good or poor prognosis
True or False ALL is very responsive to chemotherapy?
What type of cell is involved in AML
Name cells involved in ALL
B Cells, T Cells, Pre T Cell, Early Pre B Cells
Is CALLA a Good Prognostic Indicator True or False
B Cell usually results in a Good or Poor Prognosis
Pre B Cell usually results in a Good or Poor Prognosis
T Cell usually results in a Good, Fair or Poor Prognosis
Immature white blood cell production decreased all of these BM, Hypermetablism, Reticuloendotheial except
CNS Increased ICP
Bone Marrow Depression Resulting in the 3 following things, Neutropenia (inc infection), Decreased RBC (inc Anemia) &
Thromboyctopenia (increased bleeding)
With Leukemia which Lab value is generally normal or increased, while all other Labs such as RBC’s, Plts, Neutrophils, Hemoglobin are all decreased
WBC count
How do they DX for Leukemia
BM, Lumbar Puncture, CBC, Live & Renal Function Study
What is the location of the BM draw
Iliac Crest
Allopurinol (Zyloprim) is to treat what that common occurs with Chemo & Radiation Tx
Uric Acid
What is the rescue drug for Methotrexate
What is the Function of G-CSF
Increase Neutrophil Count to “STIMULATE BM”
What do these meds have in common Vincristine, L-Asparaginase
IV Route
ALL is usually treated with Prednisone what is a common S/E (hint steroids)
Increased Blood Glucose Level
This drug can result in neurotoxicity, such as foot drop & illeus
With the 1st round of Chemo a decrease of __% of blast should occur to have a positive prognosis and remission
A Nurse must calculate and draw Epi when giving what drug
When monitoring the Temp on a PT with Leukemia the best result comes from an Axillary or Rectal Temperature
NO Rectal
What is the #1 way to protect a PT with Altered Immunity
A PT with an altered immunity can have a banana and orange just no strawberries
True Anything with peel .
List a positive side effect of Prednisone for Cancer PT
Increase Appetite
Post irradiation Somnolence is a result of what
Hodgkin’s Disease has a _____ Prognosis for Adolescents and Young Adults
Tx for Hodgkin’s is
Radiation, Chemo, Body Image and Reproduction
DX of Hodgkin’s with Biopsy, ______ & _____?
Lymphangiogram, Staging
Non-Hodgkin’s impact the CNS & BM, True or False
A BM aspiration is used to DX Non-Hodgkin’s
TX for Non Hodgkin’s is
Irradiation & Chemo
True or False more tumors in children are in the Supratentorial area (lower brain stem)
False , Infratentorial
Optic Brain Tumor in a child
Optic Glioma
Childhood Cancer in the Medulla
S/S of Brain Tumors
Ataxia, HA, Motor Weakness, Vomiting, Visual Defect, Cranial Enlargement, Papilla Edema, SZ
A PT has returned to PAC, what Post –Op care should you the Nurse be checking
Neuro LOC, ICP, Pupil Check, Head Circ, SZ, Fluid Balance, Position
The Silent Tumor is known as the
Common site for Neuroblast are
Abd, Neck, Head, Chest , Pelvis
When a Neuroblast is present an individual PT will see an increase in Adrenal
Increased Catecholamine’s will also increase what vital sign
Neuroblast are often Dx at what Stage
Stage 3 & 4
A 24hour UA is used to DX Neuroblastoma, increased levels of what should be present
DX Neuroblastoma Scans, _____, Renal Function & 24 hour UA
Liver Function Test
Define Aniridia
No Iris
S/S of Neuroblastoma
ABD Mass, Bone Mets, Spinal Cord Paralysis, Wt loss, Weakness,
If a child Dx with Neuroblastoma has an increased FE level is this a good or bad marker for prognosis
Neurblastoma prognosis is poor
2 year survival rate and 5%