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47 Cards in this Set

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Myelination of the spinal cord is almost complete by 2 years of age. As a result of this, which of the following can gradually be achieved?
a) Visual acuity of 20/20
b) Throwing a ball without falling
c) Respirations becoming diaphragmatic
d) Control and anal and urethral sphincters
Control of anal and urethral sphincters
Which of the following is descriptive of toddlers' cognitive development at age 20 months?
a) Realize that "out of sight" is not out of reach
b) Search for an object only if they see it hidden
c) Put objects into a container but cannot take them out
d) Understand the passage of time, such as "just a minute" and 'in an hour"
Realize that "out of sight" is not out of reach
Two toddlers are playing in a sandbox when one child suddenly grabs a toy from the other child. Which of the following is the best interpretation of this behaviour?
a) This is typical behaviour because toddlers are aggressive
b) This is typical behaviour because toddlers are egocentric
c) Toddlers should know that sharing toys is expected of them
d) Toddlers should have the cognitive ability to know right from wrong
This is typical behaviour because toddlers are egocentric
A toddler's parent asks the nurse for suggestions on dealing with temper tantrums. Which one of the following is the most appropriate recommendation?
a) Punish the child
b) Explain to the child why the tantrum is wrong
c) Leave the child alone until the tantrum is over
d) Remain close by the child but ignore the behaviors
Remain close by the child but ignore the behaviors
Which statement characterizes toddlers' eating behavior?
a) Food fads are common
b) They have increased appetite
c) They have few food preferences
d) Their table manners are predictable
Food fads are common
Recommendations for parents of toddlers to meet fluoride requirements include all of the following except:
a) Supervise the use of toothpaste
b) Supervise the use of fluoride rinses
c) Store fluoride products out of reach
d) Administer fluoride supplements if water fluoride content is low
Supervise the use of fluoride rinses
A parent has a 2 year old in the clinic for a well-child checkup. Which of the following statements by the parent would indicate to the nurse that the parent needs more instruction regarding accident prevention?
a) We locked all the medicines in the bathroom cabinet
b) We turned the thermostat down on our hot water heater
c) We placed gates at the top and bottom of the basement steps
d) We stopped using the car seat now that our child is older
We stopped using the car seat now that our child is older
Which of the following characteristics most predispose toddlers to frequent infections?
a) Short, straight internal ear canal and large lymph tissue
b) Slower pulse and respiratory rate and higher blood pressure
c) Abdominal respirations
d) Less efficient defense mechanisms
Short, straight internal ear canal and large lymph tissue
Which of the following statements is most characteristics is most characteristic of a 24 month old child in regard to motor development?
a) Motor skills are fully developed but occur in isolation from the environment
b) The toddler walks alone, but falls easily
c) The toddler's activities begin to produce purposeful results
d) The toddler is able to grasp small objects, but cannot release them at will
The toddler's activities begin to produce purposeful results
Using Erikson's theory as a foundation, the primary developmental task of the toddler period is to:
a) Satisfy the need for basic trust
b) Achieve a sense of accomplishment
c) Learn to give up dependence for independence
d) Acquire language or mental symbolism
Learn to give up dependence for independence
Piaget's theory of cognitive development depicts the toddler as a child who:
a) Repeatedly explores the same object each time it appears in a new place
b) Is able to transfer information from one situation to another
c) Has a persistent negative response to any request
d) Has the rudimentary beginning of a superego
Repeatedly explores the same object each time is appears in a new place
The principal characteristics of Piaget's preoperational phase are: (select all that apply)
a) Dependence on perception in problem solving
b) Egocentric use of language
c) The ability to manipulate objects in relation to one another in a logical way
d) The ability to solve problems based on what is recalled about objects and events
A and B
Focusing on one aspect rather than considering all possible alternatives.
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Inability to envision situations from perspectives other than one's own.
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Inability to undo the actions initiated physically.
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Attributing lifelike qualities to inanimate objects
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Thinking from the particular to the particular
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Transductive reasoning
Lack of understanding that a mass can be changed in size, shape, volume, or length without losing or adding to the original mass
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Inability to conserve
Belief that thoughts are all-powerful and can cause events
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Magical thinking
Belief that changing any one part of the whole changes the entire whole
a) Egocentrism
b) Transductive reasoning
c) Global organization
d) Centration
e) Animism
f) Irreversibility
g) Magical thinking
h) Inability to conserve
Global organization
According to Kohlberg, the best way to discipline children is to:
a) Use a punishment and obedience orientation
b) Withhold privileges
c) Use power to control behavior
d) Give explanations and help the child to change
Give explanations and help the child to change
Which of the following skills is not necessary for the toddler to acquire before separation and individuation can be achieved?
a) Object permanence
b) Lack of anxiety during separations from parents
c) Delayed gratification
d) Ability to tolerate a moderate amount of frustration
Lack of anxiety during separations from parents
By the age of 3, the toddler generally:
a) Has clear body boundaries
b) Participates willingly in most procedures
c) Has a sense of maleness and femaleness
d) Is unable to learn correct terms for body parts
Has a sense of maleness and femaleness
The usual number of words acquired by the age of 2 years is:
a) 50
b) 100
c) 300
d) 500
The 2 year old child living in a bilingual environment can:
a) Have advanced speaking ability without adequate comprehension
b) Have advanced speaking ability along with advanced comprehension
c) Achieve early linguistic milestones in each language at the same time
d) Have delayed speaking without adequate comprehension
Achieve early linguistic milestones in each language at the same time
As the child moves through the toddler period, there is a decrease in the frequency of:
a) Solitary play
b) Imitative play
c) Tactile play
d) Parallel play
Solitary play
Of the following techniques, which is the best to use when toilet training a toddler?
a) Limit sessions to 5 to 8 minutes of practice
b) Remove the child from the bathroom to flush the toilet
c) Ensure the toddler's privacy during the sessions
d) Place the potty chair near a television to help distract the child during the sessions
Limit sessions to 5 to 8 minutes of practice
Which of the following statements is false in regard to toilet training?
a) Bowel training is usually accomplished after bladder training
b) Nighttime bladder training is usually accomplished after bowel training
c) The toddler who is impatient with soiled diapers is demonstrating readiness for toilet training
d) Fewer wet diapers signals that the toddler is physically ready for toilet training
Bowel training is usually accomplished after bladder training
Of the following strategies, which is most appropriate for parents to use to prepare a toddler for the birth of a sibling?
a) Explain the upcoming birth as early in the pregnancy as possible
b) Move the toddler to his or her own new room
c) Provide a doll for the toddler to imitate parenting
d) Tell the toddler that a new playmate will come home soon
Provide a doll for the toddler to imitate parenting
The best approach to stop a toddler's attention-seeking behavior of a tantrum with violent head banging is to:
a) Ignore the behavior
b) Provide time-out
c) Offer a toy to calm the child
d) Protect the child from injury
Protect the child from injury
Of the following techniques, which is the best one to deal with the negativism of the toddler?
a) Quietly and calmly ask the child to comply
b) Provide few or no choices for the child
c) Provide choices
d) Remain serious and intent
Provide choices
Which of the following statements about stress in toddlers is true?
a) Toddlers are rarely exposed to stress or the results of stress
b) Any stress is destructive because toddlers have a limited ability to cope
c) Most children are exposed to a stress-free environment
d) Small amounts of stress help toddlers develop effective coping skills
Small amounts of stress help toddlers develop effective coping skills
Regression in toddlers occurs when there is:
a) Stress
b) A threat to their autonomy
c) A need to revert to dependency
d) All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following statements is true in regard to nutritional changes from the infant to the toddler years?
a) Growth rate increases
b) Caloric requirements decrease
c) Protein requirements are low
d) Fluid requirements increase
Caloric requirements decrease
Fluid requirement in toddlers represent:
a) An increase in intracellular fluid
b) An increase in relative total body water
c) A decrease in intracellular fluid
d) An increase in fluid needs
An increase in intracellular fluid
Which nutritional requirement may be difficult to meet in the toddler years?
a) Calories
b) Proteins
c) Minerals
d) Fluids
Physiologic anorexia in toddlers is characterized by:
a) Strong taste preferences
b) Extreme changes in appetite from day to day
c) Heightened awareness of social aspects of meals
d) All of the above
All of the above
Healthy ways of serving food to toddlers include:
a) Establishing a pattern of sitting at a table for meals
b) Permitting nutritious nibbling in lieu of meals
c) Discouraging between-meal snacking
d) All of the above
Permitting nutritious nibbling in lieu of meals
Developmentally, most children at 12 months:
a) Use a spoon adeptly
b) Relinquishing the bottle voluntarily
c) Eat the same food as the rest of the family
d) Reject all solid food in preference for the bottle
Eat the same food as the rest of the family
The best approach to use for the toddler who prefers the bottle to all solid food is to:
a) Require the toddler to eat something
b) Allow the toddler to give up the bottle when ready
c) Withhold all food and water until the child takes solids
d) Puree all solids and feed them through the bottle
Allow the toddler to give up the bottle when ready
For a toddler with sleep problems, the nurse should suggest:
a) Using a transitional object
b) Varying the bedtime ritual
c) Eliminating all bedtime snacks
d) All of the above
Using a transitional object
Which of the following would be an inappropriate method to help a toddler adjust to the initial dental checkup?
a) Explain to the child that a checkup won't hurt
b) Have the child observe his or her sibling's examination
c) Have the child perform a checkup on a doll
d) Ask the dentist to reserve a thorough examination for another visit
Explain to the child that a checkup won't hurt
The most effective way to clean a toddler's teeth is:
a) For the child to brush regularly with toothpaste of his or her choice
b) For the parent to stabilize the chin with one hand and brush with the other
c) For the parent to brush the mandibular occlusive surfaces, leaving the rest for the child
d) For the parent to brush all except the mandibular occlusive surfaces
For the parent to stabilize the chin with one hand and brush with the other
Flossing is necessary:
a) To remove plaque from below the gum margin
b) To remove debris from between the teeth
c) To reach areas where brushing is ineffective
d) All of the above
All of the above
Children should use convertible car restraints until they:
a) weigh 40 lb
b) Reach the age of 1 year
c) Reach the age of 8 years
d) weigh 60 lbs
Weigh 40 lb
One of the best ways to prevent drowning in the toddler group is for parents to:
a) Learn CPR
b) Supervise children whenever they are near any source of water
c) Enroll the toddler in a swimming program
d) All of the above
All of the above
Poisonings in toddlers can be best prevented by:
a) Consistently using safety caps
b) Storing poisonous substances in a locked cabinet
c) Keeping ipecac syrup in the home
d) Storing poisonous substances out of reach
Storing poisonous substances in a locked cabinet