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152 Cards in this Set

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Age: Rolls onto Stomach
5 months
Dx: child born normal and asymptomatic until teens, when he began to have delayed muscle relaxation, progressive muscle weakness, thinning cheeks and atrophy of thenar and hypothenar eminences
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Dx: G-6-P deficiency
Von-Gierke's syndrome
Age: Copies Circle
3 years
Dx: A child presents following a viral illness with Ascending weakness, Paralysis, Loss DTR, may progress to affect Diaphragm (breathing) Tx? (3 possible)
Guillain-Barre Tx: (1) Supportive (intubation may be needed) (2) Plasmapheresis (3) IVIG
which has a sac--Omphalocele or Gastroschisis?
Omphalocele (O is like a closed sac)
Dx: A newborn child presents with hypocalcemia, truncus arteriosus, Fishmouth, tetany and Micrognathia What is deficient?
DiGeorge syndrome Deficiency: T-cells (from hypoplasia of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches; thymus)
Tx: Hereditary Angioedema
Danazol (and Epi if needed)
Dx: palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, decreased complement, arthralgias, HSM, peripheral neuropathy and positive HCV
Mixed Essential Cryoglobinemia (hCv = Cryoglobinemia)
What coagulopathy presents with: High PT, High PTT, High Bleeding Time
DIC (will also see low platelet count)
A full-term newborn is born vaginally after a pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes that was poorly controlled. He is born with scleral icterus. Three hours after birth the baby is plethoric, irritable and cyanotic. Six hours after birth he has a seizure. What hematological abnormality is most likely seen on his CBC?
Polycythemia (a known complication in the infant of a diabetic mother)
What (2) electrolyte disorders accompany Rhabdomyolysis?
1. Hyperphosphatemia (leading to...) 2. Hypocalcemia
When should Ampicillin be added to the treatment of meningitis? (2) When should Vancomycin be added?
Ampicillin: 1. Listeria (as bug) 2. Neonates Vancomycin: Pneumococcus
Dx: a boy presents with a high PTT and Hemarthrosis Tx?
Hemophilia A Tx: replace Factor VIII
Tx: prevents painful episodes of Sickle cell crisis
A 4-yo child presents with a platelet count of 30K and you diagnose her with ITP. what is the most appropriate Tx at this time?
No specific therapy (when platelets go below 20K start on oral prednisone; a splenectomy is done for those with no response to prenisone or those with recurrent ITP)
Dx: Lymphocytic meningitis, rash on wrists and ankles moving centrally Tx?
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tx: Doxycycline (and Ceftriaxone for meningitis prophylaxis)
Dx: A term male infant is found to be cyanotic shortly after birth and requires endotracheal intubation. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 68/34 mm Hg (equal in all four extremities), pulse is 180/min, and respirations are 32/min. His precordium is dynamic, has a grade III systolic murmur, and a single S2. Chest radiography shows a normal heart size and increased pulmonary vascular markings. An arterial blood gas on an FiO2 of 100% shows pH 7.34; PaCO2, 47 mm Hg; PaO2, 46 mm Hg
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (characterized by the pulmonary veins forming a confluence behind the left atrium, and draining into the right atrium. Complete mixing takes place in the right atrium, with a right-to-left shunt through the foramen ovale to the left side of the heart)
What (3) malignancies are associated with EBV?
1. Burkitt Lymphoma 2. Hodgkin Dz 3. Nasopharyngeal CA
a child swallows an unlabled bottle of pills: signs of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (bloody diarrhea), N/V, diarrhea, acute liver failure, shock, coma Test? Tx?
Iron pill overdose test: Serum Iron level Tx: Deferoxamine
Dx: Heart d/o assoc with DiGeorge syndrome
TOF, interupted arch, VSD, PA, truncus
what type of acid/base disorder do you see with a 2 day history of diarrhea?
Hyperchloremic Normal Anion gap Acidosis (loss of bicarb in the stool stimulates renal tubular reabsorption of chloride ions)
MC birthing brachial plexus injury? what nerve roots? another name for this injury?
Erb-Duchenne roots: C5-C6 (C4: if ipsilateral diaphragmatic paralysis also)
Dx: severe dehydration in neonate with HypoN, HyperK and HypoG plus Metabolic Acidosis
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (21-hydroxylase deficiency)
Dx: Loud harsh pansystolic murmur heard in the Lower left sternal border What can it lead to?
VSD (MC heart defect) Leads to: Eisenmenger’s syndrome (VSD shunt reverses right to left when the PVR exceeds the SVR)
Dx: A patient presents with mild MR, prominent lips and a long philtrum, a systolic ejection murmur and hypercalcemia.
Williams syndrome
Age: walks up and down stairs without help and has 2 - 3 word phrases
24 months old
birthing injury where baby has hand extended and fingers flexed what nerve roots? another name for this injury?
Klumpke roots: C8-T1
What are (4) developmental milestones at 9 months old?
"Pinches Ma-ma's furniture Bye-Bye to cruise" 1. Pincher grasp 2. says: Mama or Dada 3. waves Bye-Bye 4. Cruises around furniture
Dx: a male infant between the ages of 6 – 12 months presents with recurrent lung and sinus infections, esp. pneumococcus and H.influenzae; All Immunoglobulins are Low and B-cells are low or absent Tx?
Bruton's Agammaglobinemia (X-linked recessive) Tx: replace IgG
Dx: "sea-blue" histiocytes
Dx: a child presents with a wide-based gait, decreased vibratory and position sense in lower extremities, absent ankle jerk bilaterally, atrophy of cervical spinal cord and T-wave inversions
Friedreich Ataxia (Trinucleotide repeats; Autosomal Recessive)
What are the (3) main Right-to-Left shunt developmental Heart disorders?
1. Tetralogy of Fallot; 2. Transposition of the great vessels; 3. Tricuspid Atresia
Dx: Defect in neutrophil chemotaxis
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Age: walks up and down stairs without help and has 2 - 3 word phrases
Dx: Loud, palpable S2 without murmur; Common cause of heart failure in first week of life. What can Patient develop?
Hypoplastic Left Heart (Underdevelopment of left cardiac chambers, atresia or stenosis of aortic and/or mitral orifices, and hypoplasia of the aorta) Patient develops Metabolic Acidosis
On physical examination, the infant is afebrile with stable vital signs. She can lift her head to 90 degrees, her eyes follow past the midline, she laughs, regards her own hand and has slight awareness of her mother. How old is she?
4 months
Dx: Superoxide deficiency in Macrophages
Chronic Granulomatous Dz
MC Sx of mixed Sickle cell trait
painless Hematuria
Dx: Child stares into space in middle of sentence, then 20 seconds later he resumes his sentence Dx test results? Tx?
Absence seizure Dx test: EEG showing 3-Hz Spike and Wave pattern Tx: Ethosuximide
what are the (4)* MC congenital problems in infant of a diabetic mother?
"A Diabetic Causes Trouble": 1. Ancephaly / NT defects 2. Duodenal Atresia / small left colon 3. Caudal Regression syndrome 4. Transposition of the Great Vessels
what is the difference in RDW levels b/t thalassemia and Iron-deficiency anemia?
RDW: normal in Thalassemia High in Iron-deficiency anemia
What occurs if you correct the following problems too fast? 1. DI 2. DKA 3. SIADH
1. DI -> Seizures 2. DKA -> Cerebral edema -> Herniation 3. SIADH -> CPM
A 13-yo girl presents with lethargy, fever, severe HA and a stiff neck. On exam she has a unilateral fixed, dilated pupil and papilledema. What is the initial step in management?
Intubation and Hyperventilation
A 2-yo boy undergoes end-to-end repair of an aortic coarctation. Seven years later he has HTN symptoms again. Tx?
Angioplasty via balloon (TOC for re-coarctation)
Deficient enzyme: FTT, bilateral cataracts, jaundice and hypoglycemia at birth
Dx: Beta-Galactosidase deficiency
MCC of Meningitis in: Patient > 2 months old
If a child presents with asthma and other allergic disorders (allergic rhinitis or eczema), what is the best long term medication?
Mast Cell Stabilizers (inhaled Cromolyn)
Dx: a patient has a specific component of the complement system that is low and continues to get Neisseria infections.
Complement deficiency in any complement from C5 - C9
Dx: Acanthocytes (spiny RBC)
Dx: short, Inc calcium, developmental delay, overy friendly, supravalvular aortic stenosis
Williams syndrome
Dx: Tall, infertile, gynecomastia, microtestes
Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY)
What is the difference in Tx wth Ewings Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma?
Ewings: Surgery, Chemo, Radiation Osteosarcoma: Surgery & Chemo only!
What is the MC malignant tumor in infancy?
Dx; Strawberry rash of newborn with difficulty breathing
Epiglottic Hemangioma
Dx: Weak/delayed/absent lower extremity pulses, HTN What is seen on CXR? What Dz is it assoc with?
Coarctation of the Aorta CXR: Rib notching Dz: Turner's Syndrome
Dx: MCC of cyanosis in the first 24 hours of life; loud single S2 What is seen on CXR? Tx (aside from airway) until surgery?
Transposition of Great Vessels CXR: "Egg on a string" (ECG will show right axis deviation and RVH) Tx: Prostaglandin (to keep PDA open until surgery)
Dx: Hereditary eye problem with progressive night blindness, field constriction and loss of acuity
Retinitis Pigmentosa
In assessing dehydration, what are the (7)* main findings to evaluate? How many findings equal <5% dehydration? More then 10% dehydration?
having Dehydration is "BUM NEWS": 1. BP and HR 2. Urine output 3. Mucous membranes and Tears 4. Neurological status 5. Eye and Fontanels 6. Weight 7. Skin turgor/color and Capillary refill <5% = <3 findings >10% = >6 findings
Dx; A 12-mo with foul-smelling, non-bloody stool 7-8 times/day, irritable, pre-tibial edema, erythematous vesicles on extensor surfaces of elbows and knees and microcytic anemia
Celiac Disease (begins at age 12 - 15 mo)
Dx: 6-yo boy presents with dark pubic hair, enlarged penis/testis, growth spurt and acne
Hypothalamic tumor (without growth spurt may be 21-hydroxylase deficiency)
Dx: Infant gets repeated pneumonias at beginning of life due to exhaustion of maternal IgG in system
MC abdominal mass in newborn
Polycyctic Kidney disease
MC adolescent bone tumor. It occurs in a Metaphyseal area on the Distal Femur, Proximal Tibia or Proximal Humerus what is seen on x-ray? Who has an increased risk?
Osteosarcoma x-ray: Codman triangle (bony sclerosis) Inc risk: patients with Bilateral Retinoblastoma
Dx: IgG, IgM and IgA are all very low, very low B-cells, bacterial infections in the first 5 years of life
X-linked Agammaglobinemia
Aside from certain meds, what are the (6)* main contraindications of offering newborn breast milk?
“A Healthy Toddler Gladly Sucks Vitaminsâ€: AIDS; Herpes if breast lesions; TB (active, untreated); Galactosemia; Syphilis; Varicella
Tx: West syndrome (Infantile spasms) (2)
ACTH and Prednisone
What type of juvenile RA occurs in a few large joints (like knee, hip shoulder)?
Pauciarticular JRA
A 2-mo is admitted with constipation and an abdominal mass, fever, feeding poorly and vomiting for the past 2 days. A barium enema is ordered and shows Hirschprung's Dz. what is the most important next step?
IV fluid hydration and IV antibiotics (reestablish IV volume and prevent sepsis)
What additional (3) things are needed in formula for premature infants?
1. Extra Calories (22kcal/oz) 2. Extra Calcium 3. Extra Phosphorus
What electrolyte abnormality is commonly seen in a newborn macrosomic infant from a mother with diabetes?
Hypocalcemia (and hypomagnesemia)
Dx: "sea-blue" histiocytes
Dx: palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, decreased complement, arthralgias, HSM, peripheral neuropathy and positive HCV
Mixed Essential Cryoglobinemia (hCv = Cryoglobinemia)
Dx test: Chronic Granulomatous Dz
Nitroblue Tetrazolium
Dx: Bilateral ptosis, difficulty getting up from chair and muscle weakness
Myasthenia Gravis
Dx: child with increased AA in urine, photosensitivity, ataxia and neuro problems
Hartnup Dz
MC child brain tumor in cerebrum
Benign Astrocytoma
When does stranger anxiety start and peak?
Dx test: Tuberous Sclerosis
CT scan of head (Calcified periventricular tubers)
Dx: short, Inc calcium, developmental delay, overy friendly, supravalvular aortic stenosis
Dx: child with morning Headache, vomiting (causing HA to go away); Ataxia, nystagmus, head-tilt, intention tremor Specific site?
Cerebellar Astrocytoma (MC childhood brain tumor) site: Infratentorial (posterior fossa)
A child presents with "cat-scratch Dz." what is the bug? what is the Dx/confirmatory test?
Bartonella henselae test: Serum antibody titers
Dx: Alpha-Galactosidase deficiency
fAbry's Dz (fAAAAAbry's)
Dx: Apical Click followed by a late-systolic murmur
Mitral Prolapse
Tx: Homocystinuria
Vitamin B6
Dx: Continuous murmur w/ wide pulse pressure heard in the upper left sternal border Tx?
PDA Tx: Indomethicin
When does stranger anxiety start and peak?
starts: 6 - 8 months peaks: 12 - 15 months
Dx: Hyperinsulinemia, omphalocele, macroglossia, organomegaly
Dx: Bilateral ptosis, difficulty getting up from chair and muscle weakness
Myasthenia Gravis
Dx: a child presents with a slowly developing back pain and neuro degeneration with a "step-off" palpated at lumbosacral area
Dx: 6-yo boy presents with dark pubic hair, enlarged penis/testis, growth spurt and acne
Dx: Bilateral ptosis, difficulty getting up from chair and muscle weakness
Myasthenia Gravis
Dx: Cyanosis; Single second heart sound; Murmur Heard in Upper left sternal border What is seen on CXR?
Tetralogy of Fallot CXR: Boot-shaped heart
Child Brain Tumor: Cyst and mural nodule assoc with vonHipple-Lindau
Dx: a 9-yo boy presents with increasing clumsiness, change in speech, wide-based unsteady gait, nystagmus and no DTRs. what heart problem can it lead to in the future?
Friedrich Ataxia leads to: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Dx: Bone tumor causing "onion-skinning" of mid-shaft of femur what chromosomal problem?
Ewing's Sarcoma chromosome: t(11;22)
What coagulopathy presents with: High PT, Normal PTT, Normal Bleeding Time
Warfarin toxicity
Dx: A 3 – 5 yo child w/ an acute onset of Anorexia, pallor, fever, bone pain in 1/4 of patients, Pancytopenia. Dx Test? Tx? (3) MC places for Relapse? (2)
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (MC childhood cancer) Dx test: Bone Marrow bx Tx: 1. Chemotherapy, 2. Radiation, 3. Transplant Relapse: 1. TESTES 2. CNS
What are the minor criteria of Rheumatic fever? (5)
FAILS: 1. Fever 2. Arthralgia 3. Increased CRP or ESR 4. Long PR interval 5. Strep culture + or ASO+
Dx: A child has Sx of Petechiae (that do not blanch), but patient appears well and possible bleeding of mucous membranes; very low platelet count; Bone marrow is normal (or an increase in Megakaryocytes) Tx? (3 together)
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Tx: (1) IV-IG (2) Steroids (must do bone marrow first) (3) Anti-D globulin
What coagulopathy presents with: Normal PT, High PTT, High Bleeding time
vonWillebrand's Disease (Autosomal dominant)
what are the (4)* main features of Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome?
HOMO: 1. Hypoglycemia & Hyperinsulinemia 2. Omphalocele 3. Macroglossia & Macrosomia 4. Organomegaly
What are the erruption times of permanent teeth? (8)*
"Mama Is In Pain, Papa Can Make Medicine": 1st Molar: 6 years 1st Incisor: 7 years 2nd Incisor: 8 years 1st Premolar: 9 years 2nd Premolar: 10 years Canine: 11 years 2nd Molar: 12 years 3rd Molar: 18-25 years
Age: Rolls onto Back
4 months
Dx: watery to bloody Diarrhea, N/V, fever, possible neurologic Sx, caused by ingesting poultry or raw eggs Tx?
Salmonella Tx: Hydration only (no Abx - they prolong Dz)
Dx: child who has painful bones that wake him from sleep but are relieved by aspirin
Osteoid Osteoma
What are the (2) disorders where infants have Hypotonia or Flaccidity?
1. Werding-Hoffmann Dz 2. Infant Botulism
Dx: Place of foreign body aspiration in a child that was supine or is an epileptic
Right Bronchi in Posterior Segment of Lower Lobe
What is the MCC of Nephrotic syndrome in Pediatrics? Tx? Main possible Complication?
Minimal Change Disease (MCD) Tx: Steroids Complication: Spontaneous Peritonitis
Bacterial Diarrhea: Ulcerative colitis-like Sx plus Arthritis
Campylobacter (MCC of infectious diarrhea)
Dx: Hyperinsulinemia, omphalocele, macroglossia, organomegaly
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (HOMO)
MC genetic defect in CF
MC Sx of mixed Sickle cell trait
painless Hematuria
Difference in presentation with Niemann-Pick Dz and Tay-Sachs Dz?
Both have Cherry-red spot on Macula NP: Hepatosplenomegaly TS: No hepatosplenomegaly
Dx: MR with midline defects, cleft lip/palate
Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13)
Dx: A 16-year-old boy presents with a temperature of 38.4 C (101 F) and low back, wrist, and knee pain. He had a sore throat 1 month earlier. His arthritis is diffuse. Pea-sized swellings are noted over the skin on his knees. He has a serpiginous erythematous area on his anterior trunk. His blood and throat cultures are negative, and his CBC is unremarkable. His antistreptolysin-O (ASO) titer is high. Tx? (2 together)
Rheumatic Fever Tx: 1. Penicillin 2. Aspirin
Dx: MR with rocker-bottom feet and clenched fist
Edward's syndrome (Trisomy 18)
Dx: Onset of HA with focal neurological sx soon after acute otitis media?
Brain Abscess
An infant is crawling around on the floor at home and suddenly become cyanotic. what is the first step?
Back blows followed by chest thrusts (never perform a blind finger sweep in a child, b/c it can push the aspirated object further)
Dx: A 5-year-old girl presents with a 3-day history of fever, dyspnea, and intermittent joint pain. She has a history of sore throat about 1 month ago. On physical examination, her temperature is 39.6 C (103.2 F), blood pressure is 94/60 mm Hg, pulse is 114/min, and respirations are 22/min. Her knees and elbow joints are swollen and tender to palpation. There is a grade III/VI diastolic murmur best heard at the apex. Multiple fine, pink macules are noted on her trunk. These macules are blanching in the middle. Tx?
Rheumatic Fever Tx: Penicillin
MC child brain tumor in cerebrum
Benign Astrocytoma
A child presents with swallowing kerosene. What is the primary objective? What are the first (2) tests? What are (2) Tx?
objective: Prevent Aspiration resulting in Chemical Pneumonitis tests: 1. CXR 2. Blood Gas Tx: 1. Prevent aspiration 2. avoid gastric lavage
MCC of conjunctivitis in newborn (less then 24 hours-old)
Chemical (from Silver Nitrate drops)
A premature infant on a vent has signs of pneumonia. MC bug?
Oxacillin-Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA would also cause skin pustules of periumbilical and diaper areas)
Dx: Infant with spinal muscular atrophy, Fasciculations, frog-leg posture Dx Test/results? (3) Tx?
Werdnig-Hoffman Dz ("Floppy-Baby" syndrome) Dx Test: 1. EMG: Fibrillations 2. Muscle bx: denervation 3. Nerve bx: slowed conduction Tx: Supportive
How many mL/kg water loss is considered Mild, Moderate and Severe?
Mild = < 50mL/kg Moderate = 50 - 99mL/kg Severe = > 100mL/kg
First test: Nasal polyps found in child
Pilocarpine Sweat Test (polyps in child = CF)
What are the (11)* criteria (of which 4 or more need to be present) to diagnose SLE?
SOAP BRAIN MD: 1. Serositis (pleuritis/pericarditis) 2. Oral ulcers 3. Arthritis 4. Photosensitivity 5. Blood (any can be low) 6. Renal problems 7. ANA+ 8. Immunological (ds-DNA+) 9. Nero Sx (psych, seizures) 10. Malar Rash 11. Discoid Rash
Dx: child born normal and asymptomatic until teens, when he began to have delayed muscle relaxation, progressive muscle weakness, thinning cheeks and atrophy of thenar and hypothenar eminences
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Diarrhea that is caused by "chitlins" at a picnic
What (2) coagulopathies present with: Normal PT, High PTT, Normal Bleeding time What medication also presents this way? What else in blood work differentiates it?
Coags: Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B (X-linked recessive) Med: Heparin Difference: Thrombocytopenia
Dx: Corneal clouding, cataracts, early renal failure
Fabry's Dz
Dx: orange/yellow warty lesion on the scalp in newborn that displaces hair growth Tx? what can it lead to?
Nevus sebaceous Tx: leave alone until Adolescence (should go away) leads to: 15% chance to become malignant
What are the (5) Tanner stages for Pubic hair?
1. None 2. Scant, Fine hair 3. Curly, extending laterally 4. Adult-like hair, NOT on medial thigh 5. Adult hair on medial thigh
Tx: prevents painful episodes of Sickle cell crisis
What are the (5) parts of the Major criteria for Rheumatic Fever? What is Ailment is it assoc with?
Major (JONES) Criteria: (2 of these = Rheumatic fever) J = Joints = carditis (O looks like a heart) N = Nodules (subcutaneous) E = Erythema marginatum S = Sydenhams chorea Assoc with: Strep throat (GAS)
COD: Meningococcemia
Adrenal Failure/Hemorrhage (from advancing to Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome)
What are the nodular swellings of the irises in NF-1 patients?
what is seen in the serum of someone with a pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma?
Cold Agglutinins
Dx: Child with short stature, Bitemporal hemianopsia and endocrine abnormalities Dx test? What can occur post-op?
Craniopharyngioma(Supratentorial) Dx test: X-ray of skull: Large Cella Tursica Post-op: Diabetes Insipidus
Differential for Lymphocytic meningitis and next test for each (3)
Test: IgG and IgM Serology 1. Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever 2. Lyme disease Test: India Ink (or cryptococcal antigen) 3. Cryptococcus
Dx: Systolic ejection murmur best heard at the left upper sternal border and a mid-diastolic murmur at the lower left sternal border; Fixed S2
Dx: MR, spasticity, aggressive behavior, self-mutilation, Gout arthritis
what one sign is most suggestive of Primary TB?
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Deficient enzyme: FTT, bilateral cataracts, jaundice and hypoglycemia at birth
Dx: A child presents with recurrent episodes of non-pitting edema on the skin (including swelling of eyelids and lips), GI tract and respiratory system and a family history of the same problem; C4 complement is low What is the deficiency? Genetics? Tx?
Hereditary Angioedema Deficiency: C1 Esterase Inhibitor Genetics: Autosomal Dominant Tx: Epinepherine and airway (like for anaphylaxis)
Dx: Optic atrophy, spasticity, Globoid bodies in brain
Krabbe's Dz
Dx: Marfan features + Thromboembolic events enzyme deficiency?
Homocystinuria enzyme: Cystathionine Synthase
What hormone is responsible for growth plate fusion?
Dx: A child of 2 – 7 months presents with Recurrent mixed Flexor-Extensor spasms lasting only a few seconds, but repeat more then 100 times in a row; Looks like multiple Startle or Moro response Dx Test & Result? Tx? (2 together)
Infantile spasms ("West syndrome") Dx Test: EEG: HYPSARRTHYMIA Tx: 1. ACTH 2. prednisone
Friedrich ataxia
The primary site of pathology is spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Sclerosis and degeneration of dorsal root ganglion, spinocerebellar tracts, lateral
corticospinal tracts, and posterior columns[6]. In peripheral nerves there is a loss of large myelinated fibres.Heart disorders (e.g., atrial fibrillation, and resultant tachycardia (fast heart rate) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy )