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109 Cards in this Set

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What disease is often associated with tattoos?
Hep C
What material can be used up to 18 years following the development of a scar to help minimize it?
Silicone patching
Why is lanolin terrible for dry skin?
it is made with wool
What are the 9 functions of the skin?
1. Protection
2. prevents penetration
3. Perception
4. Temp regulation
5. Identification
6. communication
7. wound repair
8. absorption and excretion
9. Production of vitamin D
Which layer of the skin is characterized by a horny layer of dead cells, melanin and keratin are formed?
Describe the dermis.
Supportive layer, connective tissue, appendages embedded vasculature and peripheral nervous system
THe subcutaneous layer is composed of___.
What common skin disorders often affect the epidermal layer?
-atopic dermatitis
-cafe au lait spots
if a lesion effects both the dermis and the epidermis, how would it be described?
Altered surface markings plus distinct borders, edema, scales, vesicles, crust, color changes including red
Which disorders effect both the epidermis and the dermis?
-Atopic dermatitis
-cutaneous lupus erythematosus
-contact dermatitis
What is the name of the thickening of the skin?
If a lesion occurs at the dermal layer, how would it be generally described?
Normal surface markings with color changes and dermal firmess
what skin lesions often occur in the dermis?
-granuloma annulare
-blue nevus
What skin lesions can occur in the subcutaneous tissue?
-erythema nodosum
what is a common example of hypopigmentation often seen in children?
TInea alba: sign that the child has tendencies to be atopic
If a child has tinea alba, what is he or she predisposed to?
Where are aprocrine sweat glands found?
-ear canal
-ano/genital region
Sweat glands on the forehead, armpits, palms and feet are often ___?
Give examples of what can cause temporary pallor?
fear, exam room too cool
If a pigment change lies in the epidermis, how long does it take to go away?
6 months
In darkly pigmented children the ___ ____ causes a prominent papular and follicular pattern.
pilar apparatus
____ response: hypertrophic scars?
how many times would a child with hyperkeratosis pilaris have to scratch to cause lichenification?
What is the name of the autoimmune disease which causes destruction and loss of the melanocytes?
What disorder is vitiligo often associated with>?
Describe oculocutaneous albinism and what it is associated with.
-Body is unable to produce melanin
-red/orange hair
-must protect skin since will develop freckles, actinic keratoses and carcinoma
-associated with NYSTAGMUS and photophobia
What is Koebner Phenomenon?
Linear papules that occur after being scratched in an area.

Think poison ivy!!
What are the prime areas to assess when determining abnormal variations in skin COLOR?
Mucus membranes, conjunctiva, and the hands
what are 5 examples of abnormal variations in skin color?
1. pallor
2. erythema
3. cyanosis
4. jaundice
5. increased pigmentation
What are the 2 phases of Raynauds?
Pallor and erythema

Rubor is often associated with an autoimmune disorder such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
True or False: mongolian spots blanch?
True or false: palmar erythema during pregnancy is an abnormal finding?
What is the clinical term for a port wine stain?
Nevus Flammeus
Where on the body do port wine stains often fade?
around the eyelids or face
If a port wine stain covers an area of the trigeminal nerve, what should the patient be worked up for?
What is the medical term for an abnormal mole? what can occur if the pt has 2 or more?
Dysplastic nevi
2 or more may be dysplastic nevi syndrome
what is acanthosis nigricans? what is it a sign of?
Dirty neck

occurs in obesity and is a sign of increased insulin levels
True or False: Steven Johnson's is life threatening?
List the primary skin lesions.
What is the name of a macular rash that is common for a drug erruptions?
Exposure to bleach on the hand can cause which lesions?
Contact dermatitis which are flat lesions patches
What is this an example of?
Wheal: urticaria.
What are the lesions called after urticaria has been scratched extensively?
White dermagraphism
name a disease often associated with nodules?
If a lipoma occurs on the ___ it must be removed?
How does varicella spread?
Starts trunkal and spreads out up and down
what type of lesions are associated with varicella?
If an individual reacts to an iodine sensitivity, what kind of lesions will occur?
vesicles in the area of the drip
If an individual presents to the clinical with bullae and vesicles that run along a dermatone and stop at the midline, what is their likely diagnosis?
Herpes zoster
What skin disorder is only seen in infancy and involves pustules located on the ankle most commonly in black babies?
Acral Pustulosis of childhood
Describe psoriasis.
Scaly plaques located most commonly on the forearm and often follows a line.
How can one determine herpes from varicella?
Herpres are vesicles in a group/clustered
List the secondary lesions
-atrophic scar
Other than the forearm, where is another common location for psoriasis?
Give and example of a disorder associated with scaling?
tinea pedis
What is the likely diagnosis of a child who comes into the office with mild scaling and erythema around the mouth?
Lip lickers dermatitis
Which form of secondary lesions is often seen on the lips of herpes simplex?
If a honey comb crusting is seen on the skin, what is the likely diagnosis?
secondary infection possible impetigo
What is the name of a singluar, locular lesion that drains from one area?
If a lesions has many openings that drains through multiple areas, it is referred to as a ___.
If a person presents with multiple atrophies (striae) that are purple in color, what should they be worked up for?
What is the only product that has been found to flatten keratosis pilaris?
lac hydrin
Which population is often prone to striae gravidarum?
Pregnant women
If petechiae are located on the abdomen, what should the person be worked up for?
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
If petechiae is located on the face, what is the likely cause?
Severe vomiting or pressure from coughing.
What type of lesions are petechiae?
What are the vascular lesions?
-spider angioma
What are the lesions that are neither primary or secondary?
Excematous and Hyperkratosis
Define eczematous.
inflammatory skin lesions that are poorly marginated, erythematous and sometimes with vesiculations
What is hyperkeratosis?
thickening of the corneum stratum
What age group commonly gets seborrhea
6-10 weeks old
What is the preferred treatment for hemangiomas?
Beta blockers
If a lesion is described as discoid, what is its shape?
disk like
What is the name of lesions that are droplike in shape?
Coin shaped lesions are charted as ____.
What is a common name of seborrhea?
Cradle cap
What are the 5 ways to describe how lesions are configured?
1. Linear lesion
2. Herpetiform lesions
3. Dermatomal
4. Annular
5. Arciform
What are some common lesions that have herpetiform configuration?
gingivitis, any groups lesions
What type of allergy is poison ivy?
Type 4 allergy: Tcell allergy
Describe granuloma annulare.
Ringlike erythematic lesion that is flat in the middle and raised on the borders with no scaling. Often found on the ankle in children. Associated with DM in adults.
Give 3 examples of annular: ringlike lesions.
1. nummular excema
2. granuloma annulare
3. Tinea corporus
What disorder often has a butterfly distribution?
What is the 6 pronged approach to documenting the location and distribution of a rash?
1- sun exposed area
2. flexural rashes
3. acneform
4. acrodermatitis
5. clothing covered sites
6. pityriasis
What are the common disorders found in flexural region?
-atopic dermatitis
-fungal infections like tinea cruris
-inverse psoriasis
-toilet seat dermatitis
other than acne, what other lesion has an acneform distribution?
pityriasis versicolor
Which skin disorders have an acrodermatitis distribution?
-Viral exanthema caused by coxsakie
-dyshidrotic exzcema
-post streptococcal peeling
-tinea pedis
What should HCP look for on the acrodermatitis region during may-october?
exanthem of coxsackie
What are the common skin disorders associated in the sun exposed areas?
-Viral exanthem photo enhancements
-Lupus erythematous
The common skin lesions with pityriasis distribution are ___?
1. Pityriasis rosea
2. Drug reaction
3. secondary syphilis
4. Guttate psoriasis
Contact dermatitis, miliaria and psoriasis in summer are located and distributed on which area of the body?
Clothing covered sites
Where are the common sites on the body for atopic dermatitis lesions in adults?
Neck, antecubal region, wrists and ankles
What are the 9 ways to classify the shape/configuration of a lesion?
1. annular: circular
2. confluent
3. discrete
4. grouped
5. gyrate
6. target
7. linear
8. polycyclic
9. zosteriform
What is the spreading pattern of measles?
Starts behind the ears
What type of lesion is known to be painful?
herpes zoster
What is a common itchy lesion?
tinea corpus
True or false: granuloma annulare is itchy and painful?
False: it is nothing
True or false: koebner's phenomenom have pustular lesions?
FALSE!! Papular!
What is monilial intertrigo? and where is it located?
Form of candidiasis and is found in the folds of the body. Often under the breasts or armpits.
Where is Monilial Balanitis found?
candidiasis on the penis
What is monilial balanitis?
red candidia on the shaft
What is the medical term for warts?
What is Verruca plantaris?
Plantar warts
Describe condyloma accuminatum.
cauliflower like warts on the genitals caused by HPV
Describe Scabies
The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash. The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies.
What is alopecia areata?
A total loss of hair in one area or over a large portion of the head or body.
What is the name of the disorder where there is a large area of the hair that is white?
alopecia areata: loss of melanocytes
What is disorder commonly associated with hursitism?
polycystic ovarian syndrome
What are Beau lines?
LInear lines on the nails that can occur after a very high fever
What is onychomycosis and where is it most common?
Fungal infection, most commonly in the nails also known at tinea unguium