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51 Cards in this Set

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In what year was the SCAT 3 created?
2013 as a result of the 4th International convention
At what age do we change between administering a child SCAT and the regular SCAT 3?
By the definition of concussion what induces a concussion?
traumatic biomechanical forces
Where must a person be hit to suffer a concussion?
anywhere on the body, forces need to be impulsively transmitted to the head
Complete the Statement

A concussion typically results in the rapid onset of ....
short lived impairment of neurologic function that resolves spontaneously
What microscopid structures are damaged by a concussion?
True or False

neuro-imaging scans show no structural deformity in those with concussion


We see a functional disturbance rather than a structural one

What are MRI's used for regarding patients who may have concussions?
used to rule out epidural hematoma
True or False

Concussions will usually include a loss of consciousness.


They may or may not include LOC but is not dependant

What is the recovery time for 80% of concussions?
7-10 days
What populations will generally take longer to heal from a concussion?
children and adolecents
What do we see massive releases of post concussion and what impact does this have or the neurological system?
release of potassium, changes the polarization properties of neurons
what do fMRI's scan for?
levels of sodium which can be compared to normal levels
Why might receiving a second concussion shortyl after the first have major consequences?

Hint: Period of vulnerability

after a concussion we see an increased demand for glucose/oxygen and lower levels of blood flow, another impact could cause irreperable damage or death
What is the most common MOI for a concussion?
collision with another object at a high rate of speed
If someone is struck on the anterior aspect of the skull where will a contrecoup be incurred?
on the posterior aspect of the brain as it impacts the posterior skull
Where in hockey are the largest impact forces felt?
in the open ice due to the high pace of play
Do helmet only practices promote smaller hits and impact forces?

impacts during helmet only practices tend to be stronger than those felt in full practice

What is the most common method of suffering a head injury in sport?
impact from a fall
What age group is most likely to suffer a concussion?
<20 years old
Why might concussion rates be increasing?
- better athlete education

- better screening processes

What activities are the top 3 contributors to concussions for males and females?
males: hockey, cycling, football

females: soccer, horseback riding, cycling

What are 3 classes of symptoms for a concussion?
- somatic, cognitive, emotional symptoms
what are 3 signs of a concussion?
- physcical signs (LOC, amnesia)

- behavioural changes (irritable)

- cognitive impairment (slow reaction time)

- sleep disturbance (drowsiness)

What is the difference between a sign and a symptom?
sign = observable

symptom = self report from patient

When should the SCAT 3 be administered?
15 minutes post injury

3 days post

7 days post

symptoms should be decreasing

What should be do immediately after we see a hit that may have caused a concussion?
proceed through primary and secondary survey to rule out cervical injury
What might an athlete with a TBI report that may resemble a cervical injury?
numbness or tingling
What is the earliest someone with a diagnosed concussion can return to play?
generally twice as long as they are symptom free
What can someone recovering from a concussion avoid to make recovery easier?
TV, reading, practice, play, weights, running, lights

anything stimulating

When can someone recovering from TBI return to play or begin rehab?
when they are asymptomatic at a lower activity level
When should we use CT's or MRI's and why?
Prolonged loss of consciousness

Focal neurologic deficit

Worsening symptoms

Deterioration in conscious state

These may indicate a brain bleed

Why is balance one of the best diagnostic tools for concussions?
athletes are unable to lie about their balance
What (usually) easily treatable problem can have signs that resemble a concussion?
What extra thought should be given when an athlete that has been prescribed medication for their concussion symptoms is returning to play?
Are their medications masking their symptoms and are they actually fully recovered?
what style of athletes are more likely to be injured?
aggressive athletes
In relation to concussions what is a modifier?
a factor that may predispose an athlete to suffering a concussion
What is it called when someone with a concussion exhibits seizure-like symptoms?
concussive convulsion
What does the timing modifier refer to?
the more recently the previous concussion the more likely to suffer another and more likely for it take longer to heal
T or F

People with some mental disorders have a lower threshold for concussions

What are the 6 stages of the graded exertion protocol?
1. no activity

2. light aerobic

3. sport specific exercise

4. no contact practice

5. full contact practice

6. return to play

What is the time frame for each stage of the Graded exertion protocol and what should be done if symptoms return at any stage?
24h per stage

if symptoms return return to the previous stage

How might the child SCAT differ from the adult SCAT 3?
months in order

fewer numbers to recall

simpler words

Does age affect concussion recovery time?
yes, highschool athletes take longer to recover than collegiate athletes
What should be done to modify a concussion rehab program for children and adolescents?
increase the asymptomatic period

longer time period in the graded exertion protocol

what is the finite number of concussions before ending a sports career?

should assess each athlete individually and look at neuropsych assessments and symptoms

What is the guideline number of concussions before removing an athlete from play from contact sports?
generally 3 concussions is the cutoff for contact sports, although should be assessed on an individual basis
What syndrome arises when someone recovering from a concussion suffers another?
second impact syndrome
What mental disorders may athletes be more likely diagnosed with much later in life if they have a history of concussions?
dimentia and alzheimers
What are 3 things on a medical history that may indicate an athlete is at higher risk for concussion?
>1 concussion in the last year

history of migraines

depression or learning disability

Why is it not true that helmets can prevent all concussions?
the brain is free sitting in the skull and any impulsive force will cause accelleration within the skull