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32 Cards in this Set

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Koplick spots on buccal mucosa is characteristic of what disease?
What time of year is Rubeola most prevalent?
winter & early spring
What are the 3 Cs associated with Rubeola?
Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells are histological proof of what disease?
A patient presents with a fever 100 degrees, and Forchheimer spots on the soft palate. What is the diagnosis?
Rubella/German Measles
What are the congenital birth defects associated with Rubella?
1)intrauterine growth retardation
When is the MMR vaccine given, and what restrictions are recommended?
12-15 weeks & 4-6 years
Do not give to immunocompromised
Avoid pregnancy for 1 month
What is fifth disease?
Erythema Infectiosum
What are the 3 stages of rash associated with Erythema Infectiosum?
2)symmetric maculopapular truncal rash 1-4 days later
3)lacy, reticulated rash lasting 2-40 days
What is the most serious complication of Erythema Infectiosum?
Aplastic Crisis
What is the treatment for Erythema Infectiosum?
1)supportive care
2)hydration & antipyretics
3)blood transfusion (aplastic crisis)
4)IV Ig for severe anemia in immunocompromised patients
What is the age range for children to be infected with erythema infectiosum?
5-7 y/o
What is sixth disease?
Roseola Infantum
What causes Roseola Infantum?
herpes virus type 6 or 7
A 5 year old presents with a fever of 104 degrees, URI, maculopapular rose-colored rash and appears toxic. What is the probable diagnosis?
Roseola Infantum
Small red papules progressing to oval "teardrop" vesicles on an erythematous base is characteristic of __________
Varicella Zoster
Varicella gangrenosa is a complication of ___________
Varicella Zoster
At what age is a most likely to contract rheumatic fever?
6-15 y/o
What type of bacteria is associated with Rheumatic Fever?
What is the treatment for Rheumatic Fever?
PCN (Pen-VK or Pen-G)
bed rest
long term PCN prophylaxis
How is Scarlett Fever spread?
respiratory tract
food (China)
White and red strawberry tongues are associated with what disease?
Scarlet Fever
How do you treat Scarlet Fever?
1st gen cephalosporin (Keflex)
What are the common sites of impetigo infection?
What is the most common type of Impetigo?
What are the complications associated with Bullous Impetigo?
1)poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
2)spread to others - no school until 24 hrs after abx completed
What is the most common rickettsial illness in the US?
Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever
A patient presents with fever, HA, malaise, myalgia of lower limbs and a pale, rose-colored macular rash over his entire body. What do you do next?
1)Order labs to test for RMSF
2)Start Doxycycline or Flouroquinilones
*Do not wait for labs to treat!
What are the 3 diseases contracted from ticks that were discussed?
Lyme Dz
What is the causative agent for Lyme disease? And the vector?
Borrella Burgdorferi
Deer Tick
What is the treatment for Lyme disease with 1st or 2nd degree heart block?
Doxycycline or amoxicillin
What is the treatment for Lyme disease with 3rd degree heart block or meningitis?
IV or IM ceftriaxone or Pen-G