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39 Cards in this Set

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Leading Cause of death in childhood?

Cancer (usually of unknown etiology)

Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome is characterized by (3a)? Associated with (2b)?

1a. ImmunoDef: B and T cell dysfx
2a. atopic dermatitis
3a. thrombocytopenia
b. leukemia and lymphoma

Immunodeficency disease Characterized by B and T cell dysfx, atopic dermatitis
and thrombocytopenia. Often associated with leukemia and lymphoma.

Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

Immuno-Def disease associated with EBV infection

X-linked lymphoproliferative dz

T/F - Abdominal mass considered malignant until proven otherwise in children.


Most common childhood cancer


1. peak incidence/Gender/Race
2. Cause?
3. Classification? most common in children?
4. Staging?

1. 2-6yoa, M, W
2. unknown cause
3. L1-3, L1 most common
4. no staging, most disseminated

T/F - a normal CBC rules out leukemia

False - CBC Suggests ALL via anemia, thrombocytopenia, and variable WBC. Confirmed by BM Bx

Treatment of ALL (3)

1. Induction - Steroids, Vinc, L-asp and Intrathe MTX
2. Consolidation - prevent CNS invol, Intrath. MTX and Cranial Rad for high risk
3. Maintenance - upto 3 years

Type of Workup and Rx for neutropenic with Fever

Sepsis until proven otherwise and IV empiric Abx post drawing cultures

Metabolic Complications of Tumor Lysis Syndrome

HyperPUK - phosp, uricemia, kalemia

1. Cause
2. CNS involvement?
3. Symptoms

1. unknown
2. more common than ALL
3. fever, HSM, gingival hypertrophy

T/F - juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia is not associated with BCR-ABL.


Most common physical exam Lymhoma in children

painless lymphadenopathy

B symptoms

fever, night sweats, or > 10 weight loss

Complications of Rx of Hodgkin's Dz (4)

1. Growth retard
2. 2/2 malignancy
3. hypothyroid
4. male sterility

Lymphoma must be considered as "lead point" for what in any child older than 3?


Second most common childhood cancer (most common solid)

Brain tumors

Brain Tumors in Children by most common (4)

1. Glial cell (astrocytomas)
2. PNET (medullobl)
3. ependyomas
4. craniopharyngiomas

T/F - Infratentorial tumors are more common than supratentorial btw 1 and 12.


Preferred neuroimaging modality.


T/F - Try if possible to reserve radiation for children older than 3.

False, older than 5 yoa

Poorest prognosis with brain tumors.

Brainstem glioma

1. incidence
2. anatomical occurence
3. lab findings, definitive?
4. management (2)

1. 1st 5y of life
2. 3/4 in abdomen/pelvis
3. excess urine cathecholamines: VMA/HVA, definitive with BM bx + urine, or tissue bx
4. CT/bone scan (tumor spread). Surgery +/- Chemo/RT

3 yo with firm abdominal mass that crosses midline showing symptoms of flushing, HTN, HA, sweating, and has excess urine catecholamines. Dz?


Most common childhood renal tumor

Wilms' tumor

Wilms' Tumor (nephroblastoma)
1. peak incidence
2. anatomical occurence
3. Congenital Malformations (3)

1. 3/4 younger than 5 yoa
2. abdominal mass that rarely crosses the midline
3. G/U mal, Hemihypertrophy, Sporadic aniridia

3 year old with abdominal pain and mass that does not cross the midline and concomitant hematuria. Dz?

Wilms' Tumor

Most common soft tissue sarcoma in childhood


1. incidence
2. initial presentation and involvement

1. 2/3 < 10 yoa
2. painless soft tissue mass with most commonly Head and neck involvement in 40%


conjunctival edema

Most common malignant bone tumor

osteogenic sarcoma

Osteo Sarcoma
1. peak/gender
2. anatomical occurence

1. peaks during rapid growth phase in adolescence, Males
2. 1/2 around knee, located in metaphysis of long bone

Which OsteoSarcoma or Ewings is associated with Systemic symptoms? sunburst on XR? oninon skinning on XR? Small Round Blue Cells?

Systemic Symptoms - Ewings
Sunburst - OS
Onion - Ewings
SRBCs - Ewings

Most common type of liver tumor in childhood

hepatoblastoma (usually younger than 3 yoa)

Marker of Liver tumors

alpha - fetoprotein

Most common teratoma in first year of life

Sacrococcygeal teratoma (most often in females and benign)

Testicular tumors are assocaitated with? % benign?

cryptoorchid testes. 1/3 are benign

4 year old with solid firm painless testicular mass with elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein? dz?

Yolk sac tumor