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49 Cards in this Set

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Of the cyanotic heart diseases, what is the only one to present with severe cyanosis in the first few hours of life


What is the most common cause of congenital heart disease


When it comes to ASD, which type is most common

Ostium Secundum

More than 2/3 of people with coarctation of the aorta also have what other congenital heart defect

Bicuspid aortic valve

What congenital heart defect has differential cyanosis

Coarctation of the aorta

What congenital heart defect has a "3" sign on CXR and "rib notching"

Coarctation of the Aorta

What congenital heart defect has an "egg shaped silhouette"

Transposition of the Great Vessels

What are the parts of DiGeorge syndrome


Cardiac Abnormalities (transposition)

Abnormal facies

Thymic aplasia

Cleft palate


22q11 deletion

What is the most common cyanotic heart disease of childhood

Tetraology of Fallot

Name the congenital heart defect that on exam has a systolic ejection murmur at the left upper sternal border (due to right ventricular outflow obstruction) a right ventricular heave, and a single S2

Tetraology of Fallot

Name the age:

Lifts head/chest when prone

Tracks past midline

Alerts to sounds; coos

Recognizes parent; has social smile

2 months

Name the age:

Rolls front to back

Grasps rattle

Laughs and squeals

Enjoys looking around

4-5 months

Name the age:

Sits unassisted

Transfer objects; raking grasp


Demonstrates stranger anxiety

6 months

Name the age

Crawls; pulls to stand

Use 3 finger pincer grasp

Says mama/dada; first words at 11 months

Waves bye bye; plays pat-a-cake

9-10 months

Name the age

Walks alone; throws object

Use finger pincer grasp

Uses 1-3 words; follows 1 step commands

Imitates actions; separation anxiety

12 months

Name the age

Walks up/down steps; jumps

Builds a tower of 6 cubes

Uses 2 word phases

Follows 2 step commands; removes clothes

2 years

Name the Age:

Ride tricycle; climbs stairs with alt feet

Copies a circle; uses utensils

Uses 3 word sentences

Brushes teeth with help; wash/dry hands

3 years

Name the Age:


Copies a cross

Knows colors and some numbers

Cooperative play, plays board games

4 years

Name the age:

Skips, walks backwards

Copies a triangle; ties shoes; knows L&R

Prints letters

Uses 5 word sentences

Domestic role playing; plays dress up

5 years

What is the normal development for males and females

Thelarce --> Pubarche --> Growth Spurt --> Menarche

Gonadarche --> Pubarche --> Adrenarche --> Growth spurt

What enzyme is deficiency in PKU

Decreased phenylalanine hydroxylase or decreased tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor

What amino acid becomes essential in PKU


How does PKU present

Mental retardation

Fair hair

Fair skin


Blond hair

Blue eyes

Musty urine odor

What acid base status might a person with severe CF have

Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis

Deficiency in alpha-galactosidase A

Accumulate ceramide triheoside

Presents with severe neuropathic limb pain

Skin with angiokeratomas and telangiectasias

Renal failure and increased risk stroke and MI


Fabrys Disease

No galactosylceramide and galactoside

Accumulate galactocerbroside in brain

Progressive CNS degeneration

Autosomal recessive

Krabbes Disease

Deficiency in glucocererosidease

"crinkled paper" cells

Anemia and Thrombocytopenia

Normal life span

Autosomal recessive

Gauchers Disease

Deficiency sphingomyelinase

Cherry red spot and hepatosplenomegaly

Autosomal recessive

Niemann Pick Disease

Deficiency hexosamindase

Build up of GM2 ganglioside

Normal until age 3-6 months

Cherry red spot but no hepatomegaly

Tay Sachs

Deficiency in Arylsulfatase A

Accumulate sulfatide

Demyelination leads to progressive ataxia and dementia

Autosomal recessive

Metachromatic leukodystrophy

Deficiency in alpha-L-iduronidase

Corneal clouding

Mental retardation


Autosomal recessivw

Hurler syndrome

Defieicny iduronate sulfatase

No corneal clouding

Mild mental retardation



What is the test of choice for intussesception


What causes meckels diverticulum

Failure of the omphalomesenteric (or vitelline) duct to oblisterate

What is the study of choice for hirschprungs disease

Barium enema

What is the test of choice for malrotation with volvulus if patient is stable

Upper Gi

B cell deficiencies make you prone to what type of infections

Encapsulated organisms

Why should neonates not be given ceftriaxone

Increased risk of biliary sludging and kernicterus

What is the gold standard test for pertussis


What do you see on CXR in RDS

Ground glass appearance

Air bronchograms

What does VACTERL stand for








Different anomalies

In what patients is omphalocele most commonly seen


Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

What is the most common presenting symptom for CP

Delayed motor development

What does WAGR stand for

Wilms tumor


GU abnormalities

Mental Retardation

What is Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome




(can have Wilms tumor)

What is associated with opsoclonus/myoclonus and can cross the midline


What are the potential causes of leukocoria


Congenital cataracts


Where in the bone is Ewing sarcoma commonly seen

Midshaft of long bones

Where in the bone is osteosarcoma commonly seen

Metaphyses of long bones