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171 Cards in this Set

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Sail Sign
When the inferior border of the thymus is straight appearing on a pediatric chest xray
Failure to thrive and a non-anion gap acidosis in children of pts with a h/o of kidney stones
Type 1 RTA
Cause of acute unilateral lymphadenitis in small children without fever
MCC: Staph aureus followed by GAS
Cause of acute unilateral lymphadenitis in small children with a h/o periodontal dz
peptostreptococcus (anaerobic)
Cause of acute unilateral lymphadenitis in small children a/w fever, chills, HA and malaise
Tularemia caused by Francisella tularensis
MCC of infectious neonatal conjunctivitis and treatment
Chlamydia and oral erythromycin for 14 days
recurrent respiratory tract infxs (sinusitis, otitis media, PNA) b/w 6 -18 monhs with normal Tcell (CD3) count but low Bcell (CD19) count
X-linked agammaglobuilnemia
Cyanosis early in life and left axis deviation on EKG
Tricuspic atresia
erythematous papules and vesicles surrounded by patches of erythema that exhibit eosinophilia on microscoic examination in a newborn and management
Erythema toxicum, no treatment necessary, it is benign
Mammary gland enlargement and non-purulent vaginal discharge in newborn infants and management
These physiologic response to transplacentally obtained maternal hormones and require only observation and routine care
Expected weight and height changes in first year of life
Weight triples
Height increases by 50%
Recurrent self-limiting epsodes of vomiting and nausea in children in the absence of any apparent cause and management
Cyclical vomiting
Tx: anti-emetics and reassurance of parents
painless rectal bleeding in a young child and way to confirm dx
Meckel's Diverticulum dx by a technetium-99m pertechnetate scan ("Meckel's scan)
Acute renal failure, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (elevated LDH, indirect bilirubin, and retic count), fever, thrombocytopenia and schistocytes on peripheral smear in the setting of a recent diarrheal illness treated with Abx and causative agents
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrom (HUS)
caused by O157:H7 E. choli, Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia and Campylobacter
Acute renal failure, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (elevated LDH, indirect bilirubin, and retic count), fever, thrombocytopenia and schistocytes on peripheral smear in the setting of a recent diarrheal illness treated with Abx and causative agents
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrom (HUS)
caused by O157:H7 E. choli, Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia and Campylobacter
MCC of chronic inspiratory noise in infants
Laryngomalacia or congenital flaccid larynx
Inspiratory noise in an otherwise normal baby who is found to have an epiglottis that rolls from side to side on laryngoscopy and management
Mother should be reassured that most cases go away by 18 mo and she should hold the baby upright for at least 30 min after eating and should not feed the child while he is lying down
Treatment that has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality rates of patients with measles
Vitamin A
Erlenmeyer flask deformity of distal femur
Gaucher's Dz
Cells with a wrinkled paper appearance on bone marrow studies
Gaucher's Dz
Cherry red spot on retina and neurological sx at early age
Tay-Sach's and Sandhoff's dz
Ashkenazie adolescent with chronic fatigue, easy bruisability, bone pain and pathological fxs
Gaucher's Dz
Webbed neck, high palate, short fourth metacarpal, nail dysplasia, and lymphedema
Turner's syndrome
Papular, scaly rash on the eyebrows, nasolabioal folds and scalp and tx
Cradle Cap/seborrheic dermatitis
moisturizers, antifungals, topical steroids
Episodes of LOC in children 6-18 mo old with no post-ictal states following frustration, anger or pain and management
Breath holding spells
tell parents that they are benign and have no long term sequelae
Most common causative agents of acute otitis media and management
S. pneumo, H. flu, M. catarrhalis and 10-day course of amoxacillin
Recurrent sinopulmonary infections and a h/o Giardia beginning at 6 mo of age
genetic B-cell deficiencies
PPX recommendations for pts undergoing splenectoy
Anti-pneumococcal, Haemophilus and meningococcal vaccines several weeks before the operation and daily oral PCN for 3-5 years s/p splenectomy
APGAR scoring for color
0- for blue body and extremities
1- for pink body and blue extremities
2- pink body and extremities
APGAR score for tone
0- limp
1- some flexion of extremities
2- active flexion of extremities
APGAR score for nasal stimulation
0- no reaction
1- grimace
2- active cough
APGAR score for respirations
0- no cry
1- weak cry
2- good cry
APGAR score for pulse
0- absent
1- <100
2- >100
Most common manifestations of Polycythemia in neonates
Respiratory distress, poor feeding (causing hypoglycemia), and neurologic manifestations
Blueish-gray/gren/black flat skin lesion at the base of the spine that appears at birth in dark-skinned populations and management
Mongolian spot
reassure parents that they will fade in several years
Adduction of the anterior foot with convex lateral border and concave medial border in a newborn and treatment
Metatarsus adductus
I- when feet overcorrect with passive and active movements -> reassurance
II- correct to neutral position -> orthosis
III- rigid feet that do not correct-> serial casting
Fever, pharyngitis and posterior cervical LAD
Infectious mononucleosis
Cause of neonatal conjunctivitis and management:
Mild conjunctival irritation with tearing in first 24 hrs of life
Chemical conjunctivitis from silver nitrate drops (used for gonococcal conjunctivitis ppx)
Resolves spontaneously in 24 hrs
Cause of neonatal conjunctivitis and management:
hyperacute and highly purulent in 2nd-5th day of life
Gonococcal conjunctivitis
Cause of neonatal conjunctivitis and management:
Congestion and scant mucoid or frankly purulent discharge in 5th-14th day of life
Chlamydial conjunctivitis
Oral erythromycin rather than topical because systemic abx are needed to prevent chlamydial PNA
Recurrent sinopulmonary and GI infx and an anaphylactic transfusion rxn
IgA deficiency (leads to the sinopulmonary infxs and GI infxs), the transfusion rxn is caused by the common Ab to IgA produced by these pts
MCC of sepsis in sickle cell patients and pathogenesis
Pneumococcus because of functional asplenism
Proper time to screen for vision problems in children and the vision problens screened for
Age 1-5 looking for strabismus, amblyopia and refractive errors
CV abnormalities commonly seen in children with short stature, webbed neck, broad chest, wide-spaced nipples and low posterior hair line
Coarctation of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve
Children with nocturnal vulvar itching, work-up and management
Pin worms, scotch tape test then mebendazole or empiric mebendazole
Infant p/w abdominal pain, vomiting and decreased appetite and fever, distant heart sounds and JVD on exam several weeks after surgery for congenital heart dz
Postpericardiotomy syndrome
Fine pink blanching papules on hte nexk and upper trunk that quickly generalizes with flexural acccentuation and is said to have a rough, sandpaper-like texture in children 2 days after a fever with HA, vomiting and sore throat.
??Offending agent
Scarlet fever caused by a toxin-producing GAS
Sudden onset of respiratory distress in an o/w normal child w/ cxr of hyperinflation of one lung, hypoinflation of the other lung and mediastinal deviation towards deflated side and management
Foreign body aspiration
Visualization with laryngoscopy and rigid bronchoscopy
Primary amenorrhea, inguinal masses, breast development w/o pubic hair or axillary hair
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
# Jaundice that develops in the first few days of life in exclusively breastfed babies and elevated unconjugated bilirubin
# pathogenesis
# management
# dreaded complication to avoid
# Breastfeeding jaundice
# Caused by increase enterohepatic circulation 2/2 inadequate enteral intake (not getting enough milk)
# increased duration and frequency of feeding and re-evaluate bilirubin level in 12-24 hours
# kernicterus (devastating neurological consequences)
Indications for surgery for an umbo hernia (5)
1. if it persists to age of 3-4 yo
2. exceeds 2 cm in diameter
3. causes sx
4. becomes strangulated
5. enlarges progressively after age of 1-2 yo
Excessive crying for more than 3 hrs/day, more than 3 days/wk and more than 3 wks/mo betwee 3 wks and 4 mo of life
# management
Infantile colic
Inflammed, fluctuant cervical lymph nodes: cause and treatment
Staphylococcal and streptococcal spp.
Dicloxacillin, cephalexin, clinda
Cyonotic spells, pansystolic murmur and a single S2 in a 4 mo old
Language developmental milestones
# Social Smiles: 2 mo
# Babbles: 6 mo
# 2 words, obeys 1-step command: 12 mo
# 300 words, 2-3 word sentences, obeys 2-step command, stranger understand 50% of what they say: 2 years
Gross motor developmental milestones
# Holds head: 3 mo
# Rolls back/front: 4 mo
# Sits will unsupported: 6 mo
# Walks alone: 12 mo
# Walks up and down stairs w/o help: 24 mo
Fine motor developmental milestones
# Raking grasp: 6 mo
# Throws object: 12 mo
# Builds tower of 2 blocks: 15 mo
# Builds tower of 6 blocks/turns pages: 24 mo
Social developmental milestones
# Recognizes parents: 2 mo
# Recognizes strangers: 6 mo
# Imitates action/comes when called: 12 mo
# Plays with other children: 18 mo
# Parallel play: 24 mo
Unwitnessed LOC followed by hemiparesis and management
Todd's paralysis, a post-ictal state, function usually returns spontaneously w/i 24 hrs
Risk factors for DDH, confirmatory dx, and management
# Risk factors: Caucasian, female, first-born, breech position, f/h of DDH
#Confirmatoary dx: us if < 4 mo, xray if > 4 mo
# management: hip harness, spica cast or surgery
Most common cause of acute diarrhea in kids (esp b/w 6 mo and 2 yrs)
Irritability, poor appetite, HA, abdominal pain and anemia
# treatment
Lead poisoning
Calcium EDTA for moderate to severe
Oral succimer for mild or moderate
Prominent jaw, long ears and large testicles and mental retardation
Fragile X caused by increase number of CGG trinucleotide repeats in hte FMR1 gene
Vasomotor collapse and skin rash in a pt with meningeal signs
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome = adrenal hemorrhage after meningococcemia
Adverse outcomes a/w HSP
Thrombocytopenia, eczema and recurrent bacterial infections
# cause of low platelets
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Decreased platelet production
Hallmarks of Kawasaki's dz
Fever for > 5 days plus 4 of:
1. bulbar conjunctival injection
2. desquamation of the finger and toe tips
3. erythema, fissureing, and crusting of the lips, strawberry tongue and diffuse mucosal injection of the oropharynx
4. morbilliform truncal exanthem
5. cervical LAD
Treatment of Kawasaki's dz
Hospitalization for IVIG and high dose aspirin
Potential longer term complications of untreated Kawasaki's dz
Coronary artery aneurysms
Conditions a/w with a childhood h/o RSV infx
Pregnancy complications in mothers who are currently or formerly anorexic
1. miscarriage
3. hyperemesis gravidarum
4. premature birth
5. c-section
6. post partum depression
Hypoxemia refractory to high FiO2 in a pt who was intubated for sepsis
Management of proteinuria in children
Should first be confirmed on 2 separate occasions b/c proteinuria can commonly be merely transient caused by fever, exercise, seizures, stress or volume depletion
Management of pt w/ asymmetric moro reflex and crepitus over the clavical, who suffered shoulder dystocia during birth and born to a mother with GDM
Clavicular fx are common in this situation and usually heal on their own
Complications seen in SGA babies
1. Hypoxia -> polycythemia
2. hypoglycemia
3. hypothermia
4. hypocalcemia
Generalized erythema, superficial flaccid blisters, positive Nikolsky sign preceded by a prodrome of fever and irritability
Staphyloccocus scaled skin syndrome
Bilious vomiting, abdominal distention and "triple bubble" on abdominal xray of a newborn
Jejunal atresia
Non-bilious vomiting in a 4-8 week old infant
Pyloric stenosis
Bilious vomiting, abdominal distention and bloodstained stools in a child less than 1 month old
Midgut volvulus
Four findings of X-linked/Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
1. Frequent bacterial infections in the first 5 years of life
2. Serum IgG, IgM, and IgA values at least 2 SD below the mean for age
3. Absent isohemagglutinins or poor response to vaccines
4. Less than 2% CD19+ B cells in peripheral circulation
Difference b/w common variable immune deficiency (CVID) and XLA
Low Ig levels are not as profound as in XLA and there is a normal amount of circulated CD+ B cells and they aren't symptomatic until later in life
Low levels of IgG, normal levels of IgA and variable levels of IgM in an child 6-11 months old
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy
Recurrent sinopulmonary infections and PCP pneumonia in a child with high IgM levels and low IgG and IgA levels
Hyper-IgM syndrome
Pt w/ Down Syndrome with upper motor neuron findings
Atlantoaxial instability
Seizure, hypotension and prolonged QRS
Suspect TCA intoxication; Acute treatment is NaBicarb which corrects the acidosis and narrows the QRSs;
Treatment for enuresis
Behavioral modifications. If they don't work, desmopressin
MC type of mutation responsible for CF
Deletion (of 3 bp encoding for phenylalanine- DF508)
Unilateral, tender gynecomastia in a 14 yo boy and management
Pubertal gynecomastia (happens in 50% of the pop);
# reassurance
GI malformations common in Down Syndrome
Duodenal atresia (MC)
Hirschprung's Dz
Puloric stenosis
Cardiac malformations common in Down Syndrome
Endocardial cushion defects
The preventive measure that dramatically decreases risk of SIDS
Having infants sleep supine
Test to order in an infant who p/w NB projectile vomiting who has a palpable mass and a visible peristaltic wave in the upper abdomen
Abdominal ultrasound
Test to order in an infant who p/w NB projectile vomiting who has a palpable mass and a visible peristaltic wave in the upper abdomen
Abdominal ultrasound
Management of a child who shows reluctance to potty training
Stop attempts for several months and allow the child to become interested on his/her own
Bursts of successive and rapid coughing with a loud inspiratory noise, sometimes followed by vomiting which all started 1 week after URI with congestion, rhinorrhea and sneezine
# management
This is the paroxysmal stage of pertussis
# tx is macrolide at any stage of the illness
Child who p/w easy bruisability and petechiae with a recent h/o a viral illness or live virus vaccination who has a normal Hb, WBC, PT and PTT
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
8 manifestations of CF
1. anemia
2. heat intolerance
3. steatorrhea
4. wheezing
5. recurrent infections
6. hemoptysis
7. clubbing
8. rectal prolaps
8 manifestations of CF
1. anemia
2. heat intolerance
3. steatorrhea
4. wheezing
5. recurrent infections
6. hemoptysis
7. clubbing
8. rectal prolapse
CT scan in a neonate showing dilation of the entire ventricular system with distinct enlargement of the subarachnoid space over the cortex
SAH (MCC of communicating hydrocephalus)
Cause of most adverse reactions to the DTaP vaccine
the pertussis component
Contraindications to further administration of DTaP
1. an immediate anaphylactic reaction
2. encephalopathy
3. any CNS complication w/i 7d of vaccination
A 7 day old infant that p/w 2 days of jaundice, poor feeding, vomiting, altered activity and no fever
Suspect neonatal sepsis and obtain LP and blood cutures
Recommended management of a child with sickle cell anemia who p/w sx of a stroke and reasoning for it
Exchange transfusion. The occlusion is caused by sludging of the blood, rather than by a thrombus. The transfusion will decrease the amt of sickled RBCs and prevent a 2nd infarct.
Guidelines for active immunization with the varicella vaccine
1. all healthy adults and children exposed to varicella w/i 3-5 days of exposure
2. for immunocompromised people, immunosuppressed people or pregnancy women get varicella IVIG w/i 72 hours of exposure
# for both categories, if outside those windows, wait 2 wks. If they do not develop sx, then vaccinate.
Excessive drooling, choking, coughing and cyanosis during feedings early in life
Bilious vomiting w/o abdominal distention in a neonate
Duodenal atresia
Increased gastric residual volume in a preterm neonate
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Correct test to order to screen a male infant w/ projectile vomiting, normal BMs, and urine with a mousy odor
Guthrie urine test for phenylketonuria
Pathogenesis of PKU
deficiency in phenylalanine hydroxylase, which is the enzyme that converts Phe into Tyr, causing an accumulation of Phe
Description of capillary hemangiomas
Benign vascular tumors of childhood that appear during the first weeks of life, initially grow rapidly and typically regress by 5-8 yo. Composed of capillaries separated by connective tissue.
A newborn infant that becomes cyanotic and short of breath during feedings but turns pink when he is crying
Choanal atresia
Long term neurological sequelae a/w bacterial meningitis
1. hearing loss
2. loss of cognitive function (2/2 neuronal loss in the dentate gyrus)
3. seizures
4. Mental retardation
5. Spasticity or paresis
Important parameter to monitor in infants with DiGeorge syndrome
Serum calcium levels
Syndrome that would cause dehydration, vominting, poor feeding and ambiguous genitalia.
# how to dx
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, specifically 21-hydroxylase deficiency.
# check urine for 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels
Blunting of the renal calices and focal parenchymal scarring in a pt with a h/o of recurrent UTI 2/2 vesicoureteral reflux
Chronic pyelonephritis
Intermittent fever, osteitis, osteochondritis, mucocutaneous lesions, LAD, hepatomegaly and persistent retinitis in the first year of life
Congenital syphillis
Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus and intracranial calcifications
Congenital toxoplasmosis
*** look for a mother with risk of exposure to cats
1 yo F w/ feeding problems since birth, delayed development (still not walking talking, sat up at 8 mo) with short stature and a HUGE head
Evidence of multiple fractures in different stages of healing
Child abuse or OI; send type 1 collagen assay
MCC of endocarditis after dental procedures
members of the S. Veridans group: S. mitis, S. sanguis, S. mutans, and S. Salivarius
Bacteria that commonly cause dental carries
S. mutans
Common cause of prosthetic valve endocarditis
S. epidermidis
Evidence of multiple fractures in different stages of healing
Child abuse or OI; send type 1 collagen assay
Approach to a 18 mo child with a UTI and AAP recommendations
Voiding cystourethrogram or randionuclide cystogram looking for VUR
AAP recommends such testing for any child w/ first UTI from 2-24 mo
Tx for strep throat in pts allergic to PCN
Tx for children who p/w with localized/early Lyme dz
In children < 9 yo: Amoxicillin (not doxy b/c it can causes skeletal and dental problems)
In children > 9 yo: Doxy
Recurrent bacterial, viral and fungal infxs in a child with no palpable lymph nodes, tonsils that are not visualized and an absent thymic shadow on CXR
Severe combined immune deficiency
Petechia, bruises, bleeding from circumcision site, or bloody stools from birth
Appropriate management of a pt who is a known IVDU and who is anti-HCV positive
Check HBV serologies and vaccinate if pt is unvaccinated and not infected
Small baby with smooth filtrum, sunken nasal bridge, small eye openings, thin upper lip
Fetal alcohol syndrome. Will also see CNS abnormailities
Cause of early decelerations
Vagal response to fetal head compression
Cause of late decelerations
Uteroplacental insufficiency -> fetal hypoxia -> fetal acidosis
Cause of variable decelerations
Fetal cord compression
Normal thyroid pattern in pregnancy
Increased total T4 becuase elevated estrogen causes an increase in TBG;
Normal TSH, beta-hCG stimulates TSH receptors increasing T3 and T4, but TSH stays wnl
Approach to people who are in very close contact to a person who is positive for pertussis
PPX with 14 days of erythromycin or another macrolide regardless of vaccination status + a vaccination according to the normal schedule (no additional vaccine)
Approach to child with a risk of lead exposure who has an elevated lead lever on fingerstick.
# confirmatory venous sampling
# if venous sample is high, remove child from that environment
# initiate chelation tx if > 45
# If levels are only mildly elevated, recheck in one month
Aproach to a child with a septic joint
Immediate surgical drainage and induction of empiric Abx. In an infant, start IV nafcillin or vanc + 3rd gen ceph. In a child > 5 yrs, nafcilling or vanc is sufficient
Sensorineural deafness, cardiac abnormalities (PDA, ASD), and cataracts with purple lesions
Congenital Rubella Syndrome; the lesions are called "blueberry muffin spots"
A pt who had a normal birth hx who slowly develops muscle weakness, muscle wasting, temporal wasting, thin upper lip in shape of inverted V and delayed relaxation of muscles
Myotonic myscular dystrophy, AKA Steinert dz.
2nd MC type of muscular dystrophe in the US.
It is unique in that all types of muscle are involved
Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever
Evidence of a previous GAS infx (ASO) and either 2 major or 1 major + 2 minor criteria (Jones)
1. Migratory polyarthritis
2. Sydenham chorea
3. subcutaneous nodules
4. erythema marginatum

1. arthralgia
2. fever
3. elevated acute phase reactants
4. prolonged PR interval
Vomiting, lethargic, agitated and uncooperativity in a child who was treated for a viral infx w/ salicylates. Labs: elevated serum ammonia, prolonged PT and +/- AST, ALT and Bili
Reye syndrome
Finding on a chest xray in a girl with Turner Syndrome, COA and a continuous murmur heard over the upper chest
Rib notching 2/2 to the development of collateral b/w the hypertensive and hypoperfused vessels as evidence by the murmer
MCC of anemia in sickle cell patients
Appropriate management of a pt in respiratory distress 2/2 to COPD exacerbation refractory to initial standard therapy
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is better than intubation because of less complications
Infant with reactive airway dz that is refractory to bronchodilators and are more symptomatic when lying down and better with next extension
Vascular ring such as a double aortic arch, right-sided aorta, pulmonary sling or anomalous left carotid artery or innominate artery
Difference b/w Marfan's and homocystinuria
Homocystinuria = Marfan's features +mental retardation + thromboembolic events + downward displacement of the lense
Method of inheritance of homocystinuria and pathogenesis and diagnosis
Autosomal recessive; caused by cystathionine synthase deficiency; elevations of methionine and homocysteine
Sudden onset of respiratory distress, high fever, stridor in a child that is sitting up, bending forward and drooling and managment
Epiglottitis 2/2 H. flu A, parainfluenza, S. pneumo, S. Aureus and GAS (in the post-HIB vaccination era); most important first step endotracheal intubation and be prepared for trach
Self-mutilation in the presense of dystonia;
# mode of inheritance
# pathogenesis
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
# X-linked recessive (only males)
# deficiency in Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT)
Gout in a boy
Epistaxis in an adolescent male, a localized mass and bony erosion in the back of the nose
Angiofibroma until proven otherwise
Newborn with FTT, b/l cataracts, jaundice, and convulsions
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
Male child who previously met milestones who suddenly loses social and language skills
Childhood disintegrative d/o
Can also see loss of bowl/bladder control, play or motor skills
Young child w/ several day h/o fever and facial rash in the setting of a recent dx of atopic dermatitis who has numerous umbilicated vesicles over erythematous skin and LAD
# managment
Eczema herpeticum give acyclovir
A child with poor feeding, irritability, vomiting and decreased activity who has a bulging fontanelle and tense bulging scalp veins with widely space sutures
# management
CT scan of the head
MCC of acute sinusitis in childhood
S. pneumo
Young child w/ several day h/o fever and facial rash in the setting of a recent dx of atopic dermatitis who has numerous umbilicated vesicles over erythematous skin and LAD
# managment
Eczema herpeticum give acyclovir
A child with poor feeding, irritability, vomiting and decreased activity who has a bulging fontanelle and tense bulging scalp veins with widely space sutures
# management
CT scan of the head
MCC of acute sinusitis in childhood
S. pneumo
Young child w/ several day h/o fever and facial rash in the setting of a recent dx of atopic dermatitis who has numerous umbilicated vesicles over erythematous skin and LAD
# managment
Eczema herpeticum give acyclovir
A child with poor feeding, irritability, vomiting and decreased activity who has a bulging fontanelle and tense bulging scalp veins with widely space sutures
# management
CT scan of the head
MCC of acute sinusitis in childhood
S. pneumo
Poor sucking followed by muscle spasms and hypertonicity in a pt who has a swollen and tender umbilical cord cord
Delayed separation of umbilical cord, necrotic periodontal infections, recurrent cutaneous and sinus infections, leukocytosis and nuetrophilia
Leukocyte adhesion defect
Histologic appearance of liver in Reye syndrome
Fatty vacuolization
Approach to a child with acquired torticollis
First step is neck xray to r/o cervical spine fracture or dislocation b/c it would require extreme caution
Cause of megaloblastic anemia in sickle cell pts
Folic acid deficiency- because of the high RBC turn over, the demand for RBC building blocks is high
Indications for evaluating an infant w/ neonatal jaundice (6)
1. Jaundice that appears in the first 24-36 hrs of life
2. Serum bili rising at a rate faster than 5/24hrs
3. Serum bili > 12 in full-term or 10-14 in preterm infants
4. Jaundice that persists after 10-14 days of life
5. presence of signs or sx
6. conjugatic hyperbili > 2
Characteristics of benign murmurs in children (6)
1. Asymptomatic pt
2. Intensity < 2/6
3. Normal S2
4. No audible clicks
5. Normal pulses
6. No other abnormalities
2 day old infant that does not move his left hand and has miosis and ptosis of the left eye
Klumpke paralysiscaused by too much traction on the left arm during delivery that injures the 7th and 8th cervical nerve and 1st thoracic
2 day old infant with an absent moro reflex on the left but intact grasp
Erb-Duchenne palsy caused by injury to the 5th and 6th cervical nerve