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90 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal age range for pubertal development?
9-13yo for both boys and girls
How long does it take to go from Tanner stage 2-5?
5 years
True or False.
Adolescent peak height velocity has more to do with Tanner stage than age.
I have no pubic hair, a childlike penis and my testicles are < 2.5ml. What is my SMR?
I have fine pubic hair and wrinkles on my scrotum. What is my SMR?
I have coarse, curly pubic hair and my scrotum and penis have grown. What is my SMR?
I have dense, curly pubic hair and a full size penis, what distinguishes me between SMR 4 and 5.
SMR 5 has adult size scrotum, penis and testicles and hair is also on inner thigh.
I have fine hair along my labia and breast buds. What is my SMR?
I am flat chested and have no pubic hair. What is my SMR?
1, unless I am a supermodel waif who has been waxed.
My breasts go beyond the areola and my pubic hair is coarse and curly. What is my SMR?
My SMR is 4. What is my pubic hair and breast situation?
Pubic hair is dense, coarse and curly but not extending to thigh. Breasts have a secondary mound and papilla now.
My SMR is 5.What is my pubic hair and breast situation?
Hair extends to inner thigh. Areola is no longer a separate projection from the breast.
What is classified as delayed puberty?
No development by 14 for a boy and 13 for a girl.
What is the pre-puberty height velocity?

What is the pre-adolescent height velocity?
5-6 cm/year

9-10 cm/year
When does growth spurt begin?
At breast development for girls and at testicular enlargement for boys.
A 13yo girl is found to have an elevated alkaline phosphatase on routine screen. What is your next step?
What is bone age vs. chronological age in constitutional growth delay?
Bone age < Chronological age. The bones catch up later
True or False.
Boys reach SMR 4 prior to peak height velocity.
True or False.
HCT increases with growth spurt.
What is the sequence of male pubertal development?
Testicular growth then pubarche then penile growth then peak height velocity

Ball then bat then height.
What is the most common cause of delayed puberty in boys?
Constitutional delay
At what age is pubertal development considered too early? What is normal onset?
Age 9 is too early. Age 10-11 is normal
When do boys develop axillary hair?
After SMR 5.
A boy has pubic hair development and penis enlargement but no testicular gland enlargement. What does this mean?
Androgen stimulation is coming from outside the gonadal area.
What is the difference in pubic hair development between boys and girls?
Pubarche occurs 1 year after testicular growth in boys vs. girls where it occurs parallel to breast development.
A 13yo complains of breast development with milk from his breasts. He is otherwise healthy but does smoke marijuana. What do you advise?
Stop the marijuana.
What is the sequence of puberty in girls?
Breast bud then Pubarche then Peak Height Velocity then Menarche
What is too early puberty for girls?
Younger than 8yo is too early.
What is the first sign of puberty in girls? What age does it occur? By when should it occur?
Thelarche (breast tissue development). Usually occurs at age 11, but should occur by age 13.
Which hormone(s) are responisible for breast and pubic hair development in girls?
Estrogen for breast and Androgen for pubic hair
How long after thelarche do you expect menarche?
2 years
In which SMR does a girl have peak height velocity?
SMR 3 or 4.
How far from adult height are girls at menarche?
2 inches.
An 11yo girl who is in SMR 2 has bloody vaginal discharge. What do you do?
Look for vaginal foreign body, such as toilet paper.
True or False.
If thelarche occurs without pubarche, think androgen insensitivity.
True or False.
If Pubarche occurs without thelarche, think excess androgen/low estrogen.
A 3yo has developed breast buds. Her mother is very worried. What is your response?
This is okay, as long as there is no further development and there is no pubarche. This may be due to obesity.
Which of the following kids is undergoing precocious puberty? Pick all that apply.
A) A 9yo girl who has started menarche with breasts and pubic hair.
B) A 10 yo boy who has developed pubic hair and genitals.
C) A 7yo with thelarche and pubarche but no menarche
D) A 9yo with thelarche and pubarche but no menarche
E) A 7yo girl with thelarche but no pubarche and no menarche
A) yes
B) no
C) yes
D) no
E) no
What is premature pubarche without thelarche due to?
Adrenal androgen production
Which hormone is responsible for axillary hair and acne?
You evaluating a girl for precocious puberty and note that she also has visual field defects. What is the likely cause of precocious puberty?
CNS lesion...pituitary
You are evaluating a boy for precocious puberty and not acne, facial hair and muscle bulk. What is the cause?
Excess androgen from outside of the gonads.
A prominant labia minora or a change in vaginal color is due to which hormone?
A girl has premature breast development. What is your test of choice?
Ovarian ultrasound
A boy has premature pubarche what is your test of choice?
Adrenal ultrasound
How do you differentiate peripheral vs. central causes of precocious puberty?
LH, FSH and adrenal steroids and MRI.
What is the most likely reason not to use contraception?
Desire for pregnancy
True or false.
50% of all pregnancies occur within 6 months of first time experiencing intercourse and 20% occur in 1st month.
What are absolute contraindications to OCP?
Breast Cancer
CAD or Cerebrovascular Disease
Hepatic Disease
Of the following patients who would you not give OCPs to?
A) A sickle cell patient
B) A epilepsy patient
C) A girl whose mother has breast cancer
D) A girl with lymphoma
E) A girl with hyperlipidemia
How often do you screen for HPV?
If Sexually active, every year.
If not sexually active, start at age 18 then repeat every 3 years.
When do you start workup for amenorrhea?
No period by age 16
No thelarche or pubarche or menarche by age 14.
No period for 3 months in a 6 month span.
What are the expected Lab findings in PCOS?
LH:FSH ratio > 2.5 and elevated androgen level.
What is the treatment for PCOS?
OCP, weight loss, and anti-androgen medications like spironolactone
A 13yo girl presents with amenorrhea, your partner saw her and dismissed her 6 months ago without doing a pelvic exam, but you notice she does not have any pubic hair despite having developed breasts. What is the likely problem?
Androgen insensitivity
An amenorrheic 13yo girl has breast buds but no pubic hair. What should be your next step?
Karyotype for Turner's syndrome
A 15yo marathon runner has not had a period in 6 months. What do you expect on her labs? What is she also at risk for?
Low estradiol. Osteoperosis and Anorexia nervosa.
Does resumption of menses reduce the risk of osteoperosis in a girl with stress induced amenorrhea?
What is the pathophysiology of primary dysmenorrhea? How do you treat it?
Excess prostaglandins. Treat with NSAIDs
True or False.
Primary dysmenorrhea is a significant cause of school absence.
True or False.
Exercise, healthy diet and tylenol may help in reducing primary dysmenorrhea.
How do you distinguish endometriosis from primary dysmenorrhea?
Endometriosis pain occurs any time in cycle, not just during menses.
A teenager presents with recurrent nightmares, fear of being alone, diminished appetite, and diminished interest in school. She is otherwise healthy but was raped on campus last year and has been depressed since then. What is her diagnosis?
What is the leading cause of death among teenagers?
Accidents (MVA)
Which of the following is not a requirement to diagnose anorexia nervosa?
A) Distorted body perception
B) Poor caloric intake
C) Intense fear of weight gain
D) Weight below 15% expected
E) Absence of 3 consecutive menstrual cycles.
Which of the following is required to diagnose anorexia nervosa?
A) Depression
B) Excess exercise
C) Poor caloric intake
D) Distorted body perception
E) Diuretic abuse
Which is not an indication for inpatient admission in a patient with bulemia nervosa?
A) Failure of outpatient treatment
B) Dehydration
C) ECG abnormalities
D) K+ of 3.0
E) Suicide ideation
How do you distinguish achalasia from bulemia?
Achalasia is involuntary
What is the metabolic risk in refeeding an anorexic or bulemic patient?
What is the most prevalent STD among teens?
What is the most common bacterial STD?
True or False.
Genital warts caused by the HPV is the most prevalent STD.
False. Even though HPV is most transmitted STD, genital warts are not.
A young mother is devastated that her daughter has been diagnosed with gardenerella vaginalis and thinks her 12yo daughter has been sexually active. The girl swears she has not been. How do you explain the infection?
This is BV. It can be passed non-sexually even from toilet seats and door knobs.
You do a pelvic exam on a 15yo sexually active woman. You quickly note a fishy odor on applying KOH to the smear. In addition, you note clue cells on the smear. What is your diagnosis?
True or False.
Males do not get trichomoniasis.
False. They can get it, but are asymptomatic usually.
A 15yo girl complains of vaginal itching and burning along with dyspareunia. On exam you not a frothy yellow discharge with a strawberry cervix. What do you expect on wet mount?
Flagellated organisms.
What is the treatment for trichomoniasis? Do you need to treat the partner?
Treat with 2 grams metronidazole. Treat the partner too.
True or false.
Gonorrhea is usually asymptomatic.
What is the major complication of untreated GC in men and in women?
Men can lead to severe epididymitis. Women can get peri-hepatitis, AKA Fitz-Hugh Curtis.
What are symptoms of disseminated gonococcal infection?
Rash, arthritis, possible meningitis and endocarditis.
What is the treatment for genital herpes ulcers?
7 days po acyclovir.
An asymptomatic sexually active 15yo has now changed her sexual partner since her last exam. What is the most appropriate study at this time?
Urine PCR for chamydia and gonorrhea.
What are the diagnostic criteria for PID?
Lower abdominal or Pelvic pain AND EITHER

Uterine or Adenexal tenderness


Cervical motion tenderness.
Which of the following tests are required when doing a pelvic exam and drawing blood for PID evaluation?
A) Chlamydia culture
B) GC culture
C) Pap smear
D) Vaginal swab for Trichomoniasis
E) Vaginal swab for BV
All of them. And you must counsel on the HPV vaccine.
What is the outpatient treatment regimen for PID?
Azithromycin 1gram x 1 and Ceftriaxone 250mg IM x 1
What do you do if pain persists despite outpatient treatment?
Do U/S to look for TOA and admit.
A 16yo girl comes in with lower abdominal dyscomfort. On pelvic exam, she has no cervical tenderness and only the right adenexa is tender. There is no discharge and the wet mounts are normal. This is the ultrasound. What is the treatment?
If less than 6cm diameter, just do followup ultrasound. If > 6cm, then do laproscopic cyst aspiration.
When do you expect resolution of RUQ pain upon treatment of Fitz-Hugh Curtis?
Within 2 days.
A 15yo girl comes in with fever, RUQ pain that radiates to her shoulder, and nausea. Her abdominal ultrasound is normal. She is otherwise healthy and her only medication is an OCP. What is your next step?
B) Abdominal CT
C) Pelvic exam
D) Surgical consult
E) Serum amylase and lipase
Which of the following require parental informed consent?
A) Life threatening emergency
B) Medical Care during pregnancy
C) Blood Donation
D) Substance Abuse Treatment
E) STD treatment
F) HIV testing
G) Sexual assault management
H) Any care for an emancipated minor