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1491 Cards in this Set

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IV catheter infection: etios
staph epi, staph aureus
lowest serum levels of any Ab, factor in allergic conditions (atopy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies)
Osler nodes: pres
0.5 cm ender noduls on the palms, fingertips and soles (OUCHlers nodes)
bacillus cereus is found in ___
fried rice
salmonella: found in ___
frozen foods (esp chicken), milk, eggs, baby chicks and reptiles
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob dz: pres
progressive psych sxs x6 mo --> neuro sxs (ataxia) --> death, look for exposure in England
nevus sebaceous: tx
remove before puberty 2/2 malignant transformation (basal cell carcinoma)
pseudomonas can result from ___ injury
stepping on a nail, esp if through a tennis shoe
port-wine stain in the LEs: association
Klippel-Trenaunay - progressive soft tissue and/or limb overgrowth
salicylate OD: labs
anion gap, met acidosis, also: low BG, K, ferric chloride + salicylate turns urine purple or brown
terminal complement (C5-9) deficiency: pres
recurrent GN inf, esp neisseria meningitis, bec C5-9 make an attach complex that drills a hole in bacterial cell walls
candidal sepsis: PEx with (+) blood cx
check for eye and skin lesions, HSM, signs of thrombophlebitis
psoriasis: tx
plaques - topical steroids and creams (vit D, tar, retinoid) + UVB light, acitretin if severe, TNA-alpha inh in severe (black box warning for cancer)
sarcoidosis: tx
intralesional/topical steroids, *methotrexate, occasionally antimalarials
immigrants:common nutritional problems include __
rickets, anemia, iodine def, malnutrition
cryptococcal meningitis: dx
CSF Ag test, or India ink test (large halo - looks like a bubble)
non-stress testing: reactive implies that ___
baby has a 99% chance of surviving 1 wk
newborns: breast tissue 3-5 mm at __ wks
HIV: ___ med lowers viral count
protease inhibitors
Down syndrome: heart defects - epi, types
50%, 1/3 AV canal (often no murmur), 1/3 VSD, 1/3 ASDs + Tet
anomaly: def
structural birth defect or congenital malformation
walks well by __
15 mo
constitutional growth delay: etio
MC hereditary
proven or highly likely congenital syphilis: def
abnl exam, 4-fold greater VDRL/RPR than Mom or + treponemal (FTA-AB, dark field microscopy)
Weil syndrome: etio
granuloma inguinale: etio
klebsiella granulomatis
pre-clampsia: def
htn and proteinuria
nursemaid's elbow is ___
subluxation of the radial head
transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy: tx
none for most (levels normalize by 3-4 yo.), but some may need IVIG
2 MC infectious etio of deafness are __
toxo, CMV
difference between autism and Asperger's
Asperger's - nl lang and IQ
use 2-syllable words at __ age
2 yrs
erythema migricans looks like ___ and is pathognomonic for ___
bulls eye or central clearing; lyme dz
phototherapy: stop when ___
bili dec by 4-5
3st degree burn: definition
full thickness
etios of eye discharge after birth, and how to differentiate
DOL1 - contact from the ppx; DOL2-7 gonorrhea, DOL7-14 chlamydia
HIV: derm pres
molluscum, seborrheic dermatitis, tinea, psoriasis, folliculitis, hairy leukoplakia, herpes, oral or vaginal candidiasis
IMZ at 11-12
Tdap, HPV, meningococcal
p. vivax malaria: dx
schizonts in the blood, no banana gametes (p. falciparum)
fecal WBCs: significance
invasive-type bacterial etio (shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, yersinia, amebic) or IBD
urethritis: dx
LE, urine micro with >10 WBC/HPF, gram stain, if negative --> specific test for GC and CT
vulvovaginal candidiasis: tx
flucon x1, tons of intravaginal agents (only use topical agents for pregnant women)
mito encephalopathy with lactic acidosis & strokes: inheritance
clean wound and <3 tetanus IMZ or IMZ hx unknown: tx
scarlet fever: pres
acute strep pharyngitis + fine, diffuse, sandpapery red rash - 1-2D after sore throat, starts in the neck and upper chest and spreads, esp in elbow - Pastia lines (red lines), pallor around the mouth, rash fades with desquamation in 1 wk
somatic mosaicism: def
when some cells in F have an active X from Mom and some cells have an active X from Dad
refer __ bites to a surgeron
hand (except if superficial), extensive inf, bites involving deeper tissue (tendon, bone…), ones causing extensive disfigurment, bites on the head in young kids (easy to underestimate the severity of the injury)
polio: pres
<6 y.o., fever at onset of dz, descending (proximal --> distal) flaccid paralysis without reflexes that reaches full extent within 4D
erythroblastosis fetalis: HSM - path
extramedullary hematopoiesis
Howell-Jolly bodies are ass with ___
strep pneumo sepsis bc of splenectomy

Common causes of asplenia are splenectomy following trauma to the spleen, and autosplenectomy caused by sickle cell anemia. Ten percent of patients with Coeliac disease also present with splenic atrophy with subsequent Howell-Jolly bodies. Other causes are radiation therapy involving the spleen, such as that used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma. Howell-Jolly bodies are also seen in: severe hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, hereditary spherocytosis, and myelodysplastic syndrome (
inheritance pattern: only females transmit dz to their sons
X-linked recessive
tracks to 180o by __
4 mo
herpes: dx
Tzank - multinucleated giant cells, Ab-testing, PCR
Chediak-Higashi: type of immunodeficiency
phagocyte killing defect
neonatal hyperbili - severe: RF
pre-discharge bili in a high-risk zone, jaundice in 1st 24h, immune-mediated hemolysis, 35-36 wks, sib who required phototx, cephalohematoma, sign bruising, exclusively breastfed, East Asian or Greek
diarhea after eating shellfish: MC etios
vibrios, noro (clams, oysters)
non-stress testing: reactive if ___
>2 accelerations of fetal HR in 20 min
__ skull fx is suggestive of abuse
linear fx of the parietal
HLA II Ags present ___
bacteria, fungi, parasites, mycobacteria - mostly extracellular organisms
trichinella spiralis: pres
depends on location: travels from duodenum --> muscle (pain --> calcifications) --> heart (myocarditis), eye (irritation, periorbital edema)
secondary bacterial PNA develops ___ after flu sxs start
5-7 days
DTaP-specific contraindication
persistent inconsolable crying for >3 hrs within 48h
3st degree burn: time to heal
grafting or healing from the edges if small
malaria: type that causes nephrotic syndrome
p. malariae (m and n are next to each other in the alphabet)
routine BG testing is/is not recommended for neonates
is not
neurofibromatosis type 1: pres
2/7 of; >5 café-au-lait spots >0.5 cm pre-pubertal or >1.5 post-pubertal; 1 plexiform or >1 neurofibroma; axillary or inguinal freckling; optic glioma; >1 Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas), sphenoid abnl, 1st degree relative
repetitive stress injury to the patellar tendon as it inserts in the tibial tubercle
geographic tongue: pres
migratory red patches, asymptomatic and benign
blastomycoses: location and population it naturally occurs
Wisconsin and Arkansas (kids at UWis Madison had a blast in college); hunters and loggers (beavers are the Wisconsin mascot)
mosaic trisomy 8:
*deep palmar and sole creases, long face, high forehead, thick everted long lip, bone, joint and renal malformations
live vaccines include ___
BCG, MMR, varicella, nasal flu, oral polio, smallpox
nl speech development: 0-6 mo
cooing (random --> interactive)
CO poisoning: labs
CO concentration bec pulse ox may be falsely nl
periodontal inf: abx
H. flu epiglottitis: pres
abrupt onset of fever, dysphasia, drooling, look like they're trying to die, 2-7 y.o.
congenital: def
something present at birth
hypocalcemia in a neonate: tx
10% Ca gluconate at 2 cc/kg over 5 min, need cardiac monitoring during the infusion
ambisome: SEs
low K, Mg and renal tubular acidosis; hypotension with 1st dose (2/2 peripheral vasodilation)
inheritance patterns: both sexes can transmit to offspring
aut dom, aut rec
neonatal lupus: pres
either congenital heart block OR skin findings - raccoon eyes (periorbital erythema), round or annular red plaques MC on head
CD8 cells recognize HLA ___
1 (1x8=8)
birth length triples by ___
13 yrs
profound hearing loss is always __ type
disseminated gonococcal inf: pres
petechial or pustular rash, asymmetric arthralgias, tenosynovitis, frank septic arthritis, fevers/chills, + blood cx, + synovial cx, perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis) - RUQ pain, meningitis, endocarditis
amebic menigitis: RF
swimming in a brackish water (salinity bet salt and fresh water)
lab screening for pregnant teens
CT, HBsAg, hep C, HIV, GC, pap smear (if not done within the last yr), rubella, syphilis (not trich)
leptospirosis: dx
cx or serology
etio of city-wide diarrhea
cryptosporidium, from contaminated water
treat a woman with a suspected GC/CT infection if __
she has RFs and she's unlikely to return for her test results
epididymitis: etio
CT, GC, E. coli (if young or engaging in anal sex)
Sotos syndrome: pres
macrocephaly, LGA, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, MR, large hands/feet
hemangioma: pres
white macule with central telangiectasia or red macule --> few days later it rapidly elevates and enlarges, can be red and superficial or blue and deep
should/should not switch formulas for colic
uses past tense at __ (age)
4 yrs
maternal hyperthermia during pregnancy: pres
inc risk of neural tube defects, if exposure is between 14-30D
chronic granulomatous disease: type of immunodeficiency
phagocyte killing defect
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for hep A
1, 2
type 2 hypersensitivity reaction: cells involved
IgG-mediated, cytotoxic
HIV: dx
Ab testing (99% sensitive, 90% specific), if +, confirm with Western blot (confirms viral proteins)
Klinefelter's (47,XXY): pres
tall, gynectomastia, delayed puberty, azoospermia, small testes, infertility
nl wt gain per yr after 2 y.o. until puberty
5 lbs/yr
prune belly: def
absence of anterior abd wall musculature
epidural hemorrhage in a neonate: tx
usually need surgery
maternal CMV inf during pregnancy: pres
*periventricular calcifications, LBW, MR, microcephaly, hearing loss that can develop during the neonatal period
give primaquine as an adjuvant for malaria after ___
testing for G6PD
TB inf: pres in kids
local asymptomatic pleural effusion (low glu, high prot) - AFB is usually neg but get a pleural bx to inc yield
traveler's diarrhea: tx
mild - loperamide + cipro x1 dose; severe - use cipro BID x3D
calvicle fx: location
middle to lateral portion
maternal htn during pregnancy: pres
IUGR, placental insufficiency, placental abruption or previa, if <20 wks - inc risk of miscarriage
measure PPD results by __
the area of induration (not erythema)
neisseria meningitidis: tx, ___ if allergic
pen G; ceftriaxone
leptospirosis: pres
wide range, can include meningitis, renal or hepatic failure (with disproportionately high bili) with hemorrhage (Weil syndrome)
goal of wt gain with anorexia
0.2-0.4 kg/day to avoid refeeding syndrome and heart failure
ppx infants for GBS inf with ___
chorio, x48h until cx neg
rotavirus: season
winter and spring
amblyopia: etios
early childhood refractive errors, strabismus, cataracts, corneal opacities
babbles by __
6 mo
fish odor with KOH stain is associated with __
bacterial vaginosis
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for DTaP
4, 6
phenotype: def
observed expression of a genotype
ethylene glycol is found in __
antifreeze, radiator fluids, and it tastes sweet
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dz: pres
myoclonus and severe dementia, die within 5 mo
you can/cannot treat through a line inf with cadida
retinal hemangioblastoma suggests ___ dz
von Hippel Lindau
lanugo: disappears from face at___ wks
ETT size for newborns <1.5 kg, 1.5-2.5 kg, >2.5 kg
2.5, 3, 3.5
confidence interval of __ is = to p-value of 0.01
premature ROM: tx
usually induce if >34 wks, 32-33 wks - amnio to test for pulm maturity or bed rest with steroids and abx, <28 wks - tocolysis and steroids
staph epi is usually MSSE/MRSE
menactra does/does not cover all important strains
does not cover serotype B which causes 30% of dz (B for Bad)
if a child > __ (age) is drawing genitals in pictures, consider abuse
5 yrs (nl before then)
bacteremia: MC bacterial etio
strep pneumo
allergies: season for grass pollen, mold, tree pollen, weeds
summer; year-round if warm, not during winter if there's snow; spring; fall
mec ileus: pres
abd distention, bilious vomiting, no mec >24h, *abd feels doughy (bec loops are filled with mec and not air)
"complete DiGeorge" syndrome: pres
total absence of thymus, so they act like SCIDS (bec T cells activate B cells)
with varicella inf, avoid giving ___ OTC meds
ASA for Reyes syndrome, and motrin bec it inc the risk of strep pyogenes inf
give 23-valent pneumococcal IMZ to ___
functional asplenics (hemoglobinopathies), HIV, nephrotics, bad heart/lung dz
ethylene glycol ingestion: pres
drunk --> resp prob --> cardiac failure, szs, cerebral edema, renal failure, death
brain abscess in the temporal lobe: etio
likely extension from OM - strep pneumo, H flu, staph aureus, GN
trichamoniasis: etio
trichomonas vaginalis
IMZ typically given at 4 mo
DTaP, hep B, HIB, IPV, pneumococcal, rota
Waardenburg syndrome: pres
partial albinism, white forelock, cochlear deafness, premature graying, hypertelorism, heterochromia of the iris, cleft lip/palate, +/- absent vagina, Hirschsprung
cerebellar hemangioblastoma suggests ___ dz
von Hippel Lindau
gynecomastia: nl if __
<4 cm (equivalent to tanner 1 female)
maternal factors ass with infant mortality
*prenatal care after 1st trimester, teenager moms, >40 with no high school education, underlying chronic dz, smokers
leukocyte adhesions defect: pres
*delayed umbilical cord separation, necrotizing inf at sites where the body interacts with the envi (skin, lungs, GI) --> leaves cigarette paper scarring
adverse drug reactions that happen immediately are type ___
1 hypersensitivity and involve IgE
Appearance (color) - blue / acrocyanosis / pink; Pulse - <60 / 60-100 / >100; Grimace (when catheter placed in nose) - nothing / grimace / cough sneeze cry; Activity - limp / some flexion / active; Respiration - absent / slow, irregular / good cry
breastfed babies feed __ frequently than bottlefed babies because __
more, the protein means in breastmilk is more quickly digested
give __ type of DTaP if >7 y.o. because __
Tdap, a smaller amt of pertussis Ag
inheritance pattern: inc risk with consanguinity
aut rec
chlamydia pneumoniae: pres
community-acquired PNA in >5 y.o., causes a lot bronchospasms
p. ovale malaria: tx
chloroquine + primaquine (adjuvant to eradicate hypnozoites in the liver which are responsible for relapse, after r/u G6PD)
rabies: concerning exposures
child wakes up in a room with a bat, bite or mucous membrane contamination
sits unassisted by __
7 mo
Janeway lesions: association
acute bacterial endocarditis, rare in kids
common variable immunodeficiency: pres
teens or 20s with recurrent sinopulm inf with encapsulated bacteria, noncaseating granulomas (spleen, liver, lungs, skin), giardia
hereditary: def
conditions that can be transmitted from parent to child
neonatal hyperbili: pres that you have to worry about
exclusively breastfed M <38 wks who was discharge <72h
cephalohematoma: pres
blood that doesn't cross sutures lines
seborrhea dermatitis in children: tx
zinc or tar shampoo, low-potency topical steroid + concurrent topical antifungal cream
start BP screening at __ and then do it __
3 y.o., annually
inheritance pattern: father-to-son transmission
aut dom, aut rec (not X-linked and mito)
type 2 hypersensitivity reaction: path
Ig Abs bind to tissue Ag or cell receptors (auto-Abs) --> cell destruction (via opsonization, MAC)
lanugo: covers entire body before ___ wks
2nd degree burn: tx
soap and water daily, leave blisters intact, abx ointment, change dressings qDay, Td if needed, re-eval q2-3D bec burn may progress
3st degree burn: tx
IVF (LR) - 4 mg/kg/% total burned surface area (50% in first 8h, 50% in next 16h) + maintenance, add dextrose if <5 y.o. to prevent hypoglycemia, consider referring to burn center
makes a tower of 2 cubes by __
14 mo
ranula: pres
benign mass that comes out of the floor of the mouth
shakes head at __ (age)
12 mo
breast mass: referral criteria
persistence or enlargement over 3 menstrual cycles --> aspirated
rickettsia rickettsi: location it naturally occurs
Carolinas, Georgia, Virginia (Missouri, Oklahoma and TX)
maternal hyperthermia during pregnancy: etio
high fevers, hot tube users
placental percreta: def
when the placenta penetrates the scars in placental accreta
neisseria meningitidis: peak age
2 y.o., 15-19 y.o.
bacterial vaginosis: tx
flagyl oral x7D, intravaginal x5D, clinda intravaginal x7D, if pregnant - only oral
Hantavirus: pres
AGE sxs (N/V, abd pain, diarrhea) --> 1 wk later coughing, SOB, ARDS; suspect with severe hemorrhagic PNA, low plts, high H&H
Chediak-Higashi: compl
EBV can tirgger an accelerated phase --> organ infiltration and pancytopenia
variable decels: pattern
occur whenever, acute rapid fall in fetal HR and a variable recovery
basal skull fx in a neonate
2/2 occipital bone separation --> brain damage and hemorrhage, bad prognosis
language at 3 yrs
3-word sentences, talks in short paragraphs, 75% intelligible, ues plurals, pronouns and prepositions
inherited zinc deficiency: AKA ___
acrodermatitis enteropathic
X chromosome is larger/small than the Y chromosome
larger (2x)
distal humerus (elbow) fx: mechanism of injury
fall onto an outstretched hand
chlamydia: tx
azithro 1g x1
Ataxia-telangiectasia: compl
high risk of liquid tumors (ATM gene affected repairs DNA/causes apoptosis)
sutures close by __, ossify by __, fuse by __
1 yrs, 8 yrs, early adulthood
erythema infectiosum: pres
slapped cheeks, lacy pruritic rash (comes out more after the sun or a warm bath), most aren't ill
BG in fetuses comes from ___
Mom (babies doesn't synthesize their own BG)
kids with concussions can return to sports __
1 - 20 min after injury, 2 - after 1 wk of no sxs (so min 1 wk), 3 - min 1 mo, after 1 wk of no sxs
leading cause of infant mortality
congenital malformations (25%)
phenothiazine rxs: tx
can/cannot do a pap smear during menses
neonatal exposure to ACE inhibitors: pres
*renal dysgenesis, oligo, skull ossification defects, when exposure is in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters
ambisome kills ___
most systemic fungal inf
neonates should/should not have nl bicep, patellar reflexes
methanol is found in ___
windshield washer fluid, anti-freeze, picnic stove fuel, canned heat
dog bites: MC organisms
pasturella, staph aureus, DF-2
do endoscopy for caustic injections for ___
kids with symptoms or visible burns in the mouth
HIV: ___ test is a good long-term predictor of outcome
viral load bec shortly after inf each person's HIV equilibrates to a certain set-point (viremia of 100-1,000,000)
erythroblastosis fetalis: pancytopenia - path
anemia --> inc erythropoiesis --> depletes the hematopoietic stem cells --> low plts, WBCs and RBCs
coxilla burnetti: tx
doxy (for all ricketssial inf)
Cornelia De Lange: pres
IUGR, microcephaly, hirsuitism, heart dz, synophrys, long eyelashes, thin upper lip, downturned mouth, , syndactyly, micromelia (small hands/feet), thalidomide-looking arms/legs
duplication of the thumb/pinkie is more c/w syndromes
thumb/great toe
language at 4 yrs
uses past tense, 4-5 word sentences, short paragraphs, able to tell a story
ranula: etio
sublingual dilation of a salivary gland
screening for STIs
all asymptomatic sexually active girls for chlamydia +/- gonorrhea, +/- UA for LE in both girls and boys
uses plurals, pronouns and prepositions at __ (age)
3 yrs
dirty wound and <3 tetanus IMZ or IMZ hx unknown: tx
DTap/Tdap + TIG (tetanus immunoglobulin)
balances on 1 foot for 2-3 sec
3 yrs
positional plagiocephaly: tx
tummy time when awake, helmet x22h/day (start <6 mo)
efficacy of SSRI and TCAs for depression
SSRIs are more effective than TCAs
vibrio: RF
chronic liver dz, IC
screen for hearing loss again if __
parents are concerned, speech delay, h/o bacterial meningitis, neonatal TORCH inf, h/o sign head trauma (esp temporal bone), syndrome ass with hearing loss, neurodegenerative dz, head and neck anatomic malformations, +FHx, confirmed measles or mumps, ototoxic meds (ex. amnioglycosides)
malaria: MC reason why Americans are inf
not starting ppx early enough before leaving or stopping it too quickly after returning
guttate psoriasis: pres
many small, scaly papules and plaques on the face, trunk and proximal extremities
frothy, smelly, yellow-green vaginal discharge is ass with __
anorexia: EKG changes
bradycardia, U-waves (b4 T wave) 2/2 hypoK, low-voltage, ST depression with exercise and prolonged T intervals are ass with inc risk of vtach
Gorlin syndrome: pres
basal cell carcinoma early in childhood, *develop other ca - ovarian, medulloblastoma, dysmorphic facies, skeletal defects, MR, jaw cysts (gory with all the scars from their cancers)
dress self by __
3 yrs
varicella: contagious period
1-2D prior to rash until all lesions are crusted over
distal humerus (elbow) fx: compl
if displaced - eval for damage to the brachial artery, median and radial nerves (high risk of compl)
bacillus anthracis: pres
cutaneous - painless papule --> vesicles --> ulcer --> black eschar, with painless non-pitting edema and induration; GI; pulm ("wool sorter's dz")
viral PNA: develops ___ after flu sxs start
3-5 days
difference between conduct d/o and oppositional defiant d/o is __
ODD <6 mo, conduct >6 mo
nightmares occur during __ sleep
allergic contact dermatitis: path
type 4 hypersensitivity rnx (T cells)
kid has an aut dom dz with no other affected relatives: etio
either spontaneous mutation or germline mosacism
newborns: aerola are barely visible at ___ wks
herpes: dx
culture, IgG (use for presumed false neg), PCR only for CNS inf, Tzanck preparation (only on the boards - low sens & spec) - multi-nucleated giant cells
severe hypoxia after birth may be 2/2 ___
Ataxia-telangiectasia: pres
ataxia (by 5 yo) --> oculocutaneous telangiectasia (by 5 yo), high A1AT, sinopulm dz (B/T cell dysfunc)
PID: in-pt tx
2nd gen cephalosporin (cefoxitin, cefotetan) IV + doxy, for 24h after pt has improved and then 14D of doxy
uses a cup and spoon well by __
18 mo
SCID: pres
babies, bad eczema, CLD, diarrhea, FTT, no thymic shadow on CXR, lymphopenic
rubella: pres
adenopathy (starts post-auricular), rash (egg over your head, macular), low-grade fever, red spots on the palate (Forchheimer spots)
cat bites: tx
augmentin, if PCN-allergic - clinda + bactrim
syndrome: def
a recognizable pattern of structural defects, often with a predictable natural hx, that can be identified amongst several pts
neonatal hyperbili: protective factors
>40 wks, AA, exclusive bottle feeding
ossicular disarticulation can result in __
hearing loss
miliaria crystalline: path
sweat glands are blocked --> sweat escapes just under the skin surface
infantile acne: pres
appear bet 3-4 mo of life, papules, pustule, and open and closed comodomes, lasts for 6-12 mo
OTC local anesthetics for teething can produce __
methemoglobinemia (it’s idiosyncratic and not dose related)
IDM with hypoglycemia: path
material hyperglycemia --> fetal hyperglycemia --> inc B-cell stimulation --> hyperinsulinemia
variococele: pres
bag of worms, L-sided (L renal vein has a more torturous course), inc with valsalva
listeria looks like ___
diphtheroids (GPR)
black spider bites: path
75% intelligible by __
3 yrs
retracted, poorly mobile tympanogram looks like __ and suggests __
peak is absent (straight line), low max compliance, negative middle ear pressure
color-vision defects in __% of boys and __ % of girls
10%, <0.5%, because it's MC X-linked
for clenched fist lacs, ___
refer to a hand surgeon 2/2 high risk of inf
histoplasmosis: location it naturally occurs
Mississippi and Ohio River valleys
epidural hemorrhage in a neonate: etio
birth trauma
red flag if no words by __
18 mo (double nl)
asymmetric breast development is/is not normal
nl, and can persist into adulthood
Fe OD: phases
GI (0-6h) - N/V, diarrhea, abd pain, hematemesis and bloody diarrhea --> stability (6-24h) --> systemic shock (24-48h) - anion gap ---> hepatoxicity (2-3D) - hepatic failure, coagulopathy --> GI/pyloric scarring (2-6 wks)
CMV: acquired via ___
infected blood, resp droplets, urine, and transplancentally
non-stress testing: measures ___
fetal HR, fetal movement, uterine activity
EBV in young kids: pres
rashes, HSM, OM, FTT, abd pain, recurrent pharyngitis
autosome: def
all chromosomes except X and Y
advise parents to do __ when kids have night terrors
not wake the pt which prolongs the episode, or pre-emptively wake the pt up if they always happen at the same time of night
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type I: tx
exchange transfusion, phototherapy 12h/day, liver tx
when nl parents has >1 kid with an aut dom dz, suspect ___
germline mosaicism
placental accreta
when the placenta burrows into the uterine endometrium 2/2 previous trauma (ex. curettage, myomectomy, C-section)
can tell fantasy from reality
5 yrs
Fe OD: toxic dose
>60 mg/kg
p. malariae malaria: tx
chloroquine + primaquine (adjuvant to eradicate hypnozoites in the liver which are responsible for relapse, after r/u G6PD)
aplastic anemia 2/2 parvo: labs
giant pronormoblasts in the BM
coughing a neonate is/is not nl
is not, and may indicate a viral PNA
sprain: tx
RICE - rest, ice (20 min 2h x48h), compression, elevation
RF for ROP
<30 wks, BW <1200, high O2 use
serum sickness: path
type 3 hypersensitivity rxn - Ag-Ab deposition --> activates the complement system
goat cheese is associated with ___ inf
MC cause of osteomyelitis
staph aureus
IMZ typically given at 4-6 yrs
DTaP, IPV, MMR, varicella
erythroblastosis fetalis: hypoglycemia - path
high plasma hgb interferes with insulin func --> hyperinsulinemic
maternal SLE during pregnancy: pres in neonates
inc risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, prematurity, congenital heart block
vulvovaginal candidiasis: dx
budding yeast and pseudoyphae on KOH, pH <4.5
secondary syphilis: skin findings
diffuse, scaling papules on the palms and soles, penis and mucosa
primary TB inf: located in ___ lung lobes
lower (bec nl airflow goes to the lower lungs)
aminoglycosides: SE
oto and nephrotoxicity
vaccinate ___ with menactra
all 11-12 y.o., also: asplenics (including Hgb SS), terminal complement def, properdin def at 2 y.o.
tertiary syphilis: pres
cardiac (aoritis), ophthalmic (iritis), auditory (deafness), gumma (necrotic center)
diastis rectus: pres
midline gap between abd rectus muscles most noticeable with crying, usually closes after the 1st year of life
erythema multiforme: pres
well-defined round or oval or target lesions, often involves palms and soles and can involve mucous membranes, individual lesions don’t move around and are often on the extensor surfaces
can give flu mist if __
>2 y.o. and no asthma, allergy to eggs, dz that ↑ risk of flu
latex allergy: population at risk
conditions that give them a high exposure to latex, ex. spina bifida, congenital urologic problems
Beckwith-Wiedemann: pres
coarse facies, macroglossia, ear lobe creases, posterior auricular pits, oomphalocele, Wilms tumor cryptorchidism, hemihypertrophy
Mulberry molars: appearance, ass with __
domed first molars, congenital syphilis
Ataxia-telangiectasia: lab abnl
high A1AT, abnl QUIGs
shigella: complications
rectal prolapse (5%), szs
codes: deliver breaths over ___ sec
draw vertical line by __
18 mo
aminoglycosides are bacteriastatic/cidal
OP candidiasis: pres
<5 mo old, pearly white plaques that have pinpoint bleeding when removed
red flag if inability to use lang to communicate by __
3 yrs
toxo: is acquired via ___
ingesting infected cat eggs - so by changing litter boxes, eating raw/undercooked meat, wear gloves when gardening (cats poop in soil)
type 4a hypersensitivity rxn: path
when a T cell interacts with an Ag causing an infl rxn
spermatocele: tx
NTD (don't dec fertility)
1st degree burn: definition
superficial - red skin
HPV: tx
pt-applied: podofilox, imiquimod, MD-applied - cryotherapy, podophyllin, TCA, BCA surgical removal, pregnancy - can only use cryo, TCA or BCA
NBS: if blood is drawn too soon, repeat at __
1-2 wks of life – before levels are high enough to damage to cause damage
runs well by __
2 yrs
congenital melanocytic nevi: compl
small risk of melanoma with small and medium ones, post-pubertal; 10% lifetime risk with large ones and it's usually in the first few yrs of life
flagyl is/is not safe for pregnant women
is safe
toilet bowl cleaner is alkaline/acidic
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for HIB
3-4, 3-4
Ehlers-Danlos: skin findings
hyperextensible, dystrophic scarring (shiny), feels like "fine sponge," fragile - splits & looks like a gaping "fish mouth," extra skin on hands, feet and stomach, wrinkled palms/soles
babies learn to put themselves to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night by __
3-4 mo
severe MR: MC etio
Down syndrome
Apert syndrome: pres
brachycephaly, proptosis, syndactyly, broad thumbs, fused digits
gun bluing is alkaline/acidic
McCune Albright syndrome: pres
café-au-lait spots, precocious puberty, bony fibrous dysplasia
Turners syndrome (45,X): path
10% have Y chromosomal material in all or some cells (inc risk for gonadoblastoma)
infant mortality: gender
HIV: dx if <18 mo old and Mom is HIV+
HIV DNA PCR, 3 tests over 4 mo
refer 2-5 y.o. for __ vision problems
(+) cover/uncover test (strabismus), or acuity <20/40 in either eye, >1 line difference between R and L eyes
E. coli O157:H7: tx
no abx because it increases the risk for HUS
HIV protease inhibitors: toxicity
fat redistribution, lipid abnl (inc TG and chol - don't treat with statins), new-onset DM
hyper-IgE syndrome: pres
eczema, scoliosis, hyperextensibility, teeth prob, fxs, recurrent abscesses, facies - broad nose, prominent forehead, triangular jaw, IgE 2-10K
positive predictive value
is for a test, probability of dz in a pt with a + test, =TP /(TP + FP)
Wiskott-Aldrich: tx
BMT, splenectomy if no match for BMT
sensorineural affects __ frequencies preferentially
ETT length for newborn based on wt
1 kg - 7 cm, 2 kg - 8 cm, 3 kg - 9 cm, 4 kg - 10 cm
HIV: earliest detectable sign of inf (dx)
Apert syndrome: inheritance pattern
aut dom
if more than 1 suture is involved, think ___
of an genetic abnl and neurologic involvement
treat serious MRSA infections with ___
vanc (only choice for the boards although linezolid works)
don't give breastfeeding mothers ___ meds
teatracycline, aminoglycosides, chloramphenical, sulfa
intertrigo: path
irritant dermatitis caused by maceration and friction
understands 1 step commands by __
15 mo
osteogenesis imperfecta type 2: pres
*most severe form, lethal during neonatal period 2/2 resp insufficiency, bones are soft, limbs are short and bowed
clostridium septicum: pres
ass with GI malignancy
give surfactant to all babies <___ wks
car battery liquids are alkaline/acidic
ingestion of hydrocarbons: imaging
CXR can be nl for 24h after exposure
group B sepsis: tx
PCN G + aminoglycoside until susc come back, 10D for bacteremia and PNA, 14D for meningitis, 3 wks for arthritis, 4 wks for osteo
granuloma inguinale: dx
dark-staining Donovan bodies (intracytoplasmic inclusions bodies) on tissue-crush prep or bx
mild MR: epi, SES ass, sex, MC etio, identifiable chr abnl
2%, ass with low SES, M>F, hereditary, 48%
herpes zoster: compl
post-hepatic neuralgia (MC in >60 y.o.)
serum sickness: pres
fever, rashes (red, pruritic, urticaria, angioedema), joint pain, LAD, myalgias, proteinuria, N/V x7-10D
red flag if no meaningful phrases by __
2 yrs
Down syndrome: TFT testing
3, 6 and 12 mo, and then qyr
seborrhea dermatitis in infants: pres
cradle cap - patches of greasy yellow scales, can spread to the forehead and cheeks, resolves within months
torus fx: MC location
distal rdial metaphysis (wrist)
vulvovaginal candidiasis: etio
candida albicans
X-linked agammaglobulinemia: tx
IVIG qmonth, avoid oral polio
HIV - Kaposi lesions: etio
clostridium diff: dx
stool assay for cytotoxin (not cx because can be nl gut flora)
proctitis: def
infl limited to the rectum (last 12 cm)
coxilla burnetti is gram __ and is a type of ___
neg; ricketssial infection
color of bruises over time
red --> blue --> green --> yellow --> nl, red x1D, and then each x3D
legionella pneumophilia: pres
multi-sys dz (causes legions of problems) - PNA (CXR looks worse than the pt), CNS (HA, delirium)
MC etios of speech delay
hearing, MR, dysphasia, dysarthria, structural abnl of the mouth/resp tract, child abuse/neglect
epidermolysis bullosa simplex: inheritance pattern
aut dom
bacillus anthracis: ppx s/p exposure
pen G or cipro x1-2 mo
Parker-Weber syndrome: pres
port-wine stain in the LE, AVMs, progressive soft tissue and/or limb overgrowth (similar but worse than Klippel-Trenaunay)
interpret TB results if h/o BCG __
irrespective of the BCG vaccine
fetal scalp stim: significance
if nl, corresponds to a pH of >7.25
ethylene glycol ingestion: tx
Na bicarb, IV ethanol or fomepizole, thiamine and pyridoxine (shunt metabolism to less toxic metabolits), dialysis, Ca
9p-: pres
trigoncephaly, discrete exophthalmos, arched eyebrows, short neck with webbing
cat bites: MC organisms
pasturella, staph aureus; consider x-ray bec punctures wounds are often more extensive than they appear
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for IPV
3, 4
candidal diaper rash: pres
bright red, sharp borders, satellite lesions, usually 2-4 mo old
TCA OD: tx
Na bicarb to alkalinize serum, lidocaine
niesseria meningitidis: ppx ___ people
household, daycare, close intimate contacts and passengers seated directly next to a case on flights >8h, health care providers who had close intimate contact (ex. intubation)
early onset group B sepsis: time of onset (median, range)
1 hr; max 7D
phenothiazine: dose-independent rxn
dystonic rxn (neck spasms, tongue thrusting, oculogyric crisis)
Crouzon syndrome: pres
turricepahly (~long and thin), proptosis, hypertelorism, strabismus, maxillary hypoplasia
adenovirus: season
tympanogram: nl peak (which is __ axis)
0 (-150 to +50), x
NBS: draw the blood before __
7 days of life
jumps off ground with 2 feet up by __
2.5 yrs
give surfactant to all babies irrespective of age ___
they're requiring FiO2 >50% to maintain PaO2 >50
marfan syndrome: pres
*high-arched palate, *dislocated lens (ectopic lentis - dislocates up), *pectus carinatum/excavatum, *mitral valve prolapse, tall, wrist sign (thumb and pinkie overlap when encircling the wrist), thumb sign (thumb past ulnar surface of the hand), scoliosis (>20%), dec elbow extension, dilation and dissection of ascending aorta
what to do when influenza threatens an immunized care facility
everyone should get zanamivir and everyone should get vaccinated
2nd generation cephalosporins kill ___
GP, GN (E. coli, klebsiella, proteus), anaerobes
2nd generation cephalosporins include ___
cefoxitin, cefotetan, cefuroxime
Turners syndrome (45,X): compl
gonadoblastoma (if Y chr present), auto-immune (Hashimoto's, alopecia, vitiligo), GI prob (incl carb intolerance)
Osler nodes: association
subacute bacterial endocarditis
adeno: pres
fever, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, rhinorrhea, cervical adenitis, diarrhea, hemorrhagic cystitis
entamoeba histolytica: pop
immigrants, gay men, institutionalized pts
brucella: acquired via ___
unpasteurized milk or cheese, inhalation, handling carcasses
SSRIs are more effective in anorexia/bulimia
Turners syndrome (45,X): __% spontaneously-abort
HIV: Abs appear within ___
usually by 2-3 mo, but can take up to 6 mo
language at 2 yrs
expanding vocab, more fluency - less stuttering, 25% intelligible, 2-syllable word
cruises by __
11 mo
give IM (IMZ) injections __
anterolateral thigh --> deltoid (never the butt)
late onset group B sepsis: type of inf
bacteremia > meningitis > osteo > cellulitis-adenitis
adverse drug reactions that happen after 3D are type ___
4 hypersensitivity and involve cytotoxic T cells
risk of later obesity/DM is greater if Mom/Dad is the diabetic
type 3 hypersensitivity reaction: cells involved
immune-complex (Ab-Ag)-mediated
isoretinoin: SE
teratogenicity, pseudotumor cerebri (esp when used with tetracyclines), depression, psychosis, pancreatitis, hyperTG, hearing loss, loss of night vision
social smile by __
2 mo
Down syndrome: quad-screen
low AFP and estriol, high hCG and inhibin
2 word sentences by __
2 yrs
IMZ typically given at 6 mo
DTaP, hep B, HIB, IPV, pneumococcal, rota
need to delay the first dose of hep B if __
baby is <2 kg
very labile O2 requirements after birth may be 2/2 ___
start combining words after know __ words
mycobacterium marinum: pres
non-healing skin ulcers in people working around fish tanks, usually over lymphatic channels
risk for a future sib having down syndrome
if baby has 3 copies of chr 21 and Mom is <35 yo - 1%, if Mom is >35 y.o. - similar to age-specific risk, if unbalanced translocation - depends on type
3st degree burn: pres
dry, leathery, waxy, not painful
screen __ for TB
only if contacts with TB or who have been to prison within 5 yrs, x-ray findings c/w TB, immigration from high-risk countries, significant travel to endemic countries, areas with a lot of TB, HIV+, in jail
secondary syphilis: pres
scaly hyperkaratotoic palmar skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions, LAD, condylomata lata (hypertrophic granulomas in warm, moist areas)
borellia burgdorferi: acquired via __
infected ticks after 2 days of feeding (so don't worry if someone finds a tic immediately), also (rarely) transplacentally
list types of hydrocarbons
kerosine, gasoline, lamp oil, mineral spirits
rabies: ppx
vets and cave explorers (not for hunters or mailmen)
torsion of the testicular appendage: tx
rest, NSAIDs
draw “▲” by __
5 yrs
cleidocranial dysostosis: pres
absent clavicles, brachycephaly, frontal bossing, delayed teeth, fused teeth, wormian bones (extra skull sutures)
NBS: draw the blood after __
24h of life because you need the buildup of metabolites
ranula: tx
introduce a new feed q___
traction alopecia: pres
hair loss most apparent at the scalp margin, esp over the temporal area
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: pres
short stature, short limbs, microcephaly, beaked nose, broad thumbs and big toes, heart dz, MR
not helpful because it's + before sxs start and it stays + for life
basilar skull fx: pres, ass with __
racoon eyes, battle sign (mastoid bruising), hemotypanum; CSF leak, CN damage
thyroglossal duct cyst: pres
midline over the neck and move vertically with swallowing and tongue protrusion
causes of red skin
carbon monoxide, boric acid
HLA I Ags are on ___ cells
all cells (except RBCs)
define obsession and compulsions with OCD
obsessions: involuntary persisent, recurrent ideas that intrude on nl activities; compulsions: repeitive beh done to stop the obsession, not pleasurable
harlequin skin: etio
likely vasomotor instability, benign
fxs suggestive of abuse
rib - esp posterior and near the spine (NOT due to CPR), bucket handle and metaphyseal chip fxs (avulsion 2/2 shearing with shaking)
limitations on grouping live vaccines
must be given on the same day or 1 mo apart
IMZ typically given at 2 mo
DTaP, hep B, HIB, IPV, pneumococcal, rota
X-linked recessive ichthyosis: association
undescended testes with underdeveloped penis and scrotum
BW triples by __
1 yr
probability that someone w/out a dz will have a – test =TN/(TN+FP)
germline mosaicism
parent carries gene mutation only in their gonadal tissues and germline cells, but not in their somatic cells (so they're asymptomatic)
speech is 25% intelligible at __ (age)
2 yrs
constitutional growth delay: bone age
bone age is delayed (c/w age at which the kid’s ht is 50%)
HIV: ddC is/is not a useful drug
not , so it's always the wrong answer (D/C that med)
coronavirus: pres
common cold, SARS - recent travel to Asia, flu-like sxs that rapidly progress to severe resp distress
neonatal herpes: types of inf
SEM (skin, eye, mucosa) > CNS > disseminated
progression of puberty in a M
testes growth and thinning of the scrotum --> penis lengthening --> pubic hair
p. falciparum malaria: dx
banana gametes in the blood, no schizonts
ASGUS: def, w/u
atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; HPV testing - if (+), refer for colposcopy and bx, if (-) repeat pap in 1 yr
pulls to stand by __
9 mo
fluoroquinolones: can use in ___ age
>18 y.o. with the exception of anthrax and UTI
lymphogranuloma venerum: etio
chlamydia trachamotis L1, L2, L3
varicella: incubation period
10-21 days
Legg-Calve-Perthes dz: definition, pres, imaging
idiopathic avascular necrosis; 4-8 y.o. boy, painless limp; ratty appearance of femoral head
speech is more fluent (less stuttering) at __ (age)
2 yrs
mucor: pres
black necrotic spot on the nose or paranasal sinuses --> extends intracranially, poor prognosis
dirty wound and IMZ are UTD (>3, <5 yrs): tx
newborn testes: palpable in the inguinal canal at ___ wks
__% of deafness is inherited, and usually in __ pattern
50%, autosomal recessive (80%)
screen __ for HIV
everyone 13-64 y.o., unless your practice has a HIV prevalence of less than 0.1% (1/1000), everyone seeking STI testing, high-risk beh
2nd degree burn: pres
red, wet, v. painful, blisters
oomphalacele: def
abd contents pass through a periumbilical defect, covered with a membrane, ass with genetic abnl
plays patacake by __
10 mo (10 letters)
MC arbovirus
West Nile
Diamond-Blackfan anemia: pres
triphalangeal thumb, radial hypoplasia, hypoplastic anemia, heart dz
growth of HC during first year of life
2 cm/mo 0-3 mo, 1 cm/mo 3-6 mo, 0.5 cm/mo 6-12 mo
myoclonic epilepsy with red-ragged fibers: inheritance pattern
(MERRF) mitochondrial
pustular psoriasis: pres
psoriatic pustulare lakes of pus (small pustules that often coalesce), localized (+DIP involvement) or generalized
immigrants: common IMZ problems are __, so you should __
too short an interval, given at too young an age, missing doses; re-IMZ kids <1 yo with any questionable shots, get titers if >1 yo
papovavirus: pres
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (progressive demyelination) - multiple pres bec it's multifocal
schistosoma haematobium: pres
bladder inf --> hematuria
hyphema: definition
blood in the anterior chamber
use a ___ test to rule out a hypothesis bec __
sensitive, few FN
birth length doubles by ___
4 ys
IDM: congenital abnl
spinal agenesis with caudal regression syndrome, small L colon syndrome
moraxella catarrhalis: tx
augmentin (all produce B-lactamase)
3rd generation cephalosporins kill ___
GN - neisseria gonorrhea, H. flu, E. coli, klebsiella, proteus, enterobacter and serratia, poor GP coverage; ceftaz kills pseudomonas
myocarditis w/ alternating 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree heart block: etio
Lyme disease
use a ___ test to rule in a hypothesis bec __
specific, few FP
"Mama" and "Dada" at __ (age)
12 mo
clostridium diff: tx
flagyl x1-2 wks, if recurs, tx with flagyl again, if it recurs again, then po vanc
port-wine stain in V1: association
10% are ass with Sturge Weber syndrome - ipsiL cerebral vascular malformation
acquired melanocytic nevi: excise if ___
painful, pruritic, ulcerate, change in size, color or shape, or they are bothersome (like when nicked while shaving)
yersinia pestis: tx
medical conditions to consider with depression
hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiency, chornic inf (mono, HIV), chronic systemic illness (SLE), substance abuse
epidermolysis bullosa: compl
inc risk for squamous cell carcinoma in adolescence
red flag if no babbling by __
12 mo (double nl)
rabies: pres
terror, insomnia, fever --> restlessness, severe laryngeal spasms esp when seeds food/ water (hydrophobia), szs --> paralysis, coma death
CO poisoning: path
binds to Hgb and displaces O2, impairs O2 release from Hgb
congenital CMV: tx
first Ig produced in an infection, so useful in distinguishing between a recent and chronic inf
taenia solium: pres
new-onset sz in a teenager from Central/S. America
dengue fever: location it naturally occurs
tropical latitudes - Central and S. America, Caribbean
HPV vaccine protects against __
types 6 and 11 (>90% of genital warts) and 16 and 18 (>70% of cervical cancer)
X-linked lymphoproliferative dz: path
EBV --> polyclonal expansion of B and T cells ---> invade organs --> BM failure, fulminant hepatitis, B-cell lymphoma, acquired hypogammaglobulinemia
if MMR is given to a pregnant woman, ___
no recommendation to terminate, bec there have been no cases of vaccineass congenital rubella syndrome
knows age, gender, name at __
3 yrs
bacterial endocarditis: blood cxs are + ___% of the time
CHARGE syndrome: pres
coloboma, heart dz, atresia (choanal), retardation (growth, MR), GU abnl (hypogonadism), ear abnl
allergic rhinitis: tx for cat and dog dander
HEPA filter, get rid of animal (although dander will be detectable for 5 mo for dogs and even longer for cats)
testicular torsion: pres
acute onset of severe pain, N/V, diffusely swollen and tender testicle, horizontal lie, absent cremasteric reflex
hookworms: pres
FTT, anemia, weakness, fatigue, larva migrans in the skin (serpinginous, red)
HIV: when to start HAART
symptomatic irrespective of CD4; no sxs with CD4 <350 for kids >5 y.o. or <25% of nl for kids <5 y.o.; all kids <1 yr known to be HIV+
Sturge-Weber syndrome: pres
hemangioma in the CN V distribution, glaucoma, szs, meningeal hemangiomata
consequences of szs after DTaP
none – they don’t cause neurological damage or epilepsy
pertussis: tx
azithro to decrease spreading, if allergic - bactrim
osteomyelitis in neonates: etios
staph aureus, GBS, GN
diarrhea: MC viral etios
rota > adeno
presence of meconium does/does not r/o imperforate anus
does not (could be a fistula)
torsion of the testicular appendage: pres
sudden or gradual pain at the upper pole of the testis, tender pea-sized swelling, "blue dot" sign
describe salter harris fxs
SALTR: (think of an ankle fx) I slipped - physis, II above - metaphysis, III lower - epiphysis, IV through - metaphysis, physis, epiphysis, V rammed - crush injury
mandatory interval for HPV
0, 2, 6 mo
2nd degree burn: definition
partial thickness
borellia burgdorferi: pres
Stage 1 - erythema migrans (bulls-eye or central clearing), HA, mylagias, arthralgias, fever, LAD --> 2 - neuro (meningitis, CN palsy, foot drop), myocarditis (alternating 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree heart block) --> 3 - disseminated - oligoarthritis, neuro changes
craniosynastosis: earliest sign
increased bone density along the suture
PPHS: etios
*mec aspiration, *PNA, *HMD/RSD, *sepsis, *pulm hypoplasia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, polycythemia
in-pt hospitalization for depression with __
SI, HI, psychosis, substance use, failed out-pt management
black spider bites: tx
opiods, benzos, antivenom if severe
give DTap/Tdap after exposure to tetanus if ___
clean wound with >3 IMZ >10 yrs ago or <3 IMZ or h/o unknown; dirty wound with >3 IMZ but >5 yrs ago
lifts head up to 90o while lying prone by __
3 mo (in anticipation of rolling at 4 mo)
citrobacter: compl
brain abscess (get MRI/CT to look)
hemangiomas: concerning locations
periorbital (ocular prob), beard lesions (subglottic hemangioma), midline lumbosacral (spinal dysraphism), nose, lip and perineum (inc risk of ulceration)
IMZ typically given at 11-12 yrs
TDap, HPV, meningococcal
tympanogram with ossicular fixation looks like __
shallow - nl peak but low compliance (<0.2)
school refusal is __ , is defined as __, in presents as __
when the parents is aware the child is home; 2-3x/wk x2 wk; somatic complains (HA, stomachache)
metabolic screening is/is not recommended for isolated MR
neurosyphilis: tx
Pen G IV q4 x14D or Pen IM qD + probenecid x14D, if pen-allergic ceftriaxone qD x14D but there is some cross-reactivity, so probably just de-sensitize
5p- (Cri-du-chat): pres
cat's cry 2/2 larynx abnl, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, hyptotonia, short stature, microcephaly, high-arched palate, flat nasal bridge, MR
EBV is/is not ass with chronic fatigue syndrome
is not
4th generation cephalosporins include ___
newborns: breast tissue 1-2 mm at __ wks
estimaging the burn surface is <10 y.o.
rule of palm - child's palm (not including pictures), is 1% of BSA, useful in smaller burns
X chromosome has more/fewer genes than the Y chromosome
a lot more (thousands vs ~25)
serum sickness
systemic type 3 hypersensitivity rxn - inject a large amt of Ag --> necrotic vasculitis
Noonan syndrome: pres
short stature, pulm valve stenosis, pectus,, webbed neck, hypertelorism lymphedema, bleeding diathesis
erythroblastosis fetalis: anisarca path
anemia --> inc flow to the organs --> inc fluid load --> ascites, pleural effusion, hydrops
first tooth at __ and __ teeth by 12 mo
6 mo, 6
should/should not get an EKG before starts ADHD meds
should not
causes of vaginal discharge
bacterial vaginosis (MC), trich, candidiasis
dz complex: def
anomalies of different structures that lied together during embryonic development
erythrodermic psoriasis: pres
exfoliative rxn, the entire body surface becomes red, warm and scaly
rubella: freq in the pop
has been eliminated from the US
hoarse cry in a newborn suggests ___
vocal cord paralysis, hypothyroidism, trauma to the hypopharynx
tension HAs usually happen during __ (part of the day)
night (they worsen as the day goes on)
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for pneumococcal
4, 4
vancomycin is bacteriastatic/cidal
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for rota
3, 3
pertussis: pres
catarrhal (common cold) --> paroxysmal (whooping cough) ---> convalescent (sxs slowly improve)
give varicella Ig to ___
kids exposed at high risk for severe dz - IC, pregnant women, newborns who's mom had inf <5D before <2D after delivery, premies
give __ vit D to __
400 IU, breastfed and partially breastfed babies, and all older children who drink less than 1 quart (32 oz) of milk/day
false neg of PPD: etio
anergy, too recent of an exposure (takes 2.5 mo to become +)
late decels: timing
HR starts decreasing at the peak of the uterine contraction and returns to nl only after the contraction has ended, slow gentle dec
Koebner phenomenon
outbreak of psoriasis in the area of an abrasion, linear
if no population is given, assume ___ and fill in a table in the following order
1 million, TP (+test, + dz)
screen for hearing loss at __
birth, 2 yo., 3 y.o, 4 y.o. and q2-3 yr until adolescence
chancroid: dx
consistent clinical picture (painful ulcer with inguinal LAD), neg syphilis and HSV testing
HIV med d4T/ddI: toxicity
lactic acidosis in pregnant women
epidermolysis bullosa simplex: path
blister in the lowest level of the epidermis
pt from AZ or C A with a flu-like illness is inf with ___
brain abscess in IC: etio
toxo (see multiple lesions)
osteogenesis imperfecta type 4: pres
*mild form, fxs are present at birth, *tibial bowing, dentiogenesis imperfecta (translucent, discolored)
homoplasmy: def
when all the maternal mito DNA in 1 cell are identical
first words by __
9-12 mo
capillary malformations: tx
pulsed dye laser
common variable immunodeficiency: compl
autoimmune dz, Celiac-like, diarrhea/PLE, inc risk of lymphoma
dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: pres
localized blistered on knees, elbows, dorsum of hands --> scarring --> mitten-like deformities, esophageal strictures, *severe chronic anemia
cephalohematoma: etio
rupture of blood vessels that run between the skull and the priosteum --> collection of blood under the periosteum
with HR <60 and cardiovscular compromise, ___
chest compressions, epi q3-5 min, atropine, consider pacing
confidence interval of __ is = to p-value of 0.05
early decels: etio
head compression --> vagal stimulation --> dec HR
earliest the last dose of hep B can be given
6 mo
solitary breast cyst: w/u
observe - 50% will resolve in 2-3 mo, use US if PEx can't distinguish bet cystic and solid
terminal complement (C5-9) deficiency: screening
after neisseria meningitidis inf, bec 20% will have this defect
rifampin is used for ___
ppx for meningococcal inf
allergic rhinitis: tx
2nd generation anti-histamines (don’t cross the blood-brain barrier), ex. loraditine, leukotriene receptor antagonists, nasal corticosteroids, ocular agents
Mom can understsand speech at __ (age)
18 mo
PCP: tx
bactrim; if PaO2 < 70 - bactrim + steroids
listeria monocytogenes infects ___
infants <1 mo, IC - AIDS, leukemia/lymphoma
gonorrhea opthalmia: pres
bloody or green discharge 2-7 days after delivery
HIV: threshold for starting PCP ppx
all babies <1 yo; CD4 <500 if 1-5 yo; CD4 <200 if >5 yo
neonatal candidiasis that's difficult to treat
suspect immunodeficiency
Roth spots: pres
pale retinal lesions, surrounded by hemorrhage
meningitis: MC bacterial etio
strep pneumo
erythroblastosis fetalis: prevention of Rh incompatibility
RhoGAM during 3rd trimester and at the time of birth
trisomy 18 (Edwards): pres
*IUGR, *rocker bottom feet, *clubfoot, *clenched fist, *heart dz (90% - MC VSD), high forehead, microcephaly, small face and mouth, short sternum, overlapping fingers, hypoplastic nails
achondroplasia: associations
tertiary syphilis: tx
IM Pen G qwk x3 wks, if PCN-allergic doxy or tetracycline x28D, if pregnant must use PCN so if allergic desensitize first
lichen striatus: pres
linear group of small, purple or flesh-colored papules, asymptomatic, self-limited, MC on extremities, resolve within 1 yr
food poisoning: MC etio
HIV med to give to infants of HIV+ moms
ZDV bec it decrease rate of infection by 30%
clonidine OD: pres
activated charcoal and whole bowel irrigation for a child who swallowed a patch
newborns: aerola are raised at ___ wks
pleiotropic: def
ability of genes to product many effects (ex. Marfans affects the eyes, heart…)
lymphogranuloma venerum: dx
complement fixation titer >1:64
most colic resolves by __ mo, all colic resolves by __ mo
3, 4
main Ig in secretions
tuberous sclerosis: compl
szs, cardiac arrhythmias
PDA: high risk population
babies born at >3000 feet
maternal rubella inf during pregnancy: pres
first 8 wks - deafness (85%), 9-12 wks - cataracts (52%), 12-30 wks - heart dz (16%)
abx that cause photosensitivity
tetra/doxycycline, quinolones, bactrim
universal oral health screening __ unless __
12 mo, there’s no dentist who will see a child and then 3 yo, or medically complex/high risk of caries and then 6 mo
treat neonatal hypoglycemia is <___
herpes: pres
tender grouped vesicles (painful, itchy) that spontaneously rupture for form shallow painful ulcers
brain abscess in the frontal lobe: etio
likely extension from paranasal sinus - strep pneumo, H. flu, anaerobes
PDA: pres
continuous murmur, resp distress, bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure
RF ass with hearing loss in neonates
FHx of sensorineural hearing loss, congenital inf, craniofacial abnl, BW <1500 g, exchange transfusion 2/2 jaundice, ototoxic meds, bacterial meningitis, APGAR <3 at 5 min, syndrome ass with deafneess
neonatal herpes: pres
1-2 wks after birth, macules --> vesicle, esp at sites of trauma (*scalp monitor, presenting part)
definition of latent syphilis, early and late
asymptomatic inf dx by serology, early - infected within 1 yr, late infected >1 yr ago
draw “+” by __
3.5 yrs
osteomyelitis in IV drug users: etio
pseudomonas (MC in the pelvis or vertebrae)
fetal scalp pH: nl, suspicious, abnl
>7.25; 7.20-7.25; <7.20
distal humerus (elbow) fx: imaging
posterior fat pad
Horner's syndrome: pres
ptosis, miosis (small pupils), exophthalmos, delayed pigmentation of the iris
group B strep UTI: population
babies < 3 mo, pregnant women
shigella: RF
daycare centers, 1-4 y.o
newborn ears: well-defined incurving to lobe at ___ wks
uses 2 word phrases at __ (age)
18 mo
LTBI: tx, use ___ if resistant or intolerant
INH x9 mo; rifampin x4 mo
listeria: abx
concussion staging
1 - sxs <15 min, 2 - sxs >15 min, 3 - loss of consciousness
PTX in a newborn: place a chest tube with ___
a PTX with >20% remaining after needle decompression or if the baby is still hypoxic or in distress
inheritance patterns: both sexes are equally affected
aut dom, aut rec, X-linked dominant
yersinia enterocolitica: is acquired via ___
pork, usually a GM who is handling pork and then feeds the baby without washing his hands
give 2 flu shots if less than __, __ apart
9 yo, 28 days
bacillus anthracis requires ___ to be pathogenic
protective Ag, edema factor and lethal factor
Crowe sign
small grouped freckle-like café-au-lait spots 1-4 mm in the axilla or groin ass with NF1
rickettsia rickettsi: pres
rash (maculopapular --> petechial, in distal extremities), HA, arthralgias (but not arthritis), fever, recent h/o tick exposure
group play by __
3 yrs
do cytogenetics with MR if ___
microcephaly, +FHx of MR, +FHx of fetal loss, IQ <50, skin pigment abnl, suspected genetic syndrome
hereditary angioedema: tx
danazol to reduce # of attacks, E-aminocaproic acid to terminate acute attacks but takes 48h to work
cyanotic congenital heart dz: inf risk
staph brain abscess
neonatal jaundice that start on DOL7: etios
breastmilk, sepsis, galactosemia, hypothyroidism, CF, biliary atresia, hepatitis, spherocytosis
neonatal exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol): pres
vaginal adenocarcinoma, when exposure is before 12 wks
H. flu: ppx in non-vaccinated pts
rifampin x4D to close contacts
genotype: def
the different forms of a gene (alleles) at a given locus
Leigh dz: inheritance pattern
use gastric lavage with ___
gender differences in smoking and alcohol use
girls smoke more than boys, but boys drink 2x as much alcohol
urethritis: etio in men
gonococal (GN intracellular diplococci), non-gonococcal (MC CT, but also ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trich)
mycobacterium scrofulaceium: tx
excise the node (don't I&D because it will create a sinus tract)
causes of diaphoretic skin
SOAP - sympathomimetics (speed, cocaine, LSD), organophosphages, aspirin, PCP
skips by __
5 yrs
congenital syphilis: pres
non-immune hydrops, jaundice, HSM, rhinitis (highly contagious), pseuoparalysis of an extremity, skin rash (vesicular), uveitis, choreioretininitis
plants that have a digitalis effect
foxglove*, lily of the valley, oleander
pinworms: dx
scotch tape over the butt to look for eggs, or see worms in the poop
varicella: pregnant women are at higher risk for ___
corneal abrasion: dx
Wood's lamp and florescein
up & down stairs with 1 foot on each step by __
4 yrs
HIB pneumo bacteremia does/does not resolve spontaneously
does not (will go on to cause meningitis and other bad stuff)
primary syphilis: skin findings
define: overweight, obesity
BMI 85-95%; >95%
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for varicella
1, 2
gonorrhea opthalmia: tx
ceftriaxone x1, but give x2-3 while waiting for blood and CSF cxs
molluscum contagiosum: etio
pox virus
allergic rhinitis: timing
dustmite allergy in toddlers, seasonal allergies >5 yo (bec you need repeated exposures to become allergic)
complete head lag when pulling to sit at __
Gilbert syndrome: path
dec hepatic uptake of bili
neonatal exposure to phenytoin: pres
MR, craniofacial abnl, hypoplastic nails, growth def in 10% (during 1st trimester), vit K def in 30% (--> bleeding prob )
multifactoral inheritance: risk based on severity of dz
recurrence risk inc if the affected individual has a more severe pres
uses gestures well at __ (age)
18 mo
plot HC in a premied by ___
using corrected gestational age rather than chornocoligc age
refer to a dentist for __ tooth injuries
loosening of a secure tooth, gingival lac, bleeding around a tooth
uniparental disomy: pres
can have dzs usually ass with genomic imprinting (ex. Prader Willi with maternal disomy because you have no copy from Dad)
newborn testes: palpable in the upper scrotum at ___ wks
calvicle fx: tx
immobilization for 2-3 wks in a young kid or 3-4 wks in an older kid
tympanogram: nl compliance (which is __ axis)
0.2-1.8, y
risk of a severe case of toxo inc/dec as pregnancy progresses
erythema nodosum: pres
red, very painful, warm nodules, usually on the shins
negative predictive value
for a test, probabability of no dzin a pt with a test, =TN/(TN+FN)
anorexia is often preceeded by __
an announced intention to go on a diet
no live attenuated IMZs (could be fatal)
refer school age kids for __ vision problems
acuity <20/30 or >1 line difference between R and L eyes
vessels with a single artery: w/u
careful exam for abnl, +/- renal US
newborn ears: superior incurvings begins at ___ wks
major depressive disorder: define
>2 wks of depressed mood/irritability + 4/9 of SIGECAPS - sleep, interest, guilt, energy, concentration, appetite, psychomotor, SI
convalescent or post-EBV (EBV as a dx is N/A because the kid already had it)
corrective craniosynostosis surgery is done at __ age
6-12 mo
whipworm: pres
can cause anal prolapse, blood-streaked stool, diarrhea, wt loss, abd pain, fever
refer an electrical burn to a surgeon when __
it's in the mouth (from an electrical cord bite) because it can cause labial artery bleeding in 1-3 wks
language at 12 mo
points, shakes head, "Mama" and "Dada"
Williams syndrome: inheritance pattern
acidic caustic agents: taste, damage, complications
bitter; superficial coagulation necrosis; severe gastritis, met acidosis, acute renal failure, perforation, late stricture
isolative play by __
1 yr
variability expressivity: def
different phenotypes with the same genotype (ex. +/- cleft palate with Treacher-Collins)
Mobius syndrome: pres
CN abnl, hypoplastic tongue or digits, limb abnl, Poland anomaly (no pect major/minor muscles), ipsiL breast hypoplasia (absence of 2-4 rib segments)
midline cutis aplasia: association
spinal dysraphism
brain abscess in the cerebellum: etio
likely extension from OM - strep pneumo, H flu, staph aureus, GN
neonatal hyperbili: screen ___
any baby with jaundice on DOL1, any baby sent home before DOL4 (so everyone)
Meckel-Gruber syndrome: pres
occipital encephalocele, microcephaly, polycystic kidney, polydactyly, *lethal
screen ___ neonates for hypoglycemia
IDM, SGA, LGA, premies, LWB (<2.5k), hypothermia, resp distress, sepsis, polycythemia (hct >70), low APGARs (<5 at 1 min)
mature pincer grasp by __
12 mo
IMZ typically given at 18 mo
hep A
ominous fetal HR tracing patterns
persistent late or variable decels with loss of beat-to-beat variability, prolonged severe bradycardia, sinusoidal pattern, loss of beat-to-beat variability
TB meningitis: pres
6th CN palsy (lateral rectus --> defect in abduction), basilar enhancement on the head CT
infant mortality: specific group that has the highest rate
white babies <500 g
corynebacterium diphtheriae: tx
diphtheria anti-toxin, erythro - to make less contagious; IMZ with DTap after recovery
type 1 hypersensitivity reaction: cells involved
IgE-mediated, immediate (anaphylactic, atopic)
klebsiella: always resistant to ___
erythroblastosis fetalis: splenic rupture - path
extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen
recurrent HSV eye inf: compl
keratitis --> blindness (MC inf cause of acquired blindness in the developed world)
p. ovale malaria: dx
schizonts in the blood, no banana gametes (p. falciparum)
differences bet early, middle and late adolescence
early (10-13) - impulsive, concrete; middle (14-16) - peers are most imp, cognition begins to mature; late (17-21) - individual relationships are most imp, idealistic, focus on life goals, cognitive development is complete
osteogenesis imperfecta type 3: pres
*mod form, *many fxs in the newborn period, severe short stature, progressively deforming, initial blue sclera, *hydrocephalus, *basilar skull invagination
congenital rubella: long-term compl
much higher risk of IDDM (20x greater), progressive rubella pancencaphlitis (starts in the 10s, die within yrs)
dog bites: tx
no tx uless appear infected - augmentin, if PCN-allergic - clinda + bactrim
first sign of puberty in a girl
breast development (thelarche)
bartonella henselae: dx
clinical, don't I&D the LN bec it will create a persistent sinus tract
bulimia: PEx findings
edema, b/l painless parotid gland swelling (above angle of the mandible), calluses on dorsum of the fingers (Russell sign), loss of tooth enamel
4 word sentences by __
4 yrs
first w/u test for speech delay
hearing screen
allergic contact dermatitis: pres of a nickel allergy
eczematous plaque where a zipper has been
soy formulas should not be used for __ bec __
LWB infants bec they’ve been found to have ↑ amts of aluminum
tension Has: pres
band-like, get worse later in the day
otitis: MC etio
strep pneumo
tuberous sclerosis: pres
*ash leaf hypopigmented macules (90%, enhance with Woods lamp), *shagreen patches (oval leathery-thick plaques on trunk), facial angioma, ungual and gingival fibromas, polycystic kidney dz, cardiac rhabdomyomas (50%, regress with time), +/- infantile spasms
psoriasis: pres
well-defined erythematous skin lesions with silvery scales, usually symmetric and over the knees, elbows, sacrum and scalp, nail pitting with "oil-slick" deposition, thickened nails with oncholysis (separation of the distal nail from the nail bed)
gonorrhea: tx
ceftriaxone IM x1, plus always tx for chlamydia unless it's been r/u (so also azithro 1g x1), if allergic doxy, if pregnant - no doxy, spectinomycin
dermatomyositis: tx
*steroids, immunosuppressives if needed for skin changes
language at 6 mo
babbles, has diferent cries
cholesterol and lipid screening: screen if __
+FHx of dyslipidemia or premature CVD (<55 in M, <65 in F), unknown FHx, overweight, htn, smoking, DM
borellia burgdorferi: dx
difference bet erythema multiforme minor and major
minor - only 1 mucous membrane is involved, resolves before 24h
chlamydia trachomatis: pres in infants
eye discharge DOL7-14; PNA (AF, staccato couch)
def of macrencephaly / megalencephaly
excess brain tissue 2/2 ↑ size or # of brain cells
18q- (De Grouchy syndrome): pres
*atretetic or narrowed ear canals, also: frog-like legs, depressed midface, protruding mandible, deep-set eyes, carp-like mouth, MR
trichamoniasis: pres
M - mostly asymptomatic, F - frothy, smelly, yellow-green discharge, dysuria, pruritis, vulvar irritation, cervicitis (strawberry cervix)
IDM: compl
sudden fetal death in 3rd trimester, macrosomia --> birth trauma, inc rate of c-sections, IUGR, hypoglycemia/Ca/Mg/phos, polycythemia, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart dz, lumbosacral dysgenesis/caudal regression, unconjugated hyperbili, small L colon syndrome, renal abnl, inc risk of DM/obesity
RF for mortality in premature babies
male, APGARs <4 at 5 min, bradycardia at 5 min, lack of antenatal steroids, hypothermia, IUGR
septic arthritis: pres
pain or refusal to walk, usually <3 y.o., M>F, single large joint (knee, or hip)
bacillus anthracis: tx
pen G or a quinolone (floxacin)
hemifacial microsomia: associations
cervical vertebral abnl (33%), heart dz, renal abnl (15%)
anorexia: __% of girls, peak incidence
1%, 14.5 and 18 (ass with transitions from middle to high school, and high school to college)
balances on one foot for 6-10 sec
4 yrs
fever in a kid <3 yo: get blood cx if ___
temp is >39 without localizing signs of inf and with a WBC >15
buccal cellulitis is caused by ___ and the kids look ____
HIB; ill (always bactermic)
mec plugs: tx after you relieve the plug
observe for other badness (ex. congenital agaglionic megacolon)
only re-implant ___ teeth if they're knocked out
permanent (never primary/baby teeth)
TB inf: can start with a 3-drug regimen if ___
new TB pt, <4% primary resistant to INH in the community, no known exposure to pt with drug-resistant inf, not from a high prevalence country
incontientia pigmenti: pres
girl with patterned blistered along the lines of Blaschko (routes of embryonic cell migration) within wks of birth --> verrucous papules x mo --> hyperpigmented linear swirls along the lines of Blaschko for yrs --> hypopigmented macules, also delayed teeth eruption (67%), cone-shaped teeth and/or missing teeth, cicatricial (scarring) alopecia (33%), strabismus, blindness, sz
trisomy 18 (Edwards): sex differences
M (4x) > F
giardia: pres
smelly water diarrhea and gas, in campers, travelers, kids in day care, gay men, pts with IgA def
proven or highly likely congenital syphilis: w/u
CSF for VDRL, cell count and prot, CBC, long-bone x-rays, CXR, LFTs, cranial US, eye and hearing screen
Mexican kid with a uniL firm edema of the eyelids is inf with ___
trypansoma cruzi (Chagas dz)
proven or highly likely congenital syphilis: tx
Pen G x10D (if you miss >1D, must start over)
IDM: congenital abnl
sacral agenesis, situs abnl, holoprosencephaly, congenital heart dz
__% of girls and __% of boys have been sexually abused
25%, 10%
no tx after exposure to tetanus if ___
clean wound and IMZ are UTD (>3, w/in 10 yrs), dirty wound and IMZ are UTD (>3, w/in 5 yrs)
main Ig in the immune response
Roth spots: association
subacute bacterial endocarditis
X-linked agammaglobulinemia: path
no B-cells (arrested at pre-B cell stage)
PDD d/o are more common in males/females
males, except for Rett syndrome
1st degree burn: pres
__% of kids with speech delays have other delays
erythrasma: dx
fluoresces red under a wood's lamp
puberty: age of onset, duration
girls - 10 y.o. (8 in AA), lasts 4 yrs, boys - 11.4 y.o., lasts 3 yrs
difference between adjustment d/o and major depressive d/o
adjustment is within 3 mo of a identifiable stressor
pinworms: tx
if dz prevalence is low, __ will have to be low
PPV, even if the sensitivity and specificity are high because the FP will >> TP (which means that there will be a lower chance of a + test corresponding to actual dz)
ecythema gangrenosum: pres
round, indurated, black lesion with central ulceration
lymphogranuloma venerum: pres
painless genital ulcer --> uniL tender LAD --> ulcer disappears (usually before pt seeks tx)
subdural hemorrhage: pres
acute if large central veins are involved, later with macrocephaly, szs and DD if smaller superficial veins are involved
greenstick fx: tx
jaundice on DOL1: etio
sepsis, hemolytic anemia
neonatal exposure to lithium: pres
<1% of Ebstein's anomaly, when exposure is before 8 wks
neonatal nasal congestion: worrisome association
drug withdrawal
ataxia telangiectasia: pres
ataxia, telangiectasia freq infections, ca, growth failure, worsening CNS func
dysmenorrhea: pathophys, tx
prostaglandins cause vasoconstriction and muscular contractions; ibuprofen which inh the synthesis of prostaglandins (via COX pathway), or OCPs
dishwasher detergent is alkaline/acidic
bacterial vaginosis: etio
replacement of nl vaginal flora, esp lactobacillus, with anaerobes, garnerella and mycoplasma hominis
pityriasis alba: pres
areas of hypopigmentation and fine scale, MC on the cheeks and extensor extremities, more obvious in the summer bec surrounding skin tans
RF for prematurity
placental bleeding (previa, abruption), cocaine, maternal chronic dz, PROM, chorio, BV, congenital abnl, polyhydramnios, GBS, STIs, periodontal dz
head lice: tx
malathion lotion x8-12h; lindane shampoo x4 min but never for pregnant, lactating women or kids <2 y.o. 2/2 neurotoxicity, wash all clothes and bedding and dry using heat
Down syndrome: GI defects
duodenal atresia (double bubble) and Hirschsprungs in 5%
boy who almost exanguinates with circ may have ___
effective GBS ppx and therapy has dec GBS dz by ___
estimating gestational age: ears
flat and shapeless <33 wks , superior incurving begins 34-35, upper 2/3 curves in 36-38, well-defined incurving to lobe >39
pinworms: pres
anal itching
Pierre-Robin sequence
mandibular hypoplasia --> displaced tongue --> cleft palate, also +/- pulm hypoplasia and polyhydramnios
use ipicac with ___
kernicterus: path
deposition of unconjugated bili into the basal ganglia
infantile acne: path
androgenic stimulation of the sebaceous glands
tertiary syphilis: skin findings
H. flu - invasive: tx
ceftriaxone for 1-3 wks
caustic agent ingestion: w/u
CXR for pneumomediastinum or aspiration pneumonitis; endoscopy for sxs of visible burns in the mouth within 2D
TB inf: monitoring for ___ SE with meds
hepatotoxicity (INH, rifampin, PZA), dec visual acuity (ethambutol); ask about sxs monthly, labs only if sxs develop
school refusal: tx
child should go to school in spite of the physical complaints
EBV: dx
monospot (Ab titers), IgM-VCA (acute primary or very recent past inf)
Janeway lesions: pres
small nontender macules on the palms and soles
lanugo: shoulders only at___ wks
HHV-6 causes ___
slipped capital femoral epiphysis: definition, pres, imaging
when the epiphysis slips off the metaphysis; obese adolescent, MC AA; ice cream-cone, get AP and frog-leg views
clean wound and tetanus IMZ are UTD (>3, w/in 10 yrs): tx
allergen skin testing: sensitivity, specificity
if (+) it is suggestive of an allergy, if it's (-) the pt is very unlikely to have an allergy
sebaceous hyperplasia: path
inc androgen stimulation in utero
enterococcus: tx
PCN or amp or vanc + aminoglycoside
germline mosaicism: risk for subsequent kids to have a dz
hops on 1 foot by __
4 yrs
cannot give ___ live vaccines to household contacts of IC kids
oral polio, intranasal flu
best intervention for sibs when a new baby arrives
for Dad to increase attn and involvement
transient tachypnea of the newborn: RFs
c-section, precipitous vaginal delivery
bartonella henselae: pres
fever, regional LAD, 10% have systemic sxs (incl encephalopathy)
HIV med ZDV: toxicity
(AKA as AZT) BM suppression, myopathy (AZT was in Rent - and with anemia and myopathies you can't dance like that)
umbilical cord should have ___ vessels
3 - 2 arteries and 1 vein
intertrigo: pres
irritant dermatitis, *often superinfected with candida albicans, in the skin folds of obese pts
subarachnoid hemorrhage in a neonate: etio
birth trauma, hypoxia
surfactant is made by ___
type II alveolar cells
type 1 hypersensitivity reactions includes ___ pres
"classic" allergies - urticaria, allergic rhinitis, asthma, rxn to stings, drugs, latex and food
achondroplasia: pres
short stature with rhizomelic shortening (proximal arms and legs are disproportionately shorter the to the distal segments), trident hands (short hands with broad fingers), macrocephaly, flat nasal bridge, prominent forehead, midfacial hypoplasia
with asystole, do __
CPR, epi, reassess EKG
osteomyelitis: RF
<6 yo, h/o minor trauma or URI sxs
multiple areas of cutis aplasia: association
trisomy 13
atopic dermatitis: higher risk for widespread ___
HSV (eczema herpeticum) - need IV acyclovir, molluscum contagiosum
Clostridium septicus bacterial endocarditis: association
colon cancer
CMV pneumonitis: dx
inclusion bodies on bx
erythroblastosis fetalis: compl
pancytopenia (anemia --> inc erythropoiesis --> depletes the hematopoietic stem cells --> low plts, WBCs and RBCs), HSM (extramedullary hematopoiesis) --> splenic rupture at delivery, hypoglycemia (high plasma hgb interferes with insulin func --> hyperinsulinemic), anisarca (anemia --> inc flow to the organs --> inc fluid load --> ascites, pleural effusion, hydrops
fever in <2 mo old: rate of (+) blood cx and CSF
2.5%; 1%
MAP ___ after birth
causes of miosis
pinpoint pupils; COPS - cholingergics, clonidine, opiates, organophosphates, PCP, phenothiazide (anti-psychotic), sedatives (barbs)
p. vivax malaria: tx
chloroquine + primaquine (adjuvant to eradicate hypnozoites in the liver which are responsible for relapse, after r/u G6PD)
fetal scalp stim: if neg, do ___
fetal scalp sampling for pH
Strep bovis bacterial endocarditis: association
colon cancer
ankle clonus in a neonate is/is not nl
methanol ingestion: path
being metabolized to formic acid which inh mito respiration via alcohol dehydrogenase
abx for dental inf
PCN (clinda if allergic)
sequence: def
pattern of multiple anomalies that results from a single identifiable event in development
staph scalded skin syndrome: pres
fever, (+) Nikolsky sign (minimal friction removes the superficial layers of the dermis) in little kids, just red tender skin in older kids
hemifacial microsomia: w/u
renal US (15% have renal abnl)
macroceaphly: MC benign etio, pres, imaging, epi
enlargement of the subarachnoid space: large at birth but <95% and then >98%, CT – nl ventricular size, male
E. coli O157:H7: can return to daycare after ___
2 neg stool cxs
osteoid osteoma: pres, tx, prog, imaging
severe night time pain, responds to NSAIDs and ASA but not tylenol, benign, oval lesion MC in the femur with a dense center and a periphearl radiolucent zone
blueberry muffin with ___
congenital rubella, CMV
primary syphilis: tx
IM Pen G x1, if PCN-allergic doxy or tetracycline x14D, if pregnant must use PCN so if allergic desensitize first
organophosphate ingestion: tx
atropine, pralidoxime - prevents enz from forming permanent bonds, always wear protect clothing (mask and gloves are not sufficient)
vasculitis: skin findings
palpable purpura
constitutional growth delay: growth curve
nl birth wt and length but drops off within 2 yrs of age, and then it’s a nlshaped curve but <3%
do ___ after a +PPD
check for active TB - CXR, sputum or (if not old enough for sputum), morning gastric aspirate for AFB, PCR and cx
dermatomyositis: pres
periorbital purple heliotrophic rash, rash that ll cigarette paper crinkling of the skin over the knuckles
hep B mandatory interval
1 mo bet 1st and 2nd, 2 mo bet 2nd and 3rd, 4 mo bet 1st and 3rd
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome: etio, pres
disseminated gonococcal infection, RUQ pain
traction alopecia: path
2/2 tight ponytails or braids
enterococcus: abx
influenza: pres
F/C, HA, myalgias --> rhinitis 24h later
rickettsia rickettsi: lab abnl
low plts, low Na
ties shoe laces by __
5 yrs
hold live vaccines if on ____ steroids
>2 mg/kg for >14D (QD or QOD), must wait 28D after steroids are stopped
pertussis: suggestive labs
high WBC with lymphocytosis in kids (not in adolescents)
cooperative play by __
4 yrs
developmental delay screening: newborns
verify NBS results
strep pharyngitis: dx
cx is gold standard, rapid test is 90% sensitive and 100% specific - if neg, send for cx
bacterial vaginosis: labs
clue cells (granular and stippled epithelial cells), pH >4.5, fishy odor with KOH; gold standard is gram stain to determine relative concentrations of lactobacilli vs everything else
screen for lead if __
the region has high levels (>12% of 1-2 y.o, or >27% of houses built before 1950) or regional levels are unknown
acquired melanocytic nevi: pres
flat, brown-to-black --> dome-shaped or pedunculated
phenytoin: skin findings
hypertrophied gums, rashes including erythema multiforme, hypersensitivity syndrome - purpua, facial edema, LAD, hepatitis
after an invasive HIB infection, ___
vaccinate if <2 y.o.
PCP: petamidine SE
hyper or hypoglycemia (can be permanent)
late onset group B sepsis: time to onset (median, range)
1 mo; 7D - 3 mo
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for flu
1-2, annually
NEC: areas of the gut that MC affected
distal ileum and proximal colon
disarticulation tympanogram looks like __ & suggests __
nl peak but high compliance (>1.8), ossicular disarticulation
Down syndrome: pres
hypotonia, small ears, MR, brachydactyl, sandal toes, small nipple buds, microcephaly, up-slanted palpebral fissures, midfacial hypoplasia, epicanthal folds, single palmar crease, speckled irises (Brushfield spots), high-arched palate, clinodactyl (hypoplasia of the middle phalanx of the 5th finger)
HPV: screening
do not screen for subclinical infection (by using DNA or RNA tests) because most inf are transient
100% intelligible by __
4 yrs
chancroid: pres
painful ulcer with inguinal LAD, erythematous halo, ulcer is soft, friable, often eroded and with a foul-smelling gray-yellow exudate
post-exposure for hep B
via sex or needles - HBIG and hep B vaccine in different spots; via household contact - hep B vaccine
LTBI: located in ___ lung lobes
ascaris lumbricoides: dx
eggs or worms in the stool (largest worm to infect peoples - 20-40 cm long)
makes a tower of 4 cubes by __
18 mo (14 mo for 2 cubes + 4)
granuloma inguinale: tx
doxy x3 wks min or until all the lesions have healed
herpes zoster: tx
acyclovir (shortens course but doesn't dec the risk for post-zoster neuralgia), only famciclovir and valacyclovir dec incidence of neuralgia
HIV meds abacavir: toxicity
potentially fatal hypersensitivity reaction (sounds like ava kadavara from Harry Potter)
hemangiomas: >5 cutaneous
ass with visceral hemangiomas, esp of the liver (--> high-output CHF, jaundice, coagulopathy)
DiGeorge syndrome: pres
micrognathia, hypertelorism, short philtrum, low set ears, cardiac abnl, subclinical hypoPTH, MR, T dysfunc
neisseria meningitidis dz: w/u
CH50 or CH100 assay, because 20% will have a complement deficiency
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for MMR
1, 2
bartonella henselae: tx
supportive, can use azithro to dec time of LAD
continue vit D until ___
infant takes 1 quart a day of milk
cleaners for ovens and drains are alkaline/acidic
which liver lobe in fetal circulation has a higher O2 content
L, because it's fed just by the umbilical vein (red), whereas the R lobe is fed by the umbilical vein (red) and the portal vein (blue)
fetal HR >180 + material fever is suggestive of ___
infantile acne: tx
topical benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids or oral erythromycin - tx because it can scar
p value of 0.05 means _
there’s a 5% chance the observed outcome / differences between groups were due to entirely to chance
pregnant teens cannot get __ IMZs
MMR, varicella, IPV, intranasal flu
wuchereria bancrofi: pres
lymphatic filariasis (blockage) and secondary elephantiasis
dengue fever: pres
abrupt high fever, severe myalgias and arthralgias (break-bone fever), bad HA, N/V, macular rash --> measles rash with recurrence of fever
goal PaO2 for a neonate
growing pain: pres
b/l limb pain, usually evening or middle of the night, no joint involvement, no infl
meconium ileus: associations
CF, small bowel atresia
HIV med indinavir: toxicity
kidney stones (India would be a terrible place to have a kidney stone)
hypothermia in a neonate: etio
hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, hypoxia
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type I: pres
bili levels >350, bilirubin encephalopathy occurs within the first days or months of life
screen __ for iron deficiency
all children between 9-12 mo
brown recluse bites: what spider looks like
violin on body
toxic shock syndrome: pres
red skin (erythroderma), hypotn, fever, diarrhea, hypoCa, often ass with tampon use in women
giardia: tx
Alinia (nitrazoxanide) or flagyl
grout cleaner is alkaline/acidic
EBV: pres
pharyngitis, fever, LAD, abnl LFTs, high WBC with >10% atypical lymphs (T cells), splenomegaly, macular rash with amox
neonatal hyperbili: timing
ave peak at 4 days, declines at day 6-7
hot water heaters should be kept at __
120 F or less
post-op foreign-body-ass bacteremia: MC etio
staph epi
PCN desensitization does/does not need to be repeated
babesia microti: dx
intra-RBC protozoa that looks like a maltese cross or square shape
diarrhea: MC bacterial etio
E. coli
heteroplasmy: def
when some maternal mito DNA are mutated in a cell and some are not (because when cells divide, the cytoplasm is divided up randomly)
type 1 hypersensitivity reaction: timing
within 1 hr of exposure, usually within min
Williams syndrome (7p11.23): pres
*friendly cocktail party personality, *supravalvular aortic stenosis, periorbital fullness, MR< hyperCa, strabismus, down-turned lower lip
with nl tympanogram, type of hearing loss is __
epstein pearls: pres
small whitish-yellow masses on the sides of the hard palate in the newborn
NBS: all states screen for __
hypothryoidism, PKU
__% of kids with abd pain have an organic etiology
give tetanus immunoglobulin with ___
dirty wounds and <3 tetanus IMZ or IMZ hx unknown
tinea versicolor: etio
malassezia furfur
constitutional growth delay: eventual height
grow rapidly during puberty, cross multiple growth curves, to reach expected ht
indications for chromosomal analysis
multiple birth defects, recurrent miscarriages, growth abnl (ex. short stature), abnl sexual development
US up to __ wks is useful for GA/fetal size
18-20 weeks (they start growing at significantly different rates after then)
HIV+ infants: pres in the first yr of life
more likely to have chronic candidiasis, parotitis, persistent LAD, HSM (not more likely to have OM, fever, diarrhea)
newborn ears: upper 2/3 in-curving at ___
nocardia: type of bacteria
weakly acid-fast, beaded, branching and filamentous
von Hippel Lindau: pres
CNS or retinal hemagnioblastomas (capillary tumor), pheo, endolymphatic sac tumors, cysts in the kidneys or pancreas, renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic tumors, neuroendocrine tumors
babies of vegan mothers may be deficient in __
vit B12
strep pneumo is/is not susc to PCN
is, but 10-60% can have resistance
can give ___ live vaccines to household contacts of IC kids
MMR, varicella
vancomycin kills ___
MSSA, clostridium, cornebacterium
variable decels: etio
compression of the umbilical cord (first umbilical vein and then artery)
congenitally acquired parvo: pres
none, by 10% of inf will lead to intrauterine hydrops and fetal loss
severe pre-eclampsia: tx
delivery immediately, in the meantime control BP (labetalol or hydralazine), *Mg to prevent szs
contraction stress test
*measures change in fetal HR in response to breast stimulation or oxytocin, need 3 contractions >1 min in 10 min
mastocytosis: pres
cutaneous - urticaria when skin is gentle stroked (Darier sign), systemic - skin + abd sxs, fatigue, malignant - no skin, severe systemic sxs (HSM, LAD)
infantile spasms: dz association
50% risk of tuberous sclerosis
HIV med efavirenz: toxicity
teratogenic (it's F-ed up to give this to a pregnant woman)
Rett syndrome: pres
nl development until 6-18 m, rapid progression of loss of skills, repetitive stereotyped hand movements, autistic-like, apnea/hyperpnea, gait ataxia, tremors, szs
population who needs PCN desensitization
pregnant women with syphilis, anyone with neurosyphilis, kids with CF and multiple, drug-resistant pseudomonas
caustic agent ingestion with no mouth burns implies ___
nothing bec 30% of kids with severe esophageal or stomach injuries will have no oral burns
hereditary angioedema: pres
recurrent episodes of localized angioedema, esp of the skin, upper airway and GI tract, not painful or pruritic, resolves in ~5D
microphallus or undescended testes is ass with __
hypopit, growth hormone deficiency (midline defects)
sebaceous hyperplasia: pres
ll milia (tiny papules) but are slightly more yellow, MC around nose and upper lip
causes of mydriasis
dilated pupils (mydriasis), AAAS - anticholinergic (atropine), antihistamines, antidepressions, sympathomimetics (speed, cocaine, LSD) (you're an ass if you don't mention this on your PEx)
teeth findings with congenital syphilis
Hutchinson's teeth - notched, Mulberry molars - domed first molars
confidence intervals are significant if __
they don’t include 0
start HEADDS screening at __
10 yo
rotavirus must start by__
15 wks
candidal line infection: tx
*remove catheter, resect any suppurative peripheral vein, neonates - amphotericin, neutropenic/ill - ampho or mica, if not neutropenic - flucon or mica, 2-3 wks after neg blood cx
achondroplasia: RF
advanced paternal age
persistent neonatal jaundice
inspissated bile (bile plug) syndrome, TPN cholestasis, hepatitis, TORCH, biliary atresia, galactosemia
list salicylates
aspirin, topic analgesics containing oil of wintergreen
blisters in a neonate: etio
epidermolysis bullosa, staph inf
baterial endocarditis: etio with a prosthetic valve
staph epi
3 word sentences by __
3 yrs
with v-fib or v-tach, do __
defibrillate x3 (2J/kg, 4J, 4J) --> epi --> CRP (repeat)
anaphylaxis: pres
angioedema, urticaria > flushing, wheezing (50%) > diarrhea (33%) > cardiac arrest
hair relaxers are alkaline/acidic
CGD pts are at higher risk for ___ bacteria
aspergillus, staph, salmonella, serratia
Hutchinson teeth: appearance, ass with __
notched teeth, congenital syphilis
rifampin is bacterialcidal/static
type 4 hypersensitivity reaction: cells involved
rolls back to front by __
5 mo
up & down stairs with 2 feet on each step by __
2 yrs
reasons for hospitalization with FTT
high risk of abuse/neglect, severe malnutrition, medically unstable, outpt management failure
eligible for HPV between __ and __ y.o.
9 and 26, both F and M
Opitz syndrome: pres
hypertelorism, high nasal bridge, cleft lip/palate hypospadias, laryngotracheoesophageal cleft
Ig ___ passes through breastmilk
molluscum contagiosum: pres
smooth umbilicated pearly papules, pink-flesh colored, all over in kids but in the pelvis of sexually active adults, worse with bad eczema or AIDS
telogen effuvium: path
stress --> hair cells hibernate --> growing phase starts several mo later ---> hair begins to fall out
herpes: tx
acyclovir, if resistant - foscarnet (not gancidlovir)
kernicterus: predicting outcome
MRI has a good correlation with outcome
terminal complement (C5-9) deficiency: dx
CD50 test
hyaline membrane dz: RFs
male, hypothermia, fetal distress/asphyxia, white, C-section, IDM, 2nd-born twin, family hx
transfers objects from hand to hand by __
6 mo
rubeola: pres
cough, coryza, conjunctivitis (with photophobia) --> Kolpik spots (white spots on the buccal mucosa) --> rash (egg over the head)
Walker-Warburg syndrome: pres
HARDE - hydrocephalus, agyria, retinal dyspla+C29sia,, encephalocele
PTX in a newborn: tx
usually obs, but if having resp compromise decompress with a 3-way stopcock and a large syringe
babesia microti: pres
F/C, hemolytic anemia --> hemoglobinuria, profuse sweats, myalgias, emotionally labile (babies are labile, micro = microscopic hematuria)
BW quadruples by ___
2 yr
waves bye-bye by __
10 mo
nl speech development: >18 mo
word combinations
cutis aplasia: pres
congenital absence of skin that usually occurs only in a small localized area
likelihood of nl head CT with 1o and 2o microcephaly
1o > 2o
F genital findings suggestive of abuse
U- or V-shaped cleft in the posterior hymenal rim or dec width of the hymen posterior, esp in the prone knee-to-chest position
erythema infectiosum: etio
large fontanelle: etio
hydrocephalus, hypothyroidism, rickets
congenital CMV: pres
periventricular calcifications, sensorineural hearing loss, IUGR, HSM, jaundice, low plts, blueberry muffin, microcephaly, chorioretinitis
with hearing loss in a sexually active teen, think __
serum sickness: timing
usually 1-2 wks after exposure, but can take up to 3 wks; occurs quickly (1-3D) with subsequent exposures
TB meningitis: pres
6 mo-4 yr, can cause hydrocephalus, SIADH, inc CSF prot
placental percreta: compl
serious hemorrhage
rabies: tx
after bat exposure or bite from a wild animal - rabies Ig (RIG) + vaccine; bite from a dog, cat or ferret - vet watches animal x10D
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: pres
port-wine stain in the LE, progressive soft tissue and/or limb overgrowth
TB inf: give ___ as an adjuvant with ___ med to __ to prevent __
vit B6 (pyridoxine); INH; kids with a low meat or milk diet, nutritional def, HIV+, pregnant teenagers; peripheral neuropathy
port-wine stain: pres
pink, red or purple patch that persists throughout life and grows proportionally with the child
ehrlichiosis: pres
HA, fever, leukopenia, +/- rash (it's like RMSF without the rash) - think of it with pancytopenia and a tick bite
shigella: acquired via ___
person to person contact (only need 100 organisms), contaminated pools and lakes, fresh fruits and veges
ethanol ingestion: lab abnl
high osmolar gap, low BG (ih hepatic gluconeogesis --> hypoglycemia in kids <5 yo)
mumps: pres
parotitis, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis; also: abd pain (oopharitis, pancreatitis), epididymo-orchitis, mastitis, deafness (uniL, resolves)
Chediak-Higashi: dx
neutrophil granules (visible on peripheral smear)
marfan syndrome: major cause of mortality
aortic root rupture (2/2 dilation)
post-exposure for hep A
hep A vaccine, IM immunoglobulin if within 2 wks
sporothrix schenckii: tx
oral K-iodine or itraconazole
histoplasmosis: pres
interstitial PNA, palate ulcers, splenomegaly, pancytopenia
tylenol OD: tx
activated charcoal, mucamyst / N-acetylcysteine
rolls front to back by __
4 mo
girls with X-linked recessive dz: path
*(1) the nl allele is randomly inactivated >>50% of the time, (2) only have 1 X chr (Turners), (3) deletions or rearrangements in an X chr
erythroblastosis fetalis is AKA
hemolytic dz of the newborn
multifactoral inheritance: risk based on closeness to affected
recurrence risk dec as the degree of relationship (1st degree vs 3rd degree relatives) dec
shallow tympanogram looks like __ and suggests __
nl peak but low compliance (<0.2), ossicular fixation or TM scarring
helminthes/protozoa inf cause eosinophilia
newborns ears: flat and shapeless at ___ wks
genetic macrocephaly: imaging
rickettsia rickettsi: tx
doxy (for all ricketssial inf)
premature ROM + inf: tx
delivery immediately, bec serious fetal inf is directly proportionate to the length of time between ROM and delivery
thrombocytopenia-absent radii (TAR) syndrome: pres
thrombocytopenia, absent radii, nl thumbs, petechiae
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for meningococcal
0, 1
NEC: timing
usually within first 2 wks of life, but for ELBW babies, can happen up to 3 mo
inheritance pattern: every affected child has a parent with dz
aut dom (exception: spontaneous mutation)
gynecomastia: epi, pres, tx
50% of 10-16 y.o., assymetric, tender, <4 cm, NTD - resolves within 3 yrs
isospora belli: tx
stranger anxiety by __
9 mo
actinomyces: dx
yellow "sulfur" granules (which are actually clusters of organisms) microscopically
EBV Ag test that signifies a recent past inf
limitations on live vaccines for kids living with a pregnant woman or someone with HIV
none of the typical vaccines, but don’t give oral PV
chancroid: etio, lab dx
haemophilus ducreyi, culture on a specific medium
lymphogranuloma venerum: tx
doxycycline x21D
broad jump by __
4 yrs
infant mortality: race that has the highest rate
strongyloides stercoralis: pres
sxs for decades (it's strong) - GI, pulm, eosinophilia; can be fatal if IC
vulvovaginal candidiasis: treat male partners if __
F has recurrent inf, if the man has evidence of balanitis
birth length ↑ by 50% by __
1 yr
Sturge-Weber syndrome: w/u
scan head, ophtho (vascular abnl, glaucoma)
junctional epidermolysis bullosa: path
blister through the dermal-epidermal junction
positive with acute primary EBV or very recent EBV inf
bad seborrhea: association
maternal parvo inf during pregnancy: pres
10% risk of CHF (hydrops) and dying, when exposed between 10-24 wks
give GBS ppx to mothers in labor if ___
GBS+ when screened at 35-37 wks, GBS+ at any time during this pregnancy, previous baby with GBS inf, if either <37 wks or ROM >18 or temp >100.4
w/u for suspected NAT
skeletal survey, ophtho, exam, bone scans for acute rib fxs and older fxs
squeals by __
4 mo
Lyme meningitis: pres
7th CN palsy (facial --> Bells palsy), foot drop
familial: def
conditions that "cluster" in families (like the chicken pox)
neonatal exposure to thalidomide: pres
20% risk of limb defects and ear malformations with deafness if used between 34-50 days
separation anxiety at __
12 mo
serum sickness: tx
stop the offending agent, benadryl, steroids if necessary, resolves spontaneously after 7-10D
HC growth curve for 1o and 2o microcephaly
primary – small at birth, secondary – small at birth or nl for 1st 4-6 mo
macroceaphly: imaging modality
cranial US
umbilical cord separation: time-frame
usually within 10-14 days, if >3 wks think phagocytic d/o (CGD, leukocyte adhesion defect)
Fanconi anemia: pres
pancytopenia, hypoplastic thumb and radius, hyperpigmentation, abnl facies
fetal tachycardia is ass with sever fetal stress if ___
associated with dec variability or something else bad
smiles to a smiling face by __
2 mo
organophosphate ingestion: pres
miosis + outpouring of every bodily fluid
erythroblastosis fetalis: path of Rh incompatibility
Mom who is D-neg (she has no D Ag) becomes sensitized during a pregnancy --> makes anti-D Abs --> cross placenta in future pregnancies
macrolides are bacteriacidal/static
bleach is alkaline/acidic
shigella: can return to daycare after ___
neg stool cx
erysipelas: pres
red, tender skin with a well-demarcated line bet infected and uninfected skin
HIV meds ddI, dC, D4T: toxicity
pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy (upside d looks like a p)
__ tests that are affected by prevalence
MC cause of UTI in babies < 2 mo
E. coli
fetal bradycardia: benign etio
transverse lie, occiput posterior, post-dates
spiral fx is concerning for abuse if ___
a child is not walking, it's in the femur
ceftriaxone: can use it after ___ age (but not before bec ____)
1 mo; causes hyperbili
smallpox vaccines: contraindications
immunocompromised, bad atopic dermatitis
MC type of SCID
X-linked (50%)
consequences of breath holding spells are __
none - not ass with any brain injury
foscarnet: SE
reversible kidney failure --> hypoMg, hypoCa, hyperPhos
newborns: breast tissue 7-10 mm at __ wks
kid who swims in a lake with is dog likely get inf with ___
eruption cysts look like __
reddish-purple, rounded, raised, fluid-filled lesions
neonatal exposure to valproic acid: pres
2% risk for spina bifida when exposed in the first 39 days, craniofacial abnl and preaxial defects when exposed later in the 1st trimester
50% for HC of a FT F and M
35 cm, 36 cm
lives in dsert SW - hemorrhagic PNA, low plts, inc Hct is inf with
corynebacterium diphtheriae: pres
tonsillar-pharyngitis is an URI - gray pharyngeal membrane, hoarseness, sore throat, low-grade fever, conjunctivitis, bull-neck; laryngotracheobronchial - hoarseness, stridor, resp compromise, 10% of pts; nasal - profuse grayish discharge, esp in infants
temporal bone fx: pres
bleeding from the ear; CSF otorrhea, hearing loss, facial paralysis
erythema toxicum: pres
small papules filled with eos surrounded by an infl redness, come and go and appear in different sites, in term infants (not premies)
parallel play by __
2 yrs
milia: pres
tiny white papules on neonates, MC nose and face
Ddx in adolescent with b/l parotid swelling
mumps, bulimia
subgaleal hemorrhage: pres
fluctuant swelling over the scalp that can extend posteriorly to the neck or in front of the ears, ears may be pushed out laterally
pulmonary vascular resistance ___ after birth
type 3 hypersensitivity reaction: timing
when there are only slightly more Ags than Abs, 1-2 wks after exposure (Ag>>Ab - small, cleared quickly, Ab >> Ag - phagocytosed by macrophages)
pneumonia: MC bacterial etio
strep pneumo
transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy: path
nl variant or accentuation of the physiologic nadir of Ig that occurs between 4-6 mo of age
TB inf: tx
start INH, rifampin, PZA, ethambutol (RIP for TB pts who don’t get tx) --> D/C ethambutol if strain is susc --> D/C PZA after 2 mo and treat with INH an rifampin for 4 more mo + vit B6 (pyridoxine) to prevent peripheral neuropathy
late decels: etio
uteroplacental insufficiency which is "unmasked" by the decel
__% of neonates pass mec within 48h
lanugo: none by ___ wks
actinomyces: pres
cervicofacial involvement caused by dental inf
erythroblastosis fetalis: path
maternal Abs against RBC antigens are passed transplacentally ---> inc RBC destruction ---> anemia
EBV monospot: tests for ___, effective in ___
Ab titers; kids >4 (50% + in 2-4 y.o., doesn't work <2 y.o.)
MURCS: pres
mullerian duct aplasia renal aplasia, cervicothoracic somite dysplasia
inheritance patterns: no generation is skipped
aut dom (exception: reduced penetrance)
universal hearing screening should be complete by __
3 mo of age
do/do not get skull x-ray after a difficult delivery
do not
osteogenesis imperfecta type 1: pres
*mildest form, multiple fxs (not at birth, dec after puberty) blue sclera (remain), delay fontanelle closure, hearing loss, hyperextensible joints, nl stature
HIV: change regimen with ___
high viral load (confirmed x1), bad SEs; +/- when tx has not suppressed RNA to undetectable levels within 6 mo, >3 fold inc in RNA
electrical burn: compl
labial artery bleeding in 1-3 wks
subacute cutaneous SLE: tests
positive Ro/La Ag, speckled ANA, often neg dsDNA
CD4 cells recognize HLA ___
2 (4x2=8)
congenital diaphragmatic hernias are on the R/L side
L (liver is somehow preventive)
__% of boys and __ % of girls identify as homosexual
1-10%, 1-6%
estimating gestational age: testes
palpable in inguinal canal 28-35, upper scrotum 36-39, lower scrotum 40
coos by __
2 mo
pertussis: ppx
household and daycare contacts
has 18 words at __ (age)
18 mo
do a screening UA __
only sexually active kids to look for LE that would suggest STIs
placental abruption
retroplacetal hemorrhage
post-splenectomy pneumococcal sepsis: pres
flu-like sxs, purpura, DIC, Howell-Jolly bodies on smear
estimaging the burn surface if >14 y.o.
rule of 9s - head & neck - 9%, each arm - 9%, trunk, front - 18%, trunk, back - 18%, each leg - 18%, perineum - 1%
herpangina: etio
Koplik spots: etio
milia: tx
none - resolve spontaneously over several months
MC cause of isolated anomalies
multifactorial (when bad/liability factors overcome the good/protective factors)
granuloma inguinale: pres
painless progressive ulcer without regional LAD, high vascular - bleed easily on contact
bacterial vaginosis: complications
if high risk for preterm delivery (h/o preterm delivery), BV is ass with premature ROM, chorio, preterm labor, preterm delivery, post c-section wound inf; if not high-risk - unclear if there's an ass with preterm delivery
MC documented cause of MR is ___
fetal alcohol syndrome
2nd degree burn: time to heal
2-5 wks
night terrors occur during __ sleep
Alagille (20p12-): pres
bile duct paucity with cholestasis, pulm valve and peripheral artery stenosis, posterior emrbyotoxin, butterfly vertebrae, triangular facies
CO poisoning: pres
flu-like sxs, cherry-red skin, CNS dep
septic arthritis in a teenager: etio
gonorrhea, esp if it's a female who is menstruating
bacterial vaginosis: pres
homogenous white discharge, fish odor esp after sex
ganciclovir: SE
dec neutrophils, low plts
IDM: compl differences if only gestation
same except no inc risk for congenital abnl and future obesity/DM
HIV med to give to pregnant women
ZDV bec it decrease rate of infection by 30%
strep viridans causes ___
endocarditis in kids with underlying congenital heart dz or rheumatic fever
WAGR (11p13-): pres
*Wilms tumor (50%), Aniridia, GU abnl (genital hypoplasia), MR
phenothiazine OD: pres
CNS depression, szs, abnl with temp, BP, cogwheel rigidity
strep pneumo bacteremia does/does not resolve spontaneously
enteritis: pres
diarrhea, abd cramping without signs of prctocolitis, ass with sex that involves oral-fecal contact
most term babie are __sighted at birth
hyperopic (farsighed)
coccidioides immits: location it naturally occurs
SW US (CA, AZ) and northern Mexico - San Joaquin Valley or Death Valley ("Valley fever")
draw the 2x2 table
xaxis: + dz / dz; yaxis: + test / test
estimating gestational age: breast tissue and areola
aerola barely visible <33 wks, raised 34-45, breast tissue 1-2 mm 36-37, 3-5 mm 38 (3+5=8), 5-6 mm 39, 7-10 mm >40
75% intelligible at __ (age)
3 yrs
EBV in HIV+: pres
oral hairy leukoplakia (white plaques on lateral surface of tongue)
allergic rhinitis: tx for dust mite allergy
impermeable zippered covers on mattresses, box springs and pillows, wash bedding QOwk - this will dec mites by 90%, also control humidity (need >50% humidity to survive), consider getting rid of upholstered furniture, draperies and carpeting; *home filtration system won't work bec dust mites aren't airborne
ibuprofen OD: tx
>400 mg/kg causes szs and coma, sxs within 4h of ingestion - N/V, CNS depression, ataxia
risk of getting toxo inc/dec as pregnancy progresses
von Hippel Lindau: mortality
renal cell carcinomas (in the 40s)
newborns: breast tissue 5-6 mm at __ wks
varicella: pres if nl
fever, HA, malaise --> 1-2D later vesicular rash (dew drops on rose petal), MC on trunk and extremities, appears in crops for 3-5D --> crust
chlamydia psittaci: pres
PNA ass with poultry (psittaci), also HA, high F/C, HA, splenomegaly
PID: etio
MC CT or GC, but can also be nl vaginal flora
able to tell a story at __ (age)
4 yrs
anticholinergic OD: sxs
dry as a bone (dec UOP and sweating), red as a beet, blind as a bat (mydriasis), mad as a hatter (agitation, szs), hot as a hare (hyperthermia)
babesia microti: tx
usually self-limiting, if severe - clinda + quinine
CMV in IC: pres
"-itis"es - encephalitis, hepatitis, retinitis, colitis, pneumonitis, adrenalitis, esp if recipient was CMV neg prior to transplant
epidural hemorrhage in a neonate: prog
neonatal exposure to retinoic acid: pres
DiGeorge, microcephaly, facial nerve palsies, microtia, external auditory canal abnl, cardiac dz, GU abnl, when exposure is between 2-5 wks
MC etio of identified diarrheal agent in waterborne-ass inf
arthus rxn
local type 3 hypersensitivity rxn - animal is hyperimmunized ---> many IgG Abs --> injection of target Ag --> immune complexes locally --> painful indurated lesion in 4-6 hrs --> can turn into a sterile abscess
epidermolysis bullosa: path
defects in the strength of the skin --> blistering after trauma
mumps: compl
sterility in male, rarely (and that's it - meningitis has no sequelae and deafness resolves)
salicylate OD: tx
supportive, activated charcoal, alkalinization of urine
probability that someone with a dz will have a + test = TP /(TP +FN) (be sensitive to those who are sick)
brown recluse bites: pres
pain 2-8h after bite --> hemorrhagic blister ---> large ulcer (recluse), no systemic sxs
congenitally-acquired toxo: pres
microcephaly, hydrocephaly, HSM, rash or purpura, retinochoroiditis, cerebral calcifications (not peri-ventricular)
disseminated gonococcal inf: epi, MC in __
1-3% of pts with gonorrhea; F within 1 wk of their last menses
toxic shock syndrome: tx
vanc (for MRSA), don't treat hypoCa unless EKG changes, *remove any recently implanted surgical device
bacterial endocarditis: surgery with ___
ventricular failure (2/2 valve dysfunc), abscess, fistula, persistent fever, conduction abnl (MC with aortic valve)
helminthes do/do not multiple in the body
do not (exception: strongyloidees)
SEs of ADHD meds
growth suppression, wt loss 2/2 dec appetite, HA, htn, abd pain, ?excerbation of tic disorders
spermatocele: pres
nodule above and posterior to the testes, no changes with valsalva, transilluminates
smiles at mirror by __
6 mo
yersinia enterocolitica: pres
diarrhea (1% of all diarrheal illnesses), pseudo-appendicitis syndrome; reactive arthritis and erythema nodosum in adults
neonatal exposure to carbamazepine: pres
<1% of spina bifida between 15-29D (didn't eat enough carbs that were supplemented with folic acid)
encapsulated organisms
strep pneumo, neisseria mengitidis, H. flu
acute retroviral syndrome: pres
fever, malaise, LAD, skin rash (so like any viral infection, but pay attn when it's used with high-risk sexual beh)
walks by __
13 mo
cutis aplasia: associations
trisomy 13 (multiple scalp lesions), *spinal dysraphia - failure of vertebral body to close (midline defects), cranial dysraphsim (multiple scalp lesions encircled by thicker darker hair), underlying skull abnl (25%), epidermolysis bullosa (large areas on the LEs)
hyper-IgM syndrome: tx
BMT for X-linked, IVIG for aut rec
osteomyelitis: etio
staph aureus
raspberries by __
4 mo
atopic dermatitis: tx
emollients --> 1% hydrocortisone ointment x1-2 wks --> more potent steroids --> topical tacro/pimecrolimus (black box for cancer); anti-histamines; avoid oral steroids
black spider bites: pres
pain, muscle cramps, chest tightness, vomiting, sweating, abd pain, agitation, htn
Bloom syndrome: pres
IUGR, microcephaly, malar hypoplasia, facial telangiectasia, cancer
lifts head off table in anticipation of being lifted by __
6 mo
hand, food, mouth dz: etio
watch all near-drowners for __
12h bec resp sxs develop within 8h
newborn testes: palpable in the lower scrotum at ___ wks
ammonia is alkaline/acidic
gender identity disorders appears between __ (ages)
2.5 - 5 y.o.
live vaccines include __
MMR, varicella, rota
Koplik spots: pres
small white vesicles on the palate
4p- (Wolf-Hirschhorn): pres
*Greek helmet facies (hypertelorism, prominent glabella, frontal bossing, beaked nose), also szs, heart dz, severe MR
rabies: dx
bx nerve fibers from the nape of the neck and see Negri bodies in the cytoplasm of neurons; also PCR for blood, CSF and saliva
congenital rubella: pres
blueberry muffin, radiolucencies in the long bones, CSF pleocytosis, congenital heart dz, sensorineural deafness, cataracts, glaucoma
HIV+ kids: IMZs
can give MMR and varicella, no oral polio (ditto for household contacts)
draw “O” by __
3 yrs
allergen-specific immunotherapy: path
inc T regulatory cell secretion of IL-10 and blocks IgG auto-Abs
uses 3-word phrases at __ (age)
3 yrs
hidradenitis suppurativa: tx
difficult - often a chronic process, oral and topical abx, surgical excision
IDM: ___ have hypoglycemia (<___) on DOL1
25-50%. <40
interstitial pulm fibrosis: pres
gradual onset over the first mo of life, tachypnea, cyanosis, cough, wheezing, lung collapse, R-sided heart failure
congenital rubeola: pres
doesn't exist, although maternal inf can induce prematurity delivery, stillbirth of abortion
trisomy 13 (Patau): pres
midline defects - *cleft, *holoprosencephaly, *genital abnl, postaxial (pinkie) polydactyly, heart dz (80%), cutis aplasia, microphthalmia, abd wall defects
H. flu - non-invasive: tx
amox, if that fails augmentin
Turners syndrome (45,X)
short stature, gonadal dysgenesis --> no puberty , bicuspid aortic vale, coarct (20%), webbed neck, posterior ears, lymphedema of hands/feet, cubitus valgus
impetigo: tx
cephalexin (bec it covers both strep and staph)
E. coli O157:H7: pres
bloody diarrhea, HUS (hemolytic anemia, uremia/kidney failure, thrombocytopenia with purpura)
osteomyelitis: takes __ days to have a (+) x-ray
vocabulary of 10-50 by __
15 mo
HPV types that cause warts
6 and 11
contraindication to PPD
necrotic skin rxn to previous tests
varicella: compl
secondary bacterial inf (staph/strep) - ranges from impetigo to nec fasc, also: osteo, hepatitis, pneumonitis, low plts, transient cerebellar ataxia (self-limited), encephalitis
Chediak-Higashi: pres
cutaneous and sinopulm inf, partial albinism, mild MR, progressive peripheral neuropathy, silver sheen to the skin and hair
tympanogram with TM scarring looks like __
shallow - nl peak but low compliance (<0.2)
scabies: tx
premethrin 5% to whole body from the neck down x8-14h, wash bedding and clothes and dry using heat, expect itching to persist for 2 wks after tx
neurofibromatosis type 2: pres
b/l vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas) --> hearing loss, tinnitus, imbalance, facial weakness; ave age at dx is 30 yo
fetal alcohol syndrome: pres
2 facial (short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, hypoplastic nasal root, short upturned nose, hypoplastic or absent philtrum, thin upper lip, midface hypoplasia) + 1 growth deficiency (wt <10%, ht <10%, microcephaly) + 1 developmental or learning prob
X-linked recessive dz: inheritance between generations
Dad gives to all of his daughters and none of his sons, Mom gives to 50% of sons and 50% of daughters
dysfunctional uterine bleeding: definition
cycles <20 or >45D; menses >8D; blood lose >80 cc; ass with anemia
calculate midparental height
Mom’s ht (cm) + Dad’s ht (cm) ± 13 / 2
multifactoral inheritance: risk is/is not affected by prevalence
is - the population prevalence will give a risk of the square root of p for sibs of an affected child
taenia solium: imaging
cysts on CT --> calcified granuloma
Horner's syndrome: etio
brachial plexus injury that affects that sympathetic fibers of T1
found in trace amounts in adult B cells, but func unknown
heart will shift away from the affected side, the diaphragm will be pushed down on the affected side
voluntary grasp (no release) by __
5 mo
clue cells are associated with __
bacterial vaginosis
use ___ periop abx
ehrlichiosis: tx
doxy (for all ricketssial inf)
conjugate gaze by __
4 mo
subdural hemorrhage: etio
birth trauma
epididymitis: tx
ceftriaxone + doxy, bed rest, scrotal elevation, also test for HIV and syphilis
strep pharyngitis: pres in infants
thick purulent nasal discharge, low-grade fever, dec po
calvicle fx: mechanism of injury
falling onto an outstretched hand or direct injury
scrotal neoplasms: pres
hard, painless mass, back pain with retroperitoneal LNs, does not transilluminate
neurofibromatosis type 1: inheritance pattern
60% sporadic, but once inherited it's aut dom
freckles on the lips and mucosal mucosa: etio
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
HIV - hairy leukoplakia: etio
bradycardia: etio
hypoxemia, hypothermia, head injury, heart block, heart transplant, toxins
TB inf: compl
pericarditis, *meningitis (6 mo-4 yr, can cause hydrocephalus, SIADH, inc CSF prot)
congenital diaphragmatic hernia: pres
asynchronous chest wall movement, bowel sends in the L chest, scaphoid abd, displaced PMI
periorbital cellulitis: etio
strep pneumo (MC), also staph or strep, used to HIB
TB: acquired via ___
resp droplets from adults (not kids)
encapsulated organism inf are MC in ___ pts
asplenics (including Hgb SS), very young and old, dec Ab function or #
anti-early Ag (anti-EA)
not usually helpful bec it's + during acute primary, recent pat, chronic, reactivation or EBV malignances; should be neg after convalescence
Down syndrome: screening
CBC and echo within 1 wk, ophtho and audiology before 6 mo, TFTs at 3, 6, 12 mo and qyr, C-spine x-ray at 3 y.o., CBC qyr starting at 13 yo
disseminated gonococcal inf: tx
ceftriaxone q24h x1-2D and then 1 wk of cefixime
erythrasma: pres
well-defined large reddish macule in the axilla, groin, toe webs or under breasts, can have slightly scaling
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for hep B
3, 3
café-au-lait spots: associations
large (>3 cm) or multiple, think of NF2, McCune-Albright, tubereous sclerosis
if Mom is HepB surface Ag
HBIG immediately + Hep B within 12 hrs of birth (at diff sites); give it regardless of wt, but if <2 kg don’t count it towards the necessary 3; HepB Ag and Ab at 9-18 mo, if Ab and Ag > repeat 3-dose series
penetrance: def
the ability of a known disease-causing genotype to be expressed or to exhibit the dz phenotype
anorexia: osteopenia w/u, tx
screen with DEXA scans; give Ca and vit D
miliaria crystalline: pres
clear droplets that disappear when popped
bacteriastatic abx include ___
tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin
type 3 hypersensitivity reaction: path
Ab-Ag complexes --> complex with each other --> less soluble ---> precipitate in small vessels --> infl (vasculitis) --> activates complements --> necrosis
3rd generation cephalosporins include ___
ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ceftazidine
Bloom syndrome: pres
short stature, telangiectasia, CNS abnl, IC (ll tulips)
Erb palsy: pres
waiter's tip - internal rotation
neg pressure tympanogram looks like and suggest __
clear peak but L-shifted (-200), nl peak, eustachian tube dysfunction (=conductive hearing loss)
erythema nodosum: path
inflammation of the fat
alopecia areata: pres
sudden appearance of round or oval patches, short dark hairs proximally ("! hairs")
22q11.2 (DiGeorge, velocardiofacial): pres
*thymus a/hypoplasia (--> T-cell dysfunc), *parathyroid gland a/hypoplasia (--> hypoCa), *heart dz (Tet > interrupted aortic arch > VSD), MR, cleft palate
constitutional growth delay: HC
HC is relatively spared compared to ht and wt
B cells have ___ on their cell surface which are unique
surface membrane Ig (SmIg+) - IgG and IgD
corneal abrasion: pres
pain, tearing, photophobia, dec vision
malassezia fufur: dx
tinea versicolor - spaghetti and meatballs on skin scraping; NICU - requires olive oil to grow
get listeria via ___
infants - transplacental, via PROM or via fecal contamination during birth; contaminated food, esp goat cheese
baterial endocarditis: ___% of kids have underlying cardiac dz
coxilla burnetti: acquired via __
Q fever: cattle, cats, cilled (slaughterhouse), conception (touching placenta during animal deliveries)
secondary syphilis: tx
IM Pen G x1, if PCN-allergic doxy or tetracycline x14D, if pregnant must use PCN so if allergic desensitize first
baterial endocarditis: etio
strep viridans > staph aureus
vulvovaginal candidiasis: complicated if __
recurrent, severe, uncontrolled DM, immunocompromised, pregnancy
hep A minimum dosing interval
6 mo
C3 deficiency: pres
severe recurrent inf with encapsulated bacteria - Abs develop over time so inf become less severe, also inc risk of autoimmune dz
salicylate OD: pres
GI sxs, hypernea --> resp alkalosis, CNS abnl, tinnitus, fever
methanol ingestion: pres
visual abnl (ll snowstorm, optic nerve damage --> blindness), abd pain, met acidosis
brucella: pres
FUO, sacroilitis, a ton of other badness
baby that becomes cyanotic when crying likely has ___
b/l choanal atresia (2/2 being obligate nose breathers)
mumps vs bacterial paratotitis
bacterial - many WBCs and bacteria, mumps - none
subQ vaccines are __
IPV, MMR, varicella
prevalence of a dz
fraction of population who has the dz, =(TP+FN)/(TP+TN+FN+FP)
impetigo: pres
red- or honey-crusted papules and pustules, often at the site of an insect bite; MC around mouth, nose and extremities; can be bullous - flaccid, coalescent pustules with bullae; doesn't cause pain; AF; MC 2-5 y.o.; common to have multiple members in the family infected
Wiskott-Aldrich: typical pres for Boards
boy who almost exsanguinates with circ
use cathartics with ___
never because they cause electrolyte imbalances
separation anxiety starts at __, peaks at __, resolves at __
6 mo, 9-18 mo, 3 yrs
HIV: single drug therapy is appropriate ___
intervention for lead poisoning if > __
dz phenotype: def
composite of features due to multiple causes
Erb palsy: w/u
look for an ipsiL clavicle fx
newborn testes: not palpable before ___ wks
strawberry cervix is associated with __
meningitis: emperic tx if <3 mo
cefotax + vanc (as strep pneumo can be resistant) + amp (listeria)
hyper-IgE syndrome: type of immunodeficiency
phagocyte killing defect
growth spurt timing
girls - tanner 2-3, boys - tanner 4
junctional epidermolysis bullosa: inheritance pattern
aut rec
distinguishing alopecia areata from tinea capitis
tinea - erythema, scaling, LAD
high risk kids for meningococcemia are __, they get __
asplenia, terminal complement deficiencies, menactra bet 2-10 yo and q5 yrs; also people in crowded places (college dorms, military barracks)
acanthosis nigricans: pres
hyperpigmented skin with a thick velvety appearance, most obvious in skin folds
autism screen ___ at ___ using ___
everyone, 18 mo and 24 mo visits, autism-specific screening tool
recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: definition
>4 recurrences a year
Fe OD: tx
IV deferoxamine if serum level >500 or with mod-severe sxs
PID: out-pt tx
ceftriaxone x1 + doxy x14d +/- flagyl x14D, give it 72h to see an improvement, and if none, then hospitalize
mec plugs: etios
CF, small L colon syndrome (IDM), hypothyroidism, rectal aganglionosis, maternal drug use, Mg for preeclampsia, Hirschsprungs
caput succedaneum: pres
edema that crosses suture lines
define conduct d/o
>6 mo pattern of violating the rights or property of others without feeling any guilt or remorse about their behavior
pulmonary blood flow ___ after birth
cyclospora: pres
diarrhea after eating raspberries from Guatemala + systemic inf
draw “□” by __
4 yrs
most vasculitis is a type ___ hypersensitivity rxn
chronic granulomatous disease: dx
nitroblue tetrazoium (NBT): yellow dye turns dark blue when activated by the cell, which doesn't happen in CGD; DHR does this by flow cytometry
breastfeeding benefits include ___
↓ postnatal inf by 21% OM, diarrhea, meningitis, UTIs
neonatal hyperbili: nl levels (95%)
harlequin skin: pres
one side of the baby is pink and the other is pale with a sharp line of demarcation
sarcoidosis: pres
non-caseating granulomas in the lungs, LNs, eyes and skin, MC in AA, skin findings can ll anything except vesicles
proctitis: etio
GC, CT, trich, HSV
primary syphilis: pres
painless ulcer, punched out, clean-appearing with sharp, firm, slightly elevated borders, firm nontender b/l inguinal LAD
conjoined twins: epi
pseudomonas: tx
zosyn or cefepime/ceftaz
Dubotwitz syndrome: pres
IUGR, hypertelorism ptosis eczema hypotrichosis, behavioral and developmental delays
IDM RDS: path
insulin blocks the development of enzymes necessary for the synthesis of lectin which is a precursor to surfactant
cental amenorrhea: etio
hypothalamus - inh GnRH release, 2/2 CF, malnutrition, anorexia, stress, drugs (ex. phenothiazine), Kallmann's (isolated GnRH def + inability to smell); pituitary - inh LH and FSH, usually with pan-hypopit, tumors (MC craniopharyngioma), infiltrative (sarcoid, hemochromatosis, TB), infarction (Sheehan syndrome), prolactin-secreting adenoma (60% have galactorrhea)
trichamoniasis: tx
flagyl 2g x1, also if pregnant
hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: pres
no sweating or secretions from the nose/ears/mouth, pegged teeth, periobital wrinkled and hyperpigmentation, facies - frontal bossing, out lip, small chin
white vaginal discharge in a newborn can last for ___
1 wk
taenia solium: tx
albendazole + steroids; do not treat if ocular or spinal cysts are present because you will call irreparable damage
encephalitis: MC etio
arboviruses (West Nile)
osteomyelitis in Hgb SS: etio
pneumatosis intestinalis (air in the bowel wall), hair in the hepatic portal sys (= perf)
lye is alkaline/acidic
type 4a hypersensitivity rxn: timing
1-3D after ("delayed type hypersensitivity")
proteus UTI: association
stones (so do a KUB)
entamoeba histolytica: dx
examine stool with GI involvement, serology for liver abscesses
up stairs with assistance by __
18 mo
X-linked agammaglobulinemia: pres
late in the 1st yr of life (waning of maternal Abs), sinopulm inf with encapsulated bacteria, giardia, small LNs and tonsils
fetal cardiac pressures are relative to ___
amniotic fluid
Weil syndrome: pres
renal or hepatic failure (with disproportionately high bili) with hemorrhage
HPV types that cause cervical cancer
16, 18, 31, 33, 35
HLA I Ags present ___
viruses, cancer (things that can be found in any cells)
give Fe to __ infants
FT breastfed infants at 4-6 mo, premies at 2 mo
no head lag when pulling to sit by ___
5 mo (in anticipation of sitting independently)
hereditary angioedema: classic pres for the boards
abd pain combined with extremity swelling
chancroid: tx
azithro 1g x1
migraines: pres
(need 2): pain on 1 sside, pulsating/throbbing, mod-severe intensity, inc severity with activity
lifts head momentarily while lying prone by __
1 mo
points at __ mo
12 mo
yersinia pestis: dx
aspirating LNs, or serology
start giving influenza at __
6 mo
alkaline caustic agents: taste, damage, complications
tasteless; severe, deep liquefction necrosis; scar tissue with strictures
estimating gestational age: lanugo
covers entire body <32, disappears from face 33-37, shoulders only 38-41, none >42
neonatal jaundice starting on DOL4 during the 1st wk: etios
sepsis, UTI, congenital inf (CMV, syphilis)
TCA OD: pres
CCCA (tricyclic antidepressants) - coma, convulsions, cardiac dysrhythmias, acidosis, cardic - tachycardic, hypo or htn, widened QRS, prolonged QT
neonatal exposure to streptomycin: pres
hearing loss, when exposed during the 3rd trimester (strep pneumo meningitis can make you deaf)
septic arthritis: etio
staph aurues
hand, food, mouth dz: pres
red maculopapular rash --> vesicles, mouth ulcers tend to be posterior (vs herpes) - buccal mucosa and tongue
Erb palsy: etio
damage to the upper part of the brachial plexus (C5-C6), can be during significant lateral traction during delivery
type 4a hypersensitivity rxn: examples
tuberculin sensitivity, contact derm (some cases)
acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: etio
recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: additional tests
HIV, culture to identify an unusual species
define amblyopia
loss of visual clarity not 2/2 occular pathology and that is not correctable with glasses
multifactoral inheritance: risk based on # of affected people
recurrence risk inc as the # of affected individuals increase
Miller-Dieker syndrome: pres
lisencephaly microcephaly, micrognathia, anteverted nares vertical wrinkles of the forehead
necrotizing fasciitis: RF
varicella inf
inheritance pattern: generation is skipped
X-linked recessive - if there are only females in that generation
HIV: tx during pregnancy
continue HAART but one of the drugs should be ZDV, avoid efavirenz (teratogenic) and d4T/ddI (inc risk of lactic acidosis)
candidal sepsis: 3 compl
septic peripheral thrombophlebitis, clot in vessel with the line (edema, + blood cx >2D after line is removed), hepatsplenic dz (need CT)
meningitis: emperic tx
ceftriaxone + vanc (as strep pneumo can be resistant)
neonatal exposure to tetracycline: pres
bone and tooth staining, when exposed after 20 wks
VACTERL syndrome: pres
vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal abnl, cardiac dz
trichamoniasis: dx
can see trich organisms on wet mount
dirty wound and IMZ are UTD (>3, >5 yrs): tx
aminoglycoside kill ___
HIV: etio of cavitating PNA
aspergillus (esp ass with marijuana use), mucor
nl speech development: 6-10 mo
epidermolysis bullosa simplex: pres
least sever form - blisters usually heal without scarring, may be localized on extremities or sites of freq friction
CMV in adolescents: pres
mono-like - fever, malaise, mild hepatitis, atypical lymphs, rash with amox
IMZ typically given at birth
hep B
allergies and affected IMZ: egg
flu, yellow fever
epididymitis: etio
GC and CT, E. coli if engaging in anal sex
neonatal acne: tx
none - resolve spontaneously during first few wks of life
HIV: histoplasma - pres
PNA, palate ulcers, splenomegaly, BM suppression
syphilis: dx
non-treponemal tests (VDRL, RPR), if positive confirm with a treponemal test (FTA-AB [fluorescent treponemal Ab absorbed], TP-PA [T.palliidum particle agglutination])
language at 18 mo
use gestures well, has 18 words, 2 word phrases, Mom can understand speech
breastfeeding moms cannot get __ IMZs
they get everything
pityriasis rosea: pres
Christmas tree pattern, small oval pruritic papulosquamous lesions, starts with a herald patch and then lesions 1-2 wks later
lifts head up to 45o while lying prone by __
2 mo
metal cleans are alkaline/acidic
otitis: tx, and ___ if allergic
high dose amox in kids at inc risk of resistant strep pneumo inf - daycare, recent abx, recurrent OM, <2 yo.; if PCN-allergic, cephalosporin or clinda
prune belly: association
GU abnl (ex. PUV) and cryptorchidism
1st generation cephalosporins are used for ___
skin and soft tissue inf, surgical ppx
type 1 hypersensitivity reaction: late-phase response
3-12h after immediate reaction, 2/2 cytokine released during the immediate rxn, proportional to the severity of the immediate rxn, prevented by steroids
H. flu meningitis: tx
ceftriaxone + dexamethasone x2D to prevent hearing loss and neurologic sequelae
herpes zoster: pres
1-2 adjacent dermatomes, lesions inc in # over 3-5D and then crust over within 2 wks
allergic rhinitis: PEx
transverse nasal crease, Dennie-Morgan lines (wrinkles under the eye), allergic shiners, enlarged tonsils, edematous nasal mucosa, cobblestoning in OP
HIV: ZDV/d4T is/is not a good combination
is not (is always the wrong answer)
reportable STIs include ___
syphilis, GC, CT, AIDS, +/- HIV and chancroid (vary by state)
norovirus: pres
epidemic (cruise ships), ass with clams and oysters but also water-borne
age range that you ascribe crying to colic
1-3 mo
Ehlers-Danlos: pres
*hyperextensible skin, *hypermobile joints, *easy bruising, *dystrophic scarring, *skin that feels like "fine sponge," fragile skin that splits and looks like a gaping "fish mouth," extra skin on hands, feet and stomach
organophosphate ingestion: dx
dec RBC cholinesterase activity - but don't wait for the results to tx
PPHN: pres
severe hypoxia, out of proportion to the CXR, difference bet pre- and post-ductal sats (RUE higher bec it gets blood before blue blood goes through the PDA)
high risk kids for pneumococcal dz are __ and they get __
functional asplenics, nephrotic syndrome, HIV, bad heart/lung dz, DM, 23valent after they have completed the 4dose prevnar13; functional asplenics and other IC kids get a 2nd dose 5 yrs after 1st
developmental delay screening: older kids
lead level, ± thyroid
anaphylaxis: meds not to use in pts at risk
B-blockers bec they blunt the response of epi
trichorrhexis nodosa: pres
hair loss, can take 2-4 yrs to recover
don’t give HIB if kid is > __ yo unless __
5, they’re functionally asplenic (sickle cell, AIDS) in which case they get vaccinated irrespective of age
when a nl parent has >1 kid with an X-linked dz, suspect ___
germline mosaicism
sporothrix schenckii: pres
non-healing skin ulcers over lymphatic channels in gardeners after getting pricked by a thorn
lyme disease: skin findings
erythema migrans - bull's eye rash that enlarges over 1 wk and is >5 cm
4th generation cephalospoins kill ___
GN, but have better GP coverage and kill pseudomonas
milaria rubra: path
sweat glands are blocked --> sweat escapes into the epidermis
treat depression with __ and bipolar with __
SSRIs; lithium, valproic acid, cabamazepine
IMZ typically given at 12-15 mo
DTaP, hep a, HIB, MMR, pneumococcal, varicella
trypansoma cruzi: compl
heart prob (CHF, block) and GI (megacolon, megaesophagus), CNS, uniL firm eyelid edema (Romana sign)
expect mature levels of surfactant at ___ wks
hemangioimas: compl
ulceration (MC on nose, lip and perineum), vision prob if periorbital, conductive hearing loss if near the ear
define strabismus
misalignment of the eyes in which one is turned up (eso), out (exo), up (hyper) or down (hypo)
Down syndrome: RF
Mom >35 y.o.
CMV: tx
ganciclovir or foscarnet
evaluate to see if the etio of FTT is psychosocial by __
watching a feeding
osteomyelitis in the foot with h/o puncture: etio
malassezia fufur: pres
NICU babies who receive IL - fever, b/l pulm infiltrates, thrombocytopenia; everyone else - tinea versicolor
nevus of oto: compl
ocular and cutaneous melanoma
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type I: path
complete absence of UDPGT which means no bili can be conjugated by the liver
uniparental disomy: def
when both copies of a chromosome (or part of a chromosome) are from only 1 parent
1st degree burn: time to heal
most pre-term babies are __sighted at birth
myopic (nearsighted)
nl speech development: 10-18 mo
point and name, word comprehension
see leukocytoclasic vasculitis with ___
type 3 hypersensitivity rxns
start fluoride supplementation at __ if __
6 mo if there’s no fluoride or at 3 yo if there’s some fluoride
allergy skin testing: directions
must be off antihistamines for 72h bec they could mute the response and give a false neg rxn; steroids can interfere with delayed (type 4) hypersensitivity
draw horizontal line by __
2 yrs
UTI: tx
bactrim x3D
bulimia: __% of girls, peak incidence
2-5%, mid-to-late adolescence
conjoined twins can only occur in ___
monoamniotic monochorionic twins
EBV Ag test that signifies an acute inf
gastroschisis: path
defect due to primary failure of the lateral ventral folds
congenital hypothyroidism: pres
persistent posterior fontanelle, umbilical hernia, jaundice
1st generation cephalosporins include ___
keflex (cephalexin) and ancef (cefazolin)
BW is regained by ___
10-14 days
craniosynatosis: MC suture affected
↑ test threshold so there are more nl results means you get more __, which changes __ tests
FN and TN, ↓ sensitivity (rule in less people, fewer TP), ↑ specificity (rule out more people, more TN)
with PEA, do ___
CPR, epi, reassess EKG
vitiligo: pres
spreading macular depigmentation
cryptosporidium: pres
nl - 1-2 wks of self-limited watery diarrhea; IC - indefinite diarrhea; can have city-wide diarrhea with contaminated city water
early onset group B sepsis: types of inf
bacteremia > PNA > meningitis
atopic dermatitis: pres in a infant
lesions on the cheeks and extensor surfaces of the extremities, scalp, trunk
pemphigus vulgaris: pres
loose bullae, oral mucous membrane involvement is the first sign of this,*(+) Nikolsky sign (epidermal sliding with gentle pressure)
bulimia: personality
outgoing, impulsive, prone to acting-out beh (stealing, sexual promiscuity, self-destructive beh)
Holt-Oram syndrome: pres
radial ray abnl including triphalangeal thumbs, ASD and other heart dz
MC maternal dxs that lead to neonatal lupus
only 50% have a dx, usually subacute cutaneous SLE or Sjogren syndrome
milaria rubra: pres
red papulovesicles
xeroderma pigmentosa: pres
photosensitivity, sin atrophy pigmentary changes (age spots 2/2 UV radiation everywhere), cancer
mec aspiration: pres
*hypoxia with met acidosis, *resp distress, barrel-shaped chest, distended abd, coarse BS
fetal scalp stim: should produce ___
increase in HR
granuloma inguinale: epi
rare in the US
HIV: viral load measures ___
group C strep causes ___
strep pharyngitis in college kids
red flag if unintelligible speech at __
3 yrs
HIV: tx for asymptomatic pts with early HIV and low CD4 count
combination therapy with a nucleoside analog + PI/NNRT, bec it prolongs survival and dec AIDS-related prob
p. malariae malaria: dx
schizonts in the blood, no banana gametes (p. falciparum)
HIV: func of CD4 cells
anti-viral, also suppress B-cells (so with AIDS --> deregulated B-cell, polyclonal inc in total serum Igs although their func is dec)
test for __ with a rapid worsening in OCD sxs
group A beta-hemolytic strep, because of PANDAS - pedaitric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disoder ass with strep
ethylene glycol ingestion: labs
met acidosis, high osmolar gap, hypoCa, Ca oxalate crystals, urine can flouresce with a Woods lamp
yersinia pestis: acquire via ___
bites from fleas that live on rodents, direct contact with rodents (skinning), being coughed on
rickettsial inf: skin findings
peripheral --> central, macules --> petechiae --> purpura
inheritance pattern: affected sibs, but none in other generations
aut rec
DM: connection bet BG and congenital malformations
incidence inc with hyperglycemia prior to conception
HIV: cryptococcus - tx
ambisome and then flucon
tracks past midline by __
2 mo
baby with nl Pex, non-treponemal titer the same or <4x as Mom, Mom was untreated or treated <4 wks before delivery: w/u, tx
CSF for VDRL, cell count, and prot, CBC, long bone x-rays; controversial Pen G x1 dose through 10D
acute baterial endocarditis: pres
acute course with rapid valve destruction and ventricular compromise, 50% mortality even with early intervention; Janeway lesions
catheter-ass bacteremia: MC etio
staph epi
Proteus syndrome: pres
macrodactyly, soft tissue hypertrophy hemihypertrophy, nevi, lipomas, lymphangiomata, hemagiomata, accelerated growth
multifactoral inheritance: risk based on gender if there's a diff
recurrence risk inc if the affected individual is a member of the less commonly affected sex (assume they have even more liability factors that someone in the more commonly affected gender)
neonatal exposure to warfarin: pres
30% will have nasal hypoplasia, stippled epiphyses, CNS abnl, spontaneous abortions, when exposure is during weeks 6-9
vulvovaginal candidiasis: pres
whitish curd-like discharge, very pruritic and burning
scribbles by __
18 mo
opiate OD: pres
coma, resp depression, miosis
vulvovaginal candidiasis: RF
recent abx use, pregnancy
red flag if difficulty with lang comprehension at __
3 yrs
imipenem: SE
lowers sz threshold, can dec renal func
BW doubles by ___
4 mo
rust remover is alkaline/acidic
do/do not do a c-section if Mom has genital warts
do not
allergen-specific immunotherapy: timing
can take 6 mo to show an effect, maximal effect at 3 yrs
__ tests that aren’t affected by prevalence
sensitivity, specificity
consider metabolic screening with these sxs __
szs, episodic vomiting or lethargy, poor feeding, poor growth, unusual odors, loss of skills, sensory abnl (esp retinas), acquired skin disorders
fundal height is useful for ___
detecting IUGR
vitiligo: associations
aut rec polyglandular deficiency (DM, Graves, adrenal insufficiency, hypo/hyperthyroidism, pernicious anemia, hypoPTHism)
hydrocele: pres
nontender and fluid-filled mass, transilluminateslarge or painful
use corrected gestational age for premies until
2 yrs
ave ht increase per yr after 2 y.o. until puberty
2 inches/yr
cleft palate: etios
sporadic, familial, *Pierre-Robin, *amniotic bands
linear skull fx in a neonate
uncommon, can occur with NSVD or with forceps, excellent prognosis, if dx'ed get f/u x-ray in 2-3 mo to document healing
total # vaccines before 18 mo/total for HPV
HLA II Ags are on ___ cells
professional Ag-presenting cells - monos/macrophages, dendritic cells (Langerhanns cells), B-cells
hep B typical dosing schedule
0, 2, 6 mo
malaria: worst type
p. falciparum
congenitally-acquired toxo: tx
3-drug regimen x12 mo
hypoglycemia in a neonate: pres
tremors, irritability, high-pitched cry, lethargy, hypotonia, cyanosis, apnea, poor suck, jitteriness, szs
Sturge-Weber syndrome: pres
port-wine stain in V1, ipsiL cerebral vascular malformation, szs, MR, ophtho abnl (ex. vascular abnl, glaucoma), contraL hemiplegia
contraindications to OCPs
absolute - abnl vaginal bleeding of unknown etio, estrogen-dependent tumor, liver dz, h/o thromboembolic event, stroke; relative - DM, szs, migraines, severe htn, smoking
HHV-6: pres
high fever x3-5D --> fever stops --> rash (red, macular, all over), also get a rash when given amox
neurosyphilis: dx
CSF-VDRL is v. specific but not sensitive, so if it's negative look for high CSF WBC and protein and CSF FTA-ABS (v. sensitive)
talks in short paragraphs at __ (age)
3 yrs
1st degree burn: tx
Wiskott-Aldrich: inheritance pattern
neonatal acne: pres
1-2 mm papules on the face and scalp (look infl, no comodones), present at birth or within 3 wks of life
MC cause of conductive hearing loss is __
fluid in the middle ear, MC 2/2 OM
Wiskott-Aldrich: pres
EXIT - eczema, X-linked, IC (OI, encapsulated bacteria, T/B dysfunc), thrombocytopenia (small plts)
molluscum contagiosum: tx
resolves spontaneously in 6-18 mo
causes of blue skin
cyanosis, methemoglobinemia