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37 Cards in this Set

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Rubella (German Measles)
Trans: direct/indirect droplets
Sx: maculopapular rash face then trunk
Tx: Tylenol for fever/pain
Measles (Rubeola)
Trans: direct/indirect droplets
Sx: 104 fever, malaise, koplik spots
Tx: Tylenol , A&D ointment, cough suppresent
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Trans: direct/indirect saliva/vesicles
Sx: papule > vesicle, crust/rash
Tx: Acyclovir
Herpes Zoster
Trans: 2nd invasion of chickenpox
Sx: pruritis, vesicles, eryth, pain, follow a dermiton
Tx: Tylenol, Acyclovir
Trans: direct/indirect contact
Sx: like chickenpox but with postular stage
Tx: VIG / antibiotic

50% mortality
Erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease)
Trans: droplet
Sx: slapped face
Tx: Tylenol
Pityriasis rosea
Trans: Unknown
Sx: herald patch > rash of papules/vesicles/urticaria
Tx: antihistamines
Echovirus infections
Sx: meningitis, diarrhea, resp illness, maculopapular rash
Tx: supportive measures
Coxsackievirus infections
Trans: Contact
Sx: 105 fever, small grayish vesicles, sore throat
Tx: antihistamines
Poliovirus infections
Trans: Contact
Sx: pain, paralysis, hyperactive reflexes
Tx: Tylenol, bedrest, hot packs for pain

Trivalent (three-strain) vaccine
Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
Trans: Direct Contact
Sx: 105 fever, anorexia, sore mouth, white plaque/ulcer in mouth
Tx: Tylenol, Acyclovir
Herpes simplex
Trans: Direct Contact
Sx: Cold sore
Tx: Tylenol, Acyclovir
Acute herpetic vulvovaginitis (genital herpes)
Remains dormant in Ganglia
Sx: seizures, painful swallowing
Tx: rabies vaccine
West Nile
Asymptomatic or flulike symptoms
Tx: supportive
Trans: Contact
Sx: painful parotid gland
Tx: Tylenol, lasting immunity after 1st attack
Infectious mononucleosis (Causative Agent?)
Causative Agent - epstein-barr virus
Trans: Contact
Sx: high fever, thick white membrain in tonsils
Tx: Tylenol, bedrest, hot packs for pain
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome infection
Sx: fever, muscle aches, thrombocytopenia, GI, possible death from pulmonary edema
Tx: Supportive
Scarlet fever
Trans: Direct contact, large droplets
Sx: rash, tonsils inflamed
Tx: Tylenol, penicillin
Trans: Direct Contact
Sx: purulent honey crusts
Tx: penicillin, mupirocin ointment
Cat-Scratch disease
Trans: Cat
Sx: painful parotid gland
Tx: swollen lymph nodes, spots
Furunculosis (Boils)
infection of hair folicle
Tx: most heat
Sx: warm, edematous, reddened skin
Tx: antibiotic, warm soaks
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Sx: boil > painful abscess
Tx: Vancomycin **
Scalded skin disease (Ritter's disease)
Sx: Rough texture skin/general erythema, vesicles with clear fluid
Tx: antibiotics
Whooping cough (3 stages)
Trans : Contact
Catarrhal stage - upper resp
Paroxysmal stage - whoop
convalescent - gradual cessation
Tx: 10 day erythromycin or azithromycin
Anthrax from cows/sheep
from cows/sheep
Tx: ciprofloxacin
Tetanus (Lockjaw)
Trans : Contact of wound
Sx: Stiff muscles
Tx: Penicillin G, stimulation-free room, boosters for prevention
Trans: Eggs
Sx: loss of appetite, N/V
Tx: 1 dose of pyrantel pamoate (antiminth)
Trans: Feces thru skin
Sx: Severe anemia
Tx: destroy worms
Butt scratching
Tx: 1 dose of mebendazole (Vermox) or Antiminth
Trans: unclean hands
Sx: diarrhea
Tx: metronidazole (Flagyl)
Tinea cruris
jock itch
Tx: clotrimazole (Lotrimin)
Tinea pedis
athletes foot
Tx: Lotrimin
Tinea capitis
Sx: dirty scalp lesions
Tx: griseofulvin
Tinea corporis
Sx: scaly ring of inflamation
Tx: Lotrimin
Trans: vagina
Sx: thrush
Tx: Nystatin 4xday