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25 Cards in this Set

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high risk infant diseases
1. NEC 2. growth failure 3. BPD 4. intra/periventricular hemorrhage 5. ROP
high risk factors
1. birth weight 2. gestational age 3. predominant pathophysiologic problems
preterm infant
1. organs immature/lack reserves to function outside 2. before 37w 3. ethics of resuscitate ELBW 1000g
late preterm infant
1. born between 34-36 6/7 weeks 2. late preterm not near term 3. higher risk of thermoreg 4. risk hypoglycemia 5. risk hyperbilirubinemia 6. risk sepsis 7. risk respiratory function
postmature infant
1. risk meconium aspiration syndrome 2. risk persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn
meconium in lungs due to FDS release
1. nn can not breathe outside 2. womb lungs req less blood 3. usu DA closes 1 day = bp in lungs b/c gas exchange incr blood flow
small for gestational age 1. risk perinatal asphyxia 2. risk hypoglycemia 3. risk hyperglycemia 4. risk heat loss
intrauterine growth restriction
1. same as SGA 2. problem of placenta
perinatal asphyxia
1. deprived O2 related decr mat BP 2. smoking 3. placenta previa (before baby) 4. placenta abruptia (breaks off)
large for gestational age 4000g+ 1. incr risk for morbidity 2. incr birth trauma 3. asphyxia 4. congenital anomalies
gestational diabetes
1. congenital anomalies 2. incr macrosomia 3. birth trauma/perinatal asphyxia 4. RDS 5. hypoglycemia 6. hypocalcemia 7. hypomagnesia 8. cardiomyopathy 9. hyperbilirubinemia 10. polycythemia
gestational diabetes patho
incr blood glucose level during pregnancy no previous diabetes
neonatal sepsis
1. prenatally acquired 2. Early (1-3do) 3. Late (1-3wo) 4. Check blood cultures: CBC, Hgb, Hrt 5. check urine, CSF 6. req AB and supportive therapy 7. cause: bacterial, viral, fungal
early neonatal sepsis
1-3 do, cause congenital
late neonatal sepsis
1-3 wo, cause noscomial
1. pneumonia 2. bacterial meningitis 3. gastroenteritis is sporadic
NEC def
acute inflammatory disease of the bowel in preterm and hi-risk
NEC factors
1. premature 2. intestina ischemia/blood restriction 3. colony path bacteria 4. substrate in intestinal lumen
NEC testing
1. check x-ray 2. check lab studies 3. DIC
disseminated intravascular coagulation, mass coag activation in response to disease
NEC management
1. NPO for 1-2day if birth asphyxia, ELBW, VLBW 2. breastmilk best for po 3. NG tube decompression 4. IV AB, parenteral fluids, TPN 5. bowel resection if perforated
Rh incompatibility
1. aka isoimmunization 2. Rh+ infant Rh- mom 3. mother forms antibody against fetal blood cells 4. first child ok, next danger
ABO incompatibility
1. fetal AB, A, B mom O 2. incompatible because naturally occurring Anti-A/B transferred across placenta to fetus 3. exchange transfusion maybe req
1. diaphragm defect 2. herniation with small lung and ab contents in thoracic cavity 3. scaphoid abdomen/sunk ant wall