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56 Cards in this Set

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Isotonic contraction

Muscles contract that results in limb movement. Muscles work in pairs to create movement, one contracts the other relaxes eg press ups

Isometric contraction

Muscles contesting which results in tension but length doesn't alter eg plank, yoga position


Increased muscle size, a result of progressive overload

Muscle atrophy

Loss of muscle mass and strength


Connect muscle to bones


Tough elastic fibre that link bone to bone


Prevents end of bones rubbing together at joint


Broken bone or cracked bone

Name all the fractures







Bleeding under your skin


When bone at the joint is forced out of normal position


A damaged ligament eg twisted ankle

Tennis and golfers elbow

Overuse injuries to the tendons at the elbow joints

Golfers on the inside, tennis on the outside

Greenstick - break only part way across the bone

Front (Term)

Transverse - break straight across

Front (Term)

Impacted - pieces locked into each other

Impacted - pieces locked into each other

Comminuted - broken into more than 2 pieces

Front (Term)

Oblique - broken at an angle

What does the cardiovascular system consist of

Heart, blood & blood vessels

Long & short term benefits of exercise in the cardiovascular system

Short term:

Increased heart rate

Blood pressure m

Long term:

Lower resting heart rate

Increases stroke volume

Increased cardiac output

Closed fracture

Skin isn't broken

Compound fracture

Goes through skin

Simple fraction

Take place in one line with no displacement of the bone eg greenstick

Torn cartallaige

Cartilage is a firm elastic substance found at the end of bones of a synovial joint

Tidal volume

Amount of air inspired & expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise

Vital capacity

Greatest amount of air that can pass in & out of your lungs by the most forceful inspiration & expiration

What does the respiratory system consist of

Lungs (alveoli & capillaries), ribs, diaphragm & tranches

2 main functions of respiratory system

1.Bring oxygen into the body

2. Remove carbon dioxide from the body

What is oxygen debt

Temporary oxygen shortage as a result of exercise

Effects of smoking on alveoli & gaseous

Makes it more difficult to get oxygen in & out of their bodies because smoking makes alveoli less stretchy, which causes smokers to be short of breath.

They're lungs have to work harder to get oxygen into their body which makes them tired

Plantar & Dorsi flextion

They occur around the ankle joint

Plantar flexion - increases the angle eg pointing toes

Dorsi flexion - decreases the angle eg raising & lowering heels at the edge of a step

Effects of exercise on bones

Stronger ligaments & tendons, increases joint flexibility and allows more power in movement

Increases bone density

Weight bearing exercise examples


Ball games


Running yo & downs stairs


National governing bodies examples



National governing bodies examples



Government initiatives examples & purpose

Encourages More sport participation & improves students fitness

Sport England

Youth sport trust

Mental benefits of sport

Feel good factor

Aesthetic appreciation

Relieve stress & tension

Mental challenge


Increase self esteem & confidence

Social benefits of sport

Make new friends

Improve teamwork & co operation

Work with others

Physical benefit of taking part in physical activity

Contributes to good physical health

Physical challenge

Improves fitness & performance

Improves health related fitness

Systolic blood pressure

Max pressure in the arteries when blood contracts (beats) and pushes blood to body

Diastolic blood pressure

Diastolic is pressure of blood during the relaxation phase between beats

Pulse pressure

Difference between systolic & diastolic blood pressure

How to make it a balanced competition




Handicap system

Playing to the rules

Physical readiness - par-q

How to prevent injuries

Warm up & cool down

Checking equipment & facilities

Protective equipment & clothing

Playing to rules

Cardiac output

Amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute

Stroke volume

Volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during one contraction

Cardiac output = ? X ?

Heart rate x stroke volume

Why is a warm up essential

-Prevents injuries

-Improves performance

-Practise skill before game

-Prepare psychologically for the event

What factors effect optimum weight



Bone structure

Muscle girth


Long term benefits of regular exercise & physical activit

While muscular & skeleton system improve and get stronger

Treatment for muscular injuries

R est

I ce

C ompretion

E lavation

Why set a smart targer

To plan, record & monitor your progress

Complex carbohydrates examples

Starch, bread - provide long lasting energy

Complex carbohydrates examples

Starch, bread - provide long lasting energy

Simple carbohydrate

Fruits & veg - can provide enegy