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79 Cards in this Set

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vascular palpation
- dorsalis pedis, post tib, popliteal, femoral, radial, ulnar, brachial, carotid
pulsus parodoscu
10mmHg, SS of asthma, COPD, PE, tamponade, constrictive pericarditis
Kussmaul signs
JVP increase on inspiration
MVP increases with what maneuvers
1. valsalva maneuver
2. squatting/standing
position that helps to > S3/S4
left lateral decubitis listen at apical area
MS increased
LLD position
AR increased with?
sitting up and leaning forward post expiration
Valsalva incrased which mumurs?
increased MR, HCM, AS
AR is increased by? + findings

musset's sign - head bobbing w/ carotid pulsation
quincke's signs - pulsation in nail beds
widened pulse pressure
hill's sign - > in BP in legs compared to arms
Water-hammer pulse
pulsus bisferiends
pistol shot sound over femoral arteries
S4 occurs when
is atrial kick largely due to stiff ventricle as with ventricular hypertrophy, fibrosis of ventricle, AS
by definition it can't be present in AF
S3 is a sign of ...
increased volume /ventricular filling as with. MR, VSD, and more commonly heart failure
AS findings
pulsus tardus et parvus, narrowed pulse pressure, incraesed w/ leaning forward, rad to carotid
The only valvular disease not causing LVH
Mitral stenosis
non Palpable
Location (between SCM heads)
< on Inspiration
Countour (double waveform)
Erect position - < lvls
Homan's signs =
For DVT/disc herniation. - knee flexed fast dorsiflexion of ankle produces pain
Buerger's test
elevate leg at 60degree --> pallor if arterial insuff. rubor on dependancy
SS of coarcatation of aorta
1. < femoral pulses
2. radial-femoral delay
3. aortic bruits
4. arm BP>leg BP
hyperthyroidsism SS
termor, aggitation, diarrhea, hair changes, goiter, hyperreflexia, a. fib, wide pulse pressure, exophthalmos, lid lag, periorbital edema. pretibial myxedema.
RESPiratory system hx
* smoking, SOBOE, Sputum productions
*pain, pigeons
*Asthma, atopy, alpha 1 antitrypsin
*cough, CXR
*excersise tolerance, environmental/occpuation exposure
P/E procedure
quiet chest with astham
warning for possible impending respiratory failure as either fatigue or small airway obstrution
cruveilhier's sign
hum over liver indicates increased collateral circulation between portal and systemic circulation
first percussion over liver
like CVA for tenderness
splenic ausculation
friction rub = suggests inflammation on surface ie from splenic infarct
exam for hernias
indirect are lateral of inferior epigastric artery
ausculate mass
cough/ bear down.
liver stigmata
fetor heapticus
change in level of consciouness
spider nevi (blanceable radiating capillary brnches)
parotid gland hypertrophy
virchows node (palpable firm Lt infraclav LN)
hepatomegally, gall baldder or small liver
asterixis, palmar erythema, dupuytrens
superficial abdominal veins
testicular atrophy/loss of pubic hair
caput medusa

dark urine, pale stool
Charcot's triad what is it for and what are its parts?
cholecystitis. Fever, jaundice RUQ pain
Reynold's pentad. what is it for and what are the parts?
ascending cholangitis

altered mental status, hypotention, fever, RUQ pain, jaundice
pendular reflex. what is it and what does it signify?
1. continued swing post tendon stretch
2. cerebellar sign
Optic nerves names
CN I= olfactory
II = optic = acuity, fundal exam, color sat, visual fields, pupil response, relative afferent pupillary defect
III= oculomotor = EOM, nystagmus at extremes of vision is normal
IV = trochlear - if palsy will be unable to see down and in
V =trigeminal = motor (masseter/temporalis), sens, tough. corneal reflex
VI - abducens = if palsy will be unable to see lateral
VII = facial = puff, eye closed, raise forehead. taste in ant 2/3 of tongue
VIII = vestibulocochlear - dix hallpike
IX = glossopharyngeal - "ahh", swallowing, taste on post 1/3 of tongue
X - vagus - with IX + "pataka"
XI = accessory spinal - shrug agaisnt resistance, turn side to side
XII = hypoglossal = tongue ous. look for fasciulations or atrophy
holmes rebound phenom
like pronator drift but push down hand see if over compensates/oscillates
reflex how to rate?
0= none
1+ = diminished
2+ normal
3+ increased
4+ clonus/hyperactive
chaddock sign what is it?
stroek lateral foot, extension of toe w/ famming of other toes =UMN lesion
oppenheim sign what is it?
exert dowward pressure on shin, extension of big to e+ fanning of other toes suggest UMN lesion
UMN lesion ss:
forhead sparing facial paralysis. Horner's with anhidrosis (ptosis, miosis of pupil, +/- conjunctivitis)
incraed motor tone incl rigidity and spacticity,
power is decreased
reflexeds plantar up, decreased sensation, neglect, etc
GCS grading
eye opening: never, with pain, with verbal, spontaneous
verbal: none, incomprehensible, inappropriate, confused but talking, oriented and talking
motor:none, extension (decerebrate), flexion (decorticate), withdraws, localizes to pain, obeys commands
test in unconsiouc person?
cold caloric reflex
corneal reflex
oculocephalic reflex (turn head to side eyes should go opposite)
gag reflex (if intubated)
MSK inspection

Swelling, Erythema, Ecchymosis, Atrophy, Deformity, Skin changes, warmth
power scale (oxford)
0- no power
1- flicker of movment
2 = moves but cna'tovercome gravity
3= moves against gravity
4= moves against gravity and with some resistance
5= normal
spurlings test
pt rotate and laterall flexes neck to affected area. if has radicular pain likely cervical root impingement
lhermittles sigsn
electric like shocks down back when forward flexing
Function of 1. Lumbricals 2. Interossei how to test
1. Flexion at mcp with extended IPs
2. Digit abduction and adduction
CTS is assoc with which conditions?
DM, hypothy, acromegally, gout, pregnancy, obesity
Where to check for enthesitis
chest wall, achilles, plantar fascia, tib tuberosity, patella, iliac crest
Anknspon articular and extra articular involvement
1. Articular - axial skeleton, periph joint, enthesitis. 2. Ocular ( ant uveitis, iridocyclitis) cardiac ( AR, conduction abN, pericarditis, ascending aortitis), resp apical fibrosis - late), renal, neuro
Most common areas of fragility frac
hip, distal wrist, vertebrae
Testing for tenis elbow
forced wrist extension and lateral epicondyle tenderness
Test for golfers elbow
forced wrist flexion and medial epicondyle tenderness
Osteoporosis endo causes
hyperpara, hyperthy, cushings, hypogonadism, acromegaly
Osteoporosis gi test
malabsorbtion, ibd, celiac, pancretic insuff, TPN
Osteoporosis meds causes
steroids, anticonvulsants, immunosup, gnrh antagonist,
acne DDX
acne excoriee,
steroid acne
perioral dermatitisallergy,
bacterial folliculitis
adenoma sebaceum in tuberous clerosis
nikolsky sign
- rub skin is produces blister (+) - present in pemphigus vulgaris, toxic epidermal necrolysis
ddx painful nodule, welling, brusing on shins
vasculitis, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, TB, trauma, SLE assoc panniculitis, pnacreatic panniculitis, necrobiosis lipoidica, lymphoma, alpha1 antitrypsin defin panniculitis, erythema nodosum (may occur post strep) may come w/ arthralgias.
descritpion of SK
warty, brown, stuck on-appearance
description of AK
flat, rough, scaly w/ ill-defined borders
skin lesions one risk factor to remember
ask re: immune suppression. increased risk of cancers!!!
psoriasis exam
palms, soles, scalp, anogenital area, nails (pitting, onycholysis, oil drop sign.
sausage digits
auspitz sign - micro bleeding spots seen when scales srapped
joint exam
look at insertion sof tendons for enthesitis

makes sure no widespread pustues or erythroderma - both are med emergencies can be fatal.
ddx hirtuism
1 cushings,
2. androgen secreting tumors
4. CAH
5. acromegaly
6. drugs
fundoscopy cup to disc ratio
normal cup to disc ratio is <0.4
? to ask re breast cancer
1. constitnutaional ss
2. fam hx
3. pain, discharge, lump, change w menstrual cycle
4. eczema / rash
5. age of menarche, menopause, parity, radiation esplosrue
6. prev mammograms
7. hx ofn lynch ii = endometrail , colon, ovarian + breast ca
8. soc hx
screening for alcohol 4 questions/

ever tried to cut down amount?
annoyed at people criticizing drinking?
guilty about drinking?
need eye-opener?
mneumonic for suicide risk. SAD PERSONS
Sex: male
Age < 19 >45
Previous attempts
Rational thinking loss
Separated, divorced, widowed
Organized plan
No social support
Stated future intent
SS of mania
D = Distractibility and easy frustration
I = Irresponsibility and erratic uninhibited behavior
G = Grandiosity

F = Flight of ideas
A = Activity increased with weight loss and increased libido
S = Sleep is decreased
T = Talkativeness
myosis means
constricted pupil
midriasis means?
dilated pupil
anisocoria means?
pupils separated by >1mm
normal visual acuity in children
20/40 in age 3
20/20 in age 6
Rashes on palms DDX
erythema multiforme
rocky mountain spotted fever
drug eruption
secondary syphilis
hand foot and mouth
Dx of SJS or TEN (toxic epidermal necrolysis)
fever >39, blisters on dusky macules, involvmend of mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, genitals)

SJS<10%, TEN >30%
SJS / TEN tmt
fluids +++ treat like burn, stop cause, +/- IVIG
Lyme disease BAKE symptoms
bell's palsy
Kardiac blocks
Erythema migrans
tick bite >24 hrs
key features of Parkinsons
Postural instability
RESting tremor DDX
idiopathic parkinsons disease, parkinsonism, Wilson's disease
criteria for restless leg syndrome
All 4:
1. urge to move legs with dysesthesia
2. onset or exacerbation with rest
3. relief with movement
4. circadian pattern
consider CBC r/o anemia
RLS ddx
nocturnal leg cramps
periphral neuropathy
varicose veins
intermittent claudication
periodic limb movement of sleep
pesitional discomfort
leg pain from arthritis
nervous shaking
RLS tmt
lifestyle = avoid caffeine, ETOH, chocolate, smoking/nicotine, good sleep hygiene, stretching/exercise
treat underlying causes
meds - pramipexole (DA receptor agonist), anti-epileptics, DA precursons (levodopa), benzo, opioids
RLS causes
1. DM
2. iron def
3. pregnancy
4. < MG
6. RX (Li, SSRI, TCA, antipsych, CCB, antinausea - domperidone, ondansetron)