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20 Cards in this Set

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What is palmar erythema?
Palmar erythema is reddening of the palms at the thenar and hypothenar eminences.
what is pseudohypoparathyroidism?
4th and 5th fingers shorter than normal due to shortening of metacarpals. When making fist, 4th and 5th knuckles cannot be seen.
what is arachnodactaly?
long fingers. There are two ways to detecting it: wrapping pinky and thumb around wrist and if they overlap significantly, one may have it. Also, check to see if thumb is sticking out when a fist is made with the thumb inside.
What signs are used to detect clubbing?
1. Lovibond's angle is greater than 190 degrees.
2. when putting the index fingers together back to back, you cannot see the diamond called "shamroth's sign"
What is Mees' nail?
white bands that move distally during nail growth. Has to do with any shock to the system.
What are beau's lines?
Actual ridges on the fingernail. More serious than mees' nail.
what is nail pitting and what can it result from?
growth disturbance of nail plate that can result from psoriasis. Pitting can develop also from trauma to the nail plate.
what is Lyndsay's nail? what conditions can it indicate?
half and half nail where proximal portion of the nail bed is white and distal portion is red/pink/brown. Can happen in patients with renal failure!
what is terry's nail? what can it indicate?
proximal 3/4 is pale and distal 1/4 is pink/red.
It can indicate chronic hepatic cirrhosis.
what are muehrcke's lines and what can they indicate?
paried, white, parallel bands against a normal pink background. They do not move distally with nail growth. They can indicate Hypoalbunemia.
what is leukonychia punctata?
white spots on the nail plate occur from minor injury/manipulation.
what is onychorrhexis?
longitudinal ridging of nails. happens in old people.
what is onycholysis? what can it indicate?
separation of nail plate from nail bed at distal/lateral areas. can indidate hyperthyroidism, etc.
what is koilonychia?
Also known as spoon nails, the normal convexity of nails is replaced by concavity. this occurs with hyperchromic anemia and iron deficiency.
what is yellow nail syndrome? what can it indicate?
thickened yellow nails associated with presence of exudative pleural effusion. check lungs to exclude underlying lung carcinoma! yellow nails also seen with lymphatic obstruction.
what is onychomycosis? what can it indicate?
nail infections caused by any fungus. it is rare for all nails to be involved. normally considered cosmetic, but some have associated pain.
What are splinter hemorrhages?
Linear red hemorrhages that run longitudinally in the nail bed. Common in those those engage in manual labor. Also occur in patients with infectious endocarditis.
What is paronychia?
inflammation of the paronychium. bacteria can invade between nail fold and nail plate. Redness, swelling and tenderness.
What are ingrown nails?
The nail pierces the lateral nail fold and grows into the dermis. Caused either by poor fitting shoes or excessive trimming of nail plate.
What is a subuncgual hematoma?
Bleeding under the nail plate. severe pain. Can pierce the nail plate to release blood and relieve pressure.