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194 Cards in this Set

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The central nervous system includes these two organs...
The Brain and Spinal Cord
come on now this is easy
There are two types of matter in the CNS; white and gray. Gray matter is made of and white matter is .
1. Nerve cell bodies
2. Myelinated axons
Nerve tracts are to the CNS, as
are to the PNS.
A nerve tract is a
group of nerve fibers within the CNS with a common origin and destination.
A nerve is a group of nerve fibers in the ( ) with a common origin and destination.
Ganglion is to the PNS, as Nucleus is to ( ).
Remember that you can crush nerves ganglionic cysts on your wrist with a phonebook, but you would never want to crush a nucleus in the CNS.
Who many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the human body?

Spinal Nerves?
12 pairs of cranial nerves

31 pairs of spinal nerves

43 pairs total
What is the autonomic nervous system?
The autonomic nervous system is a group of specific structures in the CNS and PNS. They are divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic
The Autonomic Nervous System controls functions that occurs
The somatic nervous system controls the
skeletal muscles with are under voluntary control.
The nervous system orients the body to the
internal and external environments.
Cerebral Palsy is pathology of the brain causing
paralysis, lack of coordination and other dysfunctions of the motor and sensory mechanisms.
Coma can be caused by a number of causes and is characterized by varying degrees of
When a neurological exam is conducted following trauma to the CNS these five categories are addresses...
Reflexes (pupil dilation)
Sensory (pinching ankle)
Motor (wiggle your toes)
Cranial nerves (smell)
Mental status (where do you live?)
Paraplegia is paralysis of both legs following damage or disease of the
spinal cord

Quadriplegia is paralysis of both arms and legs.
The three main components of the neuron are
cell body
What is a Nissl body?
layered rough ER
A neuron cell body contains the
nissl bodies
neurofibrils(strands of protein)
and other organelles
dendrites are cyctoplasmic extensions which
receive stimuli and conduct impulses to the cell body
The may extend laterally from an axon
Short Axon Collaterals
In the PNS these cells myelinate the axon
Schwann cells
schwann frozen foods are not central
Oligodendrocytes in the CNS are responsible
for myelinating the axons. (nerve tracts)
Rodes of Ranvier
segments in myelin sheath
Axon terminates at the
presynaptic terminals. Which look like roots of a tree.
Neurons are classified into three different groups based on impulse conduction, number of processes and area of enervation.
3 types of classification of neurons
Impulse Conduction can be
1.Sensory- to CNS
2.Interneurons- between sensory and motor
3. Motor- away from CNS
Number of Neuron Processes:
1. Unipolar- single process that branches into axon and dendrite
2. Bipolar- axon and dendritic processes
3. Multi- one axon multi dend.
Area of Enervation
1. Somatic afferent
2. Somatic efferent
3. Visceral Afferent
4. Visceral Efferent
Resting Membrane Potential
difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of cell membrane
Resting Membrane Potential is due to
an imbalance of charged particles, there are more cations outside and more anions inside the cell (polarized)
What does the sodium-potassium pump do?
Transports Na+ outside the cell and K+ into the cell
Two K+ in for every three Na+ out
Is the cell membrane more permeable to Na+ or K+?
The cell membrane is more permeable to K+ ions than Na+ during rest
What is the voltage inside of a neuron?
Sixty-five to 85 mv
Nerve and muscle cells have the ability to in response to appropriate stimuli.
Nerve and muscle cells have the ability to alter their resting membrance potential in response to appropriate stimuli
The neurological code
is constituted by the frequency and pattern of action potentials as well as the destination of the impulses.
During the action potential the inside of the neuron becomes
How fast do action potentials occur?
2msec or 1000 per second
In response to an action potential the membrane becomes more permeable to what ion?
Sodium, sodium channels open at the site of stimulation
As sodium ions move inwards the inside of the membrane becomes
less negative
Threshold level or generator potential must be crossed in order to trigger an action potential, what is that voltage?
What is reverse polarization?
Sodium ions continue to move inward after depolarization and the inside of the membrane becomes positive relative to the outside
Reverse polarization acts as a
stimulus to the adjacent regions and decreased permeablity of sodium channeld and increased voltage gated potassium channels are opened
Repolazation occurs as a result of K+ ions moving in making the
outside of the cell positive once again
Absolute refractory period
During the interval from the onset of an action potential until repolar is 1/3 complete a secaond impulse can not take place because channels stil open
Relative Refractory Period
Only a very strong stimulus can depolarize the membrane and produce an action potential because the cell is hyperpolarized.
Sodium Channel Structure
The Na+ channel is formed by a single, long polypeptide.
The pores of the sodium channel
twist open and strip most of their associated water molecules.
Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
japanese puffer fish ovaries
binds to and physically BLOCKS the Na+ pores
Red Tide
Blocks Na+ pores
Columbian frogs
Na+ channels stay OPEN altering action potentials
(veratridine/lilies and aconitine/buttercups also)
Delayer Rectifier
Movement of K+ during repolarization
Orthodromic Conduction
Natural in one direction
Backward Propagation
Antidromic Conduction
Continuous Conduction
In an unmyelinated neuron the impulse travels along the entire membrane surface
Nodes of Ranvier
Interuptions in the myelin sheath from which action potentials leap ffrom node to node
Saltatory Conduction
With nodes, up to 100m/sec or 225 mile and hour
Saltatory conduction
conserves energy because the Na+ and K+ pumps only have to re-establish concentration differences at the Nodes of Ravier
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
maybe an autoimmune disease in which the bodies natural defenses attack the myelin in CNS
First Symptom of MS
disturbances in vision
more common in cold zones
Treatment of MS
physical therapy
Tay-Sachs disease
inherited disease in which myelin sheaths are destroyed because of excessinve accumulation of lipids withine membrane layers
Local Anesthesia
physically blocks the sodium channels and action potential in neurons, Cocaine and Lidocaine
smaller axons affected first, pain neurons are small:)
Axon Terminal
Small rounded or oval knobs which contain synaptic vesicles filled with neurotransmitters
Synaptic Cleft
Microscopic space between neurons
Postsynaptic Membrane
cell membrane which receptors for neurotransmitter
Calciums role in synapse
Calcium enters the presynaptic neuron causing the release of the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft
Two common neurotransmitters
ACH- Acetyl Choline
ACh and Norepi are broken down by
cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase
Three Characteristics of a Synapse
3.One-way conduction
Drugs influence synaptic transmission by
1. Synthesis of Neurotrans
2. Release of NT
3. Binding
4. Destruction
lack of NT dopamine
Myasthenia Gravis
block of NT ACH receptors
inhibits Ach release
Synaptic Excitation
NT that increase the postsynaptic membrane to Na+ ions (EPSP)hypopolarized
Spatial Summation
several presynaptic neurons to single post
Temporal Summation
Rapid successive discharge of NT from same presynaptic membrane
Synaptic Inhibition (IPSP)
Hyperpolarization, increase in postsynaptic membranes perm. to chloride and potassium.
Glycine is NT involved.
Six Classes of Neurotransmitters
2.Amino Acids
At least four amino acids function as Neurotransmitters the most common two are
1. GABA- inhibitory
2. Glycine- Mainly inhibitory
Five Neurotransmitters derived from a single amino acid
4. Serotonin
5. Histamine
Polypeptide NT's are related to pain, the two most important ones are
Substance P
Endorphins and Enkephalins
Purines includes two substances based ATP and AMP
adenosine tri/monophosphate
Common Gaseous NT
Nitric Oxide
has a half-life of only 2-30sec and is difficult to study
Largest part of brain 80% mass
Longitudinal fissure
central fissure
lateral fissure
Corpus Callosum
connects the two hemispheres, made of 300 million neural axons
Frontal Lobe
motor area, elaborate thought, speaking ability
Parietal Lobe
sensory area
somesthetic (body feeling-touch, pressure, heat, cold, pain)
proprioception (body positions)
Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
visual lobe
Functions of the Cerebrum
1. all conscious functions
2. interpretations of sensations
3. Understanding Language
4. Intelligence, memory and emotional feeling
Cerebral Cortex
outer portion of cerebrum, six layers of neurons
sensory area

motor area
recognition of pain, temp. touch, pleasant, unpleasant, all complex reflex movements, relay for all sensory except for smell (input-thalamus-sensory cortex)
controls pituitary
hormones (thyroid/growth/
water balance
appetite body temp
control muscle action (planning and execution of voluntary movement)
postural reflexes
Medulla Oblongata
heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, vomit, coughing and hiccuping
Reticular Formation includes these three things
1. Medulla
2. Pons
3. Midbrain
center for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th cranial nerves
center for 3rd and 4th cranial nerves
Brain Stem (pons, medulla, midbrain)
reticular formation which contains the reticular activating center.
Reticular Activating Center
controls the overall degree of alertness, wakefulness and sleep.
General Anesthesia
suppresses the neurons in the R.A.C. and damage to these neurons may lead to a coma
Major nerve of the parasympathetic system
Vagus (80% of all parasymp nerves are in the vagus nerves)
Dorsal Root Ganglion
where nerve cell bodies clump (PNS)


motor (no ganglion)
Movement of Eyeball
III Oculomotor
IV Trochlear

VI Abducens
Olfactory Nerve
smell mucosa in nose
Cranial Nerve Two
Cranial Nerve Four
sensation from face, teeth and tongue
movement of jaw, chewing muscles
Facial nerve
Number 7
Movement of facial muscles, saliva and tears
sensation from front taste buds
lucky to have a pretty face
Number 8
hearing, balance and posture
Number Nine-
Taste buds in back,
swallowing and secretion of saliva
Number 10- Vagus Baby!
visceral sensations
visceral muscle movement
Eleven XI- Accessory
swallowing, head and neck movements
speech and swallowing
The spinal cord has a grey H at the center made of

the white part is
neuron cell bodies, the central canal is filled with CSF

myelinated axona
posterior, lateral, and anterior Funiculi
are where nerve tracks are located
Ascending Tracts

Descending Tracts
to CNS

away from CNS
Two main ascending tracts
Anterior Spinothalamic
Lateral Spinothalamic
Two main Descending Tracts
Anterior Costicospinal
Lateral Corticospinal
Anterior Spinothalamic Tract
Conducts sensory impulses for crude touch and pressure
Lateral Spinothalmaic
Conducts pain and temp. impulses
Descending Anterior Corticospinal Tract
Conducts motor impulses from the cerebrum to spinal nerves and outward through anterior horns for coordination of movements
Descending Lateral Corticospinal Tract
Conducts motor impulses from the cerebrum to spinal nerves through the anterior horns for coordination of movements
Reflex Arc
2.Sensory Neuron transmits
3.Interneuron- in brain or cord
4.motor neuron
5.effector- muscle or gland
Alpha waves
(8-12 waves/sec)
parietal and occipital lobes
awake and relaxed
eyes closed
up body temp and blood sugar
Beta Waves
(13-25 waves/minute)
frontal lobe
thinking or visually orienting
Theta Waves
(5-8) temporal and occipital lobes
newborns, severe emotional stress
Delta Waves
(1-5) cerebrum
common in infants and sleeping adults
may indicate abnormal in adults who are awake
Brain Death
1. Unresponsiveness
2. No respiration
3. No reflexes
4. Flat EEG for ten minutes
Blood Brain Barrier
made from astrocytes (glia cells)
Tight junctions
develops early in life
CSF is produced by
active transport and ultrafiltration from materials within the blood at specialized capillaries called choroid plexuses
Choroid Plexuses
along the roofs of the ventricles of the brain where CSF is produced
Normal Fluid Pressure of CSF is
10mmHG, way less than blood
Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid
lateral ventricles-foramen
Third Ventricle- Cerebral aqueduct
Fourth Ventricle
Subarachnoid space-reapsorption
Functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid
1.Cushions the brain
2. Allows for exchange of nutrients and wastes
3. Buoys the brain (50g vs 1500g)
Accumulation of CSF caused by excessive production or blocked flow of CSF. Causes bones to thin and cerebral cortex to atrophy
Lumbar Puncture
Used to look for infection
To see if a stroke is from bleeding or a clot, RBC indicate hemorrage
Acute Hydrocephalus

Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus
occurs after head injury

volume increase but pressure may not

Obstruction of CSF flow between ventricles

Impaired absorption or increased secretion (tumor in choroid plexus)
When relaxed brain waves are
Non-REM sleep is
5% Theta
50% Spindles
20% Delta
Non-REM Sleep is
slow, deep, regular respiration
decreased H.R. and B.P.
Cerebral Blood Flow, Brain Temp.
Few eye movements
Large Waves
REM Sleep
active sleep
d state
Decreased muscle tone- except mastication muscles
Autonomic Nervous System
Effector Organs
1. Cardiac Muscle
2. Smooth Muscle
3. Visceral Organs and Glands
Division of Autonomic Nervous System
1. sympathetic division
2. parasympathetic division
Homeostasis- Role of ANS
Impulses from one division activate the effector organs, while impulses from the other division inhibits them.
Sympathetic Division
prepares the body for intense physical activity through adrenergic effects
Neurotransmitter in Sympathetic
Norepinephrine (adrenaline)
Neurotransmitter in ParaSympathetic
The anatomical origin in

thoracic and lumbar regions

cranial and sacral regions
(longer preganglionic neurons)
Exceptions in the Sympathetic Nervous System that do not use Norepinephrine (ACH)
1. Sweat Glands
2. Smooth muscle in blood vessels going to skeletal muscles
3. The adrenal Medulla (+ fedbk)
Exception to the ACh rule for Parasympathetic
None always acetylcholine
Similarities between the two division of the ANS
1. Pre-gang myelinated, post non
2. Efferent outflow divided into pre- and post- ganglionic neurons
3. Pre-gang ACH
touch, deep pressure, hearing, equilibrium, arterial pressure
changes in temp. some cold some warmth.
pain receptors which detect damage in the tissues, whether it is physical or chemical damage.
Electromagnetic or Photoreceptors
detect light on the retina of the eye
taste, smell, oxygen/co2 levels in blood
tonic receptors
do not adapt or adapt slowly
muscle stretch receptors
phasic receptors
adapt rapidly, respond to off set
three types of pain
1.Cutaneous- surface of the body
2.Deep Pain
3. Visceral Pain
Cutaneous Pain
localized on the surface
prickling, sharp, burning
fast pain, A-delta myelinated
Deep Pain
From muscles, tendons and joints
Visceral Pain
poorly localized
dull, aching, nauseous, throbbing
beta neurons, unmyelinated and slow
Four substances released from Damaged Cells
Substance P
a special group of fatty acid derivatives that are cleaved from the lipid bilayers of plasma membranes
activated by enzymes released from damaged cells
Substance P
pain neurotransmitter
pain neurotransmitter
Analgesic System
The CNS contains a neuronal system the suppresses pain. Response to exercise, stress endorphins and enkephalines are released. Block substance P
Chronic Pain
damage within the pain pathways, or neuropathic pain.
Aspirin, Tylenol(acetaminophen), Ibuprofen (advil)
diminish pain by inhibiting prostaglandin production and release.
Opiate Drugs
act directly on pain centers in the brain
Referred Pain
1. Embryonic Origin of the organ
2. Cross over of first order neurons w/ second order neurons in the spinal cord
sudden uncontrolled discharge of activity by the neurons in the brain (seizure)
1.Great loss of neurons in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex
2.Plaques of abnormal proteins
3. Tangled protein filaments with neurons
Organs that recieve only sympathetic innervation
adrenal medulla
arrector pili muscles
sweat glands
and many blood vessels
There are two types of Cholinergic Receptors
Nicotinic Receptors
Muscarinic Receptors
Nicotinic Receptos are
located at the ganglia in both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
Muscarinic Receptors
are located on all effector organs innervated by postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division.
All preganglionic autonomic neurons and all postganglionic parasympathetic neurons are
Cholinergic. The effect is excitatory, with exceptions of parasymp. in the heart which cause it to slow.
Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
Atropine, treat parkinsons, dilate pupils, control motion sickness, treat peptic ulcers and hypermobility of intestines
Muscarinic Receptor Stimulates
Acetylcholine, carbachol, metacholine, bethanechole: stimulate intestines
no poo, no leaving hosptial
Alpha and Beta Receptors
are adrenergic Recepotors in the Sympathetic Nervous system only
Andrenergic receptors are

Regulated by?
membrane receptors proteins located on autonomic effector organs
Alpha receptors are located on
Smooth muscles, stimulate vasocontriction, uterine contraction, dilation of pupil, intestinal sphincter contraction and pilomotor contraction
Beta One
Cardiac Muscle, stim increase in heart rate and force of contraction
Equal NE=EPI
Beta two
Smooth Muscle, inhibition of smooth muscle

a synthetic catecholamine that stimulates mainly beta 2 receptors stronger than alpha 1 receptors
Alpha Receptor Stimulators
cause vasocontriction and are used as decongestants
Alpha REceptor Blockers
are used to lower high blood pressure
Beta Receptor Stimulates
are used to stim heart and cause bronchodilation
Beta Blockers
are used to slow the heart