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276 Cards in this Set

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What are the following landmarks used for?
2nd ICS
4th ICS
Needle insertion for tension pneumothorax

Chest tube Insertion

Lower margin of endotracheal tube on chest xray

Pain/ Discomfort in the myocardium is caused by
Angina pectoris, MI
Pain/ Discomfort in the pericardium is caused by
Pain/ Discomfort in the aorta is caused by
Dissecting aortic aneurysm
Pain/ Discomfort in the trachea and large bronchi is caused by
Pain/ Discomfort in the parietal pleura is caused by
Pericarditis, pneumonia
Pain/ Discomfort in the chest wall: musculoskeletal system & skin is caused by
Costochondritis, herpes zoster
Pain/ Discomfort in the esophagus is caused by
Reflux esophagitis, esophageal spasm
Pain/ Discomfort in the extrathoracic structures such as the neck, gall bladder, and stomach is caused by
Cervical arthritis, biliary colic gastritis
A clenched fist over the sternum suggests
angina pectoris
A finger pointing to a tender area on the chest wall suggests
musculoskeletal pain
A hand moving from the neck to epigastrum suggests
What is the most frequent cause of chest pain in children? Second most?
Anxiety, costochondritis
Anxious patients may have these symptoms
Episodic dyspnea during both rest and exercise, hyperventilation, and they may sigh frequently
Wheezing suggests...
partial airway obstruction from secretions, tissue inflammation, or a foreign body
A cough can be a symptom of what type of heart failure?
Left sided heart failure
Acute cough is most commonly caused by?
Viral upper respiratory infections
What are other causes of an acute cough?
acute bronchitis, pneumonia, L ventricular heart failure, asthma, and foreign bodies.
What are common causes of subacute coughs?
Postinfectious cough, bacterial sinusitis, and asthma
What are the causes of a chronic cough?
postnasal drip, asthma, GERD, chronic bronchitis, and bronchiectasis
What are the characteristics of mucoid sputum?
Translucent, white, or gray
What are the characteristics of purulent sputum?
Yellowish or greenish
Anaerobic lung abscesses produce what kind of sputum?
Foul smelling sputum
Cystic Fibrosis produces what kind of sputum?
Tenacious sputum
What are some diagnostically helpful symptoms when diagnosing the cause of a cough?
Fever, chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea, and wheezing
Blood originating in the stomach is usually _____ than blood from the tract and may be mixed with ____
Darker, food particles
Cyanosis signals what?
Clubbing of the nails is seen in...
lung abscesses, malignancy, and congenital heart failure
Audible stridor, a high-pitched wheeze, is an ominous sign of what?
An airway obstruction in the larynx or trachea
Inspiratory contraction of the sternomastoids and scalenes at rest signal what?
Difficulty breathing
Lateral displacement of the trachea is found in what?
Pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and atelectasis
The anteriorposterior diameter may increase with what disease?
Retraction of the interspaces during inspiration is seen in?
Severe asthma, COPD, or upper airway obstruction
Unilateral impairment or lagging of respiratory movement suggests?
Disease of the underlying lung or pleura
Although rare, sinus tracts usually indicate what?
Infection of the underlying pleura and lung (as in TB and actinomycosis)
Causes of unilateral decrease or delay in chest expansion include...
Cystic Fibrosis of the underlying lung or pleura, pleural effusion, lobar pneumonia, pleural pain with associated splinting, and unilateral bronchial obstruction
What are some causes of decreased fremitus?
Very thick chest wall, obstructed bronchus, COPD, pleural effusion, pleural thickening (fibrosis), pneumothorax, or an infiltrating tumor
Look for asymmetric decreased fremitus in what?
Unilateral pleural effusion, pneumothorax, and neoplasm from decreased transmission of low frequency sounds
Look for asymmetric infreased fremitus in what?
unilateral pneumonia from increased transmission
Dullness replaces resonance when...
fluid or solid tissue replaces air-containing lung or occupies the pleural space beneath your percussing fingers
Causes of dullness on percussion are
lobar pneumonia, pleural effusion, hemothorax, empyema, fibrous tissue, or tumors
Generalized hyperresonance may be heard over the hyperinflated lungs of what diseases?
COPD or asthma, but it isn't a reliable sign
Unilateral hyperresonance suggests
A large pneumothorax or possibly a large air-filled bulla in the lung
What sounds may cause confusion when auscultating?
Bedclothes, paper gowns, the chest itself, hair on chest, muscle contraction when the patient is tense. You may eliminate these by changing a patient's position or pressing down harder
Breath sounds may be decreased when...
Air flow is decreased or when transmission of sound is poor
If bronchovesicular or bronchial breath sounds are heard in locations distant from normal then suspect...
That air filled lung has been replaced by fluid filled or solid lung tissue
A silent gap between inspiratory and expiratory breath sounds suggests
Bronchial breath sounds
Crackles may be from abnormalities of the lungs/ airways such as
pneumonia, fibrosis, early CHF, bronchitis, and bronchiectasis
Wheezes suggest narrowed airways as in
asthma, COPD, or bronchitis
Rhonchi suggest what?
Secretions in large airways
Clearing of crackles, wheezes, or rhonchi after coughing or position change suggest...
inspissated secretions as in bronchitis or atelectasis
Findings predictive of COPD are:
wheezing, history of smoking, age, and decreased breath sounds. Dx on spirometry
Increased transmission of voice sounds suggests...
air filled lung has become airless
Louder clearer voice sounds are called...
An E to A change (egophony) is found in
Lobar consolidation from pneumonia, the quality sounds nasal
Louder, clearer whispered sounds are called...
whispered pectoriloquy
Persons with ____ prefer to sit leaning forward, with lips pursed during exhalation and arms supported on their knees or a table
Tender pectoral muscles or costal cartilages corroborate but do not prove that chest pain has a _____ origin
Why can only a very large effusion be detected anteriorly on a person's chest?
Because pleural fluid usually sinks to the lowest part of a pleural space
The hyperresonance of COPD may totally replace ____ dullness
Where does the dullness of right middle lobe pneumonia usually occur?
Behind the right breast, unless you displace the breast you may miss the abnormal percussion note.
A lung affected by COPD often displaces what organs?
displaces the upper border of the liver downward and lowers the level of the diaphragmatic dullness posteriorly
Non-disabled older adults taking 5.6 seconds or longer to walk 8ft are______ than those taking 3.1sec or fewer
More likely to be disabled.

(Early intervention may prevent onset of subsequent disability)
Patients older than 60yrs with a forced expiratory time of 6-8sec are ____ as likely to have_____
An increase in the local pain distant from your hands suggests ____ rather than just_____
rib fracture, soft tissue injury
Articular disease typically involves...
swelling and tenderness of the entire jt and limits both active and passive range of motion
Extra-articular disease typically involves
Selected regions of the jt and types of movements
Approximately___% of patients have idiopathic lower back pain
For midline pain you should asses this potential causes
musculoligamentous injury, disc herniation, vertebral collapse, spinal cord metastases, or rarely epidural abscess
For pain off of the midline assess for these potential causes
sacroiliitis, trochanteric bursitis, sciatica, or hip arthritis
Symptoms of sciatica include
Radicular gluteal and posterior leg pain in the S1 distribution that increases with cough or valsalva
Symptoms of spinal stenosis include
Leg pain that resolves with rest and or lumbar forward flexion
Consider cauda equina syndrome from S2-4 midline disc or tumor if...
bowel or bladder dysfunction is present
In cases of low back pain plus a red flag, there is a ___% probability of serious _____ disease
10, systemic
Radicular pain from spinal nerve compression is commonly....
C7 followed by C6, usually it is from foraminal impingement from degenerative jt changes rather than disc herniation
Pain in one jt suggests....
trauma, monoarticular arthritis, possible tendinitis or bursitis
Lateral hip pain near the greater trochanter suggests
Trochanteric bursitis
Migratory pattern of spread is seen in what diseases?
Rheumatic fever or gonococcal arthritis
Progressive additive pattern with symmetric involvement is seen in?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Extra-articular pain is seen in...
bursitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, and sprains from stretching or tearing of ligs
Severe pain of rapid onset in a red swollen joint is seen in what?
Acute septic arthritis or gout, in children consider osteomyelitis in a bone contiguous to a jt
Fever, chills, warmth, and redness are symptoms of...
septic arthritis, also consider gout or rheumatic fever
Pain, swelling, loss of active and passive motion, locking, and deformity are seen in what?
articular jt pain
Loss of active but not passive motion, tenderness outside the jt, absence of deformity are all seen in?
nonarticular pain
Stiffness and limited motion after inacivity (gelling) lasting only a few minutes is seen in?
degenerative jt disease
Stiffness lasting 30 min or more is indicative of...
Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides. Stiffness is also seen in fibromyalgia and PMR
Generalized symptoms are common in...
Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, PMR, and other inflammatory arthritides
Butterfly rash seen in
A scaly rash and pitted nails are seen in
psoriatic arthritis
A few papules, pustules, or vesicles on reddened bases, located on the distal extremities are seen in
Gonococcal arthritis
An expanding erythematous patch early in an illness is seen in
Lyme disease
Hives indicate
a drug reaction or serum sickness
Erosions or scale on the penis and cruste, scaling papules on the soles and palms are seen in
Reiter's syndrome, which also includes arthritis, urethritis, and uveitis
Maculopapular rash is characteristic of
Clubbing of the fingernails is seen in
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Red, burning, and itchy eyes are seen in
Reiter's syndrome, Behcet's syndrome
A preceding sore throat is seen in
Acute rheumatic fever or gonococcal arthritis
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping are seen in
arthritis with ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, scleroderma
Symptoms of urethritis seen in
Reiters syndrome or possibly gonococcal arthritis
Mental status change, facial or other weakness, stiff neck are all seen in
Lyme disease with CNS involvement
Acute involvement of only 1 jt suggests...
trauma, septic arthitis, gout
What typically involves several jts and is symmetrically distributed?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Bowlegs or knock knees are seen in?
Dupuytren's contracture
Subcutaneous nodules are found in...
rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis
Crepitus over inflamed jts is found in...
osteoarthritis, inflamed tendon sheaths
Ligamentous laxity of the ACL is seen in
Knee trauma
Inflammation of tissues around a jt, fibrosis in or around a jt or bony fixation as well as decreased ROM are symptoms of
Muscle atrophy or weakness is characteristic of
Rheumatoid arthritis
Palpable bogginess or doughiness of the synovial membrane indicates what?
Synovitis, which is often accompanied by effusion
Palpable jt fluid in effusion, tenderness over tendon sheaths are both seen in
Tenderness and warmth over a thickened synovium suggest what?
Arthritis or infection
Redness over a tender jt suggests?
Septic or gouty arthritis, or possibly rheumatoid arthritis
What are some symptoms associated with TMJ syndrome?
Facial asymmetry, unilateral chronic pain with chewing, jaw clenching, or teeth grinding, often associated with stress, may also present as a headache
Pain with chewing is seen in what diseases other than TMJ?
Trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis
What could cause dislocation of the TMJ jt?
Trauma which leads to palpable crepitus or clicking in poor occlusion, meniscus injury, or synovial swelling
Elevation of one shoulder is characteristic of what?
The round lateral aspect of the shoulder appears flattened in what?
Anterior dislocation of the shoulder
Atrophy of supraspinatus and infraspinatus over posterior scapula with increased prominence of scapular spine occurs within 2-3 weeks of what injury?
Rotator cuff tear
What must occur before the jt capsule appears distended?
A significant amount of synovial fluid must accumulate
Subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis, degenerative changes, or calcific deposits in the rotator cuff cause what symptom?
Localized tenderness
What suggests a bursal tear that communicates with the articular cavity?
Tenderness over the SITS muscle insertions and inability to lift the arm above shoulder level are seen in what?
sprains, tears, and tendon rupture of the rotator cuff, most commonly the supraspinatus
Tenderness and effusion of the shoulder suggest____? What suggests a moderate to large effusion?
Synovitis of the glenohumeral jt; if the margins of the capsule and synovial membrane are palpable
Restricted ROM of the shoulder is seen in?
bursitis, capsulitis, rotator cuff tears, or sprains, and tendinitis
Age 60yrs or older and a positive drop arm test is most likely to identify what?
Rotator cuff tear with likelihood ratios of 3.2 and 5.0; Supraspinatus & infraspinatus weakness and a positive impingement sign increase this likelihood to 48.0
Localized tenderness or pain with adduction of the shoulder suggests what?
Inflammation or arthritis of the acromioclavicular jt
Difficulty with both internal and external rotation of the shoulder suggest?
Rotator cuff disorder
Pain during Neer's and Hawkin's impingement sign test (positive result) of the shoulder, a positive drop arm test, as well as weakness during supraspinatus strength test indicates?
A possible rotator cuff tear
Weakness during an infraspinatus strength test indicates?
Rotator cuff tear or bicipital tendinitis
Pain during forearm supination indicates?
Inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon and possible rotator cuff tear
Swelling over the olecranon indicates?
Olecranon bursitis
Tenderness distal to the epicondyle of the elbow indicates?
Lateral epicondylitis and less commonly in medial epicondylitis
The olecranon is displaced posteriorly in what?
Posterior dislocation of the elbow and supracondylar fracture
Full elbow extension would not be possible in what conditions?
intra-articular effusion or hemarthrosis
Guarded movement suggests what?
Poor finger alignment is seen in what?
Flexor tendon damage
Diffuse swelling of the hands is seen in?
Arthritis or infection
Local swelling of the hands is seen in?
Cystic Ganglion
Heberden's nodes at the DIPs and Bouchard's nodes that the PIPs are seen in?
Symmetric deformity in the PIP, MCP, and wrist jts as well as ulnar deviation is seen in
Rheumatoid arthritis
Thenar atrophy in median nerve compression is from?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hypothenar atrophy is seen in?
Ulnar nerve compression
Flexion contractures in the ring, 5th, and 3rd, fingers (Dupuytren's contractures) arise from?
Thickening of the palmar fascia
Tenderness over the distal radius is seen in what? Any tenderness or bony step offs are also suspicious for this.
Colles' Fracture
Bilateral swelling/ tenderness of several weeks duration suggests?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Tenderness over the extensor and abductor tendons of the thumb at the radial styloid is seen in?
de Quervain's tenosynovitis and gonococcal tenosynovitis
Tenderness over the snuffbox is seen in what? This is also the most common injury of the carpal bones.
Scaphoid fracture
Poor blood supply puts the scaphoid bone at risk for what?
Avascular necrosis
Pressure of the MCPs is painful in this...remember this when shaking hands.
Synovitis of the MCPs and possibly posttraumatic arthritis
The MCPs are often boggy or tender in what?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Pain at the base of the thumb indicates?
Carpometacarpal arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis involves what jt?
DIP jt
Conditions that impair wrist ROM include...
arthritis, tenosynovitis, Dupuytren's contracture
Onset of carpal tunnel syndrome is often related to...
Repetitive motion with the wrists flexed, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Thenar atrophy may also be present
Decreased grip strength is a positive test for?
Weakness of the finger flexors and or intrinsic muscles of the hand as in: arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis, and cervical radiculopathy
Wrist pain and grip weakness as well as pain during the finkelstein's test is seen in?
deQuervain's tenosynovitis from inflammation of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons and tendon sheaths
Weak thumb abduction, hand symptom diagrams, and decreased sensation double the likelihood of what disease?
Carpal tunnel disease
The abductor pollicis longus is innervated only by what nerve?
Median nerve
What is a positive Tinel's Sign nest?
Aching and numbness in the median nerve distribution
What is a positive Phalen's Sign test?
Numbness and tingling in the median nerve distribution within 60sec.
Tinels and Phalen's signs do not reliably predict positive electrodiagnosis of what disease?
Carpal tunnel disease
Impaired hand movement is seen in?
Arthritis, trigger finger, and Dupuytren's contracture
Neck stiffness signals what?
Arthritis, muscle strain, or other underlying pathology
Lateral deviation and rotation of the head suggest...
Torticollis from contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Tenderness at the facet jts between C5 and C6 suggest?
Step-offs, or forward slippage of one vertebra which may compress the spinal cord is seen in?
Vertebral tenderness is suspicious for...
fracture or infection
Tenderness over the sacroiliac joint is seen in?
Sacroiliitis and ankylosing spondylitis
Pain on percussion of the spine is seen in?
Osteoporosis, infection, or malignancy
What spine deformity increases with age?
Thoracic kyphosis
Winging of the scapula is caused by?
Loss of innervation of the serratus anterior muscle by the long thoracic nerve
Lateral and rotatory curvature of the spine to bring the head back to the midline is seen in what disease that becomes evident in adolescence?
Unequal shoulder heights are seen in what disease?
Scoliosis, Sprengel's deformity of the scapula, winging of the scapula, and contralateral weakness of the trapezius
Unequal height of the iliac crests or pelvic tilt suggest...
Unequal lengths of the legs, scoliosis, and hip abduction/adduction.
Listing of the trunk to one side is seen in what?
herniated lumbar disk
Birthmarks, port-wine stains, hairy patches, and lipomas overlie bony defects such as...
spina bifida
Cafe-au-lait spots, skin tags, and fibrous tumors are seen in?
Degenerative and inflammatory processes of muscles, prolonged contraction from abnormal posture and anxiety all cause what?
Sciatic nerve tenderness suggests what?
A herniated disc or mass lesion impinging on contributing nerve roots
Herniated intervertebral discs most common at____ or ____ may produce what symptoms?
L5-S1 or L4-L5; tenderness of the spinous processes, the intervertebral jts, paravertebral muscles, sacrosciatic notch, and the sciatic nerve
Tenderness in the costovertebral angles may signify what?
Kidney infection
Why is it important to assess any complaints or findings of neck, shoulder, arm pain, or numbness?
There might be possible cervical cord or nerve root compression
Tenderness at C1-C2 in rheumatoid arthritis may suggest possible risk for what?
Subluxation and high cervical cord compression
How do you measure flexion of the spine?
Mark the spine at the lumbosacral junction, then 10cm above and 5cm below this point. A 4-cm increase between the 2 upper marks is normal, the lower two marks should be unchanged
Deformity of the thorax on forward bending is in?
Presence of lumbar lordosis suggests what?
muscle spasm or ankylosing spondylitis
Decreased spinal mobility is seen in?
Osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
Arthritis or infection in the hip, rectum, or pelvis may cause symptoms in what part of the spine?
A wide base gait suggests what?
Cerebellar disease or foot problems
What can cause the pelvis to drop on one side producing a waddling gait?
Hip dislocation, arthritis, or abductor weakness
Most foot problems appear during what phase of gait?
Weight-bearing stance phase
Lack of ____ flexion interrupts the smooth pattern of gait
Loss of lordosis may reflect
paravertebral spasm
Excess lordosis suggests...
flexion deformity of the hip
Changes in leg length are seen in what? Leg shortening and external rotation suggest what?
abduction or adduction deformities and scoliosis

hip fracture
Bulges along the inguinal lig may suggest?
inguinal hernia or aneurysm
Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes suggest?
Infection of the lower extremity or pelvis
Tenderness in the groin area may be from what?
Synovitis of the hip jt, bursitis, or psoas abscess
Focal tenderness of the trochanter indicates?
Trochanteric bursitis
Tenderness over the posterolateral surface of the greater trochanter in?
tendinitis or muscle spasm from referred hip pain
Tenderness in ischiogluteal bursitis or "weaver's bottom" is due to?
The adjacent sciatic nerve, this may mimic sciatica
What occurs in flexion deformity of the hip?
As the opposite hip is flexed, the affected hip does not allow full leg extension and the affected thigh appears flexed; it may be masked by an increase in lumbar lordosis and an anterior pelvic tilt
Restricted abduction is common in?
Hip osteoarthritis
Restrictions of internal and external rotation are sensitive indicators of?
Hip disease such as arthritis
Stumbling or pushing the knee into extension with the hand during heel strike suggests?
quadriceps weakness
Bow legs (genu varum) and knock knees (genu valgum) are ____ abnormalities
Flexion contracture (inability to extend fully) is seen in
Limb paralysis
Swelling over the patella suggests
prepatellar bursitis
Swelling over the tibial tubercle suggests? And if more medial suggests?
infrapatellar bursitis

anserine bursitis
Tender bony ridges along the knee jt margins, genuvarum deformity, and stiffness for 30min or less and possible crepitus indicate.
Meniscus tear with tenderness after trauma is more common in which meniscus?
MCL tenderness after injury is suspicious for?
MCL tear; LCL injuries are less frequent
Tenderness over the patellar tendon or inability to extend the leg suggests?
Partial or complete tear of the patellar tendon
Pain and crepitus suggest roughining of the patellar undersurface that articulates with the femur. When can this pain occur?
When climbing stairs or getting up from a chair
Pain with compression and with patellar movement during quadriceps contraction suggests what?
Chondromalacia or degenerative patella
Swelling above and adjacent to the patella suggests?
Synovial thickening or effusion in the knee jt
Thickening, bogginess, or warmth in the areas adjacent or above the patella suggest?
Synovitis or non tender effusions from osteoarthritis
Prepateller bursitis can be caused by?
excessive kneeling
Anserine bursitis is caused by
running, valgus knee deformity, fibromyalgias, osteoarthritis
Popliteal or "bakers" cyst from?
Distension of the gastrocnemius semimebranosus bursa
A fluid wave or bulge on the medial side between the patella and femur is considered a positive bulge sign consistent with?
Suprapatellar compression ejects fluid into the spaces adjacent to the patella when the knee joint contains?
A large effusion
A palpable fluid wave signifies a positive?
Balloon sign. A returning fluid wave in the suprapatellar pouch confirms an effusion
Tenderness and thickening of the tendon above the calcaneus, sometimes with a protuberant bony process of the calcaneus is seen in? A defect in these muscles with tenderness and swelling is seen in?
Achilles tendinitis

Ruptured Achilles tendon
Absence of plantar flexion, sudden severe pain "like a gunshot wound", an ecchymosis from the calf into the heel, and a flat-footed gait with absence of "toe off" all may be present in?
Rupture of the Achilles tendon
Knee crepitus with flexion and extension is seen in?
A click or pop along the medial jt with valgus stress, external rotation, and leg extension suggests?
tear of the posterior portion of the medial meniscus; this tear may displace meniscal tissue causing locking on full knee extension
A McMurray sign and locking make ____ 8.2 and 3.2 times more likely
medial meniscus tear
Pain or gap in the medial jt line points to?
ligamentous laxity and partial tear of the medial collateral lig
Pain or gap in the lateral jt line points to?
ligamentous laxity and partial tear of the lateral collateral lig
A forward jerk showing the contours of the upper tibia is a what positive sign? And what becomes 11.5 times more likely as the cause.
A positive anterior drawer sign

ACL tear
Significant forward excursion indicates?
ACL tear; PCL tears are rare
Bone spurs may be present on the calcaneus. Focal heel pain on palpation of the plantar fascia suggests?
Plantar fascitis seen in prolonged standing or heel-strike exercise, it is also in rheumatoid arthritis and gout
After trauma, inability to bear weight after 4 steps and tenderness over the posterior aspects of either malleolus (esp medial) is suspicious for what?
ankle fracture
Tenderness on compression of the metatarsophalangeal jts is an early sign of what?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Acute inflammation of the first metatarsophalangeal jt is seen in?
Pain and tenderness (metatarsalgia) is seen in?
trauma, arthritis, and vascular comprise
Tenderness over the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads on the plantar surface is seen in?
Morton's neuroma
Pain during movement of the ankle and foot help to localize what?
What kind of jt is frequently painful when moved in any direction?
Arthritis jt
What type of sprain produces maximal pain when a ligament is stretched?
Ligamentous sprain
Normal air-filled lung breath sounds sound?
Predominantly vesicular
Airless lung, as in lobar pneumonia breath sounds sound?
Brochial or bronchovesicular over the involved area
Normal air-filled lung transmitted voice sounds sound?
Spoken words muffled and indistinct; spoken "ee" heard as "ee" whispered words are faint and indistinct if heard at all.
Airless lung, as in lobar pneumonia transmitted voice sounds sound?
Spoken words are louder, clearer (bronchophony); spoken "ee" heard as "ay" (egophony); whispered words louder, clearer (whispered pectoriloquy)
Normal Air-filled lung tactile fremitus is?
Airless lung, as in lobar pneumonia tactile fremitus is?
Describe the thorax of a normal adult.
The thorax in the normal adult is wider than it is deep; its lateral diameter is larger than its anteroposterior diameter
Depression in the lower portion of the sternum, compression of the heart and great vessels causing murmers is indicative of?
Funnel chest (pectus excavatum)
Increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest is indicative of?
Barrel chest, common in COPD and normal during infancy
Displaced sternum anteriorly, increasesing the anteroposterior diameter as well as the costal cartilages adjacent to the protruding sternum being depressed are indicative of?
Pigeon Chest (pectus carinatum)
Multiple rib fractures causing paradoxical movement of the thorax as well as while the descent of the diaphragm decreases intrathoracic pressure on inspiration the injured are caves inward and on expiration it moves outward indicate?
Traumatic Flail Chest
Abnormal spinal curvatures and vertebral rotation deform the chest; distortion of the underlying lungs may make interpretation of lung findings difficult. This indicates?
Thoracic Kyphoscoliosis
A resonant lung on percussion, midline trachea, vesicular or bronchovesicular/ bronchial sounds over large bronchi & trachea, no adventitious sounds except a few transient inspiratory crackles at the bases of the lungs, and normal tactile fremitus and normla transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Normal Lungs
A resonant lung on percussion, midline trachea, vesicular breath sounds (normal), no adventitious sounds except crackles in early inspiration and perhaps expiration or wheezes or rhonchi, and normal tactile fremitus and normal transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Chronic Bronchitis
A resonant lung on percussion, midline trachea, vesicular breath sounds, late inspiratory crackles in the dependent portion of the lungs, possible wheezes, and normal tactile fremitus and normal transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Left-sided heart failure
A dull lung to percussion over airless area, midline trachea, bronchial breath sounds over involved area, late inspiratory crackles over the involved area, and increased tactile fremitus/ transmitted voice sounds with bronchophony, egophony, and whispered pectoriloquy indicates?
Consolidation (alveoli filled with fluid or blood cells)
A dull lung on percussion, a shifted trachea towards the affected side, absent breath sounds except when right upper lobe is affected, no adventitious sounds, and absent tactile fremitus and transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Atelectasis (plug in the mainstem bronchus obstructing airflow, and affected lung tissue collapses
A dull/ flat lung on percussion, shifted trachea to opposite side that is not affected, decreased or absent breath sounds, no adventitious sounds except for a pleural rub, and decreased to absent tactile fremitus and transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Pleural effusion
Hyperresonant or tympanic lung to percussion, shifted trachea to opposite side that isn't affected, decreased to absent breath sounds, no adventitious sounds except pleural rub, and decreased or absent tactile fremitus/ transmitted voice sounds indicates?
Diffusely hyperresonant lung to percussion, midline trachea, decreased to absent breath sounds, none or crackles, wheezes, and rhonchi of chronic bronchitis, and decreased tactile fremitus/ transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Resonant to diffusely hyperresonant lung to percussion, midline trachea, obscured breath sounds by wheezes, wheezes and crackles, and decreased tactile fremitus/ transmitted voice sounds indicate?
Describe the swelling and cause of olecranon bursitis?
Swelling and inflammation of the olecranon bursa may result from trauma or may be associated with rheumatoid or gouty arthritis. The swelling is superficial to the olecranon process.
Where is arthritis of the elbow felt?
Synovial inflammation or fluid is felt best in the grooves between the olecranon process and the epicondyles on either side. Palpate for boggy, soft or fluctuant swelling and for tenderness.
Describe Rheumatoid Nodules.
Subcutaneous nodules may develop at pressure points along the extensor surface of the ulna in rheumatoid arthritis/ rheumatic fever pts. They are firm, nontender, and are not attached to overlying skin. They may or may not be attached to underlying periosteum, They develop in olecranon bursa and more distally.
What does Lateral epicondylitis result from?
it follows repetetive extension of the wrist or pronation/supination of the forearm. Pain and tenderness develop 1cm distal to the lateral epicondyle and in the extensor muscles close to it. Pain increases whith extension of wrist against resistance
What does medial epicondylitis result from?
it follows repetitive wrist flexion as in throwing, tenderness is maximal lateral and distal to medial epicondyle, wrist flexion against resistance increases pain
tender, painful, stiff jts, symmetric involvement on both sides, PIPs, MCPs, and wrist jts are frequently affected and fusiform/ spindle shaped swelling of the PIPs all occur in?
Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis
Swelling and thickening of MCPs and PIPs, limited ROM, ulnar deviation, atrophy of interosseous muscles, swan-neck fingers, boutonniere deformity, and nodules all occur in?
Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis
Heberden's nodes on the dorsolateral aspect of DIPs that are hard and painless, flexion and deviation deformities, bouchard's nodes on PIPs, and bony overgrowth all occur in?
Osteoarthritis (degenerative jt disease)
Deformities mimicing rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, non-symmetrical jt involvement, acute inflammation, knobby swellings around the jts ulcerate and discharge white chalklike urates in?
Chronic Tophaceous Gout
Thickened plaque overlying the flexor tendon of the ring finger and little finger, puckering skin in this area, thickened fibrotic cord developing btwn palm and finer, and flexion contracture of the fingers all occur in?
Dupuytren's Contracture
A painless nodule in a flexor tendon in the palm that is too big to enter easily in the tendon sheath during extension of the fingers from a flexed position causing the finger to extend and flex with a "snap" as the nodule pops into the tendon sheath indicates?
Trigger Finger
Thenar atrophy suggests?
median nerve disorder such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Hypothenar atrophy suggests?
Ulnar nerve disorder
Cystic, round, non-tender swellings along the tendon sheaths or jt capsules frequently on the dorsal wrist, flexion making these more prominent and extension obscuring them are called?