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64 Cards in this Set

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transition zone
majority of BPH
Central zone
originating at the ejaculatory ducts
70% of the prostate and 70% adenocarcinoma 90% prostatitis
Peripheral zone
inflammation of the peripheral zone
-pain and bogginess on prostate exams
-bacteriuria on end catch urine
-increase PSA
chronic enlargement of the prostate gland
-prostate doubles between ages 30-50
Prostatic carcinoma
age 50-90
-spread to bone
-acute urinary abstruction
50% palpable on rectale exams
what posisition does the patient lay during a rectal exam
lateral decubitus
when inserting your finger into the rectum your finger is pointed towards?
hard, irregular , nontender mass to palpate on rectal =
cancer of the prostate
large inflamed "boggy" tissue of prostate =
anorectal junction
boundary of skin and rectum mucosa. changes in somatic and visceral nerve supply
anorectal fistula
out in the somatic not as worried about
-crampy pain = internally
-burn pain = externally
common cause- Chlamydia Trachomatis
-dysuria with discharge
-culture tip
-multiple infections may cause urethral strictures
venereal warts
chondyloma accuminata
-single or multi
- cauliflower looking
caused by HPV
-incubation weeks to months
-asymptomatic, nontender
Genital Herpes
small red grouped or scattered vesicles
-tender to palpation
-HSV II causative organism
-incubation 2-7 days
congenital displacement of urethra to inferior surface of the penis (urethra on underside of the penis)
indurated nodule or ulcer
nearly all liminited to uncircumcised men
testicular cancer
age 15-35
tumor marker- AFP bHCG
spread to chest and brain
removal of the testical
testicals do not descend
scrotal hernia
usually indirect
cannot palpate above it
may you steth to assess bowel sounds
atrophied testicle
nonpalpable in scrotum or will not stay "down" resulting in empty scrotum
acute orchitis
inflamed,tender swollen testicle
usually unilateral and viral
acute epididymitis
actuely inflamed epididymis
tender to palpation superior to testicle
may have in concomitant UTI or prostatitis
painless moible cystic mass superior to the testicle that contains sperm
testicular cancer early
painless nodule on the testicle
indurated and smooth
generally presents in 3rd and 4th decade of life
testicular cancer advance
may replace the entire testicle and spread to lung and brain
Testicular torsion
acutely painful, tender, swollen testicle of sudden onset
onset is normally during a sport
during pap smear what type of cells do you want
columnar epithelium
causes difficulty with defecation
(weakness in the rectal wall)
causes trouble urinating and stress incontinence
(the bladder has dropped and is coming from the top)
when can a uterus be palpated through the rectum
when it is retroflexed or retroverted
may feel the fundus of the uterus at the ??
the umbilicus at about 22 weeks
(every 2 weeks it moves up)
onset of menstrual
amenorrhea primary cause
heavy mestral bleeding
Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods.
menstral 21 days or sooner intervals
infrequent periods
very short and light periods
post coital bleeding
bleeding after sex
cervical carcinoma
females aged 15-40
associated with HPV
discovered during pap smear
biopsy on colposcopy
biopsy the cervix
Ovarian carcinoma
cannot be felt on PAP smear
run in families
seen on ultrasound or CAT scan
RISK- BRACA1 and or BRACA2 mutations
gravida or total number of pregnancies
pregnancy outcomes
which quadrent of the breat are you most concerned with?
upper outer quadrent
e-val abdomen order is important whats the order?
bell side of steth listen for?
listening posts for bruits
renal artery
iliac artery
femoral artery
normal liver is ___ cm in the midsternal line
normal liver is ___ cm in the right midclavicular line
hepatomegaly is measured in
cm below the costal margin and it is concered if it is 6cm below the costal margin
(have patient exhale and you should feel the liver slide down)
Free fluid in the peritoneal cavity
most common cause is portal hypertension
results in abdominal distension
(when percussing it becomes dull away from center and you know there is fluid in there)
fluid waves (ascites)
tap on one side and feel it on the other
palpate spleen in
right lateral decubitus position
Postive Rebound tenderness
implies peritoneal inflammation (peritonitis) and is inducative of an acute abdomen/ perforation
Costovertebral angle tenderness
(kidney punch)
distinguish abdominal vs kidney pain
Kidney Vs Ureteral pain
kidney will go on back
ureteral pain loan to groan pain
McBurney's sign
right lower quadrent tenderness 1/2way between the umbilicus and the ASIS
Rovsing sign
pain felt in the RLQ with palpation of the LLQ
Psoas Sign
increase in pain from passive extension of the right right joint that stretches the iliopsoas muscle
obturatior sign
pain caused by passive internal rotation of the flexed thigh
Murphy's sign
deep inspiration exacerbates the pain during palpation of the RUP and halts inspiration(is for gallbladder)