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56 Cards in this Set

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What forms the anatomical crown?


The main substance of a tooth is


This tissue covers the anatomical root of a tooth

cementum; functionally it is part of the periodontium

During enamel and dentin formation, ondontoblats move ___ and ameloblasts move ___.

inward; outward

What is the difference between anatomical and clinical crown using proper terms?

Anatomical: incisor border to CEJ

Clinical: incisor border to GM (gingival margin)

How much hydroxyapatite is in:

1) enamel

2) dentin

3) Cementum

1) 96%

2) 65%

3) 61%

Of Bone, dentin, enamel and cementum which has the largest crystallite dimensions? Which not have a collagen matrix?

enamel; enamel

Dentin is made by

Enamel is made by



What is the direction of the enamel prisms?

Perp to enamel surface

T/F. Enamel formation is completed by time tooth erupts.


Describe differential density of dentinal tubules

Get more dense as you move deeper.

T/F. Pulp gets thicker as you age.

FALSE. Dentin gets thicker

What is one (of four) cases where you don't need a pulpectomy?

Chronic symptoms w/ no pulpal exposure

What are the 4 components of periodontium?

Cementum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, dentogingival junction

The PDL is between

cementum and alveolar bone

T/F. Cementum can be acellular or cellular.


Oral mucosa consists of masticatory mucosa, specialized mucosa, and lining mucosa. Which one is gingiva?

Masticatory mucosa

Gingiva consists of an epithelial layer and an underlying connective tissue layer called the ___.

lamina propria

Coronal portion of gingiva terminates in the ___ which is usually scalloped in appearance. The apical portion is continuous with ___.

free gingival margin

alveolar mucosa

Gingiva and alveolar mucosa are usually separated by a recognizable border called the

mucogingival junction

Where is there no mucogingival junction?

On palate since the hard palate and maxillary alveolar processes are covered by the same type of masticatory mucosa.

Macroscopically what is gingiva composed of (two things):

Free gingiva (all epi and CT coronal to horizontal line placed at CEJ)

Attached to gingiva (extends from free gingiva to mucoginvial junction)



After eruption is complete, free gingival margin is located ____ coronal to the CEJ.


T/F. The free gingiva forms the interdental papilla.


In posterior teeth, the interdental papillae may have a ___ or concavity in the middle that conforms of the outline of the interdental contact surface.


Attached gingiva often show small depressions in surface named ___ and have an orange peel appearance.


What type of epithelium covers gingiva?

Stratified squamous

Gingival epithelium is divided into 3 parts microscopically:

1) Gingival oral epithelium
2) Gingival sulculuar epithelium
3) Gingival junctional epithelium

1) Gingival oral epithelium

2) Gingival sulculuar epithelium

3) Gingival junctional epithelium

What are rete pegs and where are they found/not found?

Rete pegs are epithelial projections into underlying connective tissue. Present in oral and sulcular epithelium. Lacking in healthy junctional epithelium.

T/F. Stipplings occur at function points between epithelial ridges.


T/F. Gingival oral epithelium is keratinized.


T/F. Subsulcular epithelium is attached to the tooth.

False! It is facing the tooth extending from oral epithelium to gingival sulcus (apical order is junctional epithelium)

Is subsulcular epithelium keratinized?

No- parakeratinized or not keratinized.

Where is the apical termination of the junctional epithelium

the CEJ

T/F. Junctional epithelium is keratinized.


Describe the basal laminas of the junctional epithelium.

There are two of them: external and internal. External attaches JE to underlying CT. Internal attaches JE to tooth surface via hemidesmosomes.

What comprises the "epithelial attachment"?

Internal basal lamina + hemidemosomes

Of the three types of oral epithelium which is most permeable with fewer desmosomes?

junctional epithelum

T/F. The junctional epithelium serves as the passage for gingival crevicular fluid and cells from CT to sulcus including bacteria


Gingival CT is mainly composed of

networks of collagen fibers (mainly type I)

T/F. CT components of gingival CT are embedded in an amorphous ground substance.


These are gingival fiber groups named based on location and insertion. Know their functions: circular, dente-gingival, alveolo-gingival, dento-periosteal, trans-septal


Which of the following is not true about the periodontal ligament?

a) Continuous with CT of gingiva

b) Approximately 0.25 mm in width

c) soft, avascular CT surrounding root

C- it is vascular

Principle fibers are: alveolar crest fibers, horizontal fibers, oblique fibers, apical fibers, and interradibular fibers. Which:

1) Are most numerous

2) are in furcation area only in multirooted teeth

AHOAI (A ho artificial intelligence)

1) oblique

2) interradicular

What are Sharpey's fibers?

The terminal portions of the principal fibers that are embedded in cementum and bone.

Where are Sharpey's fibers more numerous: in cementum or in bone?

Cementum (but smaller in diameter)

What is between the fibers of the PDL?

Ground substance consisting of glycosaminoglycans, laminin and fibronectin. Note that it si 70% water.

T/F. Tooth mobility is largely determined by PDL


T/F. The main cellular component of the PDL is collagen.

False. It is FIBROBLAST. The PDL has mesenchymal cells that can differentiate into cementoblasts, fiber, and osteo to regenerate all tissues.

Describe the coronal margin of alveolar processes.

Follows a wavy configuration that follows the course of the CEJ and is located 1.0-1.5 mm from CEJ

T/F. The alveolar socket walls are sometimes referred to as cribriform plates due to the numerous perforations that allow nerves and vessel to enter the PDL.


What is dehiscence and fenestration?

Dehiscence- When bone covering is missing at the coronal portion

Fenestration- window. Some bone present in most coronal portion.

Does cementum have blood vessel and innervation?


Intrinsic fibers of cementum produced by cementoblasts are oriented in which way?

Parallel to long axis of tooth

What are the 4 types of cementum?

1) Acellular, afibrillar (found at cervical portion of enamel)

2) Acellular, extrinsic fiber (found at coronal/middle portion of root)

3) Cellular, mixed stratified (apical third of root contains extrinsic and intrinsic fibers)

4) Cellular, intrinsic fiber (mainly resorbtion lacunae)