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23 Cards in this Set

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Who was the first Presbyterian minister in the US?
Francis Makemie, who immigrated to the US in 1682 from Scotland
When and where was the first American presbytery formed?
1706, in Philadelphia (by Francis Makemie)
When was the first American synod formed, and who formed it?
1716, formed by the presbytery of Philadelphia
What is the Adoption Act?
In 1729, the Synod of Philadelphia adopted the Westminster Standards and mandated that all ministers adhere to them.
What is the Old Side/New Side division?
18th century controversy over the disorder created by the First Great Awakening, subscription to the Westminster Standards, and the regulation of theological education for ministers (The synod of Philadelphia was split into two Synods fo 18 years)
When was the first GA?
When was the first BCO published?
1788, restructuring the church from one synod into 16 presbyteries, 3 synods, and the general assembly
-This was largely led by John Witherspoon, president of Princeton and a signer of the Declaration of Independence
What was the Plan of Union?
19th century plan to unite the Presbyterian and Congregational denominations in evangelizing the Old Northwest. Failed.
What was the Old School/New School division?
19th century debate precipitated by the 2nd Great Awakening, which resulted in the Presbyterian church splitting into 2 denominations
-Issues were doctrine (old school was Calvinistic, and new school was more Arminian), subscription to the standards (old school was strict subscriptionism, and the new school was system subscriptionism), church polity (old school focused on denominational identity, and the new school was on interdenominational consciousness), revivalism (old school focused on conversion by the Spirit, while the New school focused on the use of means for conversion), and social reform (old school often supported slavery, and the new school supported abolition)
What was division and reunion?
-Old and new schools each split over the issues of slavery and states' rights.
-Old and New school churches in North united to form the PCUSA, and in the south they formed the PCCSA, which would later become the PCUS.
--The New school in 1856 declared slavery a sin deserving of discipline, and in the following year the southern churches formed the United Synod of the south, breaking from the Northern churches
--The Old school in 1861 said churches must support the federal government, putting southern churches in an awkward spot, leadin gthem to form the Presbyterian Church of the Confederate States of America (PCCSA)
--In the South, Old and New School churches reunited in 1864 to from a single denomination. Became the PCUS
--In the North, Old and New School churches reunited in 1868 to form a single denomination: PCUSA
Name Southern Presbyterian Theologians of the 19th Century
James Henley Thornwell, Robert Lewis Dabney, Benjamin Morgan Palmer, John L. Girardeau
James Henley Thornwell
Most important churchman of the 19th century South. He debated many issues with Charles Hodge. A leading voice in the Old School South and the PCCSA.
Robert Lewis Dabney
Professor at Union Seminary (VA) who defended slavery and was largely responsible for the union of the Old and New school churhces in the South
Benjamin Morgan Palmer
Moderator of the first GA of the PCCSA
John L Girardeau
Professor at Columbia Seminary who trained black church leaders and wrote against using instruments in worship
Fellowship of St James
A group of ministers and seminary professors who created a secret organization for the purpose of getting men with liberal views into the bible colleges, seminaries, and principle pulpits of the denomination. By the 1960s, they controlled most of the seminaries, colleges, and most influential churches, as well as the most important influential churches, committees, synods, and GA of the PCUS
What four organizations were part of the Continuing Church movement to counteract liberalism in the PCUS?
-Presbyterian Journal: vehicle for expressing the opinions of conservatives
-Presbyterian Evangelical Fellowship: formed to offset the denomination's growing disinterest in evangelism
-Concerned Presbyterians: organized to counteract liberal control of the PCUS organizational structures
-Presbyterian Churchmen United: organized to counteract liberal control of the PCUS church courts
What were the concerns of the conservatives in the PCUS?
-Theological heresy stemming from a rejection of inerrancy
-Ecumenical relations, including a potential merger with the liberal United Presbyterian Church (UPCUSA)
-Elevation of the social gospel above missions and evangelism
-Ordination of women
-Moral concerns, including promotion of abortion and unbiblical views of marriage and divorce
-Misuse of Presbyterian ecclesiology, including the presbytery owning the local church's property
What happened in 1970 that moved toward the organization of the PCA?
Delegates from the four conservative organizations (Presbyterian Journal, Presbyterian Evangelical Fellowship, Concerned Presbyterians, Presbyterian Churchmen United) formed a Conservative Caucus to organize their efforts
What happened in 1971 that moved toward the organization of the PCA?
A Steering Committee was formed to organize a withdrawal from the denomination
When and where did the first PCA General Assembly meet? Who were the moderator and clerk?
-1973 at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL
-Moderator: Jack Williamson
-Clerk: Morton H. Smith
-Called National Presbyterian Church for first year
What was the "Joining and Receiving"?
At the 1982 General Assembly, the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod joined the PCA
What ecumenical organizations is the PCA apart of?
-NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council)
-NAE (National Association of Evangelicals)
-WRF (World Reformed Fellowship)