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68 Cards in this Set

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Mechanisms of atrophy?
1. Increased rate of protein degradation, 2. Increased number of autophagic vacuoles.
How is protein degradation increased?
1. lysosomal enzymes degrade proteins, 2. ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.
How does the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway work?
cytosolic & nuclear proteins conjugated w/ubiquitin, then degraded w/in proteasome.
What are residual bodies?
undigested organelles persisting w/in autophagic vacuoles (e.g., lipofuscin granules)
What & where is squamous metaplasia? Side effects?
columnar to squamous epithelium in bronchial epithelium (cigarette smokers). Loss of mucus production, potential for dysplasia & carcinoma.
What & where is columnar metaplasia? Side effects?
squamous to columnar epithelium in lower esophagus of patients w/chronic acid reflux. Potential for dysplasia & carcinoma.
What is pyknosis?
condensation of nuclear chromatin. May be reversible or irreversible.
What is karyorrhexis?
fragmentation of nucleus. Probably irreversible.
What is karyolysis?
dissolution of nucleus. Cell death.
What is hypoxia?
oxygen deprivation.
What is ischemia?
decreased delivery of blood; most common cause of hypoxia.
What are the biochemical mechanisms of cell injury?
decreased ATP, membrane damage, increased intracellular Ca++, Reactive Oxygen Species
What is mitrochondrial permeability transition (MPT)?
Leakage of cytochrome c from mitochondria into cytosol d/t mito membrane damage. Leads to apoptosis.
What happens with increased cytosolic Ca++?
decreased ATP, decreased phospholips, disruption of membrane & cytoskeletal proteins, & activation of endonucleases (chromatin damage).
What are 3 major antioxidant enzymes?
superoxide dismutase, catalase, & glutathione peroxidase
How are free radicals removed?
spontaneous decay, antioxidants, & binding of metal ions to minimize OH formation (ferritin stores Fe; ceruloplasmin stores & transports Cu).
Two consistent features of irreversible cell injury?
inability to fix or reverse mitochondrial dysfunction & severely disrupted membrane functions.
Why are troponin & CK-MB used to diagnose cell death?
They are intracellular proteins that enter into systemic circulation when their cell's PM is no longer intact. Diagnose MI.
Examples of reversible cell injury?
hydropic degeneration, macrovesicular steatosis, intercellular edema, inflammation (eosinophils present).
What is coagulation necrosis?
most common type of necrosis. typical of hypoxia-mediated cell death. Proteins denatured & coagulate. Gradual nuclear degeneration. "Ghost Cells"
What is liquefactive necrosis?
complete enzymatic digestion of cells; transforms tissue into viscous mass. Hypoxic death of CNS cells; infxns w/severe inflammation &/or toxin elaboration
What is gangrenous necrosis?
dry: no superimposed infection. wet: with superimposed infection (often sepsis). Describes clinically distinctive gross appearance. Coagulation necrosis.
What is caseous necrosis?
a form of coagulation necrosis; "cheesy" gross appearance. Seen in TB, certain fungal infxns. Caseating granuloma.
What diseases cause caseating granulomas?
mycobacteria, fungi
Diseases that cause non-caseating granulomas?
foreign materials, hypersensitivity rxns, sarcoidosis, leprosy, Bartonella sp.
Where is fat necrosis seen?
pancreas - d/t drinking binge, blockage d/t gallstones
How is intrinsic apoptosis initiated?
withdrawal of growth factors & hormones
How is extrinsic apoptosis initiated?
receptor-ligand interactions: FAS & TNF-receptors
Function of Bcl-2?
inhibits apoptosis by (1) directly preventing release of cytochrome c & (2) binding to & sequestering pro-apoptotic protease activating factor (Apaf-1)
What is atherosclerosis?
accumulation of cholesterol within macrophages in intimal layer of large arteries w/associated fibrosis
What is xanthoma?
accumulation of cholesterol w/in macrophages of dermis or tendons in pts w/hypercholesterolemia
What is cholesterolosis?
accumulation of cholesterol w/in macrophages of laminapropria of galbladder.
Match pigment to disease:
1. lipofuscin
2. anthracosis
3. hemosiderin
4. homogentistic acid
1. just aging & lipid peroxidation
2. usually mild; nodular fibrosis; pneumoconiosis
3. hemochromatosis
4. ochronosis/alkaptonuria
What is dystrophic calcification?
local deposition of calcium salts in nonviable (dead/damaged) tissue despite normal serum calcium level. (e.g., calcific aortic stenosis)
What is metastatic calcification?
deposition of calcium salts in normal, viable tissues; secondary to hypercalcemia
Major causes of metastatic calcification?
1. excess PTH (hyperparathyroidism or malignant neoplasm)
2. destruction of bone (tumors, cancer, Paget's disease)
3. vitamin D disorders (toxicity, sarcoidosis)
4. renal failure (retain phosphte)
What is hyaline change?
homogeneous pink, glass material either intralcellular or extracellular; seen in alcoholic hepatitis (Mallory bodies)
What does EGF/TGF-alpha do?
binds to EGF receptor family (tyrosine kinase activity): ERB B1 [proliferation of epithelia, fibroblasts, hepatocytes]
ERB B2 (HER-2) overexpressed in some Breast Ca
What does PDGF do?
migration & proliferation of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, monocytes, & hepatic stellate cells
What does FGF do?
macrophage, fibroblast, & endothelial migration (wound repair); angiogenesis; hematopoiesis
What does VEGF do?
promote vasculogenesis & angiogenesis
What does TGF-beta do?
pleotropic according to tissue:
1. normally inhibits epithelial & lymphocyte
2. stimulates fibrogenesis & fibrosis in chronic inflammatory disorders
Name important signal transducers that regulate cell growth:
MAP-kinase, PI-3-kinase, IP3, cAMP, JAK/STAT
Signal transduction systems that have intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity?
What happens?
PI3, MAP-kinase, & IP3 pathways.
Receptor dimerizes & autophosphorylates.
G0 cells enter cell cycle
Which pathway uses G-protein-coupled receptors?
What are products of growth-promoting genes?
c-MYC, c-JUN
What are products of cell-cycle-inhibiting genes?
What is scurvy & what causes it?
bleeding from inadequately supported capillaries & venules.
vit C deficiency (can't hydroxylate procollagen)
What causes bowing (children) & softening (adults) of bones?
vitamin D deficiency
What causes diarrhea d/t atrophy of columnar epithelium & scaling dermatitis?
niacin deficiency
What causes impaired night vision & dry eyes?
vitamin A deficiency
Name macromolecules in ECM.
fibrous structural proteins (collagen & elastin), adhesive glycoproteins (fibronectin & laminin), & gel proteins (proteoglycans, hyaluronan)
What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (very brief)?
problem w/type i, III, or IV collagen.
Where is type IV collagen found?
basemen membranes
What is Marfan Syndrome?
genetic defect in fibrillin; affects CV system (dissecting aorta), skeletal system, lens of eye
What is fibronectin & its function?
adhesive matrix glycoprotein; binds to cells & matrix proteins
What is laminin & its function?
most abundant adhesive matrix glycoprotein in basement membrane; forms polymers w/collagen type IV
What are integrins & function?
cell surface receptors.
1. attach cells to ECM proteins
2. attach cells to cells
3. form focal adhesion complexes w/cytoskeletal proteins. trigger signal transduction pathways.
Steps in tissue repair by fibrosis?
1. inflammation (0-6 days)
2. proliferation/migration of parenchymal & CT cells (4-14 days)
3. angiogenesis
4. synthesis of ECM proteins & collagen deposition
5. tissue remodeling
6. wound contraction
7. gradual acquisition of woulnd tensile strength
Waht stimulates proliferation in tissue repair?
TGF-beta, EGF, FGF, IL-1, TNF (secreted by macrophages, activated endothelial cells, platelets)
Functions of TGF-beta in fibrosis?
migration & proliferation of fibroblasts; increased colagen & fibronectin synthesis; decreases degradation of ECM by metalloproteinases.
3 phases of tissue repair?
1. emigration & proliferation of fibroblasts
2. deposition of ECM
3. maturation & remodeling
What stimulates ECM remodeling by metalloproteinases?
What are matrix metalloproteinases?
How are precursors activated?
enzyme familty that degrades ECM components.
activated by plasmin.
What are TIMPs?
Made by what?
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases.
made by mesenchymal cells.
What are local factors which influence wound healing?
Which is most important?
Infection (most important)
Mechanical factors
Foreign bodies
What are systemic factors which influence wound healing?
Nutrition (profound effect)
Metabolic status
Circulatory status
Hormones, especially steroids
What is keloid?
hypertrophic scar; excess deposition of abnormally thick bunles of collagen in dermis.
African-Americans predisposed.