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342 Cards in this Set

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1. What does hemostasis mean?
Prevention of blood loss
2. When a vessel is severed or ruptured, what four mechanisms are needed to achieve hemostasis?
1. Vascular constriction
2. Formation of a platelet plug
3. Formation of a blood clot as a result of blood coagulation
4. Eventual growth of fibrous tissue into the blood clot to close the hole in the vessel permanently
3. What causes vascular contraction after rupture to a blood vessel?
1. Local myogenic spasm
-initiated by direct damage to the vascular wall
-responsible for most of the vasoconstriction

2. Local autacoid factors from the traumatized tissues and blood platelets
-releases thromboxane A2

3. Nervous reflexes
-initiated by pain nerve impulses or other sensory impulses

In general, the more severely a vessel is traumatized, the greater the degree of vascular spasm
4. Platelets

How are they formed?

What is their concentration in the blood?
Minute discs 1-4 um in diameter

Formed in the bone marrow from megakaryocytes, which are extremely large cells of the hematopoietic series in the marrow; the megakaryocytes fragment into the minute platelets either in the bone marrow or soon after entering the blood

The normal concentration in the blood is between 150,000 and 300,000 per uL
5. What are the characteristics of platelets?

How are they related to whole cells?
1. Do not have nuclei and cannot reproduce
2. Actin and myosin molecules similar to those found in muscle cells, and thrombosthenin which causes the platelets to contract
3. Residuals of both the ER and golgi apparatus that synthesize enzymes and store large quantities of Ca
4. Mitochondria and enzymes that form ATP and ADP
5. Enzymes that synthesize prostaglandins, which causes vascular and local tissue reactions
6. Fibrin-stabilizing factor
7. Growth factor that causes vascular endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to multiply and grow
6. Cell membrane of platelets
On its surface is a coat of glycoproteins that repulses adherence to normal endothelium and yet causes adherence to injured areas of the vessel wall

Also contains large amounts of phospholipids that activate multiple stages in the blood clotting process
7. What happens when platelets come in contact with a damaged vascular surface?
When platelets come in contact with a damaged vascular surface, especially with collagen fibers, the platelets immediately change.

1. They begin to swell
2. They assume irregular forms with numerous irradiating pseudopods protruding form their surfaces
3. Their contractile proteins contract forcefully and cause the release of granules that contain multiple active factors
4. They become sticky so that they adhere to collagen in the tissues and to vWF that leaks into the traumatized tissue from the plasma
5. They secrete large quantities of ADP
6. Their enzymes form thromboxane A2
7. The ADP and thromboxane in turn act on nearby platelets to activate them as well and recruits them to the injured site
8. How are trauma and clotting time related?
The clot begins to develop in 15-20 secs if the trauma to the vascular wall has been severe

If the trauma is minor, the clot forms in 1 to 2 minutes
9. When a blot clot has formed, what two options does it have?
1. It can become invaded by fibroblasts which subsequently form connective tissue all thru the clot

2. It can dissolve
10. Basic theory of blood coagulation
You've got procoagulants and anticoagulants

Whether blood will coagulate depends on the balance between these two groups of substances

In the blood stream, the anticoagulants normally predominate so that blood does not coagulate while it is circulating in the blood vessels. But when a vessel is ruptured, procoagulants from the area of tissue damage become "activated" and override the anticoagulants, and then a clot does develop.
11. General mechanism of blood coagulation - three steps
Clotting takes place in three essential steps:
1. In response to rupture of the vessel or damage to the blood itself, a complex cascade of chemical reactions occurs in blood. The net result is formation of a complex of activated substances called prothrombin activator

2. The prothrombin activator catalyzes conversion of prothrombin into thrombin

3. The thrombin acts as an enzyme to convert fibrinogen into fibrin fibers that enmesh platelets, blood cells, and plasma to form the clot.
12. Prothrombin
Plasma protein, an alpha2-globulin, having a molecular weight of 68,700.

Present in the normal plasma in a concentration of about 15 mg/dl.

Can split into smaller compounds, i.e. thrombin

Formed continuously in the liver, and is continually being used throughout the body for blood clotting; if the liver fails to produce it then normal blood coagulation is halted

Vitamin K is required by the liver for normal formation of prothrombin as well as for formation of other factors.
13. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
1. Prothrombin activator is formed as a result of rupture of blood vessel or as a result of damage to special substances in the blood.
2. Prothrombin activator, in the presence of sufficient amounts of ionic calcium, causes conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
3. The thrombin causes polymerization of fibrinogen molecules into fibrin fibers within another 10-15 s.

Thus, the rate limiting factor in causing blood coagulation is usually the formation of prothrombin activator and not the subsequent reactions beyond that point, because these terminal steps normally occur rapidly to form the clot itself.

Side note: platelets also play important roles in this conversion b/c much of the prothrombin first attaches to prothrombin receptors on the platelets already bound to the damaged tissue.
14. Fibrinogen
A high molecular weight protein that occurs in the plasma in quantities of 100 to 700 mg/dl.

Formed in the liver, and liver disease can decrease the concentration in the blood.

B/c of its large molecular size, little fibrinogen normally leaks from the blood vessels into the interstitial fluids, and because fibrinogen is one of the essential clotting factors, interstitial fluids ordinarily do not coagulate.

When the permeability of the capillaries becomes pathologically increased, it does leak into the tissue fluids to allow clotting of these fluids in much the same way that plasma and whole blood can clot.
15. Action of thrombin on fibrinogen
Forms fibrin.

Thrombin is an enzyme w/weak proteolytic capabilities; it acts on fibrinogen to remove four low molecular weight peptide from each molecule of fibrinogen, forming one molecule of fibrin monomer that has the automatic capability to polymerize to form fibrin fibers.

Therefore, many fibrin monomer molecules polymerize within seconds into long fibrin fibers that constitute the reticulum of the blood clot.
16. Fibrin monomer bonding
In the early stages of polymerization, the fibrin monomers are held together by weak non covalent hydrogen bonding, and the newly forming fibers are not cross-linked w/one another - the clot is weak and can be broken apart easily.

Later, a substance called fibrin-stabilizing factor is released from platelets entrapped in the clot. This stabilizing factor must be activated by thrombin.

Once activated, it operates as an enzyme to cause covalent bonds between more and more of the fibrin monomers and adds cross linkage, thus adding to the strength of the fibrin meshwork.
17. Clot retraction
Within a few minutes after a clot is formed, it beings to contract and usually expresses most of the fluid from the clot within 20-60 min.

The fluid expressed is called serum because all its fibrinogen and most of the other clotting factors have been removed.

Platelets are necessary for clot retraction to occur as they activate platelet thrombosthenin, actin, and myosin molecules, which are all contractile proteins in the platelets and causes strong contraction of the platelet spicules attaches to the fibrin.

This helps compress the fibrin meshwork into a smaller mass

The contraction is activated and accelerated by thrombin as well as by calcium ions released from the organelles of platelets.
18. Vicious circle of clot formation
Once a blood clot has started to develop, it normally extends within minutes into the surrounding blood.

The clot itself initiates a vicious circle to promote more clotting.

One of the most important causes of this is the fact that the proteolytic action of thrombin allows it to act on many of the other blood-clotting factors in addition to fibrinogen.

For instance, thrombin has a direct proteolytic effect on prothrombin itself, tending to convert this into still more thrombin, and it acts on some of the blood-clotting factors responsible for formation of prothrombin activator.

Once a critical amount of thrombin is formed, a vicious circle develops that causes still more blood clotting and more and more thrombin to be formed; thus the blood clot continues to grow until blood leakage ceases.
19. How is prothrombin activator formed?
By two ways that interact constantly with one another:

1. Extrinsic pathway that begins with trauma to the vascular wall and surrounding tissues

2. Intrinsic pathway that begins in the blood itself

Blood clotting factors play major roles and most are inactive forms of proteolytic enzymes; when converted to the active forms, their enzymatic actions cause the successive, cascading reactions of the clotting process.
20. Extrinsic pathway
1. Release of tissue factor; this factor is composed especially of phospholipids from the membranes of the tissue plus a lipoprotein complex that functions mainly as a proteolytic enzyme.

2. Activation of Factor 10 via Factor 7 and tissue factor
-The lipoprotein complex of tissue factor further compelxes with blodo coagulation Factor 7 and, in the presence of calcium ions, acts enzymatically on Factor 10 to form activated Factor 10a

3. Effect of activated Factor 10a to form prothrombin activator via Factor 5
-Factor 10a combines w/tissue phospholipids as well as with additional phospholipids released from platelets as well as with Factor 5 to form the complex called prothrombin activator.
-Within a few seconds, in the presence of calcium ions, this splits prothrombin into thrombin and the clotting process proceeds.
21. Extrinsic pathway in a nutshell
Tissue trauma

Tissue factor

7 → 7a; via tissue factor

10 → 10a; via 7a and calcium ions

Common pathway
22. Intrinsic pathway
1. Blood trauma causes: activation of Factor 12 and release of platelet phospholipids
2. Activation of Factor 11 which requires HMW kininogen and is accelerated by prekallikrein
3. Activation of Factor 9 via Factor 11a, acting in concert with activated Factor 8a and with the platelet phospholipids and Factor 3 from the traumatized platelets activated Factor 10.
5. Action of activated Factor 10a to form prothrombin activator via common pathways
23. Intrinsic pathway in a nutshell
Blood trauma

12 → 12a; via blood trauma

11 → 11a; via 12a and HMW kininogen and prekallikrein

9 → 9a; via 11a

10 → 10a; via 8a which provides surface area for 9a to activate 10a with Ca+ ions and phospholipids
24. Common cascade
Activated Factor 10a combines with Factor 5 and platelet or tissue phospholipids to form the complex called prothrombin activator

The prothrombin activator in turn initiates within seconds the cleavage of prothrombin to form thrombin, thereby setting into motion the final clotting process.
25. Role of calcium ions in the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways
Except for the first two steps in the intrinsic pathway, calcium ions are required for promotion or acceleration of all the blood-clotting reactions.

Without these ions, blood clotting by either pathway does not occur. This is why deionizing the calcium by causing it to react with substances such as citrate ion or oxalate ions prevents blood from clotting outside the body.
26. Important difference between the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways
The extrinsic pathway can be explosive; once initiated, its speed of completion to the final clot is limited only by the amount of tissue factor released from the traumatized tissues and by the quantities of Factors 10, 7, and 5 in the blood.
With severe tissue trauma, clotting can occur in as little as 15 seconds.

The intrinsic pathway is much slower to proceed, usually requiring 1 - 6 minutes to cause clotting.
27. What are the most important factors for preventing clotting in the normal vascular system?
1. The smoothness of the endothelial cell surface, which prevents contact activation of the intrinsic clotting system

2. A layer of glycocalyx on the endothelium which repels clotting factors and platelets, thereby preventing activation of clotting

3. A protein bound with the endothelial membrane, thrombomodulin, which binds thrombin. When bound to thrombin, this slows the clotting process and activates protein C, which acts as an anticoagulant by inactivated activated Factors 5 and 8.
28. Endothelial wall damage
When the endothelial wall is damaged, its smoothness and its glycocalyx-thrombomodulin layer are lost, which activates both Factor 12 and the platelets, thus settingoff the intrinsic pathway of clotting.

If Factor 12 and platelets come in contact w/the subendothelial collagen, the activation is even more powerful.
29. Antithrombin II
Among the most important anticoagulants in the blood itself are those that remove thrombin from the blood.

The most powerful of these are:
1. The fibrin fibers that themselves are formed during the process of clotting
2. An alpha-globulin called antithrombin III or antithrombin-heparin cofactor

The thrombin that does not absorb to the fibrin fibers soon combines w/antithrombin III, which further blocks the effect of thrombin on the fibrinogen and then also inactivates the thrombin itself.
30. Heparin
A powerful anticoagulant that occurs naturally in the blood and is used widely as a pharmacological agent to prevent intravascular clotting.

The heparin molecule is a highly negatively charged polysaccharide. When it combines with antithrombin III, the effectiveness of antithrombin III for removing thrombin is increased by 100x - 1,000x and thus it acts as an anticoagulant.

The complex of heparin and antithrombin III removes several other activated factors; Factors 12, 11, 10, and 9.
31. Mast cells and basophils
Heparin is produced in large quantities by mast cells located in tissue surrounding the capillaries in the lungs and liver; this is a good location b/c these areas receive many embolic clots formed in slowly flowing venous blood - mast cell release of heparin prevents further growth of clots.

Basophils also release smaller quantities of heparin into the plasma.
32. Plasminogen
AKA profibrinolysin

When activated, becomes a substance called plasmin.
33. Plasmin
AKA fibrinolysin

Plasmin is a proteolytic enzyme that resembles trypsin, the most important proteolytic digestive enzyme of pancreatic secretion

Digests fibrin fibers and some other protein coagulants such as fibrinogen, Factor 5, Factor 8, prothrombin, and Factor 12.

Therefore, whenever plasmin is formed, ti can cause lysis of a clot by destroying many of the clotting factors.
34. Lysis of clots
The injured tissues and vascular endothelium very slowly release a powerful activator called tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) that a few days later, after the clot has stopped the bleeding, eventually converts plasminogen to plasmin, which in turn removes the remaining unnecessary blood clot.

Thus, an important function of the plasmin system is to remove minute clots from millions of tiny peripheral vessels that eventually would become occluded were there no way to clear them.
35. Three important types of bleeding tendencies
1. Vitamin K deficiency

2. Hemophilia

3. Thrombocytopenia
36. What does vitamin K deficiency lead to?
Decreased levels of:
1. Prothrombin
2. Factor 7
3. Factor 9
4. Factor 10
37. Synthesis of vitamin K
Continually synthesized in the intestinal tract by bacteria.

However, in GI disease, vitamin K deficiency often occurs as a result of poor absorption of fats from the GI tract since vitamin K is fat-soluble.
38. What is the most prevalent cause of vitamin K deficiency?
Failure of the liver to secrete bile into the GI tract due to bile duct obstruction or liver disease.

Lack of bile prevents adequate fat digestion and absorption.

Liver disease often causes decreased production of prothrombin and some other clotting factors both because of poor vitamin K absorption and b/c of diseased liver cells.

Side note: this is the reason vitamin K is injected into all surgical patients w/liver disease 4-8 hours before operation in order to prevent excessive bleeding.
39. Hemophilia
A bleeding disease that occurs almost exclusively in males.

In 85% of cases, it is caused by an abnormality or deficiency of Factor 8; this type of hemophilia is called "Hemophilia A" or "classic hemophilia"

In the other 15% of cases, it is caused by a defiency of Factor 9.

Both of these factors are transmitted genetically by way of the female chromosome, i.e. X linked.
40. Factor 8
Has two active components, a large component w/a molecular weiht in the millions and a smaller component w/a molecular weight of 230,000.

This smaller component is most important in the intrinsic pathway for clotting, and it is deficiency of this factor that causes classic hemophilia.
41. Therapy for prolonged bleeding in patients with classic hemophilia
The only therapy that is truly effective is injection of purified Factor 8.

The cost of Factor 8 is high, and its availability is limited b/c it can be gathered only from human blood in very small quantities.
42. Thrombocytopenia
Means the presence of very low numbers of platelets in the circulating blood.

People w/this disease have a tendency to bleed, as do hemophiliacs, except that the bleeding is usually from many small venules or capillaries, rather than from larger vessels as in hemophilia.

As a result, small punctate hemorrhages occur throughout all the body tissues, esp in the skin which displays purplish blotches, giving the disease the name "thrombocytopenic purpura"
43. Suspicion of thrombocytopenia without making specific platelet counts
If the person's blood fails to retract, because clot retraction is normally dependent on release of multiple coagulation factors from the large numbers of platelets entrapped in the fibrin mesh of the clot.
44. Most common form of thrombocytopenia
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia

In most of these people, specific antibodies have formed and react against the platelets themselves to destroy them.
45. Therapy for bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia
Transfusions of fresh whole blood which contain large numbers of platelets.

Also, splenectomy is often helpful, sometimes effecting almost complete cure b/c the spleen normally removes large numbers of platelets from the blood.
46. Difference between thrombi and emboli
An abnormal clot that develops in a blood vessel is called a thrombus.

Once a clot has developed, continued flow of blood past the clot cause the clot to break away and flow w/the blood. These freely flowing clots are known as emboli.

Also, emboli that originate in large arteries or in the left side of the heart can flow peripherally and plug arteries or arterioles in the brain, kidneys, or elsewhere.

Emboli that originate in the venous system or in the right side of the heart generally flow into the lungs and cause pulmonary arterial embolism.
47. Cause of thromboembolic conditions
1. Any roughened endothelial surface of a vessel - as caused by arteriosclerosis, infection or trauma - is likely to initiate clotting
2. Slow flow of blood predisposes blood to clot
48. Use of t-PA in treating intravascular clots
t-PA (Tissue plasminogen activator) is delivered directly to a thrombosed area thru a catheter. There, ti is effective in activating plasminogen into plasmin, which in turn can dissolve some intravascular clots.

Must be used promptly (i.e. within first hour of clot)
49. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Occasionally, the clotting mechanism becomes activated in widespread areas of circulation, giving rise to DIC.

This often results from the presence of large amounts of traumatized or dying tissue in the body that releases great quantities of tissue factor into the blood.

Occurs especially in patients with widespread septicemia, in which either circulating bacteria or bacterial toxins - esp endotoxins - activate the clotting mechanism.

Paroxysmal effect of DIC is that excessive bleeding can occur; since the clotting factors are removed by the widespread clotting, too few procoagulants remain to allow normal hemostasis of the remaining blood
50. Heparin as an IV anticoagulant
Extracted from several different animal tissues and prepared in almost pure form.

Injection of relatively small quantities causes the blood-clotting time to increase from a normal of about 6 minutes to 30 or more minutes.

This change in clotting time occurs instantaneously, thereby preventing or slowing further development of a thromboembolic condition

Action of heparin lasts about 1.5 to 4 hours. The injected heparin is destroyed by heparinase.
51. Coumarins as anticoagulants
When a coumarin, such as warfarin, is given to a patient, the plasma levels of prothrombin and Factors 7, 9, and 10, all formed by the liver, begin to fall.

Warfarin causes this effect by competing with vitamin K for reactive sites in the enzymatic processes for formation of prothrombin and the other three clotting factors, thereby blocking the action of vitamin K.

After admin of effective dose of warfarin, the coagulant activity of the blood decrease to about 20-50% normal.

However, the coagulation process is not blocked immediately but must await the natural consumption of the prothrombin and the other affected coagulation factors already present in the plasma.

Normal coagulation usually returns 1-3 days after discontinuing coumarin therapy.
52. How can we prevent blood from clotting in test tubes?
In glass test tubes, the blood normally clots in about 6 minutes as the glass surface allows contact activation of the platelets and Factor 12, with rapid development of clots.

However, blood collected in siliconized containers often does not clot for 1 hour or more.
53. How else can we prevent blood clotting outside of the body?
1. Heparin (dialysis, heart-lung machines)
2. Oxalate compounds cause precipitation of calcium oxalate from the plasma and thereby decreases the ionic calcium level so much that blood coagulation is blocked.
3. Citrate ions mixed w/blood in the form of sodium, ammonium, or potassium citrate which combines with calcium in the blood to caused an un-ionized calcium compound. The lack of ionic calcium prevents coagulation.

Citrate anticoagulants are better than oxalates b/c oxalates are more toxic to the body; however, liver damage can result in too much citrates in the blood which lead to tetany and convulsive death.
54. Methods used to determine blood clotting times
Collect blood in a chemically clean glass test tube and then tip the tube back and forth about every 30 s until the blood has clotted. By this method, the normal clotting time is 6-10 min.

Unfortunately, the clotting time varies widely depending on the method used for measuring it, so it is no longer used in many clinic.

Instead, measurements of the clotting factors themselves are made, using sophisticated chemical procedures.
55. Prothrombin time
This gives an indication of the concentration of prothrombin in the blood.

Blood removed from the patient is immediately oxalated so none of the prothrombin can change into thrombin.

Then, a large excess of calcium ion and tissue factor is mixed with the oxalated blood. The excess calcium nullifies the effect of the oxalate, and the tissue factor activates the prothrombin-to-thrombin reaction by means of the extrinsic clotting pathway.

The time required for coagulation to take place is known as the prothrombin time. The shortness of the time is determined mainly by prothrombin concentration.

Normal prothrombin time is 12 s

In each lab, a curve relating prothrombin concentration to prothrombin time is used in order to determine the prothrombin quantity in blood.
56. Other methods used to determine blood clotting times via clotting factors
In each of these tests, excesses of calcium ions and all the other factors BESIDES THE ONE BEING TESTED are added to oxalated blood all at once.

Then the time required for coagulation is determined in the same manner as for prothrombin time.

If the factor being tested is deficient, the coagulation time is prolonged. The time itself can then be used to quantitate the concentration of the factor.
57. Pulmonary vessels
The PA extends only 5 cm beyond the apex of the right ventricle and then divides into right and left main branches that supply blood to the respective lungs.

The PA is thin, w/a wall thickness 1/3 that of the aorta. The PA branches are very short, and all PA's have larger diameters than their counterpart systemic arteries.

The pulmonary veins are also short; they immediately empty their effluent blood into the left atrium, to be pumped by the left heart thru the systemic circulation
58. Significant feature of the pulmonary arterial tree
Has a large compliance due to the vessels being thin and distensible

Avgs almost 7 ml/mm Hg, which is similar to that of the entire systemic arterial tree.

This large compliance allows the pulmonary arteries to accommodate the stroke volume output of the right ventricle.
59. Bronchial vessels

How about left ventricular output vs. right ventricular output?
Blood flows to lungs thru small bronchial arteries amounting to about 1-2% of total CO.

This blood is oxygenated blood, in contrast to the partially deoxygenated blood in the PA's.

After this bronchial and arterial blood has passed thru the supporting tissues, it empties into the pulmonary veins, and enters the left atrium, rather than passing back to the right atrium.

Therefore, the flow into the left atrium and the left ventricular output are about 1-2% greater than the right ventricular output.
60. Lymphatics in the lung
Present in all the supporting tissues of the lung, beginning in the connective tissue spaces that surround the terminal bronchioles, coursing to the hilum of the lung, and emptying mainly into the right thoracic lymphatic duct.

Helps remove particulate matter and prevents pulmonary edema by removing plasma proteins leaking into the lung capillaries.
61. Normal systolic pressure in the right ventricle
Averages about 25 mm Hg
62. Normal diastolic pressure in the right ventricle
Averages about 0 - 1 mm Hg
63. Pressure changes in the pulmonary arteries during systole and diastole
During systole, the pressure in the PA is essentially equal to the pressure in the right ventricle.

However, after the pulmonary valve closes at the end of systole, the ventricular pressure falls rapidly, whereas the pulmonary arterial pressure falls more slowly as blood flows thru the capillaries of the lungs.

Systolic PA pressure = 25 mm Hg
Diastolic PA pressure = 8 mm Hg

Mean PA pressure = 15 mm Hg
64. Mean pressure in the left atrium and major pulmonary veins

How is this measured?
2 mm Hg

Difficult to measure using direct measuring device b/c it is difficult to pass catheter thru the heart chambers into the left atrium.

However, the left atrial pressure can often be estimated by measuring the pulmonary wedge pressure.
65. Pulmonary wedge pressure
A catheter is inserted first thru a peripheral vein to the right atrium, then thru the right side of the heart and thru the pulmonary artery into one of its small branches, finally pushing the catheter until it wedges tightly in the small branch.

The pressure measured is called the wedge pressure, and is normally about 5 mm Hg.

This makes a direct connection w/the pulmonary capillaries, and is usually only 2 - 3 mm Hg greater than the left atrial pressure.

Often used to study changes in pulmonary capillary pressure and left atrial pressure in patients w/congestive heart failure.
66. Blood volume of the lungs
About 450 mL, which is about 9% of the total blood volume of entire circulatory system.

Approx 70 mL of this blood volume is in the pulmonary capillaries, and the remainder is divided about equally between the pulmonary arteries and veins.
67. How are the lungs a type of "blood reservoir"?
Under various physiological and pathological conditions, the quantity of blood in the lungs can vary from a little as 1/2 normal up to 2x normal.

When a person exhales forcefully, as much as 250 mL of blood can be expelled from the pulmonary circulation

Also, loss of blood from the systemic circulation can be partly compensated for by the automatic shift of blood form the lungs into the systemic vessels.
68. What happens to the shift of blood when the left side of the heart fails or increased resistance to blood flow thru the mitral valve occurs?
Causes blood to dam up in the pulmonary circulation, sometimes increases the blood volume as much as 100% and causing large increases in the pulmonary vascular pressures.

B/c the volume of the systemic circulation is about 9x that of the pulmonary system, the shift of blood from one system to the other affects the pulmonary system greatly but usually has only mild systemic circulatory effects.
69. What is essentially equal to the blood flow thru the lungs?
The cardiac output.

Therefore, factors that control CO, mainly peripheral factors, also control pulmonary blood flow.
70. What happens when the concentration of O2 in the air of the alveoli decreases below normal (i.e. below 73 mm Hg PO2)?
The adjacent blood vessels constrict, with the vascular resistance increasing more than 5x at extremely low O2 levels.

This is opposite to the effect observed in systemic vessels, which dilate rather than constrict.

It is believed that low O2 causes some vasoconstrictor substance to be released possibly by the alveolar epithelial cells when they become hypoxic.
71. Why is vasoconstriction in the lungs due to low O2 important?
It distributes blood flow to where it is most effective.

That is, if some alveoli are poorly ventilated so that their O2 concentration becomes low, the local vessels constrict. This causes the blood to flow thru other areas of the lungs that are better aerated.
72. Differences in pulmonary blood pressures are due to what?
Caused by differences in hydrostatic pressure - that is, the weight of the blood itself in the blood vessels.

At the apex of the lungs, the pressure is much less than at the bottom of the lungs.
73. Blood flow at different levels in the lungs of an upright person at rest and during exercise.
When a person is at rest, the blood flow is very low at the top of the lungs; most of the flow is thru the bottom of the lung.

During exercise, blood flow to all levels increases.
74. Zone 1 blood flow
No blood flow during all portions of the cardiac cycle b/c the local alveolar capillary pressure in that area of the lung never rises higher than the alveolar pressure during any part of the cardiac cycle.
75. Zone 2 blood flow
Intermittent blood flow only during the pulmonary arterial pressure peaks b/c the systolic pressure is then greater than the alveolar air pressure, but the diastolic pressure is less than the alveolar air pressure.
76. Zone 3 blood flow
Continuous blood flow because the alveolar capillary pressure remains greater than alveolar air pressure during the entire cardiac cycle.
77. Normal distribution of blood flow zones in the lungs
Normally, the lungs have only zones 2 and 3 blood flow

Zone 2 in the apices

Zone 3 in all the lower areas.
78. Why is zone 2 at the lung apices?
Blood flows through the apical part of the lung is intermittent, with flow during systole but cessation of flow during diastole; this is called zone 2 blood flow.

Zone 2 blood flow begins in the normal lungs about 10 centimeters above the midlevel of the heart and extends from there to the top of the lungs.
79. When, then, does zone 1 blood flow occur?
Only under abnormal conditions.

Occurs when either the pulmonary systolic arterial pressure is too low or the alveolar pressure is too high to allow flow.
80. During exercise, what happens to the blood flow zone at the lung apices?
There is an increase in blood flow to the top of the lungs and this increase is much greater than the increases in blood flow to the lower part of the lungs.

Thus, the pressure differences allow the pulmonary vascular pressures to rise enough during exercise to convert the lung apices from zone 2 pattern into a zone 3 pattern of flow.
81. During heavy exercise, how is the increased blood flow accommodated in the lungs?
Three ways:

1. Increasing the number of open capillaries, sometimes as much as 3x

2. Distending all the capillaries and increasing the rate of flow through each capillary more than twofold

3. Increasing the pulmonary arterial pressure.

In the normal person, the first two changes decrease pulmonary vascular resistance so much that the pulmonary arterial pressure rises very little, even during maximum exercise.

This conserves the energy of the right side of the heart and also prevents development of pulmonary edema.
82. What happens to the pulmonary circulation when the left atrial pressure rises?

What causes the left atrial pressure to rise?
Left sided heart failure causes this.

Normal left atrial pressure almost never rises above +6 mm Hg.

However, when the left side of heart fails, blood begins to dam up in the left atrium, and this causes the left atrial pressure to rise to 40 - 50 mm Hg.

Any left atrial pressure above 7 or 8 mm Hg causes an equal increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, thus causing an increased load on the right heart.

Most left atrial pressures above 30 mm Hg are likely to develop pulmonary edema.
83. What is the mean pulmonary capillary pressure?
7 mm Hg
84. What are the quantitative differences between fluid exchange in lung capillary membranes and peripheral tissues?
1. The pulmonary capillary pressure is low, about 7 mm Hg, in comparison w/a higher functional capillary pressure in the peripheral tissues of about 17 mm Hg.

2. The interstitial fluid pressure in the lung is slightly more negative than that in the peripheral subcutaneous tissue

3. The pulmonary capillaries are relatively leaky to protein molecules, so that the colloid osmotic pressure of the pulmonary interstitial fluid is about 14 mm Hg, in comparison w/less than half this value in the peripheral tissues.

4. The alveolar walls are extremely thin, and the alveolar epithelium covering the alveolar surfaces is so weak that is can be ruptured by any positive pressure in the interstitial spaces greater than alveolar air pressure
85. What is the mean filtration pressure at the pulmonary capillary membrane?
+1 mm Hg

This causes a slight continual flow of fluid from the pulmonary capillaries into the interstitial spaces, and except for a small amount that evaporates in the alveoli, this fluid is pumped back to the circulation thru the pulmonary lymphatic system.
86. How are the alveoli kept "dry"?
Experiments have shown that there are always openings between the alveolar epithelial cells thru which even large protein molecules, as well as water and electrolytes can pass.

However, the pulmonary capillaries and the pulmonary lymphatic system normally maintain a slight negative pressure in the interstitial spaces, and thus whenever extra fluid appears in the alveoli, it is sucked mechanically into the lung interstitium.

Thus, under normal conditions, the alveoli are kept dry, except for a small amount of surfactant that seeps from the epithelium onto the lining surfaces of the alveoli to keep them moist.
87. Physiologically, what causes pulmonary edema?
Any factor that causes the pulmonary interstitial fluid pressure to rise from the negative range into the positive range will cause rapid filling of the pulmonary interstitial spaces and alveoli with large amounts of free fluid.
88. Most common causes of pulmonary edema
1. Left sided heart failure or mitral valve disease, with consquent great increases in pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary capillary pressure and flooding of the interstitial spaces and alveoli.

2. Damage to the pulmonary blood capillary membranes caused by infections such as pneumonia or by breathing noxious substances such as chlorine gas or sulfur dioxide gas. Each of these causes rapid leakage of both plasma proteins and fluid out of the capillaries and into both the lung interstitial spaces and the alveoli.
89. Pulmonary edema safety factor

What is the normal colloid osmotic pressure?
The pulmonary capillary pressure normally must rise to a value at least equal to the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma inside the capillaries before significant pulmonary edema will occur.

Normal colloid osmotic pressure is 28 mm Hg.

One can predict that the pulmonary capillary pressure must rise from the normal level of 7 mm Hg to more than 28 mm Hg to cause pulmonary edema, giving an ACUTE SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST PULMONARY EDEMA at 21 mm HG
90. Safety factor against pulmonary edema in chronic conditions
When the pulmonary capillary pressure remains elevated chronically, the lungs become even more resistant to pulmonary edema b/c the lymph vessels expand greatly, increasing their capability of carrying fluid away from the interstitial spaces.

Thus, in patients w/chronic mitral stenosis, pulmonary capillary pressures of 40 to 45 mm Hg have been measured w/o the development of lethal pulmonary edema
91. Dynamics of fluid exchange in the pleural space
The pleural membrane is a porous, mesenchymal, serous membrane thru which small amts of interstitial fluid transude continually into the pleural space.

These fluids carry w/them tissue proteins, giving the pleural fluid a mucoid characteristic, which is what allows extremely easy slippage of the moving lungs.
92. Excess fluid pumped away from the pleural space goes to where?
1. The mediastinum

2. The lateral surfaces of the parietal pleura

3. The superior surface of the diaphragm.

Thus, the pleural space is called a "potential" space because it normally is so narrow that it is not obviously a physical space.
93. What must the pleural space maintain in order to keep the lungs expanded?
A pressure at least as negative as -4 mm Hg
94. Pleural effusion

What causes pleural effusion?
Means the collection of large amounts of free fluid in the pleural space.

Causes include:
1. Blockage of lymphatic drainage from the pleural cavity
2. Cardiac failure
3. Greatly reduced plasma colloid osmotic pressure
4. Infection or any other cause of inflammation of the surfaces of the pleural cavity
95. In order for diffusion to occur, what must be present?
A source of energy

This is provided by the kinetic motion of the molecules themselves.
96. Net diffusion of a gas occurs in which direction?
If a gas chamber or a solution has a high concentration of a particular gas at one end of the chamber and a low concentration at the other end, net diffusion of the gas will occur from the high-concentration area toward the low-concentration area.

Reason: far more molecules at high-concentration end of the chamber to diffuse toward the low-concentration end than there are molecules to diffuse in the opposite direction.
97. Partial pressures of individual gases
The pressure is directly proportional to the concentration of the gas molecules.

Thus, the pressure of a gas acting on the surfaces of the respiratory passages and alveoli is proportional to the summated force of impact of all the molecules of that gas striking the surface at any given instant.

In respiratory physiology, one has gaseous mixtures of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. The rate of diffusion of each of these gases is directly proportional to the pressure caused by that gas alone, which is called the partial pressure of that gas.
98. What determines the partial pressure of a gas in a solution?
1. Concentration
2. Solubility coefficient of the gas

Henry's law =

partial pressure = (concentration of dissolved gas) / (solubility coefficient)
99. Rank order of solubility coefficients at 1 atm
1. Carbon dioxide (.57)
2. Oxygen (.024)
3. Carbon monoxide (.018)
4. Nitrogen (.012)
5. Helium (.008)

From this, we can see that carbon dioxide is more than 20x as soluble as oxygen. Therefore, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide for a given concentration is less than 1/20th that exerted by oxygen
100. What determines the direction of net diffusion?
Net diffusion is determined by the difference between the two partial pressures.

If the partial pressure is greater in the gas phase in the alveoli, as is normally true for oxygen, then more molecules will diffuse into the blood than in the other direction.

Alternatively, if the partial pressure of the gas is greater in the dissolved state in the blood, which is normally true for carbon dioxide, then net diffusion will occur toward the gas phase in the alveoli.
101. Vapor pressure
The partial pressure that the water molecules exert to escape through the surface is called the vapor pressure of water.

At normal body temp, this vapor pressure is 47 mm Hg.
102. What factors affect the rate of diffusion?
1. Pressure difference
2. Solubility of the gas in the fluid
3. The cross sectional are of the fluid
4. The distance through which the gas must diffuse
5. The molecular weight of the gas
6. The temperature of the fluid.
103. Diffusion rate equation
D = [∆P x A x S] / [d x √(MW)]

D is the diffusion rate
∆P is the partial pressure difference
A is the cross-sectional area
S is the solubility of the gas
d is the distance of diffusion
MW is the molecular weight of the gas
104. Diffusion of gases through tissues
The gases that are of respiratory importance are all highly soluble in lipids and are highly soluble in cell membranes.

Because of this, the major limitation to the movement of gases in tissues is the rate at which the gases can diffuse through the tissue water instead of through the cell membranes.

Therefore, diffusion of gases through the tissues, including thru the respiratory membrane, is almost equal to the diffusion of gases in water.
105. Composition of alveolar air
Alveolar air does not have the same concentrations of gases as atmospheric air for the following reasons:

1. The alveolar air is only partially replaced by atmospheric air with each breath
2. Oxygen is constantly being absorbed into the pulmonary blood from the alveolar air.
3. Carbon dioxide is constantly diffusion for the pulmonary blood into the alveoli
4. Dry atmospheric air that enters the respiratory passages is humidified even before it reaches the alveoli.
106. What happens as atmospheric air enters the respiratory passages?
Atmospheric air is composed of nitrogen and oxygen; almost no water.

As soon as it enters the respiratory passages, it is exposed to the fluids that cover the respiratory surfaces and becomes totally humidified.

*Because the total pressure in the alveoli cannot rise to more than the atmospheric pressure (760 m Hg at sea level), this water vapor simply dilutes all the other gases in the inspired air.
107. Rate of alveolar air exchange
The volume of alveolar air replaced by new atmospheric air with each breath is only 1/7th of the total, so that multiple breaths are required to exchange most of the alveolar air.
108. What is the importance of the slow replacement of alveolar air?
Prevents sudden changes in gas concentrations in the blood.

This makes the respiratory control mechanism much more stable than it would be otherwise, and it helps prevent excessive increase and decreases in tissue oxygenation, tissue carbon dioxide concentration, and tissue pH when respiration is temporarily interrupted.
109. What affects the oxygen concentration in the alveoli?
1. The rate of absorption of oxygen into the blood

2. The rate of entry of new oxygen into the lungs by the ventilatory process

However, the pO2 can never increase above 149 mm Hg as long as the person is breathing normal atmospheric air at sea level pressure, because this is the maximum pO2 in humidified air at this pressure.
110. Normal ventilatory rate and consumption of oxygen
Normal ventilatory rate: 4.2 L/min

Normal oxygen consumption: 250 mL/min
111. Alveolar pCO2
The alveolar pCO2 increases directly in proportion to the rate of carbon dioxide excretion

The alveolar pCO2 decreases in inverse proportion to alveolar ventilation

Therefore, the concentrations and partial pressure of both oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli are determined by the rates of absorption or excretion of the two gases and by the amount of alveolar ventilation.
112. What makes up expired air?

How does one sample true alveolar air?
Amount of expired air is determined by:

1. The amount of expired air that is dead space air

2. The amount of expired air that is alveolar air.

Can sample true alveolar air by collecting the last portion of the expired air after forceful expiration has removed all the dead space air.
113. What makes up the "respiratory unit"?
1. Respiratory bronchiole
2. Alveolar ducts
3. Atria
4. Alveoli
114. Respiratory membrane
AKA pulmonary membrane

This is where the gas exchange between the alveolar air and the pulmonary blood occurs.
115. What are the layers of the pulmonary membrane?
1. Fluid lining the alveolus and containing surfactant that reduces the surface tension of the alveolar fluid
2. Alveolar epithelium composed of thin epithelial cells
3. Epithelial basement membrane
4. Thin interstitial space between the alveolar epithelium and the capillary membrane
5. Capillary basement membrane that in many places fuses with the alveolar epithelial basement membrane
6. Capillary endothelial membrane
116. What is the significance of the pulmonary membrane diameter being only 5 micrometers?
The RBC must squeeze through them, and the RBC membrane usually touches the capillary wall, so that oxygen and carbon dioxide need not pass through significant amounts of plasma as they diffuse between the alveolus and the red cell.

This increases the rapidity of diffusion.
117. What factors determine the rate of gas diffusion across the respiratory membrane?
1. Thickness of the membrane
2. Surface area of the membrane
3. Diffusion coefficient of the gas in the substance of the membrane
4. Partial pressure difference of the gas between the two sides of the membrane.
118. What can increase the thickness of the respiratory membrane?
1. Edema in the interstitial space of the membrane and in the alveoli, so that the respiratory gases must then diffuse not only through the membrane but also through this fluid

2. Some pulmonary diseases also cause fibrosis of the lungs
119. What can decrease the surface area of the respiratory membrane?
1. Removal of an entire lung (Duh!)

2. Emphysema
-many of the alveoli coalesce, with dissolution of many alveolar walls.
120. Diffusing capacity of the respiratory membrane
The volume of a gas that will diffuse through the membrane each minute for a partial pressure difference of 1 mm Hg.
121. Normal diffusing capacity for oxygen
21 mL/min/mm Hg

Total about 230 mL/min
122. Change in oxygen diffusing capacity during exercise
Increases to a max of 65 mL/min/mm Hg

Increase due to:
1. Opening up of many previously dormant pulmonary capillaries, thereby increasing the surface area of blood into which the oxygen can diffuse

2. A better match between the ventilation of the alveoli and the perfusion of the alveolar capillaries with blood

Therefore, during exercise, oxygenation of the blood is increased not only be increased alveolar ventilation but also by greater diffusing capacity of the respiratory membrane for transporting oxygen into the blood.
123. Diffusing capacity for carbon dioxide
Has never been measured before b/c it diffuses through the respiratory membrane so rapidly that the average pCO2 in the pulmonary blood is not different from the pCO2 in the alveoli

Regardless, normal diffusing capacity should be: 400-450 mL/min/mm Hg during resting conditions
124. Ventilation perfusion ratio
Is expressed as Va/Q

When Va (alveolar ventilation) is normal for a given alveolus and Q (blood flow) is also normal for the same alveolus, the ventilation-perfusion ratio is said to be normal.

When Va is zero, yet there is still perfusion (Q), the Va/Q is zero

On the other hand, when there is adequate ventilation (Va), but zero perfusion (Q), the ratio of Va/Q is infinity.

At a ratio of either zero or infinity, there is no exchange of gases through the respiratory membrane of the affected alveoli
125. Physiological shunt
When Va/Q is below normal

There is inadequate ventilation to provide the oxygen needed to fully oxygenate the blood flowing through the alveolar capillaries.

Therefore, a certain fraction of the venous blood passing thru the pulmonary capillaries does not become oxygenated. This fraction is called shunted blood.

Thus, the greater the physiologic shunt, the greater the amount of blood that fails to be oxygenated as it passed thru the lungs
126. Physiological dead space
When Va/Q is greater than normal

The ventilation of some of the alveoli is great but alveolar blood flow is low; there is far more available oxygen in the alveoli than can be transported away from the alveoli by the flowing blood.

Thus, the ventilation of these alveoli is said to be wasted.
The ventilation of the anatomical dead space areas is also wasted; it is the sum of these two types of wasted ventilation that is called the physiological dead space.

When the physiologic dead space is great, much of the work of ventilation is wasted effort because so much of the ventilating air never reaches the blood.
127. Va/Q in the upper and lower normal lung
In a normal person in the upright position, at the top of the lung, Va/Q is as much as 2.5x as great as the ideal value, which causes a moderate degree of physiologic dead space in this area of the lung.

In the bottom of the lung, there is slightly too little ventilation in relation to blood flow, with Va/Q as low as 0.6x the ideal value, representing a physiologic shunt.

However, during exercise, blood flow to the upper part of the lung increases markedly, so that far less physiologic dead space occurs, and the effectiveness of gas exchange now approaches optimum.
128. Va/Q in chronic obstructive lung diseases
Some areas of the lung exhibit serious physiologic shunt, and other areas exhibit serious physiologic dead space.

Both these conditions tremendously decrease the effectiveness of the lungs as gas exchange organs.
129. What is the effect of rate of blood flow on interstitial fluid pO2?
If the blood flow thru a particular tissue is increased, greater quantities of oxygen are transported into the tissue, and the tissue pO2 becomes correspondingly higher.

However, the upper limit to which the pO2 can rise, even w/maximal blood flow, is 95 mm Hg, b/c this is the O2 pressure in the arterial blood.

Conversely, if blood flow thru the tissue decreases, the tissue pO2 also decreases.
130. What is the effect of rate of tissue metabolism on interstitial fluid pO2?
If the cells use more oxygen for metabolism than normally, this reduces the interstitial fluid pO2.

In other words, when the cellular O2 consumption is increased, there is reduced pO2 in the interstitial fluid;

On the other hand, increased pO2 occurs when consumption is decreased.
131. Which has a higher pO2 concentration, the peripheral tissue cells or the peripheral capillaries?
The peripheral capillaries have a higher pO2 b/c oxygen is always being used by the cells and therefore the intracellular pO2 in the peripheral tissue cells always remains lower.
132. What happens when O2 is used by the cells?
Virtually all of the O2 becomes carbon dioxide, and this increases the intracellular pCO2; because of this high tissue cell pCO2, carbon dioxide diffuses from the cells into the tissue capillaries and is then carried by the blood to the lungs.

In the lungs, it diffuses from the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli and is expired.
133. CO2 pressures in intracellular vs. interstitial fluids
Intracellular pCO2: 46 mm Hg

Interstitial pCO2: 45 mm Hg

Thus, there is only a 1 mm Hg pressure differential
134. CO2 pressures in arterial blood vs. venous blood
pCO2 in arterial blood: 40 mm Hg

pCO2 in venous blood: 45 mm Hg

Thus, the tissue capillary blood come almost exactly to equilibrium w/the interstitial pCO2 of 45 mm Hg.
135. CO2 pressures in blood entering pulmonary capillaries at arterial end vs. in the alveolar air
pCO2 in blood entering pulmonary capillaries at arterial end: 45 mm Hg

pCO2 of the alveolar air: 40 mm Hg

Thus, only a 5 mm Hg pressure difference causes all the required carbon dioxide diffusion out of the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli.
136. What is the effect of tissue metabolism and tissue blood flow on interstitial pCO2?
Tissue capillary blood flow and tissue metabolism affect the pCO2 in ways exactly opposite to their effect on tissue pO2

A decrease in blood flow from normal increases peripheral tissue pCO2; an increase in blood flow decreases the interstitial pCO2

Also, an increase in tissue metabolic rate greatly elevates the interstitial fluid pCO2, whereas decreasing the metabolism causes the interstitial pCO2 to fall.
137. What is the role of hemoglobin in O2 transport?
Under normal conditions, oxygen is carried to the tissues almost entirely by hemoglobin (97%)

The rest is transported in the dissolved state in the water of the plasma and blood cells.
138. Explain the nature of the reversible combination of oxygen with hemoglobin
Oxygen binds loosely and reversibly with the heme portion of hemoglobin molecules.

When pO2 is high, as in the pulmonary capillaries, oxygen binds w/the hemoglobin

When pO2 is low, as in the tissue capillaries, oxygen is released from the hemoglobin
139. What is the usual oxygen saturation of systemic arterial blood?
140. What is the saturation of hemoglobin in normal venous blood?
Averages 75%
141. What is the maximum amount of oxygen that can combine with the hemoglobin of blood?
The blood of a normal person contains about 15 grams of hemoglobin in each 100 mL of blood, and each gram of hemoglobin can bind with a maximum of 1.34 mL of oxygen.

Therefore 15 x 1.35 = 20.1, which means that on average, 15 g of hemoglobin can combine with a total of almost exactly 20 mL of O2 if the Hb is 100% saturated.

This is usually expressed as 20 volumes per cent.
142. Amount of oxygen released form the Hb when systemic arterial blood flows thru the tissues
The total quantity of O2 bound with Hb in normal systemic arterial blood, which is about 97% saturated, is 19.4 mL per 100 mL of blood.

On passing thru the tissue capillaries, this amount is reduced, on average, to 14.4 mL.

Thus, under normal conditions, about 5 mL of O2 are transported form the lungs to the tissues by each 100 mL of blood.
143. Utilization coefficient
The percentage of the blood that gives up its oxygen as it passes thru the tissue capillaries is called the utilization coefficient.

The normal value for this is about 25%, that is, 25% of the oxgenated Hb gives its oxygen to the tissues.

During exercise, the utilization coefficient can increase to 75 to 85%.
144. Role of hemoglobin as a buffer for tissue pO2
Hemoglobin in the blood is mainly responsible for stabilizing the oxygen pressure in the tissues.

During heavy exercise, extra amounts of oxygen must be delivered from the Hb to the tissues. But this can be achieved with little further decrease in tissue pO2 because:

1. The steep slope of the dissociation curve
2. The increase in tissue blood flow caused by the decreased pO2; that is, a very small fall in pO2 causes large amount of extra oxygen to be released from the Hb.

Thus, the hemoglobin in the blood automatically delivers oxygen to the tissues at a pressure that is held rather tightly between about 15 and 40 mm Hg
145. Factors that shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left
1. ↑ pH

2. ↓ CO2

3. ↓ Temperature

4. ↓ BPG
146. Factors that shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right
1. ↓ pH

2. ↑ CO2

3. ↑ Temperature

4. ↑ BPG
147. The Bohr effect
A shift of the oxygen-Hb dissociation curve to the right in response to increases in blood carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions has a significant effect by enhancing the release of oxygen from the blood in the tissues and enhancing oxygenation of the blood in the lungs.

As the blood passes thru the tissues, carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissue cells into the blood. This increases the blood pO2 which in turn raises the blood H2CO3 (carbonic acid) and the H+ concentration.

These effects shift the O2-Hb dissociation curve to the right and downward, forcing oxygen away from the hemoglobin and therefore delivering increased amount of O2 to the tissues.

Exactly the opposite effects occur in the lungs
148. Effect of BPG on the O2-Hb dissociation curve
The normal BPG in the blood keeps the O2-Hb dissociation curve shifted slightly to the right all the time.

In hypoxic conditions, the quantity of BPG in the blood increases considerably and shifts the curve even farther to the right.
149. Shift of the dissociation curve during exercise
During exercise, the curve shifts considerably to the right, thus delivering extra amounts of O2 to the active, exercising muscle fibers.

The muscles release larger quantities of carbon dioxide and server other acids which increase the H+ concentration.

In addition, increased temp of the muscles increases O2 delivery even more.

All there factors act together to shift the curve or the muscle capillary blood to the right.

Again, in the lungs, the shift occurs in the opposite direction, allowing the pickup of extra amounts of oxygen from the alveoli.
150. Effect of intracellular pO2 on rate of oxygen usage
Only a minute level of O2 pressure is required in the cells for normal intracellular chemical reactions to take place.

The respiratory enzymes in the cells are geared so that when the cellular pO2 is more than 1 mm Hg, oxygen availability is no longer a limiting factor in the rates of chemical reactions.

Instead, the main limiting factor is the concentration of ADP in the cells.

When the concentration of ADP is altered, the rate of oxygen usage changes in proportion to the change in ADP concentration.
151. Under normal conditions, what ultimately controls the rate of oxygen usage by the cells?
The rate of energy expenditure within the cells - that is, by the rate at which ADP is formed from ATP.
152. Effect of diffusion distance from the capillary to the cell on oxygen usage
Tissue cells are seldom more than 50 um away from the capillary, and oxygen normally can diffuse readily enough from the capillary to the cell to supply all the required amounts of oxygen for metabolism.

However, occasionally, cells are located farther from the capillaries, and the rate of oxygen diffusion to these cells can become so low that intracellular pO2 falls below the critical level required to maintain maximal intracellular metabolism.
153. What is the effect of blood flow on metabolic use of oxygen?
The total amount of oxygen available each minute for use in any given tissue is determined by:

1. The quantity of oxygen that can be transported to the tissue in each 100 mL of blood

2. The rate of blood flow

If the rate of blood flow falls to zero, the amount of available oxygen also falls to zero.

There are times when the rote can be so low that tissue pO2 falls below the critical 1 mm Hg required for intracellular metabolism.

Under these conditions, the rate of the tissue usage of O2 is blood flow limited.
154. Carbon monoxide and Hb
CO binds with Hb at the same point on the Hb molecule as does oxygen; it can therefore displace oxygen from the Hb, thereby decreasing the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

Further, it binds with about 250x as much tenacity as oxygen.

The CO-Hb dissociation curve is identical to the O2-Hb dissociation curve; however, the CO pressures are at a level 1/250 of those for oxygen.

A pCO of only 0.6 mm Hg can be lethal
155. What are the signs of CO poisoning?
Even though the oxygen content of blood is greatly reduced in CO poisoning, the pO2 of the blood may be normal. This makes exposure to carbon monoxide esp dangerous, b/c the blood is bright red and there are no obvious signs of hypoxia (cyanosis).

Also, pO2 is not reduced, and the feedback mechanism that usually stimulates increased respiration rate in hypoxic situations is absent.

Thus, a person may become disoriented and unconscious before becoming aware of the danger.
156. Treatment for CO poisoning
Can be treated by administering pure oxygen, because oxygen at high alveolar pressure can displace carbon monoxide rapidly from its combination with Hb.

The patient can also benefit from simultaneous admin of 5% carbon dioxide, because this strongly stimulates the respiratory center which increases alveolar ventilation and reduces that alveolar carbon monoxide.
157. What is the average amount of carbon dioxide that is transported from the tissues to the lungs in each 100 mL of blood?
Under normal resting conditions, an average of 4 mL of carbon dioxide is transported from the tissues to the lungs in each 100 mL of blood
158. Transport of carbon dioxide in the dissolved state
A small portion of the carbon dioxide (7%) is transported in the dissolved state to the lungs

When dissolved in the blood, the carbon dioxide reacts with water to for carbonic acid via carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the reaction. This reaction is rapid and allows tremendous amts of CO2 to react with the RBC water even before the blood leaves the tissue capillaries
159. Dissociation of carbonic acid into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions
In another fraction of a second, the carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions.

Most of the H+ ions then combine with the Hb in the RBCs, because the Hb protein is a powerful acid-base buffer.
160. Chloride shift
Many bicarbonate ions then diffuse into the red cells to take their place.

This is made possible by the presence of a special bicarbonate-chloride carrier protein in the RBC membrane that shuttles these two ions in opposite directions at rapid velocities.

Thus, the chloride content of venous RBCs is greater than that of arterial red cells, a phenomenon called the "chloride shift"
161. Acetazolamide
A carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that is administered to an animal to block the action of carbonic anhydrase in the RBCs.

Carbon dioxide transport from the tissues becomes so poor that the tissue pCO2 can be made to rise to 80 mm Hg instead of the normal 45 mm Hg
162. Transport of carbon dioxide in combo with Hb and plasma proteins
In addition to reacting with water, carbon dioxide reacts directly with amine radicals of the Hb molecule to for the compound carbaminohemoglobin.

This combination is a reversible reaction that occurs with a loose bond, so that the carbon dioxide is easily released into the alveoli, where the pCO2 is lower than in the pulmonary capillaries.

A small amt of carbon dioxide also reacts in the same way with the plasma proteins in the tissue capillaries.

About 30% (actual no more than 20%) of the total CO2 transported is by combination with Hb and plasma proteins.
163. Carbon dioxide dissociation curve
Dependent on total blood carbon dioxide in all its forms on pCO2.

Normal range of blood pCO2 is between 40 mm Hg in arterial blood and 45 mm Hg in venous blood.
164. Haldane effect
Binding of oxygen with hemoglobin tends to displace carbon dioxide from the blood.

Essentially, it approximately doubles the amount of carbon dioxide released from the blood in the lungs and approximately doubles the pickup of carbon dioxide in the tissues.

This effect, called the Haldane effect, is quantitatively more important in promoting carbon dioxide transport than is the Bohr effect in promoting oxygen transport.
165. What causes the Haldane effect?
Results from the simple fact that the combo of oxygen with Hb in the lungs causes the Hb to become a stronger acid. This displaces the CO2 from the blood and the alveoli in two ways:

1. The more highly acidic Hb has less tendency to combine with CO2 to for carbaminohemoglobin, thus displacing much of the CO2 that is present in the carbamino form from the blood.
2. The increased acidity of the Hb also causes it to release an excess of H+ ions, and these bind with bicarbonate ions to form carbonic acid; this then dissociates into water and CO2, and the CO2 is released from the blood into the alveoli, and finally, into the air.
166. Change in blood acidity during carbon dioxide transport
The carbonic acid formed when carbon dioxide enters the blood in the peripheral tissues decreases the blood pH.

However, due to buffering, this decrease is minimal; going from 7.41 to 7.37.

The reverse occurs when CO2 is released from the blood in the lungs, with the pH rising to the arterial value of 7.41 once again.
167. Normal transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues vs. normal transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
The normal transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues by each 100 mL of blood is about 5 mL, whereas normal transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs is about 4 mL.
168. Respiratory exchange ratio
The ratio of carbon dioxide output to oxygen uptake is called the respiratory exchange ratio (R).

R = (Rate of CO2 output) / (Rate of oxygen uptake)

Under normal resting conditions, R = 0.82

The value for R changes under different metabolic conditions.
169. When does R = 1.00?
When a person is using exclusively carbohydrates for body metabolism
170. When does R = 0.7?
When the person is using exclusively fats for metabolic energy
171. Why the difference in R values when using fats vs. carbs for energy?
When oxygen is metabolized with carbs, one molecule of CO2 is formed for each molecule of oxygen consumed

When oxygen reacts with fats, a large share of the oxygen combines with hydrogen atoms from the fats to form water instead of CO2.

For a person on a normal diet, consuming avg amts of carbs, fats, and proteins, R = 0.825
172. Roles of plasma proteins
1. Maintaining proper distribution of water between blood and tissues

2. Transporting nutrients, metabolites, and hormones throughout the body

3. Defending against infection

4. Maintaining the integrity of circulation through clotting
173. Body fluid maintenance at arteriolar end of capillaries
The hydrostatic pressure in the arteriolar end of the capillaries (~37 mm Hg) exceeds the sum of the tissue pressure (~1 mm Hg).

Thus, water tends to leave the capillaries and enter extravascular spaces.
174. Body fluid maintenance at venous end of capillaries
The hydrostatic pressure falls to approx 17 mm Hg while the osmotic pressure and the tissue pressure remain constant, resulting in movement of fluid back from the extravascular (interstitial) spaces and into the blood.

Thus, most of the force bringing water back from the tissues into the plasma is the osmotic pressure mediated by the presence of proteins in the plasma.
175. Albumin
Major protein synthesized by the liver; which constitutes approx 60% of the total plasma protein, but b/c of its small size, it is thought to contribute to 70 to 80% of the total osmotic pressure of the plasma.
176. Composition of albumin
Albumin is a glycoprotein and is a carrier of free fatty acids, calcium, zinc, steroid hormones, copper, and bilirubin.

Many drugs also bind to albumin, which can have phamacological implications.

For instance, when a drug binds to albumin, it will lower the effective concentration of that drug and may lengthen its lifetime in the circulation.
177. Two different sets of plasma proteins that aid in the immune response
1. Immunoglobulins

2. Complement proteins
178. Immunoglobulins
Secreted by a subset of differentiated B-lymphocytes termed plasma cells and bind antigens at binding sites.

Once the antibody-antigen complex is formed, it must be cleared from the circulation. The complement system participates in this function.
179. Complement proteins
Consists of approx 20 proteins becoming activated by triggers and then results in a proteolytic activation cascade of the proteins.

This results in the release of biologically active peptides or polypeptide fragments.

These peptides mediate the inflammatory response, attract phagocytic cells, initiate degranulation of granulocytes, and promote clearance of antigen-antibody complexes.
180. Protease inhibitors in plasma
Serve to carefully control the inflammatory response.

Activated neutrophils release lysosomal proteases from their granules that can attack elastin, the various types of collagen, and other ECM proteins.

However, the product of neutrophil myeloperoxidase, HOCl, inactivates the protease inhibitors, thereby ensuring that the proteases are active at the site of infection.
181. How do plasma proteins maintain the integrity of the circulatory system?
When blood is lost from the circulation due to vessel wall damage, the subendothelial cell layer is exposed.

In response to the damage, a barrier (the hemostatic plug, a fibrin clot), initiated by platelet binding to the damaged area, is formed at the site of injury.

Regulatory mechanisms limit clot formation to the site of injury and control its size and stability.

As the vessel heals, the clot is degraded (fibrinolysis). Plasma proteins are required for these processes to occur.
182. Platelets
Non-nucleated cells in the blood whose major role is to form mechanical plugs at the site of vessel injury and to secrete regulators of the clotting process and vascular repair.

Derived from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow; a single megakaryocyte gives rise to 4,000 platelets
183. Structure of non-activated platelets
A nonactivated platelet has a plasma membrane that invaginates extensively into the interior of the cell, forming an open membrane system. B/c the plasma membrane contains receptors and phospholipids that accelerator the clotting process, the open membrane system increases the membrane surface area that is potentially available for clotting reactions.

The interior contains microfilaments and an extensive actin/myosin system.
184. Structure of activated platelets
In response to endothelial injury, platelet activation causes calcium dependent changes int eh contractile elements, which, in turn, substantially change the architecture of the plasma membrane.

Long pseudopodia are generated, increasing the surface area of the membrane as clot formation is initiated.
185. Three types of granules present in platelets
1. Electron-dense granules that contain calcium, ADP, ATP, and serotonin

2. α-granules, which contain a heparin antagonist, platelet derived growth factor, β-thromboglobulin, fibrinogen, vWF, and other clotting factors

3. Lysosomal granules, which contain hydrolytic enzymes.

During activation, the contents of these granules, which modulate platelet aggregation and clotting, are secreted.
186. Three fundamental mechanism involved in platelet function during blood coagulation
1. Adhesion
2. Aggregation
3. Secretion

Adhesion sets off a series of reactions termed platelet activation, which leads to platelet aggregation and secretion of the platelet granule contents.
187. Platelet adhesion
Refers primarily to the platelet-subendothelial interaction that occurs when platelets intially adhere to the sites of blood vessel injury.

Blood vessel injury exposes collagen, vWF, and other matrix components.

The platelet cell membrane contains glycoproteins that bind to collagen and to vWF, causing the platelet to adhere to the subendothelium.

Binding to collage by GPIa causes the platelet to change its shape from a flat disc to a spherical cell which promotes platelet/platelet interactions.

Binding of the subendothelial vWF by GPIb causes changes in the platelet membrane that expose GPIIb/IIIa binding sites to fibrinogen and vWF
188. vWF
von Willebrand factor

Is a large multimeric glycoprotein synthesized in endothelial cells and megakaryocytes, and is located in the subendothelial matrix, in specific granules, and in the circulation bound to Factor 8.

Its role is to stabilize Factor 8 and protect it from degradation
189. What happens after the initial adherence of platelets?
Sets off a series of reactions that results in in more platelets being recruited and aggregated at the site of injury.

1. Some platelets release the contents of their dense granules and their α-granules, with ADP release
2. ADP released from platelets binds to a receptor on the platelet membrane, which leads to further unmasking of GPIIb/IIIa binding sites.
3. Binding of fibrinogen

*Aggregation of platelets cannot take place without ADP stimulation, because ADP induces swelling of the activated platelets, promoting platelet/platelet contact and adherence
190. Fibrinogen
Protein that circulates in the blood and is also found in platelet granules.

It consists of two triple helices held together with disulfide bonds.

Binding of fibrinogen to activated platelets is necessary for aggregation, providing, in part, the mechanism by which platelets adhere to one another.
191. Soft clots and thrombin
Cleavage of fibrinogen by thrombin produces fibrin monomers that polymerize and, together with platelets, form a "soft clot".

Thrombin itself is a potent activator of platelets, through binding to a specific receptor on the platelet surface.
192. Serine protease proenzymes
1. Factor 7
2. Factor 9
3. Factor 10
4. Factor 11

When these factors are activated by cleavage, they cleave the next proenzyme in the cascade.
193. Cofactor proteins
1. Tissue factor
2. Factor 5
3. Factor 8

Serve as binding sites for other factors on the platelet surface, thereby accelerating and localizing the reactions
194. Proteins S and C
Considered part of the blood coagulation cascade and are regulatory proteins.

Only protein C is regulated by proteolytic cleavage, and when it is activated, it is itself a serine protease.
195. Vasoconstrictors released from platelets
Serotonin released from the dense granules of the platelets and the synthesis of thromboxane A2 is stimulated

This reduces blood flow to the damaged area.

Also, platelet derived growth factor, which stimulates proliferation of vascular cells, is also released into the environment surrounding the damage
196. Formation of thrombin
The result of the common cascade is thrombin formation, which augments its own formation by converting Factors 5, 8, and 11 into activated cofactors and stimulating platelet degranulation.
197. Activation of prothrombin
Initially, activation is slow b/c the activator cofactors, 8a, and 5a, are present only in small amounts.

However, once a small amount of thrombin is activated, it accelerates its own production by cleaving factors 5 and 8 to their active forms.
198. Cross-linking of fibrin
Factor 13a catalyzes a transamidation reaction between Gln and Lys side chains on adjacent fibrin monomers.

The covalent cross-linking takes place in 3D, creating a strong network of fibers that is resistant to mechanical and proteolytic damage.

This network of fibrin fibers traps the aggregated platelets and other cells, forming the clot that plugs the vent in the vascular wall.
199. Two important consequences of complex assembly on the surface of activated platelets
1. Enhances the rate of thrombin formation by as much as several hundred thousand fold, enabling the clot to form rapidly enough to preserve hemostasis

2. Such explosive thrombin formation is localized to the site of vascular injury at which the negatively charged phospholipids are exposed (exposed phopsholipids must mean substantial cell damage must have occurred).
200. Vitamin K requirement for blood coagulation
The formation of γ-carboxyglutamate residues on blood coagulation factors (Factors 2, 7, 9, 10, proteins C and S) takes place in the hepatocyte before release of the protein.

Within the hepatocyte, vitamin K is reduced to form vitamin KH2 by a microsomal quinone reductase.

Vitamin KH2 is a cofactor for the carboxylases that add a carboxyl group to the appropriate glutamate residues in the proenzyme to form the carboxylated proenzyme (i.e. prothrombin).

In the same reaction, vitamin K is converted to vitamin K epoxide.

To recover active vitamin KH2, vitamin K is first reduced to the quinone form by vitamin K epoxide reductase, and then to the active hydroquinone form.
201. Role of thrombin in clot regulation
Thrombin has a prothrombotic and an antithrombotic role.

The prothrombotic action is initiated when thrombin stimulates its own formation by activating Factors 5, 8, and 11. It also promotes clot formation by activating platelet aggregation.

Antithrombotic effects of thrombin result from its binding to an endothelial receptor called thrombomodulin. Thrombomodulin abolishes the clotting function of thrombin and allows thrombin to activate protein C, which has anticoagulant effects.
202. Proteins S and C (take two)
Serve to suppress the activity of the coagulation cascade.

After activation, protein C forms a complex with protein S. Protein S anchors the activated protein C complex (APC) to the clot through calcium/γ-carboyxglutamate binding to platelet phospholipids.

The APC destroys the active blood coagulation cofactors Factors 8a and 5a by proteolytic cleavage, decreasing the production of thrombin.

The APC also stimulates endothelial cells to increase secretion of the prostaglandin PGI2, which reduces platelet aggregation
203. Serpins
SERine Protease INhibitors

A group of naturally occurring inhibitory proteins that are present in the plasma at high concentration.

Each inhibitor possesses a reactive site that appears to be an ideal substrate for a specific serine protease and thus acts as a trap for that protease.

The bound serine protease attacks a peptide bond located at a critical amino acid residue within the serpin and forms a tight enzyme-inhibitor complex.
204. Antithrombin III (ATIII)
A serpin that controls the activity of thrombin.

One molecule of ATIII irreversibly inactivates one molecule of thrombin thru reaction of an arginine residue in ATIII with the active-site serine residue of thrombin.

ATIII-thrombin complex formation is markedly enhanced in the presence of heparin.
205. ATIII and heparin
Heparin binds to lysyl residues on ATIII and dramatically accelerates its rate of position of the critical arginine residues on ATIII and dramatically accelerates its rate of binding to thrombin.

This is b/c of an allosteric alteration in ATIII such that the position of the critical arginine residue of ATIII is more readily available for interaction with thrombin.

The formation of the ATIII-thrombin complex releases the heparin molecule so that it can be re-used as a catalyst.
206. Thromboresistance of normal vascular endothelium
Contributed to by several properties:

1. Endothelial cells are highly negatively charged, a feature that may repel the negatively charge platelets.

2. Endothelial cells synthesize prostaglandin I2 (PGI2), NO, vasodilators and powerful inhibitors of platelet aggregation

3. Endothelial cells also synthesize two cofactors that each inhibit the action of thrombin, thrombomodulin, and heparan sulfate.
207. Fibrinolysis
After successful formation of a hemostatic plug, further propagation of the clot must be prevented. This is accomplished in part by switching off blood coagulation and in part by turning on fibrinolysis.

This involves the degradation of fibrin in a clot by plasmin, a serine protease that is formed from its zymogen, plasminogen.
208. Plasminogen
A circulating serum protein that has a high affinity for fibrin, promoting the incorporation of plasminogen in the developing clot.

The inactivity of plasminogen is mediated by proteins known as plasminogen activators.
209. Plasminogen activators
Work most efficiently at the clot surface. Activated protein C also stimulates the release of plasminogen activators.

Leads to plasmin formation in the circulation, but must bind to fibrin in order to facilitate its activation by protecting it from blood serpins, and by localizing it on the fibrin substrate for subsequent efficient proteolytic attack.

This mechanism allows for dissolution of fibrin in pathologic thrombi or oversized hemostatic plugs, and at the same time prevents degradation of fibrinogen in the circulating blood.
210. Two important endogenous plasminogen activators
1. t-PA
2. scu-PA
211. t-PA
Tissue plasminogen activator; produced chiefly by the vascular endothelial cells, has a high binding affinity for fibrin, and plays a major role in fibrinolysis.
212. scu-PA
Single chain urokinase is synthesized in most cells and tissues and has a moderate affinity for fibrin.
213. Streptokinase
A bacterial exogenous plasminogen activator from beta-hemolytic streptococci, and is not an enzyme but an allosteric modifier of human plasminogen that allows an autocatalytic reaction such that plasmin is formed.
214. Two basic assays for measuring the activity of Factor 8 in a blood sample
1. Functional clotting assay
2. Coupled enzyme system leading to the cleavage of a chromogenic substrate, generating a colored product.
215. Functional clotting assay
A sample of the patient's plasma is added to a Factor 8 deficient sample of plasma and the time to generate clot formation is determined.

Although clot formation is the end product of this assay, one is measuring the eventual activation of Factor 2 to 2a, which allows clot formation to initiate.
216. Automated, chromogenic assay
A sample of the unknown is mixed with purified Factor 9a, calcium ions, phospholipid vesicles, the chromogenic substrate, and purified Factor 10.

If the unknown sample contains Factor 8, the Factors 8 and 9a will synergize and activate Factor 10 to 10a.

The Factor 10a will cleave the chromogenic substrate, forming a colored product, whose concentration can be determined spectrophotometrically.

Comparison to a standard curve of Factor 8 addition enables an accurate estimate of the level of active Factor 8 in the sample.
217. Kwashiorkor
Severe protein malnutrition.

The concentration of the plasma proteins decreases, as a result of which the osmotic pressure of the blood decreases.

As a result, fluid is not drawn back to the blood and instead accumulates in the interstitial space (edema).

The distended bellies of famine victims are the result of fluid accumulation in the extravascular tissues because of the severely decreased concentration of plasma proteins, particularly albumin.

Albumin synthesis decreases fairly early under conditions of protein malnutrition.
218. Why do individuals with analbuminemia have only moderate edema?
Apparently, the concentration of other plasma proteins is increased to compensate for the lack of albumin.

The frequency of analbuminemia is less than one per million individuals.
219. α1-Antiproteinase (AAP)
The main serine protease inhibitor of human plasma. Individuals with a point mutation in exon 5 of the AAP gene, which results in a single AA substitution in the protein, have diminished secretion of AAP from the liver.

These individuals are at increased risk for developing emphysema.

Insufficient levels of AAP can lead to lack of neutralization nof the elastase and other proteases released. The excess proteolytic activity damages lung tissue, leading to loss of alveolar elasticity and emphysema.
220. Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Defects in GPIb cause a bleeding disorder known as Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

Platelet aggregation is affected, b/c of the inability of GPIb to adhere to subendothelial vWF
221. Deficiency in the amount of functionality of protein C or protein S increases the risk for what?
Venous thromboembolism.

Individuals who are homozygous for these mutations do not survive the neonatal period unless they are given replacement therapy.
222. Factor V Leiden
Present in European populations, a point mutation in the Factor 5 gene causes the replacement of an Arg w/ a Gln in the preferred site for cleavage by activated protein C, rendering Factor 5a Leiden resistant to APC.

Heterozygous individuals have a 6 - 8x increased risk of deep vein thromboses, and homozygous individuals have a 30-140x increased risk.

Inherited APC resistance is the most prevalent risk factor for familial thrombotic disease.
223. Hemophilia A
Transmitted via X linked

Deficiency in Factor 8, an essential factor required for thrombin activation

Results in an inability to directly activate Factor 10.
224. Hemophilia B
Caused by mutations in the gene for Factor 9.

Results in an inability to directly activate Factor 9.

Lack of Factor 9 activity leads to an inability to convert prothrombin to thrombin, and impaired clotting.
225. Method of vWF activation
Mediates platelet adhesion to subendothelium by binding to glycoprotein GPIb and the platelet membrane and by binding to exposed subendothelial collagen.
226. Fibrinogen role in platelet aggregation
Cross links platelets to one another by binding to GPIIb/IIIa receptors on platelet membranes.
227. Role of thromboxane A2
Activates platelets thru the activation of G protein in platelet membrane which then activates the cleavage of PIP2 to DAG and IP3 stimulating calcium release
228. Cyclooxgenase
Converts arachnidonic acid to thromboxane A2
229. PLC (Platelet activation)
AKA Protein lipase C

Activated by G protein; hydrolyzes PIP2 to yield IP3 and DAG, stimulating further mechanisms of platelet activation.
230. IP3 and platelet activation
Increases cytosolic calcium concentration needed for the activation of phospholipase A2
231. DAG

Activates protein kinase C and platelet activation
232. Protein kinase C
Activates phospholipase A2 in accordance w/increased calcium concentration
233. Phospholipase A2
Activates membrane protein GPIIb/IIIa

Allows binding of fibrinogen to aggregate platelets.
234. ADP activation of platelets
1. Activates P2Y G protein receptor to cause an overall increase of cAMP that activates PKA

2. Activates P2Y1 receptor to cause an overall increase in PLC activity in the platelet.
235. Fibrous collagen activation of platelets
Binds directly to platelet glycoprotein 6

Ligation of glycoprotein 6 by collagen activates phospholipase C
236. Prostacyclin (PGI2)
An eicosanoid synthesized and secreted by endothelium

Acts thru G proteins to increase cAMP levels within platelets and inhibits platelet granule release and aggregation

Also causes vasodilation due to increase of cAMP levels in smooth muscle cells.
237. Protein C & S
Vitamin K dependent; inactivates coagulation factors 5a and 8a.

Feedback control in which excess thrombin generation leads to activation of protein C which helps prevent a large fibrin clot from occluding the vascular lumen.
238. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor
Limits action of tissue factor which initiates the extrinsic coagulation cascade.

Binds to Factor 10a and neutralizes its activity; subsequently the TFPI-10a complex interacts w/ TF-7a complex with a complex forming the quaternary 10a-TFPI-7a-TF complex.

This inactivates the TF-7a complex.
239. Alpha-2-antiplasmin
Plasma protein that neutralizes free plasmin in circulation and thereby prevents random degradation of plasma fibrinogen.
240. Virchow's triad
The influence of endothelial injury, abnormal blood flow, and hypercoagulability on one another eventually causes thrombus.
241. Turbulent blood flow vs. laminar flow
Turbulent blood flow causes endothelial injury, forms countercurrents and forms local pockets of stasis.

Local stasis can also result from formation of an aneurysm and from MI.

Promotes thrombus by three mechanisms:
1. Allows platelets to come into close proximity w/vessel wall
2. Inhibits flow of fresh blood into vascular blood so activated coagulation factors in region are not removed.
3. Promotes endothelial cell activation which leads to prothrombic site.
242. Prothrombin G20210a mutation
Adenine is substituted for guanine in 3' on translated region of prothrombin gene

Leads to 30% increase in plasma prothrombin levels.
243. Heparin induced thrombocytopaenia
Stimulates the immune system to generate circulating antibodies directed against a platelet Factor 4-Heparin complex.

B/c platelet Factor 4 is present on platelet surfaces and endothelial surfaces, when bound to the antibody, it causes coagulation via mediation by removal of platelets from the blood.

In some patients, however, antibody platelet binding causes platelet activation, endothelial injury and prothrombotic state.

LMW heparin has a lower incidence of thrombocytopaenia compared to unfractionated heparin
244. Aspirin
Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby inhibiting platelet release reaction and interfering w/normal platelet aggregation.

Aspirin acts by covalently acetylating a serine residue near the active site of the COX enzyme, inhibiting synthesis of cyclic endoperoxide and its various metabolites which are needed to activate Thromboxane A2.
245. Aspirin "poisoning" of individual platelets (not of the human (for Denise))
Platelets do no contain DNA or RNA so they cannot regenerate new COX enzyme once the aspirin has permanently deactivated the COX enzyme.

Therefor, the platelets are irreversible poisoned for their lifetime (7-10 days)

Inhibition of COX in endothelial cells, on the other hand is not permanent because they do have DNA and RNA
246. Aspirin in high doses
Can inhibit prostacyclin production w/o increasing effectiveness of the drug as an antiplatelet agent.

Compared to aspirin, other NSAIDs are not as widely used b/c the inhibitory action of these drugs on COX is not permanent.
247. Use of selective COX-2 inhibitors
Can not be used as antiplatelet agents because they are poor inhibitors of COX-1.

COX-1 is the predominate COX isoform in platelets

COX-2 inhibits are associated w/increased cardiovascular risk likely b/c they inhibit endothelial production of PGI2 w/o inhibiting platelet generation of thromboxane A2
248. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
Increase in cellular concentration of cAMP leads to decreased coagulability.

Platelet cAMP levels are regulated by Thromboxane A2 and PGI2

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors inhibit cellular cAMP degradation while activators of platelet adenyl-cyclase decrease platelet aggregation by increasing cAMP. (Dipyridamole is example of this)
249. Dipyridamole
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor has only weak antiplatelet effects by itself and is usually administered w/warfarin or aspirin

Dipryidamole + warfarin inhibits thrombus formation on prostatic heart valves

Combined w/aspirin can be used to reduce likelihood of thrombosis in patients w/ a thrombotic diathesis.

Also has vasodilatory properties.

May cause angina in patients w/CAD by causing coronary steal syndrome.
250. ADP receptor pathway inhibitors
1. Ticlopidine
2. Clopidogrel

Irreversibly inhibits ADP receptor pathway of platelet activation and have antiplatelet effects in vitro and in vivo.

Thought to act by covalently modifying and activating platelet P2Y receptor
251. Ticlopidine
Prodrug that requires conversion to active thiol metabolites in the liver

Max platelet inhibition observed 8-11 days into therapy but time can be reduced by combining it w/aspirin.

Approved for 2ndary prevention of thrombotic strokes in patients intolerant of aspirin

In combo w/aspirin to prevent stent thrombosis

Considered more dangerous than clopidogrel; occasionally associated w/neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and TTP.
252. Clopidogrel
Used in combo w/aspirin for improved platelet inhibition during and after surgery (especially interventional radiology)

Prodrug that must undergo oxidation by hepatic p450 3a4 enzyme

Approved for secondary prevention in patients w/recent MI, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease.

Requires a loading does to achieve max antiplatelet effect rapidly

Adverse effect is wear and tear of GI system.
253. GPIIb/IIIa antagonists
Prevents fibrinogen binding to GPIIb/IIIa receptor and serves as powerful inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
254. Eptifibatide
Highly efficacious inhibitor of platelet aggregation

Antagonizes platelets GPIIb/IIIa

Used to reduce ischemic events in patients undergoing coronary surgery and to prevent unstable angina and non ST elevation MI
255. Abciximab
Chimeric mouse human monoclonal antibody directed against human GPIIb/IIIa receptor.

Binding is essentially irreversible w/dissociation half time of 18-24 hrs.

Reduces both long term/short term ischemic events in patients undergoing high risk percutaneous surgery (i.e. coronary artery)
256. Tirofiban
Non-peptide tyrosine analogue that reversibly antagonizes fibrinogen binding to platelet GPIIb/IIIa

Approved for use in patients w/acute coronary syndromes.
257. Anticoagulant classes
1. Warfarin
2. Unfractionated and LMW heparins
3. Selective Factor 10a inhibitors
4. Direct thrombin inhibitors

Bleeding is an adverse effect common to all anticoagulants

Target various factors in the coagulation cascade thereby interrupting the cascade and preventing the formation of stable fibrin meshwork
258. Mechanism of action of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is required for the normal hepatic synthesis of four coagulation factors (2, 7, 9, and 10), protein C, and protein S.

These proteins gain biological activity by post-translational carboxylation of their 9 to 12 amino-terminal glutamic acid residues.

Thus, vitamin K-dependent carboxylation is crucial for the enzymatic activity of the four coagulation factors and protein C, and for the cofactor function of protein S.
259. What does the carboxylation reaction require?

What happens during this reaction?
1. A precursor form of the target protein with its 9 to 12 amino-terminal glutamic acid residues
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Molecular oxygen
4. Reduced vitamin K

During this reaction, vitamin K is oxidized to the inactive 2,3-epoxide.

An enzyme, epoxide reductase, is then required to convert the inactive 2,3-epoxide into the active, reduced form of vitamin K.
260. Warfarin
Warfarin acts on the carboxylation pathway, not by inhibiting the carboxylase directly, but by blocking the epoxide reductase that mediates the regeneration of reduced vitamin K.

Because depletion of vitamin K in the liver prevents the carboxylation reaction required for synthesis of biologically active coagulation factors the onset of action of the oral anticoagulants parallels the half-life of these coagulation factors in the circulation.

Thus, the pharmacological effect of a single does of warfarin is not manifested for approx 18-24 hours.
261. What is the molecular target of oral anticoagulant action?
Epoxide reductase

Mutations in some patient's epoxide reductase gene can lead to genetic resistance to warfarin; these patients require 10-20 times the usual does of warfarin to achieve the desired anticoagulant effect.
262. What are the clinical uses of warfarin?
Warfarin is often administered to complete a course of anticoagulation that has been initiated with heparin and to prevent thrombosis in predisposed patients.

Orally administered warfarin is nearly 100% bioavailable, and its levels in the blood peak at .5 to 4 hours after administration.

In the plasma, 99% of racemic warfarin is bound to plasma protein (albumin)

Half life of warfarin is approx 36 hours and is hydroxylated by cytochrome p450 enzyme.
263. Drug-drug interactions with warfarin
B/c warfarin is highly albumin-bound in the plasma, coadministration o f warfarin w/other albumin-bound drugs can increase the free plasma concentrations of both drugs.

In addition, b/c warfarin is metabolized by p450 enzymes in the liver, coadministration of warfarin w/drugs that induce and/or compete for p450 metabolism can affect the plasma concentrations of both drugs.
264. Adverse effects of warfarin
Bleeding is the most serious and predictable toxicity.

Patients w/severe hemorrhage should receive fresh frozen plasma, which contains biologically functional clotting factors 2, 7, 9, and 10.

Warfarin should never be administered to pregnant women b/c it can cross the placenta and case a hemorrhagic disorder in the fetus.

In addition, newborns exposed to warfarin in utero may have serious congenital defects characterized by abnormal bone formation.
265. If warfarin is an anticoagulant, how can it cause thrombosis?
In addition to inhibiting the synthesis of biologically active coagulation factors 2, 7, 9, and 10, warfarin also prevents the synthesis of biologically active proteins C and S, which are natural anticoagulants.

In patients who are genetically deficient in protein C or S, an imbalance between the warfarin's effects on coagulation factors and its effects on proteins C and S may lead to microvascular thrombosis and skin necrosis.
267. Monitoring of warfarin therapy
Most easily performed using the prothrombin time (PT), which is a simple test of the extrinsic and common pathways of cagulation.

Warfarin prolongs the PT mainly b/c it decreases the amount of biologically functional factor 7 in the plasma (remember Factor 7 is the vitamin K dependent coagulation factor w/the shortest half-life.)
268. Heparin
A sulfated mucopolysaccharide stored int he secretory granules of mast cells. It is a highly sulfated polymer of alternating uronic acid and D-glucosamine.

Heparin molecules are highly negatively charged; indeed, endogenous heparin is the strongest organic acid in the human body.

Molecular weights range from 1 to 30 kDa.

Unfractionated heparin, which is often prepared from bovine lung and porcine intestinal mucosa, ranges in molecular weight from 5 to 30 kDA.

LMW heparins are prepared from standard heparin by gel filtration chromatography; their molecular weight range from 1 to 5 kDA
269. What is heparin's mechanism of action?
Depends on the presence of a specific plasma protease inhibitor, antithrombin III.

ATIII is essentially a suicide trap for serine proteases, and prevents the proteases from further participation in the coagulation cascade.

In the absence of heparin the binding reaction between the proteases and ATIII proceeds slowly.

Heparin, acting as a cofactor, accelerates the reaction by 1,000x.
270. Two important physiologic functions of heparin
1. It serves as a catalytic surface to which both ATIII and the serine proteases bind

2. It induces a conformational change in ATIII that makes the reactive site of this molecule more accessible to the attacking protease.
271. Heparin scaffolding
To catalyze most efficiently the inactivation of thrombin by ATIII, a single molecule of heparin must bind simultaneously to both thrombin and antithrombin.

This scaffolding function of heparin is required in addition to the heparin-induced conformation change in ATIII that renders the antithrombin susceptible to conjugation w/thrombin.

In contrast, to catalyze the inactivation of factor 10a by ATIII, the heparin molecule must bind only to the antithrombin, b/c the conformational change in ATIII induced by heparin binding is sufficient by itself to render the antithrombin susceptible to conjugation with factor 10a
272. LMW heparins
Have an avg of only 3-4 kDa, and contain fewer than 18 monosaccharide units.

They efficiently catalyze the inactivation of factor 10a by ATIII but less efficiently catalyze the inactivation of thrombin by ATIII.
273. Unfractionated heparins
Have an avg weight of 20 kDa and contains more than 18 monosaccharide units, is of sufficient length to bind simultaneously to thrombin and ATIII, and therefore efficiently catalyzes the inactivation of both thrombin and factor 10a by ATIII.
274. Summary comparison of LMW to unfractionated heparin
LMW heparin has a 3x higher ratio of anti-10a to anti-thrombin activity than does unfractionated heparin.

LMW heparin is therefore a more selective therapeutic agent than unfractionated heparin.

Both LMW hepain and unfractionated heparin use a pentasaccharide structure of high negative charge to bind ATIII and to induce the conformation change in antithrombin required for the conjugation reactions.
275. Clinical uses of heparins
Used for both prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic diseases. Both unfractionated and LMW heparins are used to prevent propagation of established thromboembolic disease such as DVT and pulmonary embolisms.

Heparins are highly negatively charged, and therefore, neither unfractionated nor LMW heparin can cross the epithelial cell layer of the GI tract; hence, heparin must e administered parenterally, usually via IV
276. Clinical uses of unfractionated heparin
Often used in combination with antiplatelet agents in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes

Monitoring of the unfractionated heparin therapy is important for maintaining the anticoagulant effect within the therapeutic range, because excessive heparin administration significantly increases the risk of bleeding and thrombocytopenia

Monitoring can be done using the activated partial thromboplastin time
277. Differences between heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) type 1 and 2?
In type 1, the antibody coated platelets are targeted for removal from the circulation, and the platelet count decreases by 50-75% approx 5 days into the course of heparin therapy. It is transient and rapidly reversible upon heparin withdrawal.

In type 2, however, the heparin-induced antibodies not only target the platelets for destruction but also act as agonists to activate the platelets leading to platelet aggregation, endothelial injury, and potentially fatal thrombosis.

There is a higher incidence of HIT in patients receiving unfractionated heparin than in those receiving LMW heparin.
278. LMW heparins
1. Enoxaparin
2. Dalteparin
3. Tinzaparin

These agents are relatively slevetive for anti-10a compared to anti-2a (antithrombin) activity.

They have highertherpeutic index than unfractionated heparin, especially when used for prophylaxis.

For this reason it is generally not necessary to monitor blood activity levels of LMW heparins; instead use a specialized assay.

Because LMW heparins are excreted via the kidneys, care should be taken to avoid excessive anticoagulation in patients with renal insufficiency.
279. Example of a selective Factor 10a inhibitor

-Binds to ATIII via pentasaccharide which is sufficient to inactivate 10a.
280. Fondaparinux
Synthetic pentasaccharide molecule that contains the sequence of five essential carbs necessary for binding to ATIII and inducing the conformational change in antithrombin required for conjugation to factor 10a.

This agent is therefore a specific inhibitor of 10a, with negligible anti-2a (anti-thrombing) activity.

Approved for prevention and treatment of DVT and is available as a once daily subcutaneous injection.

It is excreted via the kidneys and should not be administered to patients with renal insufficiency.
281. Direct thrombin inhibitors
1. Lepirudin
2. Desirudin
3. Bivalirudin
4. Argatroban

These agents are specific inhibitors of thrombin, with negligible anti-factor 10a activity.
282. Lepirudin
A recombinant 65 AA derived from the medicinal leech protein hirudin.

It binds w/high affinity to two sites on the thrombin molecule, the enzymatic active site and a region of the thrombin protein that orients substrate proteins.

This binding prevents the thrombin mediated activation of fibrinogen and Factor 13.

It is a highly effect anticoagulant because it can inhibit bot free and fibrin-bound thrombin in devloping clots, and because lepirudin binding to thrombin is essentially irreversible.
283. Clinical uses and adverse effects of lepirudin
Approved for use in the treatment of heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).

It has a short half life and is renally excreted.

Bleeding is the major adverse effect, and clotting times must be monitored closely.

A small percentage of patients may develop anti-hirudin antibodies, limiting the long-term effectiveness of this agent as an anticoagulant.
284. Desirudin
This is another recombinant formulation of hirudin, and has been approved for prophylaxis against DVT in patients undergoing hip replacement.
285. Bivalirudin
Synthetic 20 AA peptide that binds to both the active site and exosite of thrombin and thereby inhibits thrombin activity.

Approved for anticoagulation in patients undergoing coronary angiography and angioplasty, and may reduce rates of bleeding relative to heparin.
286. Argatroban
A small molecule inhibitor of thrombin that is approved for the treatment of patients with heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).

Unlike other direct thrombin inhibitors, argatroban binds only to the active site of thrombin, and it also is excreted by biliary secretion.

Thus, it is safe to administer argatroban to patients with renal insufficiency.
287. Recombinant activated protein C (r-APC)
Endogenously activated protein C (APC) exerts an anticoagulant effect by proteolytically cleaving factors 5a and 8a. APC also reduces the amount of circulating plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, thereby enhancing fibrinolysis. Also, APC reduces inflammation by inhibiting the release of TNF-α by monocytes.

r-APC has been found to significantly reduce mortality in patients at high risk of death from septic shock, and the US FDA has approved r-APC for the treatment of patients with severe sepsis who demonstrate evidence of acute organ dysfunction shock, oliguria, acidosis, and hyoxemia.

It is not indicated for the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and a lower risk of death, however.

Also increases the risk of bleeding as do other anticoagulants.
287. Thrombolytic agents
1. Streptokinase
2. t-PA
3. Tenecteplase
4. Reteplase

These agents are used to lyse already-formed clots, and thereby to restore the patency of an obstructed vessel before distal tissue necrosis occurs.

They act by converting the inactive zymogen plasminogen to the active protease plasmin.
288. Streptokinase
A protein produced by β-hemolytic streptococci as a component of that organisms' tissue destroying machinery.

The pharmacologic action of streptokinase involves two steps: complexation and cleavage.

In complexation reaction, streptokinase forms a stable, noncovalent 1:1 complex with plasminogen which produces a conformational change in plasminogen that exposes this protein's proteolytically active site.

This complexed plasminogen can then proteolytically cleave other plasminogen molecules to form plasmin.
289. Clinical uses of streptokinase
Beneficial effects limited by two factors:

1. It is a foreign protein that is capable of eliciting antigenic responses in humans upon repeated administration.

2. The thrombolytic actions of streptokinase are relatively nonspecific and can result in systemic fibrinolysis.

Currently, it is approved for treatment of ST elevation MI and for treatment of life threatening pulmonary embolism.
290. Clinical uses for t-PA
Generically referred to as alteplase
Approved for use in those with ST elevation MI or life threatening pulmonary embolism.

Also approved for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke.

Its use is contraindicated in patients who have had a recent hemorrhagic stroke.
291. Tenecteplase
A genetically engineered variant of t-PA.

The molecular modifications in tenecteplase increases its fibrin specificity relative to t-PA and make tenecteplase more resistant to plasminogen activator inhibitor 1.

Trials have shows that tenectepalse is identical in efficacy to t-PA with similar and possibly decreased risk of bleeding.

Additionally, it has a longer half life than t-PA, which allows it to be administered as a single weight based bolus, thus simplifying administration.
292. Reteplase
Similar to tenecteplase, reteplase is a genetically engineered variant of t-PA with longer half life and increase specificity for fibrin. Its efficacy and adverse effect profile are similars to those of streptokinase and t-PA.

B/c of its longer half life, retepalse can be administered as a "double bolus".
293. Inhibitors of anticoagulation and fibrinolysis
1. Protamine
2. Aprotinin
3. Aminocaproic acid
4. Tranexamic acid
294. Protamine
A LMW polycationic protein; is a chemical antagonist of heparin.

This agent rapidly forms a stable complex with the negatively changed heparin molecule thru multiple electrostatic interactions.

Administered IV to reverse the effects of heparin in situations of life threatening hemorrhage or great heparin excess.

Most active against the large heparin molecules in unfractionated heparin and it can partially reverse the anticoagulant effects of LMW heparins, but it is inactive against fondaparinux.
295. Aprotinin
A naturally occurring polypeptide, is an inhibitor of the serine proteases plasmin, t-PA, and thrombin.

By inhibiting fibrinolysis, aprotinin promotes clot stabilization.

Inhibition of thrmobin may also promote platelet activity by preventing platelet hyperstimulation.

At higher does, however, it may also inhibit kallikrein and hereby inhibit the coagulation cascade.

Used to decrease perpioperative bleefing and erythrocyte transfusion requirement in patients treated with aproptinin during cardiac surgery.

However, it may also increase the risk of postoperative acute renal failure
296. Aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid
Both are analogies of lysine that bind to and inhibit plasminogen and palsmin.

Like aprotinin, these agents are used to reduce perioperative bleeding during coronary artery bypass grafting.

Unlike aprotinin, these agents may not increase the risk of postoperative acute renal failure.
297. Anasarca
Severe systemic edema
298. Noninflammatory causes of edema
1. Increased hydrostatic pressure forces fluid out of the vessels due to increased venous return from CHF, liver cirrhosis, venous obstruction, etc...

2. Reduced plasma osmotic pressure (hypoproteinemia)

3. Lymphatic obstruction

4. Sodium retention
299. Subcutaneous edema
May be diffuse or occur where hydrostatic pressures are greatest

Dependent edema is typical of CHF

Edema resulting from hypoproteinemia is generally more severe and diffuse; it is most evident in the loss connective tissue (e.g. eyelids, causing periorbital edema)
300. Pulmonary edema
Typical in left ventricular failure but is also seen with renal failure, adult respiratory distress syndrome, infections, and hypersensitivity reactions.

The lungs are 2-3x their normal weight; sectioning reveals a frothy, blood tinged mixture of air, edema fluid, and erythrocytes
301. Brain edema
May be localized to sites of injury or may be generalized (e.g. encephalitis, hypertensive crises, or obstruction to venous outflow)

When generalized, the brain is grossly swollen w/narrowed sulci and distended gyri flattened against the skull.
302. Hyperemia vs. congestion
Both terms mean increased volume of blood in a particular site

Hyperemia is an active process due to augmented blood inflow from arteriolar dilation. Tissues are redder owing to engorgement with oxygenated blood.

Congestion is a passive process caused by impaired outflow from a tissue. Isolated venous obstruction may cause local congestion; systemic venous obstruction occurs in CHF. Tissues are blue-red.
303. Acute congestion vs. chronic congestion
Vessels are distended and organs are grossly hyperemic; capillary bed congestion is also commonly associated with interstitial edema.

In chronic congestion, capillary rupture may cause focal hemorrhage; subsequent erthrocyte breakdown result in hemosiderin laden macrophages. Grossly, tissues appear brown, contracted, and fibrotic. Lungs and liver are commonly affected.
304. When are the lungs involved?

When is the liver involved?
Lungs are involved in left ventricular failure of any cause.

Liver is involved in right sided heart failure or rarely with hepatic vein or IVC obstruction.
305. Hemorrhage
Refers to blood extravasation following vessel rupture.

Hemorrhage may be external or enclosed within a tissue; the latter is called a hematoma.
306. How are hemorrhages categorized?
Petechia; minute 1-2 mm

Purpura; larger (=>3mm)

Ecchymoses; larger (> 1-2cm)

Large accumulations of blood in the body cavities are called hemothorax, hemopericardium, hemoperitoneum, or hemarthrosis, depending on the location.
307. Color changes in hemorrhages
1. Erythrocytes in hemorrhages are degraded by macrophages.
2. The hemoglobin (red-blue color) is converted to bilirubin and biliverdin (blue-green color)
3. These are then eventually converted to hemomsiderin (golden brown), accounting for the characteristic color changes in a bruise.

Patients with extensive hemorrhages occasionally develop jaundice from massive erythrocyte breakdown and systemic bilirubin release.
308. Primary genetic causes of hypercoagulable states
1. Factor 5 Leiden
2. Mutation in prothrombin gene
3. Mutation in methyltetrahydrofolate gene
4. ATIII deficiency
5. Protein C deficiency
6. Protein S deficiency
309. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Occurs in patients with antibodies against anionic phospholipids that can putatively activate platelets or interfere with protein C activity.

Patients may have well defined autoimmune disease or may exhibit only a hypercoagulable state.
310. Cardiac and arterial thrombi
Are gray-red and have gross microscopic laminations (lines of Zahn) produced by pale layers of platelets and fibrin alternating with darer erythrocyte rich layers.

Major sites include the left ventricle overlying an infarct ruptured atherosclerotic plaques, and aneurysmal sacs.
311. Venous thrombosis
AKA phlebothrombosis

Often creates a long red-blue cast of the vein lumen b/c it occurs in a relatively static environment.

The thrombus contains more enmeshed erythrocytes among sparse fibrin strands (red or stasis thrombi).

Fibrin and vessel wall attachment distinguish stasis thrombi from postmortem clots.

Most commonly affects the veins of the lower extremities (>90% of cases).
312. Where else do thrombi form?
On heart valves

In infective endocarditis, organisms form large infected thrombotic masses causing underlying valve damage and systemic infection

Also in nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis, sterile vegetations also develop on noninfected valves in hypercoagulable states, particularly in those with malignancies.
313. What is the fate of the thrombi?

Four different fates...
1. Propagation, causing complete vessel obstruction

2. Embolization to other sites in the vasculature is especially common with lower extremity venous thrombi embolizing to the lung.

3. Dissolution by fibrinolytic activity

4. Organization and recanalization, reestablishing flow by ingrowth of endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts to create vascular channels, or by incorporating the thrombus as a subendothelial swelling of the vessel wall.
314. Superficial thrombi
Usually occur in varicose saphenous veins, causing local congestion and pain but rarely embolizing.

Local edema and impaired venous drainage predispose to skin infections and varicose ulcers
315. Deep thrombi
Are in larger leg veins above the knee and more readily embolize.

Although they may cause pain and edema, venous obstruction is usually offset by collateral flow. Thus, deep vein thromboses are entirely asymptomatic in approx 50% of patients and are recognized only after embolization.
316. Clinical settings in which DVT occurs
1. Advanced age, bed rest, or immobilization
2. CHF
3. Trauma, surgery, and burns result in reduced physical activity, injury to vessels, release of procoagulant substances from tissues, and reduced tPA
4. The puerperal and postpartum states are associated w/amniotic fluid embolization and hypercoagulability
5. Tumor associate procoagulant release, causing the thrombosis seen with malignancies
317. Arterial thrombosis
Brain, kidneys, and spleen are prime targets.

MI w/dykinesis and endocardial damage may result in mural thrombi.

Rhematic valvular disease can cause mitral valve stenosis, followed by left atrial dilation and thrombus formation within the atrium or auricular appendiages

Major cause is from atherosclerosis!
318. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Refers to widespread fibrin microthrombi in the microcirculation.

This is caused by disorders ranging from obstretric complications to advanced malignancy.

DIC is not a primary disease but rather a complicationof any diffuse thrombin activation.

The microthrombi can cause diffuse circulatry insufficiency, particularly in the brian, lungs, heart, and kidneys; there is also concurrent consumption of platelets and coagulation factors with fibrinolytic pathway activation, leading to uncontrollable bleeding.
319. Pulmonary thromboembolism
Greater than 95% of pulmonary emboli originate from deep leg vein thrombi; depending on the size, a pulmonary emoblus may occlude the main pulmonary artery, impact across the bifurcation or pass into smaller arterioles.

One PE puts a patient at risk for more.

Sudden death, right sided heart failure (cor pulmonale) or cardiovascular collapse occurs when 60% or more of the pulmonary circulation is obstructed with emboli.

Multiple PE over time may cause pulmonary hypertension
320. Systemic thromboembolism
Refers to emboli in the arterial circulation.

Approx 80% arise from intracardiac mural thrombi

Major sites are the lower extremities, brain, viscera, and upper extremities.
321. Fat embolism
The second most common form of embolism.

It results from release of microscopic fat globules after fractures of long bones or rarely, after burns or soft tissue trauma.

Occurs in 90% of severe skeletal injuries; fewer than 10% have any clinical findings
322. Fat embolism syndrome
Fatal in approx 10% of cases, is heralded by sudden pulmonary insuffiency 1 to 3 days after injury

20 o 50% of patients have a diffuse petechial rash and may have neurological symptoms that progress to delirium or coma.
Thombocytopenia and anemia can also occur.
323. Pathogenesis involved in fat embolism syndrome
Involves mechanical obstruction by microemboli of neutral fat, followed by local platelet and erthrocyte aggregation.

Subsequent fatty acid release causes toxic injury to endothelium; platelet activation and granulocyte recruitment contribute free radicals, proteases, and eicosanoids.
324. Dx of fat embolism syndrome
Depends on identifying microvascular fat globules. Because routine histologic solvents dissolve lipids out of tissues, documentation requires special fat stains.

Edema and hemorrhage may also be seen microscopically.
325. Air embolism
Refers to gas bubbles withing the circulation obstructing vascular flow and causing ischemia.

Air may enter during obstetric procedures or following chest wall injury; generally, more than 100 cc are required to have a clinical effect.
326. Decompression sickness
A special form of air embolism caused by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

Air breathed at high pressure causes increasing amounts of gas to be dissolved in blood and tissues.

Subsequent rapid depressurization allows the dissolved gases to expand and bubble out of the solution to form gas emboli.

Treatment consists of re-pressurizing to force gas bubbles back into solution, followed by subsequent slow decrompression.
327. Caisson disease
Persistent gas emboli in poorly vascularized portions of the skeleton and leads to ischemic necrosis.
328. Amniotic fluid embolism
Serious but uncommon complication of labor and postpartum period caused by amniotic fluid infusion into the maternal circulation.

Classic findings include fetal squamous cells, mucin, lanugo hair, and vernix caseosa fat in the maternal pulmonary microcirculation.

Characterized by sudden server dyspnea, cyanosis, and hypotensive shock, followed by seizures and coma.

Pulmonary edema, diffuse alveolar damage, and DIC ensure from release of toxic and thrombogenic substances in the amniotic fluid.
329. Where do red infarcts occur?
1. Venous occlusions
2. Loose tissues (lungs)
3. Tissues w/dual circulations (i.e. lung and small intestine)
4. Tissues previously congested because of sluggish venous outflow
5. Sites of previous occlusion and necrosis when flow is reestablished.
330. Where do white infarcts occur?
In solid organs (such as heart,spleen, and kidney) with end-arterial circulation (i.e. few collaterals)
331. Common characteristics of infarcts
All infarcts tend to be wedge shaped; the occluded vessel marks the apex, and the organ periphery forms the base

Dominant histologic signs is ischemic coagulative necrosis, however, the brain does not exhibit this; instead, it results in liquefactive necrosis.

Septic infarctions occur when infected heart valve vegetations embolize or when microbes seed an area of necrosis; the infarct then becomes an abscess.
332. Factors that influence development of an infarct
1. Anatomic pattern of vascular supply
-dual circulations or anastomosing circulations protect against infarction.
2. Rate of development of occlusion
3. Vulnerability to hypoxia
4. Oxygen content of blood.
333. Shock
Shock is systemic hypoperfusion resulting from reduction in ether cardiac output or the effective circulating blood volume

The result is hypotension, followed by impaired tissue perfusion and cellular hypoxia.
334. Basic mechanism underlying cardiogenic and hypovolemic shock
Low cardiac output
335. Septic shock
Caused by systemic microbial infection and has a more complicated pathogenesis

Results form spread of an initally localized infection into the bloodsream

Most cases are caused by gram-negative bacilli expressing endotoxin (endotoxic shock)
336. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
Released when cell walls are degraded

Consists of a toxic fatty acid core and a complex polysaccharide

All the effects of septic shock are reproduced by LPS alone.

LPS binds to CD14 molecules on leukocytes, endothelial cells and other cells types

The LPS then interacts w/membrane toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) that transduces an intracellular signal
337. TLR-4
TLR-4 engagement profoundly activates cytokine and chemokine production; depending on LPS dosage and the numbers of macrophages activated there are different outcomes.
338. Low doses of LPS
Mainly activates complement and monocyte/macrophages, leading to enhanced bacterial eradication.

Net effect is enhanced local inflammatory response and improved clearance of infections
339. Moderate doses of LPS
Cytokine induced secondary effectors (e.g. NO) become significant. Also, systemic effects of TNF and IL1 are seen (e.g. fever)

Also down regulates EC anticoagulation mechanisms (i.e. reduced thrombomodulin), tipping the coagulation cascade toward thrombosis
340. High doses of LPS
Septic shock supervenes with high-level cytokines and secondary mediators resulting in:

1. Systemic vasodilation
2. Diminished myocardial contractility
3. Widespread endothelial injury and activation
4. Activation of the coagulation system, culminating in DIC

The resulting hypoperfusion causes multiorgan failure; unless the underlying infection (and LPS overload) is brought under control, the patient usually dies
341. Signs of organ shock (brain, heat, kidneys, lungs)
Brain: shows hypoxic encephalopathy

Heart: shows coagulation necrosis and contraction band necrosis

Kidneys: develop extensive tubular ischemic injury, causing oliguria anuria, and electrolyte disturbances

Lungs: seldom affected in pure hypovolemic shock; however, diffuse alveolar damage may occur in septic or traumatic shock
342. What happens if the patient survives the initial complications of shock?
Patients surviving the initial complications enter a second phase dominated by renal insufficiency and marked by a progressive fall in urine output, as well as sever fluid and electrolyte imbalances