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184 Cards in this Set

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Major salivary glands produce __ to __ saliva daily
600mL to 1L
Salivary gland that lacks mucous cells (mucins). Watery secretions.
Gland that contains serous acinar cells produce salivary amylase
parotid gland
Mucins are produced by ____ cells
acinar mucous cells
Enzyme found in milk, inhibits microorganism, functions in non-specific immunity role
Enzymes that hydrolyze bacteria outer membrane
Low MW proteins, amplify immune activity, coordinate antibody and T cell interaction
Provide immune defense in form of antibodies
secretory immunoglobulins
Conversion of food into absorbable substances in the GI tract. Accomplished through mechanical and chemical breakdown.
Salivary enzyme that digests starches
Enzyme produced by tongue that catalyze breakdown of lipids
lingual lipase
glycoproteins, lubricate food, bind toxins and bacteria
Copious stimulation influenced primarily by ___ stimulation of the glands
Sympathetic stimulation species dependent and originates from ___
superior cervical ganglia
Secondary factor of parasympathetic salivary stimulation is release of ___ to dilate blood vessels and increase nutrition
Watery part of blood, electrolytes, proteins, glucose, fats, bilirubin, gases, transport of nutrients and waste, exchange of fluids b/t capillaries and tissues
2 ways substances are transported from capillaries to cells
diffusion or active transport
Salivary concentration of __ higher than plamsa concentration
potassium, (bicarb sometimes?)
Water channel protein, 28 kDa
Lipid rafts composed of
cholesterol and glycolipids
Disorder of AQP5
xerostomia (drymouth)
Salivary amylase optimum at pH, but can function in range of __ to __
7, 4-11
produced by acinar cells in parotid and submandibular gland
salivary amylase
Salivary amylase stored in __ granules
Salivary amylase release from granules stimulated by __, __, __
acetylcholine, histamine, norepinephrine
B adrenergic stimulation --> ____ --> ____ --> ____ --> amylase
adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP, protein kinase A
M3R --> ___ --> ___ --> ___ -->____ --> amylase
PIP2, PLCB, IP3, IP3R, Ca2+
(Cholinergic regulation)
Protein kinase G involved in which typ eof amylase secretion?
A. cholinergic
B. adrenergic
Why are there so many side effects with antimuscarinics to treat overactive bladder?
non-specific drug inhibits all muscarinic receptors in body
Major secretions of the stomach
HCl, pepsins, electrolytes, bicarbonate, musuc, intrinsic factor
glandular region that contains g cells that secrete gastrin
Chief cells secrete
essential for B12 absorption
intrinsic factor
cells that store and release histamine and what region
intrinsic factor secreted by what glandular region?
As rate of secretion increases, sodium concentration __, potassium levels __, chloride levels __, H+ levels __
decreases, increases slightly, increase slightly, increases
unstimulated gastric secretion levels
1-5 mEq/hr
stimulated gastric secretions levels
6-40 mEq/hr
Gastric secretion varies because the number of __ cells vary among individuals
At high flow rates, gastric juice predominantly contains
H+ and Cl-
In resting states, H,K-ATPase restricted to ___
TVE's tubulovesicular elements
In the stimulated state, the ___ protein complex mediates the translocation process of H, K-ATPase pump.
Seconds messengers for H,K-ATPase pump
calcium, cAMP, PKA
pH of lumen of gastric gland
pH in the parietal cell
3 major stimulators of Hcl in parietal cells
acetylcholine (muscarinic receptors), histamine (H2 receptor), gastrin (CCK2 receptor)
histamine --> H2 --> __ --> ___ --> ___ --> HCl
AC (adenylate cyclase) , cAMP, PKA (protein kinase A)
CCK-2 receptor specific to __ cells
CCK-B receptors specific to __ cells
phase elicited before food reaches the stomach
cephalic phase
phase elicited by the presence of food in the stomach
gastric phase
phase elicited by mechanisms that originate in the duodenum and upper jejunum
intestinal phase
histamine synthesized from the amino acid __ and synthesis is catalyzed by __ __
histidine, histidine carboxylase
Histamine stored and released by __ cells
enterochromaffin-like cells
__ is released when gastrin binds to the CCK2 receptors. It then diffuses into ___ cells
histamine, parietal
Low pH in antrum of stomach inhibits HCl secretion by directly inibiting ___ cells and by evoking inhibititory __ reflexes
parietal, neuronal
3 things that cause neuronal inhibitory reflex of HCl secretion
ditension, amino acids, peptides
Low pH inhibits secretion from parietal cells by inhibiting release of ___ from _ cells
gastrin, G
GLP-1 and GLP-2 inhibit ___
gastric acid secretion
found in the islets of langerhans stimulate conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver
glucagon-like peptides
group of proteases secreted by the chief cells of the gastric glands that digest proteins
___ and ___ form the gastric mucosal barrier
mucus, bicarbonate
Protects the luminal surface of the stomach from HCl and pepsin
gastric mucosal barrier
___ stimulates the release of mucus in the gastric mucosal barrier
Bicarbonate secreted by __ to form the gastric mucosal barrier
surface epitheleal cells
___ stimulates release of bicarbonate
Gastric mucosal barrier is:
A. Acidic
B. Alkaline
B. Alkaline
intrinsic factor secreted by the __ cells
Hormones that the pancreas secretes
insulin, glucagon
Cells arranged in grape-like clusters called acini secrete __ component of pancreatic juice
Islets of langerhans secrete __, __, __, and __
insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide
Aqueous component of pancreatic juice secreted by __ cells.
columnar epitheleal
enzyme component of pancreatic juice secreted by __
acinar cells
Trypsinogen converted to trypsin by __ in intestine
catalyzes the breakdown of dietary proteins to peptones, peptides, and amino acids
trypsin, chymotrypsin
cleaves peptides from the N and C terminal
__ can also bind to the G protein receptor to activate enzymatic secretion in pancrease
CCK - cholecystokinin
T/F As rate of pancreatic secretion increases, Sodium concentration remains the same
T/F As rate of pancreatic secretion increases, HCO3 concentration remains the same
F (increases)
T/F As rate of pancreatic secretion increases, Cl concentration remains the same
F (decreases)
T/F As rate of pancreatic secretion increases, K concentration remains the same
AQP_ localized in pancreatic cells
2 primary signal transduction pathways for pancreatic secretion
IP3 --> Ca2+ --> AQP8
cAMP --> PKA --> bicarbonate
Acinar cell pancreatic secretion avtivators
ACh, CCK, secretin
Acinar cell pancreatic secretion inhibitor
VIP, somatostatin
AQP_ localized in hepatocytes
Most potent stimulus for emptying gall baldder is __
Bile acids are __ which allow them to for micelles in a solution
amphipathic; both hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Hydrophobic side of bile called ___. Faces inside and away from the water.
Primary bile acids synthesized by ___cytes from ___
hepatocytes, cholesterol
majority of circulating bile acids are conjugated with ___ or ___
glycine, taurine
Entrance of food into the stomach causes a (inc/red) in tone
the splenic fixture of the colon is located in the __ quadrant of the abdomen
upper left
A MMC would most likely occur during:
a. cephalic phase
b. gastric phase
c. intestinal phase
d. fasting phase
fasting phase
The ___ closes when swallowing (blocks opening into trachea)
Pharyngoesophageal sphincter (UES) is under __ control (autonomic / conscious)
conscious reflex
Gastroesophageal sphincter (LES) is under __ control (autonomic / conscious)
The middle section of the small intestine is the:
Gastroesophageal sphincter also known as __ sphincter
T/F The antrum is located in the pyloric region of the stomach
T/F The pyloric region of the stomach is thin walled
False. It is thick walled for mixing and grinding
The ___ omentum is a fat storage organ
A. greater
B. lesser
___ omentum has a function in inflammatory process
greater seals off areas of inflammation
double sheets of serous membrane, routes for nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels
Last and longest segment of the small intestine
Where the small intestine joins the large intestine
ileocecal sphincter
Pouch at bottom of ascending colon
Ascending colon on __ side of body
Descending on __ side of body
Internal sphincter is under __ control
A. voluntary
B. involuntary
External sphincter under __ control
A. voluntary
B. involuntary
Superior hemorrhoidal veins drain into the ___
Inferior hemorrhoidal veins drain into the __
hepatic portal vein
Inferior vena cava
mucosa connective tissue with blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, ducts, lymph nodes
lamina propria
Meissners plexus found on
a. mucosa
b. submucosa
c. muscularis
d. serosa
b. submucosa
Myenteric or Auerbach's plexus found in
a. mucosa
b. submucosa
c. muscularis
d. serosa
c. muscularis externa
Outermost connective tissue layer of GI tract
T/F Auerbach's plexus is an example of extrinsic innervation
False - intrinsic
located in submucosa controls secretory activity and blood flow
Meissner's plexus
Regulates contraction and relaxation of GI smooth muscle
Myenteric / Auerbach's plexus
___ neurons monitor activities and __ communicate between plexi
sensory, interneurons
The basic electrical rhythm produces __ waves
The ___ threshold must be reached to produce action potentials and number and frequency determines strength of contraction
electrical threshold
The law of the intestine is a __ reflex
a. intrinsic
b. extrinsic
Ineffectual peristalsis, related to stress
out-pocketing of wall
diverticula of the esopohagus
horizontal fold of mucosa projecting into the lumen
esophageal webs
Most common esophageal dysphagia
a. achalasia
b. diverticula
c. esophageal web
d. carcinoma
esophageal webs
When your stomach is empty you have (reduced/increased) tone
In an MMC, gastric contractions are initiated by __ cells
T/F The body of the stomach is thick walled and contracts vigorously
90% of hiatus hernias are:
a. sliding type
b. paraesophageal type
sliding type
T/F Malena is a symptom of acute gastritis
Pernicious anemia is cause by
atrophic gastritis
T/F Acute stress ulcers are often caused by alcohol, salicylates, and staph endotoxin
F, acute gastritis
T/F Carcinoma is the most important type of gastric cancer
T/F Gastric cancer occurs frequently but is usually not lethal
F (infrequent and unusually lethal)
Malena occurs with __ GI bleeding
a. upper
b. lower
T/F There is a higher death resulting from of bleeding of peptic ulcers than perforation of peptic ulcers
False, 65% die from performation
T/F There is a higher occurrence of bleeding peptic ulcers than perforated peptic ulcers
Main cause for pyloric stenosis in adults
a. long-term gastritis
b. peptic ulcer
b. peptic ulcer
Projectile vomiting number 1 symptom of:
a. peptic ulcer
b. pyloric stenosis
c. hiatus hernia
d. atrophic gastritis
pyloric stenosis (mailnly occurs in children)
___ is released into the duodenum when pH falls below 3.5. __ is inhibited when pH falls below 3.5.
T/F Secretin enhances gastric emptying
F (inhibits)
Chyme is:
a. hypertonic
b. hypotonic
a. hypertonic
Gastrin is released when concentrations of peptides & amino acids become (high/low)
Cholecystokining is released in response to (high/low) amino acid/peptide concentration
T/F The deodenum, jejunum, and ileum have the same rate of segmentation
T/F Diverticular disease is typically asymptomatic
Crohn's disease occurs most commonly in the
a. duodenum
b. jejunum
c. ileum
terminal ileum
Fecaliths are often associated with
a.crohn's disease
b.diverticular disease
d. polyps
T/F Colon cancer is usually insidious
2nd most frequent cause of death frm cancer in US
colon cancer
T/F Villous adenoma is very common
T/F Pedunculated adenoma is extremely common
T/F Familial multiple polyposis of the colon is a recessive trait
F (dominant)
T/F The liver is the most common site for cholelithiasis
F (gallbladder)
T/F Cholelithiasis is 4x more common in females
The gallbladder empties into the:
a. common bile duct
b. pancreatic duct
c. cystic duct
d. sphincter of oddi
c. cystic duct (then common hepatic duct)
Bands that run longitudinally the length of the colon. play a role in motility
taenia coli
T/F Hernias cause the majority of intestinal obstruction
T (44%
T/F Intussusception is more common in children
Twisting of the intestine
Sphincter that inhibits colonic bacteria from entering small intestine
localized bands of contraction in cecum and proximal colon, serve to knead and mix
Reverse peristalsis occurs in the:
a. duodenum
b. jejunum
c. colon
d. esophagus
Bacteria- Causes ulceration of SI and systemic reticuloendothelial hyperplasia. Causes profuse diarrhea.
typhoid fever (salmonella typhi)
Bacteria - causes anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness
salmonella enteritidis
T/F Cholera is non-invasive
T/F Amoebic Colitis is non-invasive
Most vulnerable tissues for amoebic colitis
liver, lungs, brain
Bacteria - most common following long-term use of antibiotics
staphylococcal colitis
hyperbilirubinemia characteristic of ___. Also called icterus.
T/F Bilirubin gives fecal material its brown color
UV light breaks down __
Which form of hepatitis is a sexually transmitted disease?
A, B, C
T/F Primary liver cancer is rare
secondary to hepatitis B or C
hepatocellular carcinoma
T/F Metastatic (secondary) cancer is rare
F (common)
T/F Brunner's glands are found in the mucosal layer
F (submucosa)
Small intestine unicellular gland cell that secretes mucus
a.absorptive cells
b.goblet cells
c. brunner's glands
Small intestine enterocyte has prominent brush border
a.absorptive cells
b.goblet cells
c. brunner's glands
absorptive cell
submucosal glands that secrete liquid rich in bicarb
a.absorptive cells
b.goblet cells
c. brunner's glands
brunner's glands
T/F Chyme entering the duodenum is usually hypotonic
F (hypertonic)
Protozoan organism causes diarrhea. Often transmitted in daycare centers. Most frequently identified intestinal parasite. Increases intestinal motility.
Giardia Lamblia
Most common cause of diarrhea in the US. Self-limiting.
campylobacter jejuni