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21 Cards in this Set

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What are the causes for increase in divorce

Changes in law

Decline of stigma


Rising expectations of marriage

Changes in women positions

Information about changes in law

Divorce was equalised in 1923 = Increasing

Divorce got cheaper in 1949 = increasing

Unhappy solutions

Due to Desertion- one partner leaves the other but still married (5+ years)

Empty Shell - Married but still live under the same roof

Declining of Stigama

Defintion - The negative label attatched to a person or group of people

Decline in stigma has led to an increase in divorce as people aren't influenced by peoples opinions and divorce is seen as socially acceptable meaning that people aren't shameful

Mitchell & Goody - They have been an increase in divorce since 1960's


Definition - The decline in influence of religion in society for example church attendance rates is declining

Rising expectation of marriage

Fletcher Functionalist - argue that increase of exp has led to increase in divorce because women nowadays are less willing to tolerate unhappy marriage.

Feminist would argue and say that women are breaking free from patriarchal society and that's the increase of high divorce..

Changes in position of women

Women are seen to be more economically independent as they can go out and work meaning that they can go out and earn therefor are free to leave unsatisfactory marriage.

Women working rose from 47& in 1959 to 70% in 2005.

Welfare benefit means that women can remain financially dependent on their husbands.

NR- argue against the welfare state =Loves nuclear= believes creates SPF = dependent

Sociologist view of High divorce?

NR- undesirable = undermines the traditional nuclear fam = creates underclass coz of welfare dependent on single women

Fem - Loves = shows women breaking free from patriarchal oppression

Functionalist- dislike high divorce = marriage is under threat = the high rate of marriage shows that people are still committed.

Postmodernists= See's high divorce rates as individuals having freedom to choose.

Marriage stats

(Secularisation)- Couples less likely to marry in church. 1981 (60%) in 2005 (35%)

2005- 4 in 10 marriages are re marriages

Reasons for changing in patterns of marriage

Changes in attitude to marriage = less pressure & more freedom= chose type of marriage

Changes in position of women = education so career = more financially dependent = freedom not to marry


definition - an unmarried couples in a sexual relationship living together.

Fastest growing family in the UK

Reason for increased cohabitation

young people more likely to be in cohabitation 88% 18-24 agreed it was okay

Young people with no religion are more likely to cohabit

Cohabitation (sociologist)

Chester argues that most people see cohabitation as a process of getting married. 75% of cohabiting expected to marry.

Same sex relationship

Stonewall, campaign for lesbian & gay, bi rights that 5-7%,

The civil partnership act has given same sex couples similar legal rights

One person household

3 in 10 household is one person household.

Men under 65 were the group most likely to be living alone

Reason for the changes

decline in marriage has led to people living alone but Stein argues that growing number of people are deciding to try the 'single-hood'


definition - people in a relationship that are living apart

1 in 10 adults are in LATs

20% saw that LATs as in idea relationship


  • 4 in 10 children are born outside marriage
  • women are now having children later - Avg 27.3 years

Child bearing- Reason for changes?

  1. decline in stigma & increase in cohabitation
  2. later at which women give birth & smaller families

Lone Parents (24% of all families)

  • Over 90% of Lone parent, women are head of the house
  • Children are twice more likely to be in poverty than a child living in both parents

Lone parents - Reasons for the patterns

  • Increased due to the increase in divorce and separations >> link to decline in stigma
  • Cashmore found that working class women chose to live on welfare benefits without a partner= encourages women not to marry

