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52 Cards in this Set

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11 elements of a Patrolling organization
ASE (Each with 2)

Aid and Litter Team
Assault Element
Surveillance Team
Support Element
Enemy Prisoner of War Team
Enroute Recorder

DC Demo Team, Compass Man
BP Breach Team, Pace Man
Initial Planning 1.
Changes or Updates in the enemy situation
Initial Planning 2.
Best use of terrain for routes, rally points, and patrol bases
Initial Planning 3.
Light and Weather Data
Initial Planning 4.
Changes in Friendly Situation
Initial Planning 5.
The attachment of soldiers with special skills or equipment
Initial Planning 6.
Use and Location of landing or pickup zones.
Initial Planning 7.
Departure and reentry of friendly lines
initial Planning 8.
Fire support on the objective and along the planned routes
Initial Planning 9.
Rehearsal area and times
Initial Planning 10.
Special Equipment and ammunition requirements
Initial Planning 11.
Transportation support, including transportation to and from the rehearsal site.
Initial Planning 12.
Signal plan-call signs, frequencies, code words, pyrotechnics, and challenge and password
Initial Planning ( b and c)
With FFU and Adjacent Patrol Leaders
Completion of the Plan (a)
Essential and Supporting Tasks
Completion of the Plan (b)
Key Travel and Execution Times
Completion of the Plan (c)
Primary and Alternate Routes
Completion of the Plan (d)
Completion of the Plan (e)
Challenge and Password Forward of Friendly Line
Completion of the Plan (f)
Location of Leaders
Completion of the Plan (g)
Actions on enemy contact
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (1)
Additional information on terrain just outside the friendly unit lines
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (2)
Known or suspected enemy positions in the near vicinity
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (3)
Likely enemy ambush sites
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (4)
Latest enemy activity
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (5)
Detailed information on friendly positions, obstacles, and Ops
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (6)
Friendly unit fire plans
Departure From friendly Lines Coordination (7)
Support the unit can provide
Departure From friendly Lines Planning
Making contact with friendly guides at the contact point
Departure From friendly Lines Planning
Moving to a coordinated initial rally point just inside friendly lines
Departure From friendly Lines Planning
Completing final coordination
Departure From friendly Lines Planning
Moving to and through the passage point
Departure From friendly Lines Planning
Establishing a security-listening halt beyond the friendly unit's final protective fires
Selection of Rally Points 1
Easy to recognize on the ground
Selection of Rally Points 2
Cover and concealment
Selection of Rally Points 3
Away from natural lines of drift
Selection of Rally Points 4
Defendable for short periods
Types of Rally Points 1
Initial Rally Point
Types of Rally Points 2
En Rout Rally Point
Types of Rally Points 3
Objective Rally Point
Types of Rally Points 4
Reentry Rally Point
Types of Rally Points 5
Near and Far - Side Rally Points
Area reconnaissance
To obtain information about specified location and the area around it. The platoon or squad uses surveillance or vantage-points around the objective from which to observe it and surrounding area.
Zone Reconnaissance
To obtain information on enemy, terrain, and routes within a specified zone. Techniques include the use of moving elements, stationary teams, or a series of area reconnaissance actions.
Route Reconnaissance
To obtain detailed information about one route and all the adjacent terrain or to locate sites for emplacing obstacles.
Combat Patrol. Hasty Ambush
When visual contact is made with an enemy force and you have enough time to establish an ambush without being detected
Combat Patrol. Deliberate Ambush
Conducted against a specific target at a predetermined location
Combat Patrol. Point Ambush
Soldiers deploy to attack an enemy in a single location
Combat Patrol. Area Ambush
Soldiers deploy to attack the enemy in two or more related point ambushes
Combat Patrol. Anti-Armor Ambush
to destroy one or two armor vehicles
Combat Patrol. Raid
Operation to attack a position or installation followed by a planned withdrawal
Combat Patrol. Security
Sent out from a unit location when the unit is stationary or during a halt to search the local area.