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66 Cards in this Set

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Location of Urinary disorders
Anywhere between kidney and urethral opening
Why can urinary disorders be lethal
impedes the ridding f body toxins. Hydrogen ions build up along with byproducts of protein breakdown and electrolytes
most common urinary disorder
bladder infection
kidney filtration rate
kidney reabsorption rate
670 mL/hour
the part that is filtered out of the blood and into the tubules
location of most water reabsorption
proximal tubules
size of kidneys
11cm x 5cm
kidney blood flow
aorta - renal artery - renal vein - vena cava
outer portion with glomeruli
Inner Portion – collecting tubules
Filtering part of the nephrons
Renal Pelvis
Location of urine collection before peristolic movement in ureters
- secreted by posterior pituitary
- controls the re-absorption of water by changing the permeability of distal convoluted tubules
- secreted by the adrenal cortex
- controls the re-absorption of Na
- more aldesterone – leads to more Na+ reabsortion – leads to more water retention – leads to increased BP
How much blood from the heart is pumped through the kidneys
Where in the kidneys does filtrtion occur
Route through kidneys
Afferent Arteriole - Glomerulous – Efferent Tubule – Bowman’s capsule - Tubules
Location of reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, sodium, and Water
Bowman’s Capsule
Length of ureters
Detrusor Muscle
Smooth muscle coat of the bladder
Involuntary control
Mucus secreting
-internal and external spincters
- female – 4cm, male – 20 cm
Sends signal when about 300 mL collects
Relaxation of internal spincter
Contraction of Detursor muscle
Relaxation of external spincter
Prostate Gland
- plays a role in semen production
- wraps around the urethra at base of bladder
- Glomerular Filtration Rate
- 25% of cardiac output
- can be estimated through 24 hour urine collection
- systolic BP needs to be 70 mmHG for there to be enough pressure for filtration
Anatomical Causes Urinary Tract Obstruction
prostate enlargement
pelvic organ prolapse
Urinary Tract Obstruction Consequences
Dilation of proximal area
Fibrosis of Nephron
-Decrease in GFR
Reversible tubular damage in a matter of hours
Functional Cause Urinary Tract Obstruction
- Incoordination between detrusor muscle and spincters
Obstruction leads to
Proximal dilation
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- The prostate sits on the base of the bladder blocking flow into the urethra
- Kidney Stones obstruction
- aka renal colic
- salts which are not flushed out by water flow
Water collection above the site of the stone
Composition of kidney stones -
Most commonly made of calcium
- can be made of struvite of uric acid
Kidney stone pH
Calcium stones occur from a alkalie environement
Uric acid stones for in an acidic environment
Struvite Stones
-Mag, Ammonia, & Phos
- form during an infection
- may form into a staghorn (shaped like an antler)
- larger than 5 cm must be surgically removed
Symptoms of Kidney stones
- asymptomatic in kidney or bladder
- severe back and groin pain when travelling down the ureters
Clinical Manifestations of nephrolithiasis n the back
- Flank pain radiating to groin
- Lower Urinary problems
- Urgency
- Frequency
- rhino horn stabbing i
Treatment for Nephrolithiasis -
Large amounts of fluid
- Narcoticcs
- Increase in dietary fiber to rid of calcium
- Stone removal (PCNL)
Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy
-Urologist passes a needle into collecting kidney or ureter. Laser lithotripto is used to break up and retrieve stones. Foley catheter and nephrostomy tubes are left in place so fragments don’t get stuck.
No motion
Bladder neck dyssynergia
Failure of the detrusor to funnel urine during micturation
Urethral stricture
Narrowing of the urethral lumen due to scar tissue
i.e. infectin or surgical manipulation
Causes of urethral stricture
- Injury (surgical, fall astride on bike)
- Infection – gonorrhoea, Chlamydia
- congenital
- cancer
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Lack of communication between bladder and nervous system.

-incoordination between detrusor contraction and sphincter relaxation caused by spinal cord injury

- can lead to over activity or under activity
Evaluation of lower urinary tract obstruction
- Voiding frequency
- Nocturia
- Poor force of stream
- Intermittent stream
- Incomplete Emptying
- Post-void residual volume
Post void residual volume
200mL remain in bladder after voiding.
Measured by emptying bladder via catheter
Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction Treatment Surgery – TURP
Meds –abx , Meds to relax sphincter
Transurethral resection of the prostate
Cystitis causes
-usually bacterial – (80% e coli. 20% staph)
- decreased immune response
-alkaline urine
#1 iatrogenic is catheterzation
Cystisis clinical manifestations
Confusion and abdominal pain in elderly
Cystitis evaluation
High neutrophil count
Micro hematuria
100,000 + organisms per liter of urine
Cystitis treatment
Follow-up UA in 4 weeks
Non bacterial Cystitis
Inflammation without evident pathogenic bacterial count due to inflamed glands near urethra
- more likely in females
Interstital cystitis
-walls of bladder irritated and inflamed
- often misdiagnoses as bladder infection
- 1 in 3000 people, 90% of which are women
- more likely in reproductive years
- a climbing cysitits
- urinary tract pathogens climb from bladder up ureters into renal pelvis
- there is a danger of organisms entering blood stream leading to sepsis
Pyelonephritis causes
Neurogenic bladder
Untreated cystitis
Pyelonephritis manifestations
Flank pain
Pyelonephritis Evaluation
- UA will show white casts (collection of WBC)
- Blood cultures needed
Acute Renal Failure
Abrupt and reversible shut down of the kidneys
(Prerenal) Acute Renal Failure
Most common – decreased perfusion to the kidneys due to decreased cardiac output
(Intrarenal) Acute Renal Failure
Sometimes just called renal, or acute tubular necrosis
Damage to tubules
Common causes – nephrotoxic medications or excess myoglobin from burn inuries
Postrenal ARF
- cause of problem lies below the kidney
- most common BPH
Acute Renal Failure
Clinical Manifestations
-change in urine output and levels of creatinine
-BUN/creatinin rise
-hydrogen ions retained, bicarb is lost
metabolic acidosis
potassium retained
ARF – Treatment
- Fix the underlying cause
- fluids
- remove nephrotoxins
- relieve obstruction
ABG Balance
- pH controlled by longs and kidneys
- Lungs are quick and kidneys are slow