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60 Cards in this Set

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What type of heart failure causes pleural effusion in small animals?


What is systolic failure

inability to eject blood properly

What is diastolic failure

inadequate ventricular filling

Equation for cardiac output (CO)


What is preload

degree of ventricular filling just before contraction

AKA End diastolic filling

What is afterload

force opposing ventricular ejection

What is the largest influence on peripheral resistance?

small arteries and arterioles

What is the most common reason for pressure overload (increased resistance of the ventricles to eject blood)

L heart disease

R heart disease

subaortic stenosis (LH)

systemic arterial hypertension (LH dz)

HWD (R side)

How does the cardiac myocyte adapt to sustained pressure overload (secondary to pressure overload)

type of hypertrophy

concentric hypertrophy

What diseases cause volume overload
valvular insuffiency
PDA/septal defects
high output states (hyperthyroidism)
volume overload causes the cardiac myocyte to adapte to a larger chamber size by

eccentric hypertrophy

What are three different mechanisms diastolic failure can occur

abnormal relaxation

abnormal compliance

external constraint by the pericardium

What is the MOA of how the body responds to HF? (in general - CO, BP etc)

- fall in CO causes a decrease in BP

- activation of compensatory mechanisms to restore and maintain blood pressure

What are the two prioriteies of the cardiovascular system during HF?

maintain BP

Maintaine plasma volume

Changes of BP/plasma volume are sensed by these organs & where?

high pressure baroreceptos/mechanoreceptors/volume receptors:

- aortic arch

- carotid sinus

- ventricular myocardium

- atria and great veins

- juxtaglomerular apparatus - kidney's

How is the RAS system activated?

Decrease in renal blood flow cause the release of renin and activation of the RAS system

renin increases ___ concentration
Ang I

ANg II is a potent ___


With Ang II increasing vasoconstriction, this helps to normalize ___ and but will also increase ___

normalize blood pressure

afterload of the heart

ANG II stimulates the release of



ADH causes


water resorption from the distal tubules

aldosterone causes

Na/Water retention

postassium/Mg excretion

This is the most potent vasoconstrictor for vascular smooth muscle cells


These are counter-regulatory hormones involved in volume homeostasis and cardiovascular remodeling.

natriuretic peptides (vasodilatory agents)

Examples of natriuretic peptides (4)

ANP: atrial natriuretic peptide

BNP: brain natriuretic peptide

CNP: C-type natriuretic peptide

DNP: dendroaspis natriuretic peptide

What do natriuretic peptides do in general




peripheral vasodilation

inhibition of RAS

What happens to the bennificial effexts during CHF with natriuretic peptides

They are over ridden by agents that cause vasoconstriction and water retention

Why are dogs tachycardic with HF?

increase in sympathetic tone and decrease in parasympathetic tone.

In RHF, ascites will always preeced ____

subcutaneous edema

This is a common finding (PE finding) with HF, and is more prominent in RHF and those with DCM

cardiac cachexia

If an obese dog presents with coughing, it is most likely due to

respiratory issues. Rare for CHF dogs to be obese

What are the dogs presenting with main stem bronchus like

obese/normal weight

dry hacking coughs

worse during the day

normal HR

What are the dogs presenting with CHF (vs. main stem bronchus)

thin/weight loss

more subtle cough worse at night

pink nasal or sputum

This is an important negative prognostic factor in patients with CHF


What do gallop rhythms suggest

ventricular dysfunction

Fourth heart sounds suggest

atrial contraction

Splitting of a heart sound suggest

pulmonary hypertension

Distended and pulsating jugular veing can suggest


What does CVP estimate (heart disease)

R ventricular end diastolic pressure

Systolic function is best assessed by

SV (preload, afterload, and contractility)

Preload is best evaluated by

L ventricular end diastolic volume

After load is measured by

aortic impedance or arterial elastance (femoral artery)

What is the best technique for evaluating diastolic function noninvasively



cardiac troponin T


cardiac troponin I

What causes the release of cTn

cell necrosis and loss of membrane integrity

In general, increased concentrations of cTnI or cTNT reflect

myocardial dammage

first heart sounds corresponds to

closing of the AV valves (mitral and tricuspid)

What is isovolumetric contraction

relates to the same volume, but just an increase in pressure. As when the ventricles contract

What is end systolic volume

After the ventricles contract 40-50% of the blood remaines in the ventricles

What corresponds to the second heart sound?

closure of the aortic and pumonic valves

What is the third heart sound


not normally heard

rapid ventricular filling in volume overload

What is the fourth heart sound


not normally heard

begining of atrial systole with pressure overload and non-compliant ventricles or with 3rd degree AV block

SV is

the amount of blood ejected out of the L ventricle with each beat

What causes the heart to increase HR and myocardial contractility?

increase sympathetic tone

increase catecholamines bind to B receptors in the heart

How does sympathetic tone increase HR?

release of NE which binds to to B1 receptors in the heart.

also increases conduction through the AV node

(B antagonists such as atenolol and propanolol decrease HR through this mechanism)

This is the ion required for myocardial contraction


Frank Starling Law

greater the cardiac volume, the stronger the contraction

eccentric hypertrophy

chamber size gets larger but the thickness stays the same

occurs due to volume overload

concentric hypertrophy

cardiac chamber stays the same size but the walls get thicker

occurs due to pressure overload (increase in afterload)