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98 Cards in this Set

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the right side of the heart

receives low oxygenated blood from the systemic circulation and pumps blood into the pulmonary circulation

the left side of the heart

receives richly oxygenated blood from the pulmonary circulation and pumps blood into the systemic circulation

cardiovascular system needs to maintain adequate perfusion to tissues

blood flowing through capillaries


deposition of fat and fibrin in the wall of arteries which harden over

progression of atherosclerosis

damaged endothelium

fatty streak

fibrinous plaque

complicated lesion

damaged endothelium

smoking, hypertension, dm, turbulent blood flow, bacteria, viruses, homocysteine

fatty streak

growth factor produced stimulating smooth muscle growth

lipid laden macrophages bind to endothelium

LDL become oxidized

this vascular lesion may be reversible with diet

fibrinous plaque

fibroblasts proliferate in lesion and deposit collagen creating a more firm, rigid mass

complicated lesion

instantly cause a heart attack

years of progressive events with deposition of calcium.

very rigid and may produce an ulcer or rupture of overlying endothelium.

endothelial lesions initiate thrombus formation and can occlude lumen.

non-modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis



family history


modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis

low density lipoproteins

high density lipoproteins


cigarette smoking

lack of exercise


creactive protein (CRP)


amino acid derived from metabolism of methionine

vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid facilitate its metabolism in the liver

high levels of homocysteine increase risk of vascular disease

C-reactive protein (CRP)


cytokines stimulate liver to increase CRP

biomarker that inflammation is in body

increased CRP, increased risk of heart attack


leading cause of heart disease

systolic pressure of 140mmHg or greater and or a diastolic blood pressure of 90mmHg or greater in people who are not taking antihypertensive medication

normal blood pressure

less than 120, less than 80




stage 1 hypertension



stage 2 hypertension

greater than or equal to 160

great than or equal to 100

Primary (essential) hypertension(idiopathic)

initiated by increased blood volume and cardiac output.

maintained because vessels appear to irreversibly adapt to this new level of blood pressure despite correction of blood volume and cardiac output

secondary hypertension

arises due to any underlying disease which raises peripheral vascular resistance

accounts for only 5-8% of cases

treatment for hypertension is targeted at reducing the workload of the heart

exercise and weight loss

diuretics reduce blood volume

beta blockers decrease heart rate

calcium channel blockers decrease strength of heart contraction

vasodilators decrease resistance to blood flow

ACE inhibitors

will not let angiotension I progress to angiotension II


baroreflex activation therapy(BAT)

for resistant hypertension and heart failure

mechanical approach


less oxygen


tissue death, heart attack

risk factors associated with development of coronary artery disease




diabetes mellitus

genetic predisposition


sedentary life style

loss of estrogen




myocardial ischemia

transient reversible lack of oxygen to the myocardium

increase anaerobic metabolism and increased production of lactic acid

impaired left ventricular function due to hypoxia and lactic acid accumulation

decreased contractility of myocardium

decrease stroke volume and increase end diastolic volume and pressure


end systolic volume

the volume of blood in each ventricle at the end of diastole


normal systolic volume


end systolic volume (ESV)

120ml-70ml=50 ml

ejection fraction



45% =weakened, not enough pumping out

clinical manifestations of myocardial ischemia

angina pectoris: chest pain caused by myocardial ischemia

stable angina

ischemic episodes occur during exertion and the pain is relieved by rest and nitrates. the more nitroglycerin tables needed to relieve pain indicates progression of the disease


potent vasodilator

converted to nitric oxide and works to promote relaxation of vascular smooth muscle

works on the veins

decrease volume, decrease pressue


tension in muscle before it contracts


tension during systole

unstable angina

ischemic events occur frequently and often while at rest

indicates advanced heart disease and may be sign of impeding infarction

grave sign of advanced heart disease

subendocardia ischemia

ST segment depression

T wave inversion

transmural ischemia

ST segment elevation

can indicate myocardial infarction

possible treatments for myocardial infarctions

1.decrease workload on the heart to decrease rate of oxygen consumption of myocardium

2. coronary artery bypass graft

3. percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

4. stents- metal device guided by a wire through coronary artery and inflate balloon.

acute myocardial infarction (MI)

heart attack

end point of coronary artery disease

prolonged ischemia

causes irreversible hypoxic injury to cells and cell death and tissue necrosis

causes of myocardial infarctions

atherosclerotic plaque formation in coronary vessels

hemorrhage into a plaque

embolism caused by thrombus

coronary spasm

myocardial infarctions can lead to the following changes of the heart

1. decreased cardiac contractility

2. altered left ventricle compliance

3. decreased stroke volume

4. decreased ejection fraction

5. increased left ventricle end-diastolic pressure

6. sino-atrial node malfunction

24 hour response to myocardial infarction

leukocyte infiltration into inflamed and necrotic area

proteolytic enzymes degrade necrotic tissue

catecholamines release from damages cells

(pseudo-diabetic state)- increased blood sugar caused from release of adrenaline

2 week response to myocardial infarction

increase insulin release

weak collagen matrix formed which is mushy and vulnerable

6 week response to myocardial infarction

strong scar tissue develops

this tissue does not contract/relax or conduct

decrease amount of pump power, muscle tissue

abnormal EKG

signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction

sudden and severe chest pains

pain not relieved by nitrates

sympathetic activation causing profuse sweating, cool and clammy skin from peripheral vasoconstriction, reflexive increase in heart rate and blood pressure

detection of cardiac iso-enzymes which act as markers of MI from damaged myocardial cells

initial drop in blood pressure

abnormal extra heart sounds-murmur

cardiac iso-enzymes and other biomarkers to aid in diagnosing myocardial infarction

creatine kinase

lactate dehydrogenase

serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase


troponin T; troponi I



naturally inside cardiac muscle cells, once cells die, biomarkers are released and spike in the biomarkers

creatine kinase-myocardial band (CK-MB)

CK-MB2 higher than CK-MB1 most MI

CK levels should be checked every 8 hours for the first day

CK rises within 6-8 hours, peaks at 24 hours, returns to normal by 36-48hours

normally CK-MB1=CK-MB2

post-MI CK-MB1<CK-MB2

lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-1)

LDH peaks at day 3-4 and is normal within 14 days

LDH-1 higher than LDH2 post MI

normally LDH1<LDH2

post-MI LDH1>LDH2

serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)

SGOT levels rise within 8-12 hours, peak at 18-36 hours, and return to normal within 14 days

SGOT is not referred to as alanine aminotransferase (AST)

Thallium 201 imagine

graphically demonstrates distribution of blood flow to normal or ischemic tissue

more sensitive/ specific than stress EKG

look for cold spots, tissue that did not take up radioactive material, this shows tissue death

subendocardial myocardial infarction

myocardial injury limited to tissue just under the endocardium

transmural myocardial infarction

myocardial injury extending across entire width of heart muscle wall from the endocardium to the pericardium

therapy goals for MI

to relieve pain, minimize mass of infarcted tissue, prevent/ treat arrhythmias and mechanical complications

standard initial therapy for MI

1.continuos EKG monitoring for arrhythmias

2.control of pain with either morphine sulfate and or nitroglycerin

3. supplemental oxygen by nasal cannula to maintain 02 above 70mmHg

4. low-dose heparin and aspirin

5. acute repercussion via thrombolytic therapy to enzymatically degrade thrombus

6. intravenous streptokinase or tPA(tissue plasminogen activator (Activase)) may be given within 4 hours of chest pain onset. no benefit with later administration

blood thinners

viscosity does not change, prevent blood from getting thicker (coagulation)

complications associated with myocardial infarction

1. dysrhythmias

2. left ventricular failure

3. pericarditis

4. rupture of heart structures

5. rupture of wall of infarcted ventricle

6. systemic thromboembolism

7. sudden death

disorders of the heart wall

epicardium-visceral layer of the pericardium



disorders of the pericardium

acute pericarditis

pericardial effusion

acute pericarditis

inflammatory condition of pericardium most commonly cause by infection

produces friction rubs and severe chest pain especially with respiratory movements

pericardial effusion

the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity normally 10-30 cc of serous fluid

gradual and rapid accumulation

gradual accumulation

can accommodate up to 1000cc of fluid in the pericardial space

rapid accumulation

50-100 cc usually blood

referred to as cardiac tamponade- can't expand heart, not filling properly, filling of chambers, decrease volume and pressure, can't feel pulse, mechanical problem, not electrical, normal EKG

notice signs of right heart failure first:

1.distention of jugular veins

2. edema


4. pulseless electrical activity (PEA) no pulse but normal EKG mechanical impedance

cardiac output decreases

remove fluid, pericardalcentisis

dilated cardiomyopathy

decreased cardiac contractility

decreased systolic performance

increased EDV

decreased stroke volume

walls getting thinner, cells dying

cells don't get replaced


1. idiopathic

2. alcholism-enthanol toxic

3. post-partum-hormal reactions

4.following previous infection-rheumatic heart diesease

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

hypertrophy of inter ventricular septum

myocardium becomes noncompliant

treatment: beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, surgical resection

cells increase in size, increase in proteins

decrease in performance of heart

controlled heart attack. 100% ethanol to kill off muscle tissue

restrictive cardiomyopathy

infiltrative disease:



3.gylcogen storage disease

eventually the myocardium become non compliant. stiff-heart syndrome


endocardium: valvular stenosis

valve orifice is constricted and narrowed-outflow obstruction. stiff

chamber behind valve has increased workload

myocardial wall becomes hypertrophied

aortic semilunar valve and bicuspid valve(left side of heart) most commonly affected

causes include: rheumatic heart disease, congenital malformations, calcifications.

endocardium: aortic semilunar valve stenosis

hypertrophy of left ventricle

decreased stroke volume and cardiac output leading to decreased tissue perfusion

narrowed pule pressure (systolic-diastolic)

increase work load

blood pressure: 110/90

endocardium: left a-v valve stenosis (bicuspid or mitral valve)

left atrial hypertrophy

decrease cardiac output

increased blood volume and pressure backs up into pulmonary circulation: pulmonary congestion

not as much blood can flow through

winded very quickly

increase workload, degeneration of cells

thrombus risk increases, causing stroke

water filled alveoli, hard to breathe, water replaces air, dyphea

balloon-tipped, swan ganz catheter for measuring pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

wedge pressure= pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure

pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary edema, right sided heart failure

endocardium: valvular regurgitation

valve leaflets fail to shut completely

retrograde flow of blood occurs

increased blood volume in chamber, increased workload of chamber, hypertrophy, failure

aortic regurgitation

retrograde flow of blood in left ventricle

end diastolic volume increases

increases stroke volume

widened pulse pressure which creates a "water-hammer pulse"on the limbs and corriganspulse on the carotid

blood pressure 130/70

systolic-more volume more pressure

diastolic: blood is going forward and backward. decrease volume and pressure

mitral regurgitation

retrograde flow of blood into left atrium causing dilation and hypertrophy

left ventricle hypertrophies for compensation but eventually fails

pulmonary hypertension

right ventricular failure, increase workload on right side

increase wedge pressure

mitral valve prolapse

cusps billow excessively up into left atrium

common in young women

minimal morbidity and mortality

often asymptomatic but related to: tachycardia, palpations, anxiety, panic attacks

can lead to:

1. rupture of chordae tendineae

2. ventricular failure

3. systemic emboli

4. sudden death

treatment: directed at the associated symptoms and not necessarily the prolapsed valve, if serious surgical repair or valve remplacement

rheumatic heart disease

cardiac involvement stemming from a groupA beta hemolytic streptococcus infection

bacterial antigens bind to receptors on heart, muscle, rains, and synovial joints

autoimmune response and inflammatory resonse producing arthritis and inflammation of endocardium and myocardium. the arthritis resolves following recovery

repair process leads to inflammation of valve leaflets and formation of vegetation on cusps and chordae tendinease

1. vegetations (verrucae) = platelet and fibrin deposits

2. aschoff bodies= sited of fibrinoid necrosis confined to myocardium

leads to incompetent valves, heart disease

acute valvular involvement

development of rheumatic heart disease

pharyngeal infection

3% without treatment

rheumatic fever


rheumatic heart disease

dysrhythmias (arrhythmias)

heart rate greater than 100 or less than 60rpm

caused by abnormal rate of impulse generation at SA node and abnormal conduction

normal rate: 70bpm ranges (60-100)

normal rhythm: refers to the regular occurrence of P, ORS and T waves

sinus bradycardia

heart rate less than 60bmp

maintains normal rhythm

sinus tachycardia

heart rate greater than 100bpm

maintain normal rhythm

ventricular fibrillation

caused by chaotic ventricular depolarizations

very active heart muscle, rate can be greater than 300 bmp

muscle cells are quivering

no organized or synchronized degree of ventricular contraction, cardiac output decreases

defibrillation needed to shock cells, stop depolarizations and allow SA node to reset the pace

heart block

AV blocks

dysfunction of the intrinsic conduction system

sa node, av node, bundle of His, rt./lft. bundle branches, purkinje fibers

1st degree heart block

increase in the P-R interval

longer than normal


2nd degree heart block

increase in the P-R ratio

more p's than r's should be a 1:1 ratio

3rd degree heart block (complete block)

AV node does not conduct action potentials into ventricles

atria and ventricles beat independently

need artificial pacemaker to remedy situation

regular p waves, 70 waves are independent of p, 30-35pm

right sided heart failure systemic congestion (cor pulmonale)

increased pulmonary vascular resistance

increased central venous pressure(CVP)

increased systemic capillary hydrostatic pressure

peripheral edema

left sided heart failure (congestive heart failure; CHF) and pulmonary congestion

intrinsic causes include myocardial ischemia

extrinsic causes include systemic hypertension, aortic valvular stenosis, and aortic regurgitation

left sided heart failure, increased pulmonary hydrostatic pressure, pulmonary edema

alveoli fill with fluid



impaired gas diffusion


possible treatments for heart failure

decrease workload on heart by:

correcting valvular dysfunction

vasodilators to decrease resistance to blood flow

diuretics to decrease blood volume and pressure

intropic drugs are designed to increase force of myocardial contractility but not rate

common drug is digoxin

diagnosis of heart failure

measuring b-type natrutretic peptide (BNP)

released by heart to osmotic diuerisis

increase= trouble breathing, cardiac not pulmonary

decrease= pulmonary


cardiovascular system fails to perfuse tissues adequately, resulting in widespread impairment of cellular metabolism.

progresses to organ failure and death if untreated in positive feedback loops that maintain a downward spiral

cardiogenic shock

caused by heart failure

myocardial infarction

coronary heart disease


heart attack

hypovolemic shock

decreased intravascular fluid volume



loss of blood

neurogenic (vasogenic) shock

decreased vasomotor tone

decreased resistance

decreased blood pressure

spinal cord injury

anaphylactic shock

hypersensitivity reactions


immune reaction

septic shock

reaction to disseminated infection

response to bacterial endotoxins

often called warm shock due to accompanying fever from the infection

bacterial infection

adrenailine in circulatory shock


arginine vasopressin for the treatment of circulatory shock

systemic effect for vasoconstriction. last step in shock: opens potassium channels and closes calcium channels

with vasopressin: opens calcium channels and smooth muscle contract and pro most vasoconstriction


decrease cardiac output,

decrease arterial pressure,

decrease capillary perfusion,

decrease venous return