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33 Cards in this Set

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male, Ed. can't sustain erection. gynecomastia and expressible galactorea. the hormone responsible for this condtion is normally inhibited by
female, progressive weakness weight gain, amenorrhea and cold intolerance. hoarsness and absence. enlarged thyroid. TSH levels are elvated. she is diagnosed with iodine deficency goiter. the enargement of her thyroid is due to increased synthesis of
fmale chronic renal failure. low serum calciu,. elevated pth levels. which of the following reactions of vitamin d metabolism is most likely impaired
25hccalciferol to 1,25 hdc calciferol

decreased alpha hydroxylase
diabetic ketoacidusis. the key enzyme responsible for synthesis of ketone bodies in hepatocytes is
mitochondrial hmg coa synthase
the metobolic defect that led to ketoacisidposis was
increased catabalism of muscle proteins
boy has rickets, what are his labs
calcium is decreased, phosphate is decreased and ALP is increased

if vitamin deficiency you'll see calcium decreased,phosphate increased and alp decreased
guy has delayed puberty, low lebido and growth retardatin. feminine fetaures, gynecomastia. hyperprolactinemia and low gonadotropins. x ray shows expanded sella. the mechanism causing this problem involves direct suppression of ?
GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus

dispute, i would say LH and FSH secreation from the anterior pituitary due to the prolactinoma
acromegally. this patient needs to be screened for associated?
colonic polyps
what is the DIRECT effect of growth hormone

stimulation of skeletal growth and protein synthesis is indirect, via IGF
20 yo female, polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia.no head trauma or infections. poor appetite.
elevated serum osmolality
elevated serum sodium
very low urine osmolality
no glucose in urine
urine remains hypo osmolar after water deprevation, administering vasopressin DOES NOT HELP
prolactinoma. suffering from severe peptic ulcer disease. family history of pituitary and pancreatic tumors
this is men 1

check serum calcium for parathyroid tumor
3 ps- pituitary, pancreas, parathyroid
42 year old presents like hypothyroid pt
low uptake of iodine
labs show decreased tsh and t4. injecting trh does nothing whats the diagnosis
secondary hypothyroidism

primary -thyroid gland doesn't produce, will see elevated tsh and reduced t4
secondary- pituitary doesn't secrete tsh
tertiary- hypoththalmus doesn't secrete trh
iodine deficiency leads to goiter
hashimotos or primary hypothyroidism has ELEVATED tsh, low t4, low t3
female, sever muscle cramps,SOB, tingling in hands and feet. undergone subtotal thyrodectamy.
low calcium, high posphate. what does her ECG show
prolonged qt interval,

a shortened qt interval is due to hyper calcemia
what doe labs show in pagets disease?
normal everything
normal calcium
normal phosphate
normal pth
it has variable alp

osteoperosis, shows normal everything (ca, phosphate, pth,alp)
osteopetrosis shows normal everything exept elevated alp
ostomalacia and rickets shwos decrease calcium and phosphate, elevated alp and elevated pth
male, pain in hips and ribs, constipation. x ray shows multiple osteolytic lesioons. multiple lesions throughout body. x ra shows nephrolithiasis. bone marro waspirate shows plasma cell infiltrate.
urine calcium is elevated.whats the pth level here?
multiple osteolitic lesion suggests malignant bone disease that has metastazied which causes hyper calcemia. this in turn is pth INDEPENDANT

other malignancies that are pth independant and cause hyper calcemia- squamus cell ca of the lung that secrets PTHrP, hemolytic neoplasms like multiple myeloma because they activate osteoclasts which release calcium from bone
pt with lightheadnedness, excessive tiredness, sleepy and hungry. symptoms resolve upon eating sugary foods. low fasting glucose, elevated insulin. negative urinary sulfonylrea. normal pituitary axis. abdominal scal revls a mass in the tail of the pancreas. what would an additional lab finding be
increased plasma concentration of c peptide, this is an insulinoma
old male. polyuria, polydypsia. dehydration. low urine osmolality. serum osmolality greater than urine osmolality. vasopressin administration reduces serum osmolality and improves urine osmolality. what is the dx?
central diabetes insipidus

psychogenic polydipsia has the urine outptut normalized with water restriction
50 yo, irritability, muscle cramps, tetany and seizures. labs reveal hypocalcemia. pth level was decreased, alp level was normal, phosphate levels were elevated. these features suggest?
previous subtotal thyrodectomy, loss of c cells
male, progressive weight gain. central obesity. protruding hump. purple stretch marks on ab. labs show increased fasting blood glucose, increased cortisol and elevated ACTH. high dose dexamethasone test supresses the pallasma cortisol. what is the dx?
cushings disease (a pituitary problem)

cushings syndrome is an adrenal problem and not suppressed by high dose dexa
headaches. elevated bp. abdominal ct shows mass in left adrenal. resection shows mass arisess from adrenal cortex
lab investigatins befor surg would have revealed?
low serum renin

this is conns syndrome, which causes hyper aldosteronism in the presence of low renin
45 year old lady has acromegaly. elevated hba1c levels. the condition is most likely relaed to
excess prod. of igf 1
further lab investigations of the above questioon would produce?
failure to dsuppress growth hormone by glucose admin
person has diabetes.what is the pathogenisis of the postural hypotension related to
these changes caused by intracellular sorbitaol accumulation causes nuropathy including motor, sensory and autonomic degeneration. osmotic damage occurs in orgns with aldose reductase. also results in cataracts

nonenzymatic glycosylation thickens small vessals and causes glucoma, nephropathy, and sclerosis of LARGE vessals whcih results in ulcers
female has hyperparathyroidism, and elevated calcium. the clinical feature that is consistent with this diagnosis would be?

low calcium increases permeability of neurons to sodium causing excess depol- this will make trousseaus and chvosteks signs positive
high calcium decreases permeability of neurons to sodium because calcium the sodium channels which results in stones, bones and abdominal groans
person starving themselves. pancreas secretes a hormone. the enzyme stimulated by this hormone in the liver is?
the hormone is glucagone which causes glycogenolysis, gluconeogenisis and lypolys sand ketone production

glycogenolysis is caused by glycogen phosphorlyase

acetyl coa carboxylase helps make fatty acids
glycogen synthase helps makes glycogen
hmg coa reductase helps produce cholesterol
pyruvate kinase is used in glycolisis to make pyruvate
male, low bp. low fastibg blood sugar. low cortisol. what are the labs
high renin, low aldosterone, low serum sodium

this is addisons, which is progressive destruction of the adrenal glands
female with ambiguous genitals. low bp. hyponeutremia and hyperkalemia. elevated ACTH and androstenedione but decreased cortisol and deoxycortisone. child has deficiecny where/
21 beta hydroxylase defish

if theres a 1 first, the person will have elevated mineralcorticoids ie aldosterone and have hypertension
male, increase in weight, brusies on skin. back acne. elevated bp. truncal obesity with hyperpigmentation. radiaograph of spin shows a compression and fracture at t11. he most likely has?
small cell carcinoma of the lung- ectopic tissue producing ACTH. it could also be cushings disease which comes from excess ACTH from a pituitary adenoma. if it were an adrenal tumor you would NOT see pigmentation due to ACTH. a medullary cacinoma would secrete calcitonin

cortisol is produced in the zona fasciulata NOt the zona glomerulosa (thats aldosterone) remember it gets sweeter as you get deeper, salt sugar sex
africn american female. anterior neck swelling. pain on swallowing and fever. had an uppre resipratory viral infection. febrile and tachicardic. enlarged, tendor thyroid. dx?
dequaavarian thyroditis
meningitis and hyponeutremia why does he have hyponeutremia?

hyponeutremia results in excess water retenion which results in many of the patients meningismal symptoms
woman delivers. has fatigue and wieght gain, no period. delivery had excessive hemorage. unable to breast feed. low LH, low estradiol, low TSH, low ACTH, low GH, low prolactin. injection of TRH didn't raise TSH or prolactin. what explains this?
anterior pituitary necrosis aka shehan syndrome

its not pan pituitary neceosis because then she'd have problems with ADH and oxytocin
3y yo w headache palpitation nervousness and sweeating with elevated blood pressure
mri showed hyperplasia of parathyroid glands
what is this associated with
this is men 2 a
so men 2 has pheochromocytoma and medullary carcinoma
2 a has parathyorid cancer
2 b has mucosal neuromas
squamus cell carcinioma of the lung causes hypercalcemia. what are the labs
decreased PTH (its PTH rP that increases), decreased serum posphate