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244 Cards in this Set

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are hypotension and shock synomynouse
No, because shock can present with near normal BP do to a hypertensive patient in shock
third spacing
blood accumulating from internal bleeding within the GI tract of another body cavity
hypovolemic shock
decrease in intravascular blood volume
cardiogenic shock
heart failure resulting in decrease perfusion of peripheral tissue
vasodilatory (distributive) shock
blood being sequestered in the peripheral circulatory system and decrease amount returning to the heart
obstructive shock
obstruction of blood into or out of the heart
compensated shock
brief decline in the CO triggers a compensatory mechanism that restores BP to near normal levels
tachycardia (<100 bpm)
pallor (cutaneous vasoconstriction)
decompensated shock
occurs when compensatory mechanisms fail to maintain normal BP
supine pressure can still be normal
organ hypoperfusion: chest pain, confusion, decreased urine output, increased ANS activity (tachycardia > 100 bpm)
refractory shock
supine BP falls to levels below necessary to maintain tissue viability
anaerobic metabolism takes over leading to increased blood lactate levels
impaired myocardial contractility from cytokine release
why doesn't chronic blood loss lead to hypovolemic shock
compensatory mechanisms increase plasma volume and CO as number of RBCs decrease
class 1 hemorrhagic shock
sudden reduction of 10-15% of blood volume, causes no change in BP due to compensatory mechanisms
primary insult in sudden decrease in intravascular volume
prevents filling of the venous capacitance bed and decrease venous return to the heart - decreased preload
class 2 hemorrhagic shock
sudden reduction of 15-30% of blood volume, compensatory mechanisms are unable to maintain homeostasis resulting in orthostatic hypotention, but supine BP remains normal
compensatory mechanisms for hypovolemic shock
increased sympathetic tone: increased HR, contractility, preload, and afterload
activation of the RAAS
alteration in transcapillary fluid exchange
what does administration of supplemental O2 to patients in hemorrhagic shock do
may decrease CNS sympathetic discharge and worsen their symptoms
activation of RAAS in hypovolemic shock
B1 receptor in the kidneys release renin
ATN II increases SVR
aldosterone stimulates resorption of NaCl increases preload
how does increased sympathetic discharge increased transcapillary fluid exchange
constricts the precapillary resistance vessels which decreases hydrostatic pressure allowing more resorption at the venule end
class 3 hemorrhagic shock
reduction of blood volume by 30-40%
supine hypotension
tachycardia >120 bpm
urine output fall to 5-15 mL/hr
class 4 hemorrhagic shock
reduction in blood volume by >40%
MODS develops and refractory shock ensues
what produces myocardial depressant factor
ischemic pancreas during cardiovascular shock
what overrides a1 adrenergic receptors and causes relaxation of precapillary sphincters
tissue hypoperfusion leading to local accumulation of tissue metabolites
when could bradycardia occur during hypovolemic shock
paradoxically occurs in extreme cases of massive blood loss in which the heart pumps extra hard activating mechanoreceptors that increase vagal tone
what parts of the kidney are susceptible to hypoperfusion
third portion of the proximal tubule
thick ascending limb
both are located in the medulla and have high ATP demand
loss of what cells leads to shock lung
type II alveolar cells remove excess fluid from alveolus, damage to these results in pulmonary edema
distribution of 1 L of intravenous fluids:
isotonic NaCl and 5% dextrose
isotonic NaCl - 3/4 goes to the interstitium and 1/4 to the intravascular compartment, none to intracellular compartment
5% dextrose - 2/3 goes intracellular compartment and the rest mostly goes to interstitium
fluid that can result in metabolic acidosis
Isotonic Saline because conatins 154 mEq/L of Cl
fluid that can result in metabolic alkalosis
Ringer's lactate because contains 29 mEq/L of bicarb
primary source of infection in septic shock
hyperactive immune response
mediated by Th1 cells characterized by uncontrolled inflammation and septic shock (TNF-a, IL-1,2,6 and HMGB1)
hypoactive immune response
mediated by Th2 cells characterized by more prolonged illness and superinfections (IL-4,10,13)
what type of patients develop septic shock
patients must be immunodeficient
cytokine with delayed response produced by activated macrophages stimulated by other cytokines, geared more toward maintaining inflammation
High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1)
strong attractant for neutrophils
causes immune suppression by triggering apoptosis of B and T cells, produced by Th2 cells
what stimulates VSM cells to produce iNOS during severe sepsis and shock
IL-1 and 6
responsible for the systemic vasodilation that develops in severe sepsis and septic shock
mechanism of NO during septic shock
1. NO induces cGMP release which activates myosin phosphatase to dephosphorylate myosin leading to VSM relaxation
2. NO also open Katp channels leading to hyperpolarization and inability for calcium to mediate vasoconstriction
3. myocardial depression
inflammatory cytokines increase production of CRH and ACTH increasing serum cortisol concentration, why are adrenergic receptors still unresponsive to vasopressors
because increased production of NO and down-regulation of adrenergic receptors
what activates production of bradykinin
endotoxin activates Hageman factor (XII) to increase production of bradykinin
what stimulates the extrinsic clotting pathway by stimulating production of tissue factor (III)
what is the function of tissue factor
1. initiates extrinsic clotting pathway
2. binds protease activated receptors (PARs) on macrophages which leads to TNF-a production and release
role of TNF-a in coagulation
1. enhances intravascular clotting by: decreasing AT III, activated protein C, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor
2. decreases fibrinolysis by: increasing plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and increasing thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
role of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
inhibits ability to form plasmin from plasminogen
role of thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)
inhibits the ability of formed plasmin to degrade fibrin
actions of activated protein C (detrecogin-a)
1. prevents tissue factor from binding PAR - decreases TNF-a release
2. inhibits cofactors V and VIII
3. blocks PAI-1 and TAFI - enabling fibrinolysis
4. inhibits B and T cell apoptosis
initiating event of cardiovascular manifestations of sepsis
widespread vascular dilation lowering SVR
agents that contribute to lowered SVR
NO (major player)
drugs that are used to close Katp channels
sulfonylurea drugs
what mediates AV shunting and microthrombi formation
AV shunting - No mediated
microthrombi - platelet and neutrophil aggregates
what disrupts tight junctions causing epithelial cells to lose polarity and leak plasma
superoxide radicals released by neutrophils
what type of organism is more likely to induce ARDS
useful to distinguish ARDS from cardiogenic pulmonary edema
BNP levels:
<100 effectively rules out cardiogenic edema
>500 highly suggestive of cardiogenic edema
characteristics of DIC
increased FSPs
decreased fibrinogen
thrombocytopenia (<20,000)
increased PT and PTT
what two cells become insulin resistent leading to hyperglycemia during sepsis
hemodynamic findings of septic shock (vasodilatory shock)
increased CO
decreased SVR
increased LVEDV and P
low/normal EF
normal/high PAWP
normal RVEDV and P
normal JVP
mechanism of cell-bound CD14
LPS binds to LBP which shuttles the molecule to cell-bound CD14. LPS is then passed to MD-2 which interacts with TLR-4, which activates MAP kinase and NF-kB
mechanism of soluble CD14
forms complexes with LPS or peptidoglycan of gram-positive.
CD14-LPS complex attach directly to vascular endothelial cells to stimulate cytokine
CD14-peptidoglycan complex attaches to TLR-2 on inflammatory cells
mechanism of NOD-1 and 2
recognize fragments of gram-positive peptidoglycans, are found intracellularly
why is cardiac output increased during septic shock
tachycardia + decreased afterload + increased preload
EF is actually decreased from normal ~55%
what form of shock has
decreased A-V oxygen difference
septic shock
AV shunting, microthrombi, and mitochondrial shutdown all decrease oxygen uptake by the cells
does urine output increased with fluid in decreased renal function during MODS
No, there is parenchymal renal failure from renal vasoconstriction/hypoperfusion
complement pathway associated with acquired immunity
classical pathway
what antibody is more efficient activator of the classical pathway
what activates C1q
antibodies (IgG and IgM)
C1q deficiency
autoimmune diseases because plays an important role in the opsonization of RNA complexes from apoptotic cell fragments via CRP activation
what does CRP attach to
chromatin and RNA complexes from apoptotic cell fragments
C1 esterase
cleaves both C4 and C2 resulting in C3 convertase (C4bC2a)
what type of microorganism is most susceptible to MAC complex
gram-negative due to outer lipid membrane
C3a, C4a, and C5a
neutrophil chemotaxin
anti-C5a antibody
what two things leave C4 and C2
C1 esterase
MBL with bound mannose
associated with recurrent childhood infections in children between 6 months and 2 years of age
MBL deficiency
most important complement pathway for natural immunity
alternative pathway
activators of the alternative pathway
complex polysaccharides
teichoic acid
what actives C3b to form C3 convertase in the alternative pathway
Factor D
activates C3b that combined with factor B
proteins important for opsonization
decay acceleration factor (CD55)
prevents lysis of host cells by promoting the decay of cell bound C3 convertase
protectin (CD59)
prevents host cell lysis by inhibiting the addition of C9 to C5b78
which microorganism contains both RCA proteins to prevent complement-mediated destruction
increases the affinity for C3b inactivating factors H and I
sialic acid
bind to C5b67 and prevent complex formation of MAC assembly
3 bacteria that contain sialic acid in the capsules
Group B strep
Neisseria meningitidis
K1 E. coli
how does EBV and HIV gain entry to B and T cells respectively
EBV - CR2 on B cells
HIV - CR3 on T cells
attach to apoptotic cell fragments and orchestrate their destruction by activating the classical pathway
associated with autoimmune complex diseases with excessive classical pathway activation. decreased CH50, C3, and C4
inherited early classical pathway deficiencies (C1q, C2, or C4)
associated with recurrent Neisseria infections
late complement deficiency components (C5-9)
properdin deficiency
C3 deficiency
enhances the stability of the amplification C3 convertase on microbial surfaces
disease associated with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
main cause of angioedema
the inability of C1 esterase inhibitor to decrease production of bradykinin
what leads to a decrease in C1 esterase inhibitor
patients with already low function or levels can have an attack precipitated by tissue trauma that increases the production of plasmin - plasmin degrades C1-INH
what can precipitate an angioedema attack
local tissue trauma activates plasmin
ACE inhibitor - decrease bradykinin breakdown
angioedema treatment
ecallantide - kallikrein antagonist
danazol - increase C1-INH production
Tranexamic acid - inhibits conversion of plasminogen to plasmin
deficient CD55 and CD59 due inability to incorporate GPI anchor protein on RBCs leads to what
paraxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
antibody that blocks MAC formation by binding C5
what is required if taking this drug
vaccination for Neisseria infections
what does free plasma hemoglobin from RBC lysis consume
nitric oxide leading to:
erectile dysfunction and thrombotic episodes
lab values in a patients with PNH
increased serum LDH
decreased serum NO
increased serum Hb
increased reticulocytes
autoantibody that binds to and stabilizes C3bBb (C3 convertase)
C3 nephritic factor
associated with partial lipodystrophy
C3 nephritic factor
associated with decreased CH50, C3, and C4
immune complex diseases
associated with decreased CH50 and C4, but normal C3
hereditary angioedema (C1 esterase deficiency)
associated with decreased CH50 and C3, but normal C4
gram-negative sepsis
associated with decreased CH50, but normal C3 and C4
late complement deficiency
what would the levels of CH50, C3, and C4 be in a patient with PNH
all normal because not enough complement consumed to affect blood levels
what is needed to phagocytize encapsulated bacteria
IgG and C3b
different levels of CH50, C3, and C4 in uncontrolled activation of alternative and classical pathway
classical - decreased CH50, C3, and C4
alternative - decreased CH50 and C3, with normal C4
oxygen content (CaO2)
total amount of O2 transported in 100 mL of blood
sum of the amount dissolved plus amount carried by hemoglobin
oxygen tension
partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood = PaO2
normal CaO2, PaO2, dissolved O2, %Hb saturation, and P50 at normal atmospheric pressure
PaO2 = 100 mmHg
CaO2 = ~20 mL
dissolved O2 = 0.3 mL
%Hb saturation = 97.4%
P50 = 27 mmHg
what percent of O2 transported by Hb dissociates to reach a PvO2 of 40 mmHg
about 25% - leaving %Hb saturation to about 74.7%
why does breathing in 100% oxygen not raise CaO2 dramatically like PaO2 does (>600 mmHg)
because Hb is nearly 100% saturated already and cannot dissolve much more
about how much O2 per dL does tissue utilize
5 mL of O2 per dL (100 mL)
what does PvO2 drop to during strenuous aerobic exercise and why
drops to about 15 mmHg because the cells are using more oxygen
what is the rate limiting step during stenuous exercise to supply enough oxygen to the tissues
cardiac output in someone that cannot increase their CO by 6 times normal - everyone can release enough O2 from Hb
CaO2, PaO2, and %Hb saturation, and P50 in a person with chronic anemia who's Hb has dropped by 50% to 7.5 g/dL
CaO2 = ~10 mL of O2/dL
PaO2 = 100 mmHg
%Hb saturation = 97.4%
P50 = right-shift due to increased production of 2,3-DPG
compensatory mechanisms found in chronic anemia
increased cardiac output
increased RBC production of 2,3-DPG
causes for increased cardiac output seen during compensatory mechanism in chronic anemia
increased HR - SNS activity
decreased afterload - decreased viscosity and SVR
increased preload - increased RAAS activity
manifestations seen in chronic anemia
systolic murmur - turbulence across the aortic and pulmonic valves
chronic respiratory alkalosis
cerebral hypoxia
generalized weakness
patients presents with a decrease of CaO2 by 50% to ~10 mL/dL and decreased P50
carbon monoxide poisoning
hypoxic hypoxia
CaO2 is low because PaO2 is low
develops from acute or chronic lung disease
anemic hypoxia
PaO2 is normal but the CaO2 is low because of reduced O2 carrying capacity
differentiate %SaO2 and %HbO2 in chronic anemia vs. carbon monoxide poisoning
Chronic anemia - both are normal
CO poisoning - normal %SaO2, but decreased %HbO2
detects the percent of oxygenated Hb compared to the total amount of Hb that is still available for oxygenation
detects the percent of oxygenated-Hb compared to the total amount of all types of Hb
ischemic hypoxia
PaO2 and CaO2 are normal but tissue oxygenation is inadequate because of decreased blood flow to tissue
differentiate the venous O2 content (CvO2) in distributive shock vs. cardiogenic shock
distributive - AV shunting causes the CvO2 to be increased
cardiogenic - CvO2 reduced because of the decreased blood flow and more time for O2 to be extracted from blood
histotoxic hypoxia
cyanide poisoning
PaO2 and CaO2 are normal but tissue is unable to utilize O2
in what situation is CvO2 higher than normal
distributive shock
cyanide poisoning
only situation with decreased PaO2
lung disease
two situations with decreased %HbO2
CO poisoning
lung disease
normal value for AV oxygenation difference in Vol%
25 Vol% (5mL/20mL)
differentiate oxygenation failure and ventilation failure
oxygenation - decreased PaO2 < 50 mmHg due to decreased PO2
ventilation - decreased PaO2 < 50 mmHg and increased PaCO2 > 50 mmHg
respiratory failure characterized by increased PaCO2
alveolar hypoventilation
Alveolar gas equation
PAO2 = [0.21 x (760-47)] - PaCO2 / R
characteristics of alveolar hypoventilation
decreased PaO2
increased PaCO2
normal (A-a)O2 gradient
PaO2 + PaCO2 = 110-140
exists when thickening of the alveolar-capillary membrane prevents O2 equilibration between RBC and alveoli
diffusion abnormality
characteristics of diffusion abnormality
decreased PaO2
normal/low PaCO2
increased (A-a)O2 gradient that is increased greatly during strenuous exercise
100% O2 decreases O2 gradient and raises PaO2 > 600
occurs whenever deoxygenated blood mixes with oxygenated blood
what accounts for the normal (~10) A-a O2 gradient
normal anatomic shunts in the bronchial and thesebian circulations
what is the most severe cause of physiologic shunting
alveolar flooding due to cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
characteristics of physiologic shunt
decreased PaO2
normal/low PaCO2
increased (A-a)O2 gradient
100% supplemental O2 will actually increase the O2 gradient while failing to increase PaO2 to 600 mmHg
how to calculate %shunt if patient is breathing 100% FiO2
1. (A-a)O2 gradient divided by 20
2. 5% shunt for every 100 below PaO2 of 600 mmHg
why are patients able to maintain a normal to low PaCO2 with respiratory failure due to V/Q mismatch
1. hypoxemia stimulates respiratory centers to increase the RR
2. hypoxic vasoconstriction redirects blood flow to better ventilated respiratory units
V/Q = 0
physiologic shunt
V/Q = infinity
dead space - maybe due to pulmonary embolism
why will the administration of supplemental oxygen to patients with chronic hypoxemia cause acute respiratory acidosis
1. causes respiratory centers to stop hyperventilating and blow off excess CO2
2. decrease the hypoxic vasoconstriction
what happens when medullary vasomotor centers begin to fail from cerebral dysfunction due to hypotension
lose their capacity to regulate ANS activity and maintain sympathetic tone
what happens to the autonomic response from acute to chronic hypoxemia
severe hypoxemia results in loss of CNS ability to increase SNS activity resulting in bradycardia, systemic vasodilation, cyanosis
two main categories of pulmonary edema
permeability (ARDS)
hemodynamic (CHF)
cell responsible for the build of Na transport back to the interstitium is plasma enters the alveolus
type 1 pneumocytes
channels located on the apical and basilar sides of pneumocytes that help transport water back into the interstitium from the alveolus
apical - ENaC channels transport Na and K
basilar - Na/K ATPase keeps the gradient for the apical ENaC channels
where does water flow to get into the interstitium from the alveolus
passively through aquaporin channels in type 1 pneumocytes and paracellular junctions
4 ways to upregulate Na transport by alveolar cells - mechanism
1. B2 agonists - ENaC and Na/K
2. glucocorticoids - Na/K
3. EGF and TGF
4. oxygen-derived free radicals - ENaC
why does pulmonary edema develop at high altitudes
decreased superoxide formation which helps upregulate Na rebsorption into the alveolar cells
capillary fibltration coefficient
describes the ease which water crosses vascular endothelium - as K increases so does filtration
osmotic reflection coefficient
describes the protein permeability of the vascular endothelium - as o decreases so does the permeability
normal oscmotic coefficient for pulmonary capillaries
0.7 - lower than most other capillary beds
two edema safety factors
seiving effect
seiving effect
increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure causes water to flow out of the capillaries leaving increased protein concentration within the capillary - as a result the increased water in the interstitium also decreases protein concentration - these along with increased hydrostatic pressure of the interestitium minimize degree of fluid filtration
hemodynamic pulmonary edema
occurs when the pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure rises to a level that overwhelms physiologic compensatory mechanisms and safety factors
equation for critical capillary pressure to develop edema
5.7 X plasma albumin concentration
clinical presentation of hymodynamic pulmonary edema
bilateral end-inspiratory crackles
dullness to percussion
increased VTF
S3 at apex
enlarged cardiac silhouette
PAWP > 18
permeability pulmonary edema
caused by injury to the pulmonary microvascular endothelium that creates gaps between damaged endothelial cells
what happens to the filtration and reflection coefficients in permeability edema
K - increases
o - decreases
3 phases of ARDS
1. exudative phase
2. proliferative phase
3. fibrotic phase
characterized by neutrophil accumulation, protein-rich edema fluid inside the alveoli and hyaline membrane formation from fibin and dead alveolar cells
exudative phase of ARDS
characterized by fibroblast proliferation
proliferative phase of ARS
when does fibrotic phase of ARDS occur
instead of alveolar macrophages clearing away the hyaline membrane, they release procoagulants and fibrogenic cytokines that trigger uncontrolled fibroblast proliferation
differentiate aucte lung injury and ARDS
ALI - PaO2/FiO2 < 300
ARDS - PaO2/FiO2 < 200
what correlates with the risk of death in ARDS
increased amounts of dead-space ventilation
clinical presentation of ARDS
severe dyspnea
diffuse inspiratory crackles and wheezes
bilteral dullness
increased VTF
normal cardiac exam
PAWP < 15
why does widespread MODS frequently develop in mechanically ventilated ARDS patients
increase in soluble Fas-ligand which binds CD95 to initiate cell apoptosis
why does oxygen-induced pulmonary toxicity occur
increased free radical formation
differentitae hyemodynamic from permeability pulmonary edema
permeability - acute onet, normal cardiac exam, central distribtuion of alveolar infilatrates, PAWP < 18, BNP < 100
hemodynamic - slower onset, S3, enlarged heart, peripheral distribution of alveolar infilatrates, PAWP > 18, BNP > 500
cells most responsible for alveolar epithelial destruction in ARDS
neutrophils - produce oxygen-free radical and proteases
4. Identify which parameter of the Starling equation for fluid movement is primarily responsible for the development of cardiogenic pulmonary edema and adult respiratory distress syndrome
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema – increased capillary hydrostatic pressure is the mainly responsible
ARDS – inflammation resulting in increased superoxide production from neutrophils destroys the permeability of the endothelial walls resulting in increased K and decreased o
what does pulmonary edema due to the mechanism of respiration
increases workload during breathing - decreased lung compliance
differentiate the mechanisms responsible for hypoxemia in patients with cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Hypoxemia results from ventilation-perfusion mismatch
Shunt is seen in both cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Dead-space ventilation is only seen in non-cardiogenic due to fibrosis obliterating some of the capillaries in the interstitial space
patholophysiological effects of smoking
1. injures epithelial cells and causes fragments to activate TLR an initiate inflammatory response
2. chemokines and cytokines released stimulate Th1 and CD8 cells
3. Th1 cells amplify the inflammatory response by releasing additional cytokines and chemokines that attract macrophages and neurtrophils
4. oxidezes anti-proteases
5. stimulates ceramide production - accelerates apoptosis
6. impairs bronchociliary movement, causes hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mucus glands and triggers smooth muscle contractioni
what should you suspect in a patient with emphysema developing during their 3rd/4th decade of life
a-antitrypsin deficiency
cells responsible for tissue destruction from cigarette smoke
CD8 - release proteolytic enzymes
macrophages - release metalloproteinases and oxygen-derived free radicals that inactivate a-antitrypsin
cell responsible for tissue destruction from inherited a-antitrypsin deficiency
neutrophils - release serine proteases (elastase)
why does airway compression not occur during passive exhalation
because the intrapleural pressure remains subatmospheric (negative)
why does dynamic compression occur
when intrapleural pressure exceeds intra-airway pressure when people increase their intrapleural pressure in order to exhale forcefully
equi-pressure point
location in the airway when intrapleural pressure exactly matches intra-airway pressure
why does EPP move closer to alveoli in patients with emphysema
decreased elastic forces and surface tension means that higher intrapleural pressures are needed, also there is still less driving force than normal and therefore less intra-airway pressure
what happens to a patients lung compliance with emphysema at normal FRC values
increased compliance - >200mL change in volume for every 1 cm change in H20 pressure
why does V/Q ratio greatly increase in the apices of patients with emphysema
because enzyme tissue destruction leads to destruction of blood vessels and therefore decreased blood flow - much more decrease in blood flow than ventilation
clinical presentation of emphysema
long history of dyspnea of exertion
mild hypoxemia
increased AP diameter
decreased diaphragmatic excurtion
early inspiratory crackles
advantages of pursing lips in emphysema
increases tidal volume
moves EPP closer to mouth
decreases PaCO2 by 5%
increases oxygen saturation by 3%
why does EPP move closer to the mouth with pursed lips
increases intra-airway pressure and therefore EPP is moved into cartilagenous part of the conducting system and no dynamic compression occurs
why should you be careful with B2 agonists in patients with emphysema
increase metabolic rate and energy expenditure - cachexic already
what increases the resistance at the level of conducting airways in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis
mucus plugging
peribronchiolar fibrosis
cause of the majority of airway narrowing in COB
peribronchiolar fibrosis
why does CO2 retention occur in COB and not emphysema
because there are no high V/Q areas of the lung to compensate in chronic bronchitis, unlike emphysema
clinical presentation of chronic bronchitis
productive cough
early-to-mid inspiratory crackles
expiratory wheezes
pulmonary HTN
CO diffusion capacity seen in emphysema, COB, and asthma
emphysema - decreased
COB and asthma - normal
define asthma
reactive airway disease that is characterized by reversible airflow obstruction - expiratory airflow increases > 15% with bronchodilators
neurotransmitteres involved in mediating contraction of airway smooth muscle
increased Ca due to IP3 and DAG
-ACh via M3 receptors
-substance P
-histamine, leukotrienes, PGD2 and PGF2
neurotransmitterse involved in mediating relaxation of airway smooth muscle
increased intracellular cAMP to decrease Ca
two neurotransmitters released from the nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurons
substance P - excitatory
VIP - inhibitory
prostaglandin involved in relaxation of bronchiol smooth muscle
what contributes most to airway narrowing in asthma
airway inflammation mediated by Th2 and Th17 cells
Th2 cells are chemotactic for what other cells
interleukin important for the development and survival of eosinphils
interleukin important for expression of mucus production and differentiation of cells into mucus-producing goblet cells
interluekins associated with allergic asthma
IL-4 - causes B cells to produce IgE
IL-5 - proliferation and maturation of eosinophils
predominant airway inflammatory cell in asthma
released from eosinphils, stops respiratory cilia and blocks M2 receptors
major basic protein
differentiate the early and late phases of allergic asthma and treatment options
1. early response from preformed mediators - treat with B2 agonists or cromolyn
2. late phase from newly formed mediators via Th2 response attracting eosinophils and neutrophils - treat with corticosteroids or cromolyn
disintguish regulation of mast cell secretion via concentration of cAMP
increased cAMP (B-agonists and PGE2) inhibit mast cell mediator release
decreased cAMP (ACh) enhances mast cell mediator release
how do viruses trigger non-allergic asthma
increase airway sensitivity to substance P
increase ACh release from vagal nerve endings via M2 receptor dysfunction
trigger NK and Th1 cells to release IFN-y (triggers TNF-a and IL-1B release from macrophage)
two causes for nocturnal asthma
gastroesophageal reflux
airway cooling
*both stimulate vagal afferent nerve release of ACh
up to 20% of asthmatics have aspirin hypersentivity
Samter's triad
nasap polys
hypersensitivity to aspirin and other NSAIDS
why do NSAIDS cause bronchospasm in some patients
already have imbalance between PGE2 and leukotrienes, when NSAIDS block PGE2 synthesis there is uncontrolled leukotriene production
why does B-agonists initially worsen hypoxemia in asthma
because production vasodilation in poorly ventilated lung segments
best pulmonary function test to differentiate asthma from ephysema
CO diffusion test
what can be used to measure amount of eosinophil inflammation
exhaled NO
asthmatic breath sounds
expiratory to inspiratory ratio exceeds 3:1
differentiate the T cell mediated inflammation in emphysema and asthma
emphysema - Th1
asthma - Th2 and Th17
describe mechanism for glucocorticoid resistance in patients with predominant emphysema
histone deacetylase 2 activity is reduced in macrophages of cigarette smokers - glucocorticoids normally reduce neurtophil and macrophage mediated inflammation by using HDAC2 - because HDAC2 activity is markedly reduced in emphysema, corticostoids are ineffective at reducing disease progression
which cell mediates most of the inflammation of pulmonary fibrosis
Th2 helper T cell
results from repetitive epithelial cell injury and fibroblast activation that leads to abnormal wound healing
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
three drugs associated with pulmonary fibrosis
what is the critical step in abnormal wound healing of pulmonary fibrosis
loss of integrity of the basement membrane
what role does angiotensin II have in abnormal wound healing of pulmonary fibrosis
subnormal re-epithelialization because ATN II induces apoptosis of epithelial cells limiting the re-epithelialization of the alveoli
describe the role of TGF-B and caveolin-1 in pulmonary fibrosis
TGF-B is a growth factor release from injured epithelial cells and decreases the expression of caveolin-1 by fibroblasts.
Caveolin-1 is an inhibitor of pulmonary fibrosis because it decreases the production of EM by fibroblasts
what two things appear to cause an unregulated synthesis of collagen and EM
decreased caveolin-1
increased TGF-B
why is airway resistance low in pulmonary fibrosis and what does this do to pulmonary mechanics
decreased because the retractive forces exerted by the fibrotic lung are abnormally high and keep the airway open
FEV1/FVC and FEF 25-75 ratios are greater than normal
three things that leads to hypoxemia in pulmonary fibrosis
1. V/Q mismatch from increased dead-space
2. diffusion abnormality from fibrosis and decreased surface area
3. neovascularizations leading to intrapulmonary shunts
what causes hypoxemia to get worse during physical exertion in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis
increased CO decreases the time alloted for diffusion in a lung with alveolar-capillary membrane thickening
clinical findings in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis
rapid and shallow breathing
velcro crackles during late inspiration
early pulmonary HTN
ground glass infiltrates on CXR
why does the LVEDP underestimate the amount of volume actually in the LV
because the dilated RV pushed the IV septum to the left decreasing the LV cavity and therefore the smaller volume still shows a near normal pressure
differentiate elevated CVP and systemic hypotension DDx:
major pulmonary embolism syndrome, cardiac tamponade, RV infarction
MPE - normal to low PAWP
Tamponade - normal to high PAWP
RV infarction - low PAWP
**all have low CO, high SVR, and low PvO2
develops when small-to-medium sized emboli occlude the pulmonary artery proximal to the anastomoses with the bronchial circulation
dyspnea without infarction syndrome
when would a larger embolus lead to pulmonary infarction
when bronchial circulation is unable to compensate
PaO2, %HbO2, CaO2, and CvO2 in:
Anemia, CO poisoning, CN poisoning, lung disease
Anemia - normal PaO2 and %HbO2 with decreased CaO2 and CvO2
CO poisoning - normal PaO2 with decreased %HbO2, CaO2, and CvO2
CN poisoning - normal PaO2, %HbO2, and CaO2 with increased CvO2
Lung disease - decreased everything - only thing with decreased PaO2
hereditary form of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
1. decreased bone morphogenic protein receptor-type 2 - prevents normal apoptosis in precapillary pulmonary arterioles
2. over-expression of serotonin transporter 5-HT
is cyanosis more likely to develop in severe polycythemia or severe anemia
when does cyanosis develop
when 5 grams or more of reduced Hb is present in systemic capillary blood
central cyanosis
arterial oxygen desaturation or abnormal hemoglobin doesn't release oxygen - mucous membranes and the skin are affected
peripheral cyanosis
slow transit of blood or excessive oxygen utilization by the tissues - skin affected while sparing the mucous membranes
what should you think whenever a young woman has an unexplained episode of syncope during exertion
idiopathic pulmonary hypertension