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100 Cards in this Set

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components of CNS
spinal cord

Ischemia is caused by an blockage of the venous system

arterial syst blockage
list causes of hypoxia
respiratory disorders s/a asthma
how much of O2 consumption does the brain consume

a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 50%
d) 70%

1/6 CO
what is the primary source of ATP for the brain

a) protein
b) glucose
c) fat
d) none
describe the mechanism of cellular destruction due to lack of O2
lack O2
no ATP
dysfunction of Na/K pump
Na/H20 influx K/Ca efflux
cellular destruction

-> hypoxia/ischemia
____ are the most sensitive to the lack of 02
purkinje fibers- control mvt
Excitatory AA

b) Glutamate
c) Acetylcholine
d) none

(GABA, ACh= NTs)
pathologic condtion

a) intracellular glutamate > extracellular
b) extracellular glutamate > intracellular
c) extracellular Na > intracellular
d) intracellular K > extracellular
extracellular glatamate > intracellular
Which ion channel (s) are controlled by glutamate
Na, Ca

-> prolonged AP
-> swollen neurons/astrocytes
dead cells release _____ into the extracellular environ

(cell death due to ischemia depletes ATP -> glutamate accumulation)
Which of the following will have the least effect on the ICP?

a) blood volume
b) brain volume
c) CSF volume
d) all affect the ICP
list non pathological cause of an Increased ICP
cerebral perfusion pressure equals

a) MBP + ICP
b) Diastolic - Systolic + ICP
c) MBP - ICP
d) 1/3 Systole - ICP

pressure of blood flowing to the brain
late indicator of ICP

a) widening pulse pressure
b) slow HR
c) hi BP
d) all
All = Cushing reflex
Cushing reflex includes all of the following except:

a) Hi BP
b) Hi HR
c) Widening PP
d) all are part of Cushing Reflex
SLOW HR (but contracting harder/hiBP)

cushing reflex = late indicator of increased ICP
____ produces CSF
Choroid Plexus
____ reabsorbs CSF
Arachnoid Granulations
where does CSF flow in the brain

a) Arachnoid Matter
b) Subarachnoid Space
c) Pia Matter
d) Arachnoid Granulations
Subarachnoid Space

CSF- stored sugar for the brain, acts as shock absorber
list structures that regulate CSF vol
choroid plexus (prdctn)
arachnoid granulations (absrptn)
_____ supplies blood to the braint
circle of willis
which is not part of the circle of willis?

a) Basal artery
b) Internal Carotid A
c) Internal Jugular V
d) All
List the components that make up the circle of willis
Basal A.
->post cerebral A (occipital)
Internal Carotid A
->Ant cerebral A (frontal)
->Mid Cerebral A (temporal)
stores CSF

a) arachnoid granulations
b) subarachnoid space
c) ventricles
d) all
(lateral (2), 3rd, 4th)

arachnoid granulations- reabsorb csf
Protects brain from foreign material

a) blood-brain barrier
b) meninges
c) Interventricular Foreamen
d) none
blood brain barrier
causes of brain herniation
brain tumor
puncture in preexisting ICP
result of brain herniation

a) edema
b) ischemia
c) increase ICP
d) cardiac arrest
ALL due to
compression of vascular syst->edema, ischemia
impaired CSF flow-> increase ICP, compression
impaired medullary function (breathe, HR)
impaired cortical/cerebral function

vasogenic edema is related to obstruction of CSF flow

interstitial edema due to obstruction of CSF flow -> white matter edema

vasogenic = disruption of BBBarrier-> increase permeability-> white matter edema
what causes edema of the brain and where does it manifest
increased tissue vol due to abnormal fluid accum

edema occurs in white matter

Hypoxia may cause edema of white matter

cytotoxic edema = interruption of Na/K pumps due to hypoxia/acidosis ->edema of neurons

obstruction of CSF flow -> edema
list complications of brain edema
cell death
abnormal increase of CSF vol in any part of the ventricular syst

a) hydrocephalus
b) edema
c) encephalitis
d) Meningitis
list complications of brain edema
cell death
abnormal increase of CSF vol in any part of the ventricular syst

a) hydrocephalus
b) edema
c) encephalitis
d) Meningitis
list causes of hydrocephalus
over production CSF
under absorption CSF
obstruction CSF
non communicating hydrocephalus is caused by

a) overproduction of CSF
b) decreased reabsorption of CSF
c) Obstruction
communicating hydrocephalus is caused by

a) overproduction of CSF
b) decreased reabsorption of CSF
c) Obstruction
impaired reabsorption
adenoma of choroid plexus-> over production

obstruction = non-communicating
list pathologic changes of hydrocephalus
-dilation of ventricles
-cerebral compression -> reduce vol of white matter
-Increase ICP

(hydrocephalus= abnormal increase in CSF vol in ventricular syst)
a person that is brain dead will have all of the following except

a) constricted pupils
b) neg corneal reflex
c) neg doll eye reflex
d) all will occur
DILATED and non reactive pupils

neg pupillary rxn to light
neg gag reflex
neg oculovestibular reflex
neg apnea test
flat EEG for >30s
true statement about persistent vegetative state

a) brain stem functions intact
b) sustained behavioral responses
c) language comprehension
d) spinal cord reflexes intact
brain stem/hypothalamic function intact to maintain life
spinal reflexes/cranial nerves intact

breathing, bowels, urine intact
list regulating factors of cerebral circulation
C02- more sensitive
increase C02 -> increase H+ -> increase Blood flow

decrease 02 -> increase in blood flow
Ischemic stroke occurs due a blockage of the venous system

arterial system
list risk factors for ischemic stroke
african american
polycythemia, sickle cell, valvular HT disease, fibrillation
Hi BP/Cholesterol
diabetes mellitis
list types of ischemic stroke
Which is not a type of ischemic stroke

a) TIA
b) Thrombic stroke
c) Hemmorhagic stroke
d) Cardiogenic Stroke
Hemmorhagic Stroke
mechanism of ischemic stroke
cerebrovascular obstruction by thrombosis or emboli
cardiogenic stroke most frequently affects

a) Anterior cerebral A
b) Mid cerebral A
c) Post cerebral A
d) Basilar A
Mid cerebral A - therefore affects the temporal lobe
Cause of Cardiogenic Stroke

a) Atherosclerotic Ht
b) Atherosclerotic BVs
c) Aneurysm
d) none of the above
Atherosclerotic HT/thrombus
cause of thrombic stroke

a) Thrombus from Ht
b) Atherosclerotic BVs
c) Aneurysm
d) none of the above
Atherosclerotic BVs usually at bifurcation of common carotid/origin of basilar A
Stroke that comes on suddenly and has detrimental effects

a) TIA
b) Thrombic
c) Cardiogenic
d) Hemmorhoragic
predisposing factors of hemorrhagic stroke
arteriovenous malformation
erosion of vssl by tumor
hemorrhagic stroke can cause _____ motor weakness/paralysis
Longterm disability of hemorrhagic strok

a) motor deficits
b) aphasia
c) hemiattention
d) dysarthria

motor deficits (contralateral)
language deficits (aphasia, dysarthria, denial, hemiattention)
list type of skull fractures
comminuted- many pieces
Basilar- CSF leaks from nose
Not a secondary brain injury

a) hypoxia
b) infection
c) hemorrhage
d) hematoma
hemorrhage = primary

primary= concussion, laceration, hemorrhage, contusion

secondary= hypoxia, ischemia, edema, hematoma, infection
types of brain hematoma
causes ipsilateral pupil dilation and contralateral hemiparesis

a) epidural hematoma
b) subdural hematoma
c) hemorrhagic stroke
d) ischemic stroke
epidural hematoma- due to head trauma/fractured skull
most affected by epidural hematoma

a) internal carotid A
b) mid meningeal A
c) subarachnoid space
d lateral ventricles
mid meningeal A
-> rapid compression of the brain

subdural hematoma develops faster than epidural hematoma

subdural is slower than epidural
brief period of unconsiousness- when consciousness is regained it is rapidly lost again

a) epidural hematoma
b) subdural hematoma
c) hemorrhagic stroke
d) ischemic stroke
epidural hematoma
improvement in level of consciousness and neurologic symptoms followed by deterioration

a) acute subdural hematoma
b) subacute subdural hematoma
c) epidural hematoma
d) ischemic stroke
subacute subdural hematoma (w/in 2-10days)
bleeding from brain tissue

) epidural hematoma
b) subdural hematoma
c) intercerebral hematoma
d) all
intercerebral hematoma- usually arterial origin
list possible modes of entry for a brain infection
direct wound/fracture
blood stream/any other infxn
surgical contamination
lumbar puncture
infection of pia, arachnoid, and subarachnoid space

a) Encephalitis
b) Meningtitis
c) Intracerebral Hematoma
d) none
describe the pathogenesis of meningtitis
infection disrupts BBBarrier
-> extravasation of plasma and albumin into CSF/Brain tissue
-> edema, compression, irritation
Not a manifestation of meningitis

a) Fever
b) HA
c) + Brudzinski
d) + Kernig
ALL are manifestations of Meningitis


photophobia, chills, NV, petechiae, rash, altered consciousness, cloudy/purulent CSF
most common cause of encephalitis

a) MMR
b) Bacteria
c) Virus
d) All
most common cause of meningitis

a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Fungus
d) all
Neisseria Meningitidis
haemophilus influenza
pathogenesis of encephalaitis
local hemorrhage/necrosis
-> degeneration of Nerve cells

inflammation -> edema

Increase ICP
Which is not an intraaxial tumor of the CNS?

a) astrocytoma
b) ependymoma
c) meningeal
d) oligodendroglioma
meningeal tumor- usually benign
not part of the pathogenesis of a brain tumor

a) increase ICP
b) edema
c) dilation of ventricles
d) brain atrophy
ALL are part of pathogenesis

compression-> Increase ICP/herniation
infiltration- malignant grow fast
disturbance of blood flow
edema-> increase ICP
obstrxn of CSF -> dilate ventricles -> brain atrophy
list manifestations of a brain tumor
HA- general/1 sided, worse in am or w straining/cough/laugh/etc
visual defect/papilledema
personality/mental changes
focal neurologic signs
all are diagnostics of a brain tumor except

a) physical exam
b) urinalysis
c) angiography
d) all are diagnostics

physical exam
CT, MRI, Xray

Laughing can increase pain of a HA due to brain tumor
list the possibilities that can cause metabolic seizure
Electrolyte imbalance (lo Ca++, dehydration)
lo Blood Sugar
lo O2
pH imbalance (out of 7.34-7.45)
toxemia gravida- preg women
xs urea in blood (KD failure)

xs Ca++ levels can cause metabolic seizure
lo ca++ (also dehydration can cause electrolyte imbalance)
Preg woman in her 2nd trimester is experiencing HA, Hi BP, and Albumin in the urine, and is at Hi risk of

a) gestational diabetes
b) hemorrhagic stroke
c) toxemia gravida
d) none
toxemia gravida -> seizure

seizure is a disease of the CNS

SYMPTOM of a disease of the CNS
NT imbalance that can cause seizure

a) xs ACh, xu GABA
b) xu ACTH xu GABA
c) xs GABA, xu ACh
d) xs ACTH, xsGnRh
xs ACh, xu GABA

ACh- stim brain function
GABA- depress brain function
idiopathic seizure

a) primary
b) secondary
c) metabolic
d) none
secondary seizure

a) traumatic
b) febrile
c) metabolic
d) all

secondary = symptomatic seizure

primary= no identifiable cause
not a mechanism of seizure

a) tumor alters neuron excitability
b) change in cell membrane permeability
c) increase inhibitory activity of thalamic neurons
d) all are mechanisms
DECREASE inhibitory activity of cortical or thalamic neuron activity

mechanisms of seizure
-change cell permeability
-decrease inhibition
-altered neuron excitability/structural changes
-NT imbalance
-lo seizure threshold
seizure w/o loss of consciousness

a) absence seizure
b) generalized seizure
c) simple partial
d) complex partial
simple partial- specific portion of brain affected - > sudden weakness/numbness

Complex partial seizure may be preceded by an aura

simple partial
correct statement about complex partial seizure

a) may pass unnoticed
b) no loss of consciousness
b) vague warning sign
c) begins localized but spreads
begins in localized portion of brain and spreads
- accompanied by loss of conscious
- automatism (bladder, bowels)
-postictal confusion/hallucination/illunsion

simple partial = seizure w local contraction only
correct statement about complex partial seizure

a) impaired arousal up to 30 min
b) automatism
c) preceded by aura
d) involves both hemispheres
automatism of bladder/bowels

complex partial
-loss of conscious
-postictal confusion
tonic phase

a) apnea
b) cyanosis
c) extension of extremities
d) loss of consciousness
clonic phase

a) apnea
b) cyanosis
c) incontinence
d) loss of consciousness
incontinence of urine/bowel

also- bilateral rhythmic contraction/relaxation of extremities

status epilepticus can be a life threatening condition

apnea during tonic phases -> no o2
postictal conditions of a Grand Mal seizure

a) confusion
b) hallucination
c) unconsciousness
d) none- seizure may pass unnoticed

complex partial = confusion/halluncination

petite mal/absence- may pass unnoticed
seizure w vague warning signs

a) simple partial
b) tonic-clonic
c) absence
d) all
pathophysiology of Alzheimer

a) neurofibrillary tangles
b) increase choline acetyltransferase
c) occipital atrophy
d) none
neurofibrillary tangles

dementia pathophys
-cortical atrophy- temporal/frontal
-neurofibrillary tangles
- decrease choline acetyltransferase/ACh
which lobe(s) experience atrophy and loss of neurons with alzheimer

a) frontal
b) occipital
c) temporal
d) all
list manifestations of alzheimer
short term memory loss
lack spontaneity
impaired cognition, abstract thinking
inability to perform daily activites
indifference to food
inability to communicate

CT scan can confirm diagnosis of alzheimer

biopsy needed to confirm
hypertension is most closely related to

a) Wernicke Korsakoff synd
b) Alzheimer
c) Multi-infarct dementia
d) seizure
multi- infarct
cause of wenicke korsakoff synd

a) hypertension
b) vit xu
c) alcoholism
d) genetic predisposition
vit- B1 xu
xu of _______ is linked to wernicke korsakoff syndrome
B1 xu
related to alcoholism
manifestions of wernicke korsakoff syndrome
impaired recent memory
peripheral neuropathy
unsteady gait
inability to learn
inability to deal w abstraction
confabulation is a sign of

a) alzheimer
b) multi-infarct dementia
c) wernicke korsakoff syndrome
d) absence seizure
wernicke korsakoff syndrome