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36 Cards in this Set

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What is the mean arterial BP and what information does it give you?
MABP = CO x TPR (total peripheral resistance) = diastolic + 1/3 PP (pulse pressure)

indicator of tissue perfusion/nourishment from blood
which is true of systolic BP?

a) reflect intermittent ejection of blood into aorta
b) maintained by recoil force of arteries
c) depends on elasticity of arterioles
d) a/c
e) All
reflects intermittent ejection of blood into aorta

(recoil force of arteries and elasticity of arterioles relates to diastolic)
systolic pressure is not dependent on:

a) stroke volume
b) competency of aortic valve
c) elasticity of arterioles
d) a/c
e) b/c
f) All
elasticity of arterioles
competency of aortic valves

both affect the diastolic pressure
list the variables that affect the systolic BP
stroke volume (increase)
velocity of ejection (increase)
elasticity of aorta (decrease elasticity increase systolic)
if you decrease the competency of the aortic valve what will happen to the diastolic pressure
decrease - to harmful levels below 45-50

pulse pressure represents the pulsing of arterial blood flow
how can you find the pulse pressure
systolic - diastolic
a person is considered hypertensive if their BP exceeds

a) 150/80
b) 140/90
c) 160/90
d) 140/80
140/90 mm hg
a persons health is in danger if their pulse pressure is > ____ or < _____
>80 increase risk of stroke
what is the range for stage 1 hypertension
systole 130-139
diastole 85-90
the systolic range for mild hypertension (stage 2) is

a) 130-149
b) 150-169
c) 130-139
d) 140-159

diastole: 90-99
a person is moderately hypertensive if
their systolic ranges _____ and their diastolic ranges _____
stage 3
systole 160-179
diastole 100-109
Very severe hypertension exceeds

a) 200/110
b) 210/120
c) 220/120
d) 220/110
Essential hypertension is due to an imbalance in interactions between which mechanisms?
cardiac output
renal function
peripheral resistance

Caucasian are most likely race to be affected by hi bp

African American
how does insulin resistance contribute to hi BP
-> overactive sympathetic system
->water/salt retention
-> changes in ca+, na+ concentrations inside cell
-> hi fat/cholesterol
List the contributing factors to Hi BP
race- african americans
insulin resistnat diabetes II
K+, Ca+, Mg+ intake
birth control pill
how will a K+ deficiency affect blood pressure

a) decrease BP due to Na+ rentention
b) decrease BP due to Na+ excretion
c) increase BP due to Na+ retention
d) increase BP due to Na+ excretion
increase BP due to Na+ retention
the most common symptom of essential hypertension is

a) HA
b) Angina
c) Retinopathy
d) None of the above
e) All of the above
none of the above-
hypertension is most commonly SILENT
T/F the goal of treatment for hypertension is to lower the BP <140/90mmhg
goal= maintain a Stable BP as lo as possible with out clinical manifestations (blurry, dizzy, etc) and prevent death
list secondary hypertensive conditions
renal hypertension
adrenal gland disorder
coartation of aorta
preg induced/preeclampsia
Hi BP in children
HBP Elderly
what is the main organ involved in regulating BP?

a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Kidney
d) All
KD- any disorder causing decreased urine-water/salt retention causes HBP
the renin-angiotensin/aldosterone system is activated when _____

a) blood flow to the KD increases
b) blood flow to KD decreases
c) BP increases
d) BP decreases
blood flow to KD decreases

(ACE inhibitors=tx)
list the disorders of the adrenal gland that can cause secondary HBP
hyperaldosteronism (retain water/Na)

Cushing syndrome (tumor)
Pheochromocytoma causes an increase in ______
catecholamine from sympathetic nerve
(xs adrenalin) -> secondary hypertension
this condition causes an increase in systolic pressure and blood flow to the upper body

a) preg induced HBp
b) HBP in elderly
c) coartation of aorta
d) Cushing syndrm
coartation of aorta- large SV narrow aorta and inability to accept runoff
what is the primary cause for HBP with children
kd disease
what causes HBP in elderly
stiffening of large arteries
decreased baroreceptor sensitivity
increased peripheral resistance
decreased renal blood flow
for orthostatic hypotension the systolic BP must

a) drop 20mmhg
b) raise 20mmhg
c) drop 10mmhg
d) raise 10mmhg
drop 20mmhg
for orthostatic hypotension the diastolic BP must

a) drop 20mmhg
b) raise 20mmhg
c) drop 10mmhg
d) raise 10mmhg
drop 10mmhg
list some causes of orthostatic hypotension
reduced Blood Vol/BFs
drugs: HBP Meds, Psychotics
aging: follows big meal
prolonged bed rest decreases venous return
dysfnctn of autonomic nervous sys
with orthostatic hypotension how much blood pools in the lower part of the body

a) 100-300ml
b) 200-500ml
c) 500-700ml
d) 700-1000ml
with orthostatic hypotension, the pooling of blood directly causes

a) increased ADH
b) activation of symp nerv sys
c) activation of baroreceptors
d) all
e) none

pooling of blood causes decrease in central blood volume and BP

->then that causes the the activation of baroreceptors, symp syst, and increased ADH

Orthostatic hypotension increases the central blood volume and decreases BP

Decreases central blood vol
decreases BP
activation of baroreceptors during orthostatic hypotension causes

a) increases HR
b) vasoconstriction
c) increases cardiac contractility
d) a,b
e) b, c
f) all of the above
increased HR
activation of the sympathetic system during orthostatic hypotension causes

a) increases HR
b) vasoconstriction
c) increases cardiac contractility
d) a,b
e) b, c
f) all of the above