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25 Cards in this Set

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____ is the fundamental unit of information stored in the DNA molecule

a) Chromosome
b) Gene
c) Codon
d) Genetic Code
which is not important in the production of genes and protein synthesis

a) mRNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
d) a, b only
e) All

DNA is a double stranded helical structure composed of a phosphate group, ribose sugar, and a base

Deoxyribose is the sugar group

(ribose relates to RNA- which is single stranded)
Which is not a DNA base

a) Uracil
b) Guanine
c) Cytosine
d) Adenine
Uracil- RNA base

Thymine = DNA base
what determines the genetic code?
3 consecutive bases
which is not true

a) there are 60 codons for AAs
b) there is 1 codon for starting signal of genetic code
c) there is 1 codon for stopping signal of genetic code
d) a,c
e) a,b
61 codons for AA

3 codons for stopping

There is one codon per AA

synonym codons- specify the same AA
____ translates

____ transcribes
tRNA- translates mRNA
mRNA- transcribes DNA
how many types of AA are there?
20 types of AA
___ moves out of the nucleus and is associates with ribosomes
mRNA- transcribes DNA
the anticodon is associated with

a) Transcription
b) mRNA
c) tRNA
d) a,c
e) a,b
tRNA (translation)

tRNA has 2 recognition sites- 1 for AA, one for mRNA codon->anticodon
T/F all mutations can be inherited
F- only those on germ cells
List mutagenic factors
ionizing radiation
_____ is the degree to which a gene/group is activated
Gene Expression

in some cases, an individual can control gene expression by either increasing or reducing the expression
True - via induction/reduction

ex type 2 diabetes
list the types of human chromosomes based on centromere location
which is a true statement

a) the centromere of an acrocentric chromosome is at the bottom
b) there are 23 pairs of autosomes
c) alleles are paired genes on paired chromosomes at different loci
d) a,c
e) none
none are true
acrosome- centromere at top
22 autosome 1 pair sex chrom
alleles- same gene same loci
During mitosis cell division of the mother cell results in 2 daughter cells that have

a) the same number of chromosomes as the mother
b) half the number of chromosomes
c) 46 chromosomes
d) a,c
e) none
same number of chrom - 46
During meiosis cell division of the mother cell results in 2 daughter cells that have

a) the same number of chromosomes as the mother
b) half the number of chromosomes
c) 46 chromosomes
d) a,c
e) none
half the number - 23

meiosis occurs once and is limited to germ cells
genetic info stored in DNA relates to

a) genetic code
b) genotype
c) phenotype
d) gene expression
recognizable physical and biochemical traits relate to

a) Penetrance
b) genotype
c) phenotype
d) gene expression
a trait that is inherited from the father is an example of _____
imprinting =phenotype depends on whether gene was inherited from mother or father
____ trait is expressed only when it is in a homozygous pair
define a carrier
heterozyg for a recessive trait and therefore does not manifest it