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60 Cards in this Set

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define disease
any abnormal disturbance of function or structure of the human body
define pathology
the study of disease
define pathogenesis
after injury, cellular changes leading to manifestation (observable changes)
define symptom
subjective identification of manifestation
define sign
objective manifestation, detected by exam, can be measured
define syndrome
group of characteristic signs and symptoms of specific disturbance
define etiology
science that deals with the causes of origin of disease, the factors which produce or predispose toward a certain disease or disorder
define nosocomial
acquired from environment
(most common being caused by indwelling urinary catheters)
define iatrogenic
adverse response to medical treatment (ex. ruptured vessel during angioplasty)
define idiopathic
no causative factor identified
define acute
quick onset of disease with short recovery time
define sequelae
lasting effects from acute illness
define chronic
manifest slowly and lasts a long time
define diagnosis
names the disease
define prognosis
predicts course and outcome of disease
define lytic
destructive disease
define subtractive
(a.k.a. lytic or destructive) disease processes that decrease normal tissue density
define epidemiology
the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations
define prevalence
number of cases found in a given population
define incidence
number of new cases found over time
define endemic
high prevalence over a long duration (chronic)
define epidemic
high incidence in a short period of time (outbreak)
define congenital
present at birth, including in utero, resulting from genetic or environmental factors
define hereditary
genetically transmitted
define metabolic
disturbance of normal physiologic function
define neoplasm
abnormal growth
define benign
localized, non-invasive
define malignant
define hematogenous
through the blood
define carcinoma
cancer from the epithelial tissue
define sarcoma
cancer from connective tissue
define remission
cancer-free for up to 5 years
define curative
considered "cured", cancer-free for 5 years or more
define palliative
designed to relieve pain only
define atrophy
decrease of cell size
define hypertrophy
generalized increase in cell size
define hyperplasia
increase in number of cells (excessive proliferation)
define metaplasia
conversion of one cell type into another cell type not normal for that tissue
define dysplasia
abnormal cell growth
define periosteum
fibrous membrane that covers the outer surface of bone, contains blood vessels
define diaphysis
shaft of bone
define epiphyses
ends of bone
define metaphysis
where diaphysis and epiphyses meet (growth zone/plate)
define endosteum
lines inner canal of bone
define medullary cavity (marrow)
canal within the diaphysis
define diploe
cancellous bone between cortical plates in skull
define fibrous joints
synarthroidal, immovable (ex. skull sutures)
define synarthroidal joints
define cartilaginous joints
amphiarthrodial, semi-moveable (ex. vertebrae)
define amphiarthroidal joints
Define trabeculae.
marrow filled web inside bone
Define ossification.
bone formation
Define osteoclasts.
Osteoclasts enlarge medullary cavity by removing bone
(Important in serum calcium and phosphorus equilibrium)
Define osteoblasts.
Osteoblasts form new bone around outer surface
(Located in periosteum)
Define Syndactyly.
webbed digits
Define Polydactyly.
additional digits
Define talipes.
a.k.a. clubfoot; foot turned inward: prevents weightbearing, usually involving ligament malformations. Corrected with splints or surgery.
Define aspiration pneumonia.
(chemical) caused by acid/vomit aspirated into the lower respiratory tract
Define bronchial carcinoid.
(adenoma) usually benign but can invade local tissues and metastasize to lymph nodes. Radiographically shows opacity, bronchial narrowing or obstruction, w/ possible collapse of affected segment of lung
Define bronchiogenic carcinoma.
most common fatal primary malignancy. occurs between ages of 45-70 especially smokers. Will present airway obstruction by a unilateral hilar mass or coin lesion.